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  1. FeaRxUnLeAsHeD

    GO TO COLLEGE... A little Rant.

    Most people hooking up in college and beyond are super lonely and unhappy with themselves. I can tell you firsthand from people I know, and from having gotten that out of my system. I got laid here and there in college, and a few years out of college, I went and did the whole 'going out' thing...
  2. FeaRxUnLeAsHeD

    Working A Job Can Be Part Of Your Fastlane Strategy (Here's How)

    To add a bit more context: the jobs don't necessarily have to be the 'highest paying jobs'. And to play devil's advocate, I've worked with guys who have only an associates degree from community college who have gone on to work in tech sales and make over $300K a year. There are plenty of startup...
  3. FeaRxUnLeAsHeD

    Should I sell my AI app for $50k ?

    SAAS / APPS 
    If you've generated 20K in sales in <3 months, why would you sell it for 50K? Am I missing something? Seems like it would be a lot more valuable than that. Why would you consider selling it when you could just continue to scale? Reinvest into marketing and branding and get more reach with the...
  4. FeaRxUnLeAsHeD

    Question to Mr.MJ Demarco

    Man, I'd kill to be 18 again with access to this forum, books, knowledge, the right mindset, etc. No matter what you decide, you'll probably be fine. You could go to college for 3 years, drop out, try your own business for 3 years and fail, go back and finish school, graduate and take a...
  5. FeaRxUnLeAsHeD

    Working A Job Can Be Part Of Your Fastlane Strategy (Here's How)

    I'm compelled to write this after coming back onto the forum and reading through many recent posts and threads. Turns out, if you're on this forum, you're compelled to build a business, escape the rat race, and build a better life for yourself. But odds are, the majority of those lurking these...
  6. FeaRxUnLeAsHeD

    Idea Generation To Execution: Fastlane Millionaire's Step By Step Guide

    Not coming in to put holes in this thread, I've been reading some of your posts @NeoDialectic and have found them valuable enough to chime in with this question: I ran an Amazon business back when it was just getting cool to do it in 2015. And, I got hosed. I did a TON of research, picked my...
  7. FeaRxUnLeAsHeD

    The Undercover Billionaire: Building a $1m business in 90 days

    The fact that they have Grant cardone doing the second season of this just ruins the undercover billionaire brand for anyone who is informed enough to know GC is an insecure clown, a con man, and a hoax. A shame. I was excited to see that they were continuing the show until it was GC. Now it...
  8. FeaRxUnLeAsHeD

    How many action fakes can the fastlane come up with??

    "We need to build the product before we can tell anyone about it.. I don't the idea to get stolen!"
  9. FeaRxUnLeAsHeD

    Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Discussion (And Predictions)

    I think BTC will continue to rise with all of the recent stimulus / printing of money which will weaken the dollar.
  10. FeaRxUnLeAsHeD

    The Tesla and Electric Car Money-Saving Scam

    Up 1,100% on my Tesla stock investment. I don't own a Tesla. and I appreciate this ;)
  11. FeaRxUnLeAsHeD

    Who here has quit social media?

    I'm only on Facebook and Linkedin - and I have a chrome extension called newsfeed eradicator so I don't see anything in my feed. I use them to stay connected to people and keep things up to date, including an occasional post, rather than endless scrolling and wondering what everyone else is doing
  12. FeaRxUnLeAsHeD

    Questioning Societal Dogmas for Entertainment, Education, and Inspiration

    I've been doing a walk around the block in the morning when I'm up at 0530 in the 10-20 degree weather days of Boston. One that I really enjoyed, that I'm still working on employing, is greeting (most) people in the room when you enter. When I joined a local jiu jitsu gym, they had a norm that...
  13. FeaRxUnLeAsHeD

    From rags to riches to mediocrity

    "You can go hard for 3 years, do nothing right, wake up, and still have time" - Gary Vee
  14. FeaRxUnLeAsHeD

    What is the BEST "value" you ever paid for?

    I haven't seen the fruition of the value yet, but... I had two properties under agreement (one after the next) in 2018. Paid for home inspection and for appraisal for the first one - costed me a few grand. The seller turned out to be a scammer, and was withholding information about a tenant's...
  15. FeaRxUnLeAsHeD

    Come and watch me make FU money: Over $100K/mo now.

    What got you into the salon business to start out? Curious how you identified the need. Was it an industry you were familiar with, or you somehow stumbled across it/the need for what you're doing? Keep it up!
  16. FeaRxUnLeAsHeD

    What's the MOST amount of money that you've made in a day? (With Your Business)

    Not my business, but doing sales for a start-up company, I closed a 6-figure deal and made myself around $11,000 of commission. Largest deal the company has ever done (was a fortune 500 medical device company)
  17. FeaRxUnLeAsHeD

    Tesla Cybertruck

    200K preorders according to musk. That's $20M in pre-order funding. If they can fulfill those pre-orders alone in 2021/2022, that's 10B in revenue.. Wouldn't be surprised if they get to 500K pre-orders by EOY. They know what they're doing. Tesla is going to make me rich.. Already up 40% in my...
  18. FeaRxUnLeAsHeD

    The Undercover Billionaire: Building a $1m business in 90 days

    I believe it's called Wholesaling in the real estate world.
  19. FeaRxUnLeAsHeD

    Rest In Peace. David Koch.

    "David Koch was a villain. He and his brother worked consciously to further inequality and poverty with their greed and politicking. I won’t celebrate his death—but patronage of the arts, science, and medical research could never outweigh the damage he did." View...
  20. FeaRxUnLeAsHeD

    The Undercover Billionaire: Building a $1m business in 90 days

    I'm just starting episode 3, but I do want to share something that could be useful for you all with flipping and taking strategies from this guy's playbook with less risk: With real estate investing, you can get a property under agreement (if you find a good deal) and then sell it to someone...

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