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  1. ecommercewolf

    I'm a Doctor Who Has C0VlD-19. AMA

    One thing that I have not seen mentioned... What are the actual risks of contracting C0VlD-19 while flying and on an airplane? Were the risks associated with that overexaggerated? Obviously there is no social distancing in an airplane but it seems like the early theories that it's unsafe were...
  2. ecommercewolf

    STOP Paying Rent: Live For Free

    Would love to see a thread as well. Congrats!
  3. ecommercewolf

    1/5/10 Plan - Who has written, or updated it in 2020?

    Thanks for this format! Gave me some new ideas for the plan I wrote this morning.
  4. ecommercewolf

    Back from a 2 month hiatus

    Welcome Back!
  5. ecommercewolf

    [C0VlD-19] Forgiveable SBA Loans For Small Biz and Freelancers

    Just got mine today as well. Need to go through the fine print and see if it's worth it for me.
  6. ecommercewolf

    Who am I and why I am here?

  7. ecommercewolf

    Gravy's Hustle Thread: $100k/mo or Bust!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Loving this thread. You're killing it!
  8. ecommercewolf

    Is dropshipping fastlane?

  9. ecommercewolf

    What are peoples thought on Modafinil?

    lol nice shill
  10. ecommercewolf

    Grant Cardone = Bankrupt (Dumb PR Stunt)

    HOT! When his jet was first posted it had his logo, he's then since had it photoshopped off. Confirmed it is the same jet still.
  11. ecommercewolf

    Post Your Desk or Work Area! (The Workspace Thread)

    Good thread that I've taken some ideas from so I'll add mine in. Small simple setup with adjustable desk to improve posture. Definitely need to get a 2nd monitor soon. Maybe move the desk away from the wall as well.
  12. ecommercewolf

    The Master Plan to the Game

    Welcome! Glad you're here
  13. ecommercewolf

    You think people would be into youtube videos of me riding around NYC during corona lol

    Do it. I like the idea. It's different and I'm sure New York looks completely different than normal so it will show a good perspective of the city. Plus more people spending time on YouTube due to quarantine and being stuck in the house so you never know.
  14. ecommercewolf

    [C0VlD-19] Forgiveable SBA Loans For Small Biz and Freelancers

    Thanks for the update. I'm applying today (may or may not be too late) but I'm curious to see how this all plays out.
  15. ecommercewolf

    Business Ideas for the (emerging) stay-at-home Economy?

    HOT! IDEA 
    Glad to see this thread come up. Breath of fresh air. While it's important to be aware of the science and danger of the virus from the main C0VlD-19 thread, I think it's equally important to maintain a positive mindset through this. There's sure to be a ton of opportunities that we can take...
  16. ecommercewolf

    Gyms are closed... fitness equipment delivery service?

    Not to be that guy but I think people would prefer to work at home with dumbbells THEY bought themselves. Obviously anything is possible if you bring enough value but have to remember the service has to be premium enough to exceed the risk people will associate this with in this current pandemic.
  17. ecommercewolf

    Enneagram Test: What are you?

    Will update once I take the test. Thanks for the post!
  18. ecommercewolf

    20 year old looking to retire by 35

    Welcome to the forum!
  19. ecommercewolf

    Stoic Philosophy

    Great post. Stoicism is the best philosophy right now in my opinion during this time of uncertainty.

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