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  1. Dr_Kdub28

    You Are One Call Away From Living Your Dream Life + Biz⚡ LightHouse’s 1:1 Accountability Coaching Program [2024]

    I had a call with Chris this week. After reading through here, I went in with an open mind. He didn't fail to deliver. In fact, it was more valuable than I expected. In those 45 minutes, I was able to gain a deeper understanding of my situation. I've really struggled to find my niche, network...
  2. Dr_Kdub28

    Why are people so lazy nowadays? Is it a generation thing?

    This is a great topic. I've experienced both sides growing up in the 90s and early 2000s. It's hard to pinpoint the exact moment you become lazy, but there are a number of events that compound. As a kid, I did all the things you were supposed to do (playing outside, sports, making friends etc.)...
  3. Dr_Kdub28

    How do I present myself as a freelancer?

    Thanks I'll check this out
  4. Dr_Kdub28

    How do I present myself as a freelancer?

    This is great. Appreciate the feedback. I've been implementing some of these strategies since my first post. Figuring out what works for me is the hardest part. It's slogging through the trial and error lol
  5. Dr_Kdub28

    Inaction Is A Slow Death

    Great video. It really resonated with me. One thing to note about taking action, is that the action should have a purpose. I cant count how many things I've done to make it look like I'm takin action. It's action disguised as inaction.
  6. Dr_Kdub28

    I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    I finished the book today. It was a great read. Before I read unscripted, I'll give the fastlane a 2nd read. One thing that's clear to me, just from reading the book, is how far I have to go. I've made a lot of dumb and rash decisions in my life and I thought I'd gotten better. But there always...
  7. Dr_Kdub28

    Best Resources For Coding?

    I've dabbled in learning code. Mostly through free and paid courses. Here's some links to free resources: 1. W3Schools Free Online Web Tutorials - Go here for free exercises on most known languages, They're pretty easy to follow along. 2. Learn to Code — For Free — Coding Courses for Busy...
  8. Dr_Kdub28

    Don’t lurk, do this instead

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Thanks for this. I've been feeling like I don't have any value here, which will definitely put me in lurker mode. Giving thanks and showing genuine gratitude is something I struggle with. I want to get better at that through these kind of platforms.
  9. Dr_Kdub28

    Martial Arts, Combat Sports, Self-Defense Systems - What Do You Practice?

    I've been training karate(isshin ryu) for about 2.5 years now. However, I still train other forms of combat(boxing, grappling, judo). I got lucky finding a dojo that doesn't only teach karate. I wouldn't have stuck around otherwise. That just doesn't seem practical for self defense. There are a...
  10. Dr_Kdub28

    How do I present myself as a freelancer?

    Hello everyone, I'm trying to figure out how to get clients as a freelancer copywriter. I know there's tons of videos and guides on the topic. However, my problem is paralysis by analysis. I've been watching/taking notes, but have become too concerned with perfection. This concern stems from...
  11. Dr_Kdub28

    Possibly the longest intro ever...

    Thank you for the kind words. It wasn't easy and I still have a long way to go, but I am grateful for the journey
  12. Dr_Kdub28

    Possibly the longest intro ever...

    Thanks. Appreciate your time. Looking forward to being here.
  13. Dr_Kdub28

    Possibly the longest intro ever...

    Haha yea. It's probably the most I've written in a while. I don't like to talk that much. Thanks for reading
  14. Dr_Kdub28

    Possibly the longest intro ever...

    The Truth TLDR; Former basement dwelling mommas boys, sidewalker, slow lanner, and now looking to become a fast laner. My journey to manhood and financial freedom. Looking to become a part of this community and would love any feedback on how I should best approach this. I'm usually a very...

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