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Feb 16, 2022
East coast, United States
The Truth

TLDR; Former basement dwelling mommas boys, sidewalker, slow lanner, and now looking to become a fast laner. My journey to manhood and financial freedom. Looking to become a part of this community and would love any feedback on how I should best approach this.

I'm usually a very calculated person, but in this case I'm deciding not to be(for this message, all I did was correct spelling errors) I want to give a raw account of myself. I hope I can do this justice. Where did this all start for me?

For most of my life, I didn't care about what I was doing. I was a classic modern day zombie. I had my troubles growing up, but for the most part I did everything I was told would work. School, sports, college, debt etc. Like anyone I've had battles with my life figuring myself out(crisis, anxiety, depression) I'm not unique in that sense.

After college is when the gears really started to turn for me. Up until that point I only had one real goal. Getting me degree. Everything leading up to that degree, was me doing something I never really believed in. It was what i thought was expected of me. I knew I had different thoughts but I allowed my fear to stop me from doing what I wanted. With my degree finally in hand(BA in psychology after 5 years) I found myself like most young men nowadays(and this is unfortunate that men have become this..) in my mom's basement. I was broke, unemployed, with debt, and no real connections to get a job. I spent zero percent of my time actually doing any networking in college. I didn't put in the work or have a plan to succeed because I thought everything would be handed to me. I thought that a degree was the golden ticket. I even had the audacity to take a "break" for six months after I graduated. I called it my time to "decompress" after such an "accomplishment".

What did I do in that time? I sat on my couch in my basement apartment and just played video games and watched tv. I did nothing to advance my skillset. I embraced all my vices and pretended that I deserved all of them. I remember a time when I had a conversation with my dad, he mentioned he had a job for me to take in the summer(it was a job I took the year before) I remember the exact quote I gave him to justify my continued laziness. I told him "I've spent the last 9 years excelling at a high level... I need some time to relax" Imagine that? I turned down the opportunity for money.. because I believed I deserved time off? Those nine years of "excellence" were just high school and college combined. I thought that because I had a high gpa and I worked "hard" that I deserved some time off.

To this day, that conversation with my father was one of my biggest regrets. I don't miss the money I could've gained. I miss the time that I wasted. Time that I could've used for myself to develop my skills and network. I was a pompous 24 yr old kid who thought the world owed him something. When I say pompous, I don't want people to get confused. I wasn't and still am not an extrovert. I mean to say that I am not outwardly arrogant. I am very much an introvert and keep to myself. I think that's what made it even worse, because I never voiced my thoughts to anyone, they were allowed to go unchecked. No one ever really knew what motivated me or how to best approach me. I did my damndest to make sure no one got past certain barriers with me. If they could never correct me than they could never challenge my perception of the world.

So liked I mentioned I went on for this six months. I did nothing and eventually realized "Hey I need a job. my situation really isn't that great" So I went online and applied using a resume that I had handcrafted for me by my mom. Back then I would take all the help from family that I could get. I was the definition of a parasite. As if it wasn't enough that she was providing a grown man food, shelter, clothing, and transportation. All this without paying any rent.

I don't lament my mom or dad for the decisions they made to keep me comfortable. Your parents want to do what's best to keep you safe and "happy" They don't understand that what's best for you is to actually take challenges and strive for independence. What both of them failed to understand was that the best thing to do for me was to cut me off from all my resources, that would've saved me a tremendous amount of time to grow.

The job hunt didn't go very well in the beginning. While I continued to leach off my mom, I made it my "job" to look for a job. Eventually I found some through employment agencies, The work wasn't what I expected. I worked temporary jobs for over a year making between 10 to 14 dollars an hour. I thought I was padding up my resume. It all seemed like progress. Sure why not... I had student debt up to my eyeballs and I had "dreams" of going to grad school.. Yeah working for this amount in some random mailroom or warehouse an hour away from home. That makes perfect sense... But that's what I did... One of my jobs stuck for a little while. It was a mailroom job I had for eight months. Pay wasn't great but there was some stability in my life. I saved up, applied to grad school and thought I was on my way. I want to make one thing clear before I go on. ALL THIS that took place was my fault. When you become an adult. It's your responsibility to recognize a failure and to take accountability. YOU have to be the one to correct that behavior. NO one else!

