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  1. krypticsilver

    I will log every day on my journey from <$1000 to $1M+ from 17 to 19

    Yeah definitely, just not going to post on this thread anymore :)
  2. krypticsilver

    I will log every day on my journey from <$1000 to $1M+ from 17 to 19

    Hey, haven't posted here in a while but just wanted to say: - I stopped posting because the posts weren't as useful as I'd expected and the accountability didn't really help me with my goals as much as other things, however I am quite glad I made them, even if only to try out something which...
  3. krypticsilver

    I will log every day on my journey from <$1000 to $1M+ from 17 to 19

    Hi Jasper, Thanks for looking at my thread and giving your feedback, and I think you've made some good points, but I do also disagree with you one others. That's good to hear and I'm a very big believer of the idea that you shouldn't take advice from someone that doesn't have the results that...
  4. krypticsilver

    I will log every day on my journey from <$1000 to $1M+ from 17 to 19

    Day 34 | Balance $961.39 | 8/5/22 Easily passed a month doing this now, fascinating to look back on how my thinking has changed and how my position is different from before, the things I'd tell myself etc. I might try and see if anyone else is trying to do a similar challenge to this and the...
  5. krypticsilver

    I will log every day on my journey from <$1000 to $1M+ from 17 to 19

    Day 33 | Balance $953.83 | 7/5/22 Similar as before again, school, work, work on myself and get help. Summer is also coming up quite soon and I think that is probably a really great opportunity to go into this with full force and very quickly iterate on ideas without having to worry about much...
  6. krypticsilver

    I will log every day on my journey from <$1000 to $1M+ from 17 to 19

    Day 32 | Balance $947.19 | 6/5/22 I'm basically just waiting on lots of stuff now, that once I do should really help me focus more and get back on track. I like the idea of working a bit more on this thread itself and just setting out what I want it to be specifically. Obviously not a lot is...
  7. krypticsilver

    I will log every day on my journey from <$1000 to $1M+ from 17 to 19

    Day 31 | Balance $950.21 | 5/5/22 Same things as the other posts, I'm trying to pick up another few jobs here and there to: - Fund my entrepreneurial pursuits - Force me to schedule my time and get better at skills like communication(this is just something I've found from personal experience...
  8. krypticsilver

    I will log every day on my journey from <$1000 to $1M+ from 17 to 19

    Day 30 | Balance $957.98 | 4/5/22 Yes again, just focusing on other things besides purely business at the moment, but always working towards that as the end goal, and yes I will probably make this type of post a lot while I'm trying to do this. I have other problems but I honestly just don't...
  9. krypticsilver

    I will log every day on my journey from <$1000 to $1M+ from 17 to 19

    Day 29 | Balance $953.08 | 3/5/22 Same stuff really, not doing much work on the business tbh, just trying to get other stuff in order, still always thinking about it and the ideas I have though.
  10. krypticsilver

    I will log every day on my journey from <$1000 to $1M+ from 17 to 19

    I'd say I'm just looking for freedom tbh, freedom from having to work a 9/5 job and a mortgage and using up all of my time. I think I did mention that I still want to be working and stuff if I get to $1M as well.
  11. krypticsilver

    I will log every day on my journey from <$1000 to $1M+ from 17 to 19

    I 100% agree with you that having a victim mentality and being like "things out of my control happened to me and now I can't fix them, poor me", it's an awful outlook to have and won't help you with anything. I guess I didn't explain properly but what I meant to say when I wrote that was that: I...
  12. krypticsilver

    I will log every day on my journey from <$1000 to $1M+ from 17 to 19

    This makes me really happy, It's great you're feeling better. Yeah, I do feel better as well, but I have quite a way to go I think, but I am quite certain I'll get there if I do what I know to.
  13. krypticsilver

    I will log every day on my journey from <$1000 to $1M+ from 17 to 19

    Yes, thanks, I still feel I'm behind sometimes though. I think I really want $1M, 1. because of the freedom of time, and resources it will bring, and 2. because it will be really fun IMO to get there and work really hard for something and it will be a very exciting & challenging journey. I...
  14. krypticsilver

    I will log every day on my journey from <$1000 to $1M+ from 17 to 19

    Yeah I think so. I've made a sort of "ideal day in the life" thing. It would basically mean that I could have more freedom to do what I want to do and work on projects that I might be more inclined towards rather than what my job demands. I'm hoping that I will be able to have: More time to...
  15. krypticsilver

    I will log every day on my journey from <$1000 to $1M+ from 17 to 19

    Day 28 | Balance $949.08 | 2/5/22 Damn, I'm writing this post literally 7 days later, after it was supposed to be written. I've really got to sort out this system. I'm going to make a rule that if I miss 3 posts then I fail the challenge, because otherwise I'm basically just saying that I have...
  16. krypticsilver

    I will log every day on my journey from <$1000 to $1M+ from 17 to 19

    Day 27 | Balance $949.08 Another good day, worked, continued with most of my habits that I had planned on doing. I know I've said this before, but I cannot wait until I can finally focus again and don't have to deal with an array of stupid symptoms every day. When I can get into a good routine...
  17. krypticsilver

    I will log every day on my journey from <$1000 to $1M+ from 17 to 19

  18. krypticsilver

    I will log every day on my journey from <$1000 to $1M+ from 17 to 19

    Day 26 | Balance $952.90+ (5 hours of work's wages) + (2 hours of work's wages) The position I'm in is good. I know exactly what I need to work on, what I need to get in place, I'm doing that slowly which happens to be as fast as I think I can. I'm optimistic.
  19. krypticsilver

    I will log every day on my journey from <$1000 to $1M+ from 17 to 19

    Day 25 | Balance $952.90+ (5 hours of work's wages) + (2 hours of work's wages) Again, just working on the habits and taking small steps towards the goal. I also can't wait until I sort out all my banking/financial stuff so I can make a better system for saying how much money I have.
  20. krypticsilver

    I will log every day on my journey from <$1000 to $1M+ from 17 to 19

    Day 24 | Balance $952.90+ (5 hours of work's wages) + (2 hours of work's wages) Pretty much the same thing as yesterday, just taking small steps.

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