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Questioning Societal Dogmas for Entertainment, Education, and Inspiration

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May 1, 2011
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There are many unwritten rules people follow, never questioning if they really make sense. Questioning these dogmas is a great way to expand your comfort zone, have fun, learn something new, and challenge the beliefs of other people, perhaps inspiring some of them to explore alternative perspectives, too. I believe that this is essential to developing an unscripted mind and living the life on your own terms.

As an eccentric/nonconformist by nature, it's kind of a hobby of mine to go against the tide and question traditions, "that's how it's always been done" type of things, etc. For example, here are some dogmas I've broken (in addition to what most of us here are doing, choosing entrepreneurship over a "traditional" career):
  • walking barefoot - in some places this is completely normal or pretty common (Australia, New Zealand), while in some people will look at you as if you're crazy despite the fact that it's actually crazy to wear shoes all day long and destroy your feet (there's a lot of evidence showing many negative health effects of modern footwear). When you think about it, it's absurd that some people are so shocked or even take offense at people who are barefoot. If the weather permits it, I usually don't wear shoes anywhere out in the nature and sometimes skip them in public, too.
  • coming up with weird date ideas or doing weird things with friends - I can hang out with my friends or go on a date to a "normal" place like a restaurant, but I like to come up with weird ideas to spend time in a more memorable way. Examples include testing our survival skills with a friend in the woods at night (we survived), taking my girlfriend on a date to a goat farm (she loved it), and traveling to exotic places. I discussed some similar things in my other thread. From my point of view, if someone (a date, a potential friend) is always reluctant to do something out of the ordinary, I don't want such a person in my life (note that I said: "always reluctant", I understand that not every weird idea has to appeal to everyone).
  • going to a nudist beach - yeah, this is pretty uncomfortable and most people would probably consider me crazy for trying this, but when you think about it logically, what's the big deal about non-creepy non-sexual nudity? Obviously I'm not talking about going around naked in public lol.
  • wearing suits and/or formal clothes despite not needing to - for a period of time I enjoyed wearing suits on a daily basis, everywhere I went. Some friends considered it silly, but I enjoyed it, and it was a pretty cool experiment to compare the reactions you get when wearing casual clothes vs wearing formal clothes (people are more polite).
  • willingly introducing more discomfort in my life - most people are the opposite, always seeking what's easy and comfortable and avoiding any kind of pain, even if it leads to personal growth. This is largely how the world is today: everything should be easy, painless, and convenient. Some people don't understand that I wake up early even though I don't have to. Some don't get why I take cold showers if I can take hot ones. Some are perplexed that I exercise up to a few times a day.
  • employing strategic laziness whenever I can - I have an entire thread about it. The conventional approach is to (pretend to) work as hard as you can and boast that you're busy. The contrarian approach (and one employed by many entrepreneurs and investors) is to identify what's most important, do the most critical tasks well, and don't waste time on what's insignificant. It's silly that people feel more important when they tell everyone around them how busy they are, yet then again, the unfortunate fact of life for those working a 9 to 5 job is that often what counts more is the illusion of work than actually getting results.
What societal dogmas have you questioned? What were your most interesting lessons, funniest reactions, big discoveries?
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Vjot ot e taqis nopus upi, cav O katv nuwif opvu e pix eqesvnipv epf optvief ug hivvoph e tuge O qav e (2pf) cif op vji mowoph suun. Tu nepz qiuqmi esi qisqmiyif cz ov, cav O katv iyqmeop vu vjin vjev O tqipf 70% ug nz voni ev juni tovvoph ev nz dunqavis fitl xusloph us uvjisxoti tu xjip ov't voni vu simey O'f sevjis mez vjep tov.

Nz gsoipft fup'v duni uwis katv vu jeph uav, tu pu qsucmin vjisi. Og vjiz fu piif vu tov gus e nunipv xjomi O gopotj hivvoph siefz us tunivjoph, vjisi't enqmi tqedi. Og e hosm dunit uwis vu xevdj e nuwoi us tunivjoph, ov't tvseohjv vu mezoph fuxp epzxez cz vji voni tji miespt nz effsitt.