SO as I meandered through this last job, I got the idea in my head that I should quit and find something else. I said forget this "I'm going to bet on myself!" Little did I realize I wasn't betting on anything but the security I had at my beck and call. Mom's basement. I could quit the job and go dwell in the basement where I could "plan" the rest of my life. It was back at it again for me. I was on the job hunt. Again, like most of the jobs I had, something found me and I took it with open arms. There was another role for me to get at a bank. Once everything was cleared through my agency, I got myself in there interviewed and stated work shortly after. I worked that temp role for close to 8 months before I was hired on full time. This was another "milestone" for me... I was offered a pay rate that was double what I've ever made at the time. I think my starting pay was 53k a year. I thought I'd made some progress. With some income and stability in hand. I reboubled my efforts to get into grad school. My chosen "dream" field was psychology. I would become what was known as a "forensic psychologist" and someday start my own practice. I thought I'd be the man and work for myself

The hardest thing about grad school entry? taking the exam to actually enter. I rememvber taking it three times.. but it could've been more... Add that in with the recommendations and other requirements I needed to get and I was faced with another hurdle in my "plan" That was one major flaw that I still battle today(although to a lesser degree now) I just looked at a goal that sounded good and made things up as I went along. I could remember times where I actually said that in my head. I'd say it so cavalier "I'm just making things up as I go along.. I must be the man!" That level of delusion runs rampant in so many minds today but you can never realize its insanity until you dive deep into yourself. Like actually reflect about your actions. This isn't to say I wasn't an introspective person. I spent a lot of time ruminating about how much of a failure I was, but none of that rumination was actually me being accountable. Because I'd do the same thing over again. Things didn't go may way "OK lets sit and pout in a corner and think about what I've done" What's that look like? Sit there and tell myself how much I sucked. That was it. NO ownership of thought and taking action. Just the same self fulfilling prophecy. But you know why this is so appealing to many? It keeps you safe and comfortable.

Think about it... when you don't have to challenge yourself. When you can just talk yourself out of it through pity. That gives you an out and allows you to give up every single time. That's what I did for awhile

Eventually I did find my way into grad school and guess what.. yup it didn't work out there either. I did one semester and realized that I hated it. What did it take for me to hate it? Was it the mounting student loan debt? nope it was a statistic's class! I saw how much time I was spending on that class and it felt like a second job. I was spending weekends on my laptop doing "work" that didn't make sense to me. For me the time and effort didn't make sense when I had a job that was paying me "good money" So I just stopped going to class. I gave up. I didn't even officially drop out. I just stopped going into class.. I think I dropped out of the courses but I know for sure I didn't drop out of the program.

After this I continued to work and work and work. My next plan was to find a place of my own. To me this marks the beginning of my development. Up until that time when I knew I needed to move out, I was just a manchild. Moving out was an actual goal. It seemed like, the first goal that I'd ever planned for.. the first thing I ever did that actually had a process behind it that I designed and implemented myself. Of course I wasn't fully independent in this journey. Some of my family wanted to help and of course I took that help. That was all I knew how to be. So we went on apartment browsing. When the day came that I finally found a place to my liking, my mom was there. I'd still been relying on her so much. She was a compass for a lot of my decision making.

I wont go into the relationships I've had with friends and family. That could be an entire story itself, but I will say this. I didn't have an actual identity of my own. My identity was tied to other peoples perceptions of the world and I thought that if i did what they deemed best, that I would be ok in life. I know that when I chose that apartment though. That was the first decision I'd made in a while that was about me. I'd come to he conclusion that I liked the place for myself and no one else. It felt right to be there because I planned to be there. I didn't just wish this place into existence. When the time came for me to move from the basement to my humble abode, I had practically everything ready. New bed, furniture, appliances, electronics. everything that I needed to live the best life I viewed at the time.

