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  1. Bing

    Shut your mouth and get to work.

    Haha, sorry, was that in bad taste or something? :-X I specified "cash" to clarify that it was no longer equity in a business or anything else.
  2. Bing

    Shut your mouth and get to work.

    I was lucky to have supportive family and friends, but my journey to millionaire status started in 2014 and I only just sold my company in March. I've always kept my mouth shut in public though, and still drive a 2009 Rav 4, despite now having ~$3 million in cash. I have a 3-year commitment...
  3. Bing

    Salt Lake City (SLC) Utah Meet-up?

    Well, I can't speak to Strap Tank, but if MJ himself might be able to attend, I'm guessing even those in North Salt Lake / beyond would make the drive. I'm happy to make a reservation / book a room at Strap Tank. Is a Tues night good with everyone? I figure a weekday would avoid the 9-5 crowd...
  4. Bing

    Salt Lake City (SLC) Utah Meet-up?

    I have a new born daughter, so I've been a bit MIA from the forum for a bit, but I would definitely be down to have a meet-up. How does everyone feel about Bohemian Brewery some Monday night? On a week-day with some advanced notice it shouldn't be too bad, and their pretzels are awesome as well!
  5. Bing

    What are your most foundational pieces of wisdom?

    Regarding entrepreneurship: understanding the difference between money and value (both in what you buy and what you sell). Regarding self-worth: no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. (Eleanor Roosevelt, though I argue "inferior" can be replaced with "anything".) Regarding...
  6. Bing

    Working at an IT shop, About to start my own VOIP biz, Boss wants it under his umbrella? Any upside?

    I don't think I have anything to add about your personal situation that hasn't already been said, but it is interesting to observe as an outsider (to your life) how the way you write about your current situation garners others to reply to those voices in your head you already know, but aren't...
  7. Bing

    Where do you put your money now? Is real estate in a bubble? For you yes, for me no.

    I bought a property in Utah in Sept 2020, listed at $595 but paid $620. Zillow has it estimated at $980 today and that's not including the $100 we've put into it (some high-value like a mother-in-law basement apartment, some low-return like solar). I'm in the market for another property (or 2...
  8. Bing

    Some questions about a potential suit business...

    Seeing as I'm wearing my (only) suit in my profile picture, I feel I have to chime in. Keep in mind I'm a work-from-home software engineer and have been for ~8 years, so I rarely wear suits, but I do throw a formal New Years Eve party every year specifically so I can break out my tuxedo. All...
  9. Bing

    SEO + SaaS = Trust the process?

    The colors are based per-customer in that chart. I wrote the code for it using Google Charts. It was a lot more helpful when I had 15 customers, now with 500+ it's a lot less helpful to separate that way (I do have another color-by-product, but the by-customer is more useful for me in...
  10. Bing

    The most important metric for any entrepreneur / scaling a business quickly

    I like the attempt to keep the numbers simple. As a numbers guy myself, I'm always trying to reduce the algorithm from -b±√(b²-4ac))/(2a) to something like "if a+b>c = success". I think you CAN reduce it to "cost < profit = success" but obviously that's too simple. After all, if my time is...
  11. Bing

    SEO + SaaS = Trust the process?

    I'm far from the biggest fish here, but I am a (half) owner of a SaaS business which took 8 years to scale to $100k/month, but here I am. Let me share with you my growth graph and illustrate how SaaS truly is exponential, but with a long runway up front. (Note: the huge dip is COVID, which...
  12. Bing

    How do you Automate, Minimize and Simplify Your Life and Your Business?

    I am a software engineer, so if I want to automate it, I write the code to do it. Languages I use on a daily basis (in the order I use them) are: PHP, MySQL, HTML, JavaScript, CSS. Today you don't NEED to know how to code to automate stuff, but man, it helps a LOT. Especially because if you...
  13. Bing

    Ideas are a dime-a-dozen, but I can't find the right one...

    It is. See you there?
  14. Bing

    What tech stack is this forum built with?

    SAAS / APPS 
    The graphic and the last two paragraphs (that I eluded to) sum it up, I think. I can't speak to Adobe since I'm a (MOSTLY back-end) web developer myself. Here are those paragraphs anyway, to tip my hand a tiny bit. The opposite is just as true. I cannot tell you how many times my wife (who...
  15. Bing

    Tin Foil Hat Time: Are Aliens Here?

    The reason I don't believe aliens have been here yet is the same reason I don't think 9/11 was an inside job: the government is not competent enough to hide it as well as they have, if it were true. Don't get me wrong, I probably wouldn't have believed in MKUltra if you told me about it in...
  16. Bing

    What tech stack is this forum built with?

    SAAS / APPS 
    True, which is why we tell our clients to use a different color for their call to action button (the "Buy Now >" in this case), and to make sure it is above the fold. What I'm really getting at is too many sites seem to do this and call it "mobile first": More detailed arguments that share...
  17. Bing

    A Fastlane Idea

    I recently had (half) of my roof replaced (prior to putting solar on). At least one of the guys who inspected it used a drone to do so. If you're thinking of it as preventative care, you might be better off rolling this into another service, or offering it for free with the model being on...
  18. Bing

    What tech stack is this forum built with?

    SAAS / APPS 
    This is the site to use to look at technologies in play, I believe: THEFASTLANEFORUM.COM Detailed Technology Profile on BuiltWith You will find XenForo on there, as well as vBulletin (which I believe is what MJ used prior to XenForo). Personally my favorite forum style is old-school reddit...
  19. Bing

    Salt Lake City (SLC) Utah Meet-up?

    Are there many Fastlaners here from Utah? Thought it might be nice to have a Meet-Up somewhere around here, perhaps even as casually as a park or brewery for the first time.
  20. Bing

    Underemployed Dropout That Never Quite Fit In (Did I Mention That I Was Diagnosed with MS?)...And Even More Fun

    I'm sorry to hear about your medical diagnosis, but don't let stop you from living your life. Regardless if you have 60 years left, or 6 months, we all are on a clock. Spend your time wisely, it's all we have. That said, if you want to go Fastlane, I hope you understood the book's point that...

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