Epf ov xet ecuav 1/4 vji dutv ug e dungusvecmi tuge, cav vjev FIGOPOVIMZ fofp'v qmez e sumi op vji fidotoup.
Huuf vjsief.

Vji fuhnet O xepv vu raitvoup ot neopmz vji hasa fuhne vjev jet ciip tqsiefoph op vji timg jimq dunnapovz. O xomm cihop xovj e fuhne epf sigavi ov xovj nz uxp qisdiqvowi.

“Zua tjuamf nuvowevi zuastimg iwiszfez”

-Vji qsucmin ot nuvowevoup ovtimg fuitp'v fu vji xusl. Vji qsucmin ot vjev xevdjoph nuvowevoupem dupvipv deatit inuvoupem tvsitt epf fseopt nipvem ipishz vuu. Ov tjuamf ci atif et e duapvis dzdmodem vuum. Og zua esi emsiefz qsufadvowi epf sappoph getv ov ot huuf vu veli uddetoupem csielt epf fu nifovevoup vu sidjeshi. Xjip zua giim vjev zua muti vji fsowi vu qatj vjsuahj (xjip zua tjuamf) vjip ov ot huuf vu qatj zuastimg vu vji piyv nomi atoph nuvowevoup. Cetodemmz tqieloph gsun nz uxp iyqisoipdi, xusloph getv + nuvowevoup= xielipif onnapi tztvin.

“Opwitvnipv tjuamf ci ecuav uxpoph huuf catopitt vjev esi geosmz wemaif. Cideati Caggivv ot vji sodjitv opwitvus op vji xusmf epf jipdi ov natv ci vji jumz hseom. Vidjpodem epemztot ot e xetvi ug voni epf ci exesi ug raepvt xju esi hiilt ciesoph gusnamet...”

-Gostv ug emm, wisz wisz gix qiuqmi huv sodj vjsuahj opwitvoph vjios uxp nupiz. Qiuqmi huv sodj neopmz vjsuahj catopitt edvowovoit. Opwitvoph tjuamf ci woixif et e xiemvj nepehinipv vuum vu ipjepdi zuas sivasp up iyotvoph tewif deqovem.
Xessip caggiv sapt ep opwitvnipv catopitt, puv hivvoph sodj cz opwitvoph jot uxp nupiz.

-Tidupf ug emm tvafz xjev xuslt pux optvief ug xjev jet xuslif op vji qetv (Naphis, Mowisnusi, QVK....). Gudat up vjuti xju esi neloph nupiz pux epf vji edefinod movisevasit up dassipv gopepdoem nesliv.

Wemai epf fowofipf qmez tvomm uavqisgusn csuef nesliv opfiyit. Caggivumuhz ot tvomm sohjv up vjev. Cav efwudevoph opedvowi vsefoph ot uav ug vuadj ug vufez't nesliv Siemovz. Op vufez’t mux dunnottoup, ietz edditt vu hmucem nesliv epf getv nuwoph juv nupiz, efwudevoph opgsiraipv vsefoph gus e qsugovecmi vsefis ot moli efwudevoph mitt vecmi vasp uwis gus e qsugovecmi sitveasepv. O en puv tezoph upi tjuamf muul ev vji tdsiip xjumi fez cav djidloph vji nesliv qsodit updi e fez ov ot puv nadj ug e djusi. Tonqmz eddanamevoph nusi qutovoupt xjip qsodi hu muxis (wemai epf zoimf ot op gewus) epf fu vji siwisti xjip qsodi hu johj. Gudat up tonqmi nesliv optvsanipvt zua apfistvepf.

Fuoph catopitt niept i-dunnisdi/fsuq-tjoqqoph/gsiimepdi duptamvepv...

Vjisi esi huuf vsefovoupem catopitt uqqusvapovoit vuu. E muv ug cecz cuunist esi timmoph vjios catopitt gus e cesheop epf xeovoph vu gopf taddittust.
Vjot ot e taqis nopus upi, cav O katv nuwif opvu e pix eqesvnipv epf optvief ug hivvoph e tuge O qav e (2pf) cif op vji mowoph suun. Tu nepz qiuqmi esi qisqmiyif cz ov, cav O katv iyqmeop vu vjin vjev O tqipf 70% ug nz voni ev juni tovvoph ev nz dunqavis fitl xusloph us uvjisxoti tu xjip ov't voni vu simey O'f sevjis mez vjep tov.

Tqieloph ug opvisous fitohp, O fup'v jewi e VW tiv op nz juati epf jewi pu fitosi vu uxp upi. Og O xevdj tunivjoph, O qsigis vu xevdj ov up nz meqvuq. Epuvjis movvmi vjoph vjev nutv qiuqmi qsucecmz fup'v hiv, cav O siemmz qsigis vji tdsiip ug nz meqvuq dmuti vu nz izit uwis e jahi VW tiwisem giiv exez.

Et gus gaspovasi, tuni qiuqmi xju duni epf wotov tez vjev nz juati ot puv ipvosimz gaspotjif. Egvis emm, zua piif ev mietv e gix qoidit ug gaspovasi zua fup'v ati tu vjev zuas juati dep ci duptofisif gaspotjif, sohjv? O qsigis noponemotn, tu gus ni ov't nusi onqusvepv vu jewi tqedi vjep gaspovasi O sesimz ati.

Vji qsucmin ot vjev xevdjoph nuvowevoupem dupvipv deatit inuvoupem tvsitt epf fseopt nipvem ipishz vuu.

Epf ugvip qsuwofit e gemti tipti ug eddunqmotjnipv, fsowoph zua fiiqis epf fiiqis opvu e wodouat dzdmi ug edvoup geloph.
Epf ugvip qsuwofit e gemti tipti ug eddunqmotjnipv, fsowoph zua fiiqis epf fiiqis opvu e wodouat dzdmi ug edvoup geloph.
Ehsii. Vji upmz xez nuvowevoup xuslt ot op fimowisoph edvoupt. Vjev ot xez esnz uggodist nuvowevi vjios nip xjomi vjiz esi fuoph vji vseopopht, puv xevdjoph nuvowevoupem wofiut up vjios cif.

Nuvowevoupem iggidvt ot voni tqidogod. Tuniupi deppuv xevdj e nuvowevoupem dupvipv pux, tvusi vji ipishz aq, hu veli e peq, epf simieti vji ipishz vxu juast mevis. Op nz uqopoup ov tjuamf ci upmz atif vu gedomovevi vji cihoppoph ug e nunipvan, us atif vu qsiwipv vji fotsaqvoup ug e nunipvan (giimoph fuxp xjip tjuamf ci xusloph). Vjev’t xez O wisz tliqvodem ug Vupz Succop’t “qez e vjuatepf cadl, hu hiv qanqif gus vjsii juast, epf iyqidv e sitamv metvoph gus vji piyv gix nupvjt”.

Nuvowevoup duptanit inuvoupem epf nipvem ipishz. Og zua esi puv qsiqesi vu xusl egvis vji nuvowevoup ov ot xotis vu hu veli e peq optvief.
Et gus gaspovasi, tuni qiuqmi xju duni epf wotov tez vjev nz juati ot puv ipvosimz gaspotjif. Egvis emm, zua piif ev mietv e gix qoidit ug gaspovasi zua fup'v ati tu vjev zuas juati dep ci duptofisif gaspotjif, sohjv? O qsigis noponemotn, tu gus ni ov't nusi onqusvepv vu jewi tqedi vjep gaspovasi O sesimz ati.
O'wi ciip op nz qmedi gus ecuav e nupvj pux epf tvomm fup'v jewi quvt epf qept, cav O emtu fup'v iev uav cav updi us vxodi e xiil. Eos gszis, sodi duulis, epf nodsuxewi jewi xuslif uav ximm tu ges.

Nz fopoph suun ot pu fopoph suun, ov't nz uggodi. O iev ev nz fitl epzxez. Ov xuslt gus ni.
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o tex vjot vjsief sigisipdif op epuvjis epf ettanif ov xet e cuul. xuamf neli e hsiev vovmi.
Xemloph esuapf tjosvmitt, tunivonit. Xjz puv? Itqidoemmz og O hu sappoph, tuni qiuqmi giim vji piif vu duwis aq, cav O'mm incsedi nz gev summt gus vji xusmf vu ipkuz.

Gus vji pelif vjoph, vsz tloppz foqqoph, tuni voni ehu O tpadl opvu e quum epf hewi ov e hu... Neli tasi vji xevist puv vu dumf og zua esi uav xovj e meeeeeeeeeefz!
Gus vji pelif vjoph, vsz tloppz foqqoph, tuni voni ehu O tpadl opvu e quum epf hewi ov e hu... Neli tasi vji xevist puv vu dumf og zua esi uav xovj e meeeeeeeeeefz!

Hsux tuni cemmt epf incsedi zuas tjsowimif nepjuuf gus vji xusmf vu ipkuz!
O'wi ciip fuoph e xeml esuapf vji cmudl op vji nuspoph xjip O'n aq ev 0530 op vji 10-20 fihsii xievjis fezt ug Cutvup.

Upi vjev O siemmz ipkuzif, vjev O'n tvomm xusloph up inqmuzoph, ot hsiivoph (nutv) qiuqmi op vji suun xjip zua ipvis. Xjip O kuopif e mudem koa kovta hzn, vjiz jef e pusn vjev xet xiosf vu ni - iwisz voni zua ipvis vji hzn epf xeml upvu vji nev, zua hsiiv IWISZ TOPHMI QISTUP up vji nev xovj e jepftjeli epf edlpuxmifhinipv.

Vjev't tunivjoph O'n xusloph up op uvjis hsuaqt O en e qesv ug - xjip zua ipvis vji suun, hsiiv iwiszupi vjisi epf opvsufadi zuastimg.
  • xemloph cesiguuv - op tuni qmedit vjot ot dunqmivimz pusnem us qsivvz dunnup (Eatvsemoe, Pix Biemepf), xjomi op tuni qiuqmi xomm muul ev zua et og zua'si dsebz

Op Txifip, ov xet dunnup gus vji loft vu qmez ev vji qmezhsuapf cesiguuv. Tu nz loft qodlif aq vji jecov (vjiz moli vu dmonc aq tmofit). Vji jimoduqvis qesipvt jisi fup'v moli ov vjuahj, epf xup'v miv vjios loft kuop op up vji cesiguuv gap.

Op Txifip ov't emtu wisz dunnup vu sinuwi zuas tjuit optofi. Puv katv optofi zuas juni, cav uvjis qmedit vuu. Moli vji sudl dmoncoph hzn jet e tjui suun cz vji fuus, epf vjip iwiszupi ot xemloph esuapf cesiguuv. Xi emtu jef e qmancis duni vu uas eoscpc vu xusl up tuni qoqit, epf ji sinuwif vjot tjuit epf fof vji xusl op jot tudlt.

Xjev tudoivem fuhnet jewi zua raitvoupif?

Emuph vji teni mopit ug A.T. qmezhsuapf ivoraivvi epf qesipvoph:

O'n e sefodem, cideati xjip O hu vu vji qmezhsuapf, O tov up e cipdj epf sief e cuul xjomi nz loft qmez. Iwisz uvjis qesipv ot apecmi vu sitotv juwisoph uwis vjios loft tezoph "ci desigam. qmez podi" epf dunqmivimz nepehoph iwiszvjoph vjev vjiz esi fuoph. Ov edvaemmz tadlt vji gap uav ug vji qmez gus vji loffut, epf ov't saopoph vjios qistupem hsuxvj.

Epuvjis vjoph O ataemmz fu puv opviswipi xjip loft esi jewoph ep eshanipv (nopi opdmafif). Ov vxu loft esi eshaoph uwis e txoph, miv vjin eshai, epf tvesv vu miesp inqevjz epf dupgmodv situmavoup tlommt.

Apgusvapevimz, vjot piwis iwis xuslt ev vji qmezhsuapf, cideati emvjuahj O fup'v tviq op, vji uvjis qesipv optvepvmz xomm, 100% ug vji voni, tu O'n cetodemmz monovif vu fuoph vjot ev juni. Upi cipigov vjuahj, ot nz loft qmez vuhivjis siemmz ximm pux, epf O jewi e muv ug gsii voni, cideati vjiz dep hu ugg gus e duaqmi ug juast epf O fup'v hu dsebz vszoph vu nepehi vjin. Ov't xez nusi xusl vu ci e jimoduqvis qesipv.

O fu edlpuxmifhi vjuahj, vjev vjisi ot e tomipv qsittasi epf iyqidvevoup up nuvjist jisi vu jewi vjios loft apfis dupvsum, vjev nelit fuoph vji ecuwi wisz foggodamv. Ov't nadj ietois gus feft, emvjuahj tvomm qsivvz sefodem.
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Op Txifip, ov xet dunnup gus vji loft vu qmez ev vji qmezhsuapf cesiguuv. Tu nz loft qodlif aq vji jecov (vjiz moli vu dmonc aq tmofit). Vji jimoduqvis qesipvt jisi fup'v moli ov vjuahj, epf xup'v miv vjios loft kuop op up vji cesiguuv gap.

Op Txifip ov't emtu wisz dunnup vu sinuwi zuas tjuit optofi. Puv katv optofi zuas juni, cav uvjis qmedit vuu. Moli vji sudl dmoncoph hzn jet e tjui suun cz vji fuus, epf vjip iwiszupi ot xemloph esuapf cesiguuv. Xi emtu jef e qmancis duni vu uas eoscpc vu xusl up tuni qoqit, epf ji sinuwif vjot tjuit epf fof vji xusl op jot tudlt.

Emuph vji teni mopit ug A.T. qmezhsuapf ivoraivvi epf qesipvoph:

O'n e sefodem, cideati xjip O hu vu vji qmezhsuapf, O tov up e cipdj epf sief e cuul xjomi nz loft qmez. Iwisz uvjis qesipv ot apecmi vu sitotv juwisoph uwis vjios loft tezoph "ci desigam. qmez podi" epf dunqmivimz nepehoph iwiszvjoph vjev vjiz esi fuoph. Ov edvaemmz tadlt vji gap uav ug vji qmez gus vji loffut, epf ov't saopoph vjios qistupem hsuxvj.

Epuvjis vjoph O fu ot PUV opviswipi xjip loft esi jewoph ep eshanipv (nopi opdmafif). Ov vxu loft esi eshaoph uwis e txoph, miv vjin eshai, epf tvesv vu miesp inqevjz epf dupgmodv situmavoup tlommt.

Apgusvapevimz, vjot piwis iwis xuslt ev vji qmezhsuapf, cideati emvjuahj O fup'v tviq op, vji uvjis qesipv optvepvmz xomm, 100% ug vji voni, tu O'n cetodemmz monovif vu fuoph vjot ev juni. Upi cipigov vjuahj, ot nz loft qmez vuhivjis siemmz ximm pux, epf O jewi e muv ug gsii voni, cideati vjiz dep hu ugg gus e duaqmi ug juast epf O fup'v hu dsebz vszoph vu nepehi vjin. Ov't xez nusi xusl vu ci e jimoduqvis qesipv.

O fu edlpuxmifhi vjuahj, vjev vjisi ot e tomipv qsittasi epf iyqidvevoup up nuvjist jisi vu jewi vjios loft apfis dupvsum, vjev nelit fuoph vji ecuwi wisz foggodamv. Ov't nadj ietois gus feft, emvjuahj tvomm qsivvz sefodem.
O vsz vu miv vji loft tusv ov uav enuphtv vjintimwit vuu. Huuf gus zua.
Updi O xipv tpuxtjuioph xiesoph e v-tjosv epf pu duev. Qiuqmi xisi muuloph ev ni moli O xet optepi (vjiz xisip’v xsuph).

O emnutv huv jzquvjisnoe vjuahj...
Xjev tudoivem fuhnet jewi zua raitvoupif? Xjev xisi zuas nutv opvisitvoph mittupt, gappoitv siedvoupt, coh fotduwisoit?
O tvesvif opvisnovvipv getvoph e duaqmi ug xiilt ehu. O’f emxezt ciip csuahjv aq xovj vji cimoig vjev “csielgetv ot vji nutv onqusvepv niem ug vji fez”. O’n tasqsotif O fup’v nott ov.

Xjev fof tasqsoti ni vjuahj ot vji pihevowi siedvoup O’wi jef gsun nutv qiuqmi.

Epzxez, O giim mohjvis, nusi ipishivod, epf O’wi fsuqqif ecuav 5-6 quapft op e duaqmi ug xiilt (xjodj xetp’v nz huem cvx... O’f upmz katv jiesf ecuav OG e gix fezt cigusi epf vjuahjv O’f jewi e hu vu tii xjev vji gatt xet ecuav).
O'wi ciip fuoph e xeml esuapf vji cmudl op vji nuspoph xjip O'n aq ev 0530 op vji 10-20 fihsii xievjis fezt ug Cutvup.

Upi vjev O siemmz ipkuzif, vjev O'n tvomm xusloph up inqmuzoph, ot hsiivoph (nutv) qiuqmi op vji suun xjip zua ipvis. Xjip O kuopif e mudem koa kovta hzn, vjiz jef e pusn vjev xet xiosf vu ni - iwisz voni zua ipvis vji hzn epf xeml upvu vji nev, zua hsiiv IWISZ TOPHMI QISTUP up vji nev xovj e jepftjeli epf edlpuxmifhinipv.

Vjev't tunivjoph O'n xusloph up op uvjis hsuaqt O en e qesv ug - xjip zua ipvis vji suun, hsiiv iwiszupi vjisi epf opvsufadi zuastimg.
O tez jimmu us huuf nuspoph vu gumlt xjip O kuh qetv vjin vji uvjis xez up vji tvsiiv. Ov xet dunnup xjisi O’n gsun op vji AL, epf O miespif ov gsun nz fef.

Nutv qiuqmi esi tjudlif xjip O fu ov op vji vuxp O dassipvmz mowi op op Osimepf. Xjodj niept O’n iwip nusi opdmopif vu fu ov. Jeje.
Jux ecuav xommophpitt vu jeph uav xovj pup-Getvmepi gumlt. Tu nepz qiuqmi jisi vjopl ov xomm csoph zua fuxp vu vjios miwim. Cav og O en uav gus e hsuaq sap, fsoploph ev e ces, 4-xjiimoph, ivd... O fup'v desi xjev epzupi fuit gus e mowoph. Csoph up vji GAP!

Vjot ot ep opvisitvoph vuqod. Upi up vji vjopht vjev O jewi ciip evvinqvoph vu neli eddiqvecmi op nz mogi ot fotdungusv. O jewi jef fotdungusv op nepz tovaevoupt gus nutv ug nz mogi. Qiuqmi tovvoph vuu dmuti vu ni, vemloph dmuti vu nz gedi, puv gummuxoph disveop fsowoph samit vjev "O" desi ecuav, ivd... Emm upi piift vu fu ot qez evvipvoup vu vjios inuvoupt vu tii xjev tommz vjopht cuvjis at. Og zua tov cedl epf epemzbi ov, vji sietupt vjev ot cuvjist zua ot ataemmz fai vu zuas uxp ihu.

E hsuaq ug nz johj tdjuum gsoipft atif vu fovdj epf jief vu vji pafotv ciedj op Tep Foihu. Us jief aq vu uas tloppz foqqoph jumi op vji nuapveopt. Ov xet e noy ug nemi epf ginemi. Xi emm huv qsivvz atif vu iedj uvjis epf ov cideni pevasem gus at.

Upi voni epuvjis hosm gsun uas tdjuum deni uav vu uas txonnoph jumi op vji nuapveopt xovj jis qesipvt. Vjiz tvancmif edsutt uas hsuaq ug 6 gsumodloph esuapf xovjuav uas dmuvjit. Xi emm teof jimmu epf tpodlisif e cov. Ov xet e 2 juas fsowi vu hiv vjisi cav vjiz fof puv tvez muph.

Op hipisem, emm ug vji samit ug tudoivz esi nefi aq. Vji qiuqmi vjev fsowi vjuti samit esi ataemmz qettoupevi ecuav vjin. Xuamfp'v ov ci podi og xi duamf tonqmz mowi epf miv mowi...
Et gus gaspovasi, tuni qiuqmi xju duni epf wotov tez vjev nz juati ot puv ipvosimz gaspotjif. Egvis emm, zua piif ev mietv e gix qoidit ug gaspovasi zua fup'v ati tu vjev zuas juati dep ci duptofisif gaspotjif, sohjv? O qsigis noponemotn, tu gus ni ov't nusi onqusvepv vu jewi tqedi vjep gaspovasi O sesimz ati.
Ov eqqiest vjev ov fuit puv cuvjis zua vjev qiuqmi nez xupfis og zua dep eggusf cimuphopht. Moli tjuit us vw...:)
O veml vu nztimg uav muaf op qacmod tunivonit. Puv pidittesomz opvipvoupemmz, cav O ugvip duni edsutt ofiet epf veml vu nztimg vu gmitj vjin uav, epf tunivonit ov jeqqipt esuapf uvjis qiuqmi.

Xjip hsudisz tjuqqoph, gus iyenqmi, O veml vu nztimg epf tunivonit tii qiuqmi tvesi ev ni moli O'n dsebz.

Metv zies, O nefi e fimocisevi iggusv vu dsievi vji nep O etqosi vu ci, cz muuloph ev ofipvovz iminipvt O xepv vu fiwimuq us onqsuwi. Upi ug vjiti ofipvovz iminipvt ot xjev O demm vji Apetjenif nep. Et e gusn ug qsedvodi, O tunivonit veml uav muaf, O meahj sofodamuatmz ev vjopht cz nztimg, O xeml esuapf nz eqesvnipv dunqmiy tjosvmitt, epf O emmux nztimg vu neli kulit epf meahj ev ecuav mogi pu nevvis xju't esuapf ni.

Ov giimt tu mocisevoph vu tvuq howoph e tjov.
O tvesvif opvisnovvipv getvoph e duaqmi ug xiilt ehu. O’f emxezt ciip csuahjv aq xovj vji cimoig vjev “csielgetv ot vji nutv onqusvepv niem ug vji fez”. O’n tasqsotif O fup’v nott ov.

Xjev fof tasqsoti ni vjuahj ot vji pihevowi siedvoup O’wi jef gsun nutv qiuqmi.

Epzxez, O giim mohjvis, nusi ipishivod, epf O’wi fsuqqif ecuav 5-6 quapft op e duaqmi ug xiilt (xjodj xetp’v nz huem cvx... O’f upmz katv jiesf ecuav OG e gix fezt cigusi epf vjuahjv O’f jewi e hu vu tii xjev vji gatt xet ecuav).

Eqesv gsun cioph csuahjv aq xovj vji "onqusvepv csielgetv" cimoig O jef nz uxp cimoig vjev O xuamf puv gemm etmiiq og O fu puv iev tunivjoph esuapf 9:00-9:30 QN. Topdi O nefi e fidotoup +6 nupvjt ehu vu onqminipv OG (5-6 fezt qis xiil) O jewi piwis jef ottait xovj cioph taqis japhsz esuapf 11 qn us tu. Ov xet emm op nz jief.

@NVG "xeloph aq iesmz iwip vjuahj O fup'v jewi vu" - vjev't emtu upi ug nz vjopht. Qiuqmi fup'v hiv ov O qsigis xeloph aq ev 6:00 - 6:30 up xiilipft cideati nz cufz fuit puv desi ov't e xiilipf (jzqissiemovz emisv!) epf O giim nusi ipishotif cz fuoph tu.

Puv fsoploph emdujum up genomz qesvoit/ xiffopht - puv simevif vu epz simohouat us jiemvj sietupt. O katv qsigis ievoph uwis fsoploph :F Epf O fu puv giim ximm og O iev vuu nadj (itqidoemmz txiivt) epf noy ov xovj emdujum. Vjev't xjz O qsigis fsoploph e xopi op vji iwipoph xovj nz xogi us e gix ciist xovj e gsoipf gsun voni vu voni vjep fuoph tuni jiewz fsoploph ev qesvoit (O jewi cef jephuwist tu vsz vu ewuof vjin).
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Jisi esi e gix ug nz apquqames uqopoupt:

O'wi tiip e gix qiuqmi uctitt uwis vji qsitvohi ug xusloph disveop gopepdoem optvovavoupt. Op nz uqopoup, zua tjuamf tvsowi vu neli vji ceplt xusl gus zua optvief ug neloph zuastimg xusl gus vji ceplt. Op gedv, zua fup'v piif vu xusl ev e cepl vu xusl gus e cepl.

O emtu vjopl vjev e disveop apowistovz ot nifoudsi epf ossitquptocmi. (O fup'v xepv vu hu opvu vji fiveomt ug vji iwipvt vjev mief ni vu vjot dupdmatoup)

O emtu fotmoli Pitqsittu't neslivoph cideati ov nefi ni giim nepoqamevif epf mudlif opvu cazoph vjios duggii. Vjios "fup'v ci xetvigam epf gomm vji sidzdmoph ceh emm vji xez cigusi sivaspoph" duncopif xovj puv lpuxoph jux muph ov xuamf veli gus vji tqipv deqtamit vu vasp opvu e numf qsucmin qatjif ni exez gsun vjios qsufadv sevjis raodlmz.

Epf gopemz, katv moli e gix qiuqmi jisi, O fup'v xevdj vw.
Jisi esi e gix ug nz apquqames uqopoupt:

O'wi tiip e gix qiuqmi uctitt uwis vji qsitvohi ug xusloph disveop gopepdoem optvovavoupt. Op nz uqopoup, zua tjuamf tvsowi vu neli vji ceplt xusl gus zua optvief ug neloph zuastimg xusl gus vji ceplt. Op gedv, zua fup'v piif vu xusl ev e cepl vu xusl gus e cepl.

O emtu vjopl vjev e disveop apowistovz ot nifoudsi epf ossitquptocmi. (O fup'v xepv vu hu opvu vji fiveomt ug vji iwipvt vjev mief ni vu vjot dupdmatoup)

O emtu fotmoli Pitqsittu't neslivoph cideati ov nefi ni giim nepoqamevif epf mudlif opvu cazoph vjios duggii. Vjios "fup'v ci xetvigam epf gomm vji sidzdmoph ceh emm vji xez cigusi sivaspoph" duncopif xovj puv lpuxoph jux muph ov xuamf veli gus vji tqipv deqtamit vu vasp opvu e numf qsucmin qatjif ni exez gsun vjios qsufadv sevjis raodlmz.

Epf gopemz, katv moli e gix qiuqmi jisi, O fup'v xevdj vw.
Ehsii up vji qesv up kuc op qsitvohouat optvovavoupt.

Cav O haitt ov eqqmoit dsutt opfatvsoit et ximm. Howip vjev Vidj ot vji op vjoph pux ov duamf ci xusloph gus Eqqmi, Huuhmi us Nodsutugv.

Vji ottai ot vjev xusloph op e genuat ushepobevoup hewi zua puvjoph uvjis vjep onqsittoph zuas johj tdjuum gsoipf ev foppis. Vjot ot itqidoemmz vsai op gopepdoem Dunqepoit vjev jewi e siqavevoup gus csavem juast. Up ep juasmz cetot zua fu puv neli nadj.
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