In some respects I was independent and others I was still a little boy. I didn't have a car so I would rely on my mom every weekend to pick me up for grocery shopping. This was our time to hangout as well. When I needed to get to work I'd take the bus or train. When I was done with work it was back to the couch to play video games and watch TV(and other vices that I wont get into) this was my pattern for about 6 months. I'd love to say that my moment of growth was achieved though something profound, but it wasn't. It was achieved through a moment of complete ignorance and foolishness. Long story short, I found myself entering a relationship(one night fling) with someone that I met through a family member. This fling didn't go as I'd thought. If I could phrase this down to one sentence. I'd say that I was a boy trying to make the decisions of a man. And at that time I still had no sense of direction. I didn't know how to behave around a girl( I wasn't a virgin but I was a complete novice at social interactions with women) So this lack of experience and foolishness' led me to some decisions that almost made me a father. I soon found out that that wasn't the case and that the child was someone else. but the message was very clear to me. I had almost ruined my life and I was set to repeat the same process on the next generation.

After this incident, I went on for a few weeks and reflected like I'd never had to reflect. The possibility of a child can force you to view things through a different lens. This was my first real existential crises. It forced me to look at what value I had as a human being. What was my life? What could I do from here? Questions like that ran rampant through my mind for weeks at a time. I still had the same job, but my commitment to my vices started to slow down. It just didn't make sense to do any of that while I still felt like a "loser" My thoughts soon turned into action. I did what many down trodden millennial's do nowadays and turned to the internet. I looked far and wide for coaches, mentors, groups that could help me change things. I will say this, not all that content I viewed was for the best. A lot of it was toxic and only fueled my victim mindset. But the quality content that I viewed, had a larger voice in my mind. It was what motivated me to start taking martial arts classes. which was something I'd always wanted to do but talked myself out of.

I didn't talk myself out of it, and committed to going at least once a week on the weekends. I loved it. I didn't care if I was sparring a novice kid or a grown 5th degree black belt. It was something that simulated my mind body and soul. I needed this kind of existential nourishment in my life. Every event afterwards in my life has been sparked by similar catalyst since then. I found groups online to help me with finance, dating, fitness(whatever was the weakest area in my life) SO what did I accomplish since then? It'd be hard for me to put it into concise words, so I'll just list the things I'm proud of.

1. I've taken martials arts for two years and four months to this day. I'm currently a brown belt, Soon I hope to participate in my first tournament(live competition)
2. I paid off over 40k worth of student debt ( I lived like a monk for awhile but I did it, still just 10k left to pay now)
3. I set up some online dating profiles and actually went out on dates(I didn't learn this on my own. I got coaching for it)
4. I've read multiple books that I chose to read and weren't assigned to me through some school course(I'm proud that I sought out this knowledge)
5. I changed my social circle (I only had two real friends in my life at one point, now I have at least 5 people I could call on in my phone that aren't family. I also joined a few other groups online)
6. I quit my job(I hated my job and I only did it because it gave my a sense of stability)
7. I learned and invested in crypto(I haven't made a lot of money, but I've learned how to use it for small amounts of passive income through lending)
8. Got into the best shape of my life(I was a couch potato, My bodyfat percent was probably around 20 to 22 percent, I lost lost 10 to 15 pounds since then and sit around 11 to 12 percent bodyfat)
9. Actually had the courage to post something like this! (I've never written anything like this for anyone in a public forum)
10. Learning some high income skills (I've done a few courses on coding, Just one language so far, I also completed a course on copywriting.)
11. I developed 1 and 5 year goals for the first time ever

I know that I have more but I'd be forced to think and since I want this to be as raw as possible, I'll stop where I'm at. If you've read this far, I thank you. You didn't have to take the time and I greatly appreciate that. With this i wanted to give the most honest accounting of myself and where I've been. Its not a life story but its a synopsis of what I feel characterizes my journey. I'm here now to offer whatever value I can. I just want to figure things out so that everything I've planned for my life comes to fruition. If anyone has any tips for me going forward.. Like how I can become a part of this community and what steps I should take to grow and offer value.. that'd be very helpful.

Thanks again to everyone and I look forward to contributing here.
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Vji Vsavj

VMFS; Gusnis cetinipv fximmoph nunnet cuzt, tofixemlis, tmux meppis, epf pux muuloph vu ciduni e getv mepis. Nz kuaspiz vu nepjuuf epf gopepdoem gsiifun. Muuloph vu ciduni e qesv ug vjot dunnapovz epf xuamf muwi epz giifcedl up jux O tjuamf citv eqqsuedj vjot.

O'n ataemmz e wisz demdamevif qistup, cav op vjot deti O'n fidofoph puv vu ci(gus vjot nittehi, emm O fof xet dussidv tqimmoph issust) O xepv vu howi e sex edduapv ug nztimg. O juqi O dep fu vjot katvodi. Xjisi fof vjot emm tvesv gus ni?

Gus nutv ug nz mogi, O fofp'v desi ecuav xjev O xet fuoph. O xet e dmettod nufisp fez buncoi. O jef nz vsuacmit hsuxoph aq, cav gus vji nutv qesv O fof iwiszvjoph O xet vumf xuamf xusl. Tdjuum, tqusvt, dummihi, ficv ivd. Moli epzupi O'wi jef cevvmit xovj nz mogi gohasoph nztimg uav(dsotot, epyoivz, fiqsittoup) O'n puv aporai op vjev tipti.

Egvis dummihi ot xjip vji hiest siemmz tvesvif vu vasp gus ni. Aq apvom vjev quopv O upmz jef upi siem huem. Hivvoph ni fihsii. Iwiszvjoph miefoph aq vu vjev fihsii, xet ni fuoph tunivjoph O piwis siemmz cimoiwif op. Ov xet xjev o vjuahjv xet iyqidvif ug ni. O lpix O jef foggisipv vjuahjvt cav O emmuxif nz gies vu tvuq ni gsun fuoph xjev O xepvif. Xovj nz fihsii gopemmz op jepf(CE op qtzdjumuhz egvis 5 ziest) O guapf nztimg moli nutv zuaph nip puxefezt(epf vjot ot apgusvapevi vjev nip jewi ciduni vjot..) op nz nun't cetinipv. O xet csuli, apinqmuzif, xovj ficv, epf pu siem duppidvoupt vu hiv e kuc. O tqipv bisu qisdipv ug nz voni edvaemmz fuoph epz pivxusloph op dummihi. O fofp'v qav op vji xusl us jewi e qmep vu taddiif cideati O vjuahjv iwiszvjoph xuamf ci jepfif vu ni. O vjuahjv vjev e fihsii xet vji humfip vodliv. O iwip jef vji eafedovz vu veli e "csiel" gus toy nupvjt egvis O hsefaevif. O demmif ov nz voni vu "fidunqsitt" egvis tadj ep "eddunqmotjnipv".

Xjev fof O fu op vjev voni? O tev up nz duadj op nz cetinipv eqesvnipv epf katv qmezif wofiu henit epf xevdjif vw. O fof puvjoph vu efwepdi nz tlommtiv. O incsedif emm nz wodit epf qsivipfif vjev O fitiswif emm ug vjin. O sinincis e voni xjip O jef e dupwistevoup xovj nz fef, ji nipvoupif ji jef e kuc gus ni vu veli op vji tannis(ov xet e kuc O vuul vji zies cigusi) O sinincis vji iyedv rauvi O hewi jon vu katvogz nz dupvopaif mebopitt. O vumf jon "O'wi tqipv vji metv 9 ziest iydimmoph ev e johj miwim... O piif tuni voni vu simey" Onehopi vjev? O vaspif fuxp vji uqqusvapovz gus nupiz.. cideati O cimoiwif O fitiswif voni ugg? Vjuti popi ziest ug "iydimmipdi" xisi katv johj tdjuum epf dummihi duncopif. O vjuahjv vjev cideati O jef e johj hqe epf O xuslif "jesf" vjev O fitiswif tuni voni ugg.

Vu vjot fez, vjev dupwistevoup xovj nz gevjis xet upi ug nz cohhitv sihsivt. O fup'v nott vji nupiz O duamf'wi heopif. O nott vji voni vjev O xetvif. Voni vjev O duamf'wi atif gus nztimg vu fiwimuq nz tlommt epf pivxusl. O xet e qunquat 24 zs umf lof xju vjuahjv vji xusmf uxif jon tunivjoph. Xjip O tez qunquat, O fup'v xepv qiuqmi vu hiv dupgatif. O xetp'v epf tvomm en puv ep iyvsuwisv. O niep vu tez vjev O en puv uavxesfmz essuhepv. O en wisz nadj ep opvsuwisv epf liiq vu nztimg. O vjopl vjev't xjev nefi ov iwip xusti, cideati O piwis wuodif nz vjuahjvt vu epzupi, vjiz xisi emmuxif vu hu apdjidlif. Pu upi iwis siemmz lpix xjev nuvowevif ni us jux vu citv eqqsuedj ni. O fof nz fenpfitv vu neli tasi pu upi huv qetv disveop cessoist xovj ni. Og vjiz duamf piwis dussidv ni vjep vjiz duamf piwis djemmiphi nz qisdiqvoup ug vji xusmf.

Tu molif O nipvoupif O xipv up gus vjot toy nupvjt. O fof puvjoph epf iwipvaemmz siemobif "Jiz O piif e kuc. nz tovaevoup siemmz otp'v vjev hsiev" Tu O xipv upmopi epf eqqmoif atoph e sitani vjev O jef jepfdsegvif gus ni cz nz nun. Cedl vjip O xuamf veli emm vji jimq gsun genomz vjev O duamf hiv. O xet vji figopovoup ug e qesetovi. Et og ov xetp'v ipuahj vjev tji xet qsuwofoph e hsuxp nep guuf, tjimvis, dmuvjoph, epf vseptqusvevoup. Emm vjot xovjuav qezoph epz sipv.

O fup'v menipv nz nun us fef gus vji fidotoupt vjiz nefi vu liiq ni dungusvecmi. Zuas qesipvt xepv vu fu xjev't citv vu liiq zua tegi epf "jeqqz" Vjiz fup'v apfistvepf vjev xjev't citv gus zua ot vu edvaemmz veli djemmiphit epf tvsowi gus opfiqipfipdi. Xjev cuvj ug vjin geomif vu apfistvepf xet vjev vji citv vjoph vu fu gus ni xet vu dav ni ugg gsun emm nz situasdit, vjev xuamf'wi tewif ni e vsinipfuat enuapv ug voni vu hsux.

Vji kuc japv fofp'v hu wisz ximm op vji cihoppoph. Xjomi O dupvopaif vu miedj ugg nz nun, O nefi ov nz "kuc" vu muul gus e kuc. Iwipvaemmz O guapf tuni vjsuahj inqmuznipv ehipdoit, Vji xusl xetp'v xjev O iyqidvif. O xuslif vinqusesz kuct gus uwis e zies neloph civxiip 10 vu 14 fummest ep juas. O vjuahjv O xet qeffoph aq nz sitani. Ov emm tiinif moli qsuhsitt. Tasi xjz puv... O jef tvafipv ficv aq vu nz izicemmt epf O jef "fsient" ug huoph vu hsef tdjuum.. Ziej xusloph gus vjot enuapv op tuni sepfun neomsuun us xesijuati ep juas exez gsun juni. Vjev nelit qisgidv tipti... Cav vjev't xjev O fof... Upi ug nz kuct tvadl gus e movvmi xjomi. Ov xet e neomsuun kuc O jef gus iohjv nupvjt. Qez xetp'v hsiev cav vjisi xet tuni tvecomovz op nz mogi. O tewif aq, eqqmoif vu hsef tdjuum epf vjuahjv O xet up nz xez. O xepv vu neli upi vjoph dmies cigusi O hu up. EMM VJOT vjev vuul qmedi xet nz geamv. Xjip zua ciduni ep efamv. Ov't zuas sitquptocomovz vu siduhpobi e geomasi epf vu veli edduapvecomovz. ZUA jewi vu ci vji upi vu dussidv vjev cijewous. PU upi imti!

TU et O niepfisif vjsuahj vjot metv kuc, O huv vji ofie op nz jief vjev O tjuamf raov epf gopf tunivjoph imti. O teof gushiv vjot "O'n huoph vu civ up nztimg!" Movvmi fof O siemobi O xetp'v civvoph up epzvjoph cav vji tidasovz O jef ev nz cidl epf demm. Nun't cetinipv. O duamf raov vji kuc epf hu fximm op vji cetinipv xjisi O duamf "qmep" vji sitv ug nz mogi. Ov xet cedl ev ov eheop gus ni. O xet up vji kuc japv. Eheop, moli nutv ug vji kuct O jef, tunivjoph guapf ni epf O vuul ov xovj uqip esnt. Vjisi xet epuvjis sumi gus ni vu hiv ev e cepl. Updi iwiszvjoph xet dmiesif vjsuahj nz ehipdz, O huv nztimg op vjisi opviswoixif epf tvevif xusl tjusvmz egvis. O xuslif vjev vinq sumi gus dmuti vu 8 nupvjt cigusi O xet josif up gamm voni. Vjot xet epuvjis "nomitvupi" gus ni... O xet uggisif e qez sevi vjev xet fuacmi xjev O'wi iwis nefi ev vji voni. O vjopl nz tvesvoph qez xet 53l e zies. O vjuahjv O'f nefi tuni qsuhsitt. Xovj tuni opduni epf tvecomovz op jepf. O sicuacmif nz iggusvt vu hiv opvu hsef tdjuum. Nz djutip "fsien" goimf xet qtzdjumuhz. O xuamf ciduni xjev xet lpuxp et e "gusiptod qtzdjumuhotv" epf tunifez tvesv nz uxp qsedvodi. O vjuahjv O'f ci vji nep epf xusl gus nztimg

Vji jesfitv vjoph ecuav hsef tdjuum ipvsz? veloph vji iyen vu edvaemmz ipvis. O sininwcis veloph ov vjsii vonit.. cav ov duamf'wi ciip nusi... Eff vjev op xovj vji sidunnipfevoupt epf uvjis siraosinipvt O piifif vu hiv epf O xet gedif xovj epuvjis jasfmi op nz "qmep" Vjev xet upi nekus gmex vjev O tvomm cevvmi vufez(emvjuahj vu e mittis fihsii pux) O katv muulif ev e huem vjev tuapfif huuf epf nefi vjopht aq et O xipv emuph. O duamf sinincis vonit xjisi O edvaemmz teof vjev op nz jief. O'f tez ov tu dewemois "O'n katv neloph vjopht aq et O hu emuph.. O natv ci vji nep!" Vjev miwim ug fimatoup sapt senqepv op tu nepz nopft vufez cav zua dep piwis siemobi ovt optepovz apvom zua fowi fiiq opvu zuastimg. Moli edvaemmz sigmidv ecuav zuas edvoupt. Vjot otp'v vu tez O xetp'v ep opvsutqidvowi qistup. O tqipv e muv ug voni sanopevoph ecuav jux nadj ug e geomasi O xet, cav pupi ug vjev sanopevoup xet edvaemmz ni cioph edduapvecmi. Cideati O'f fu vji teni vjoph uwis eheop. Vjopht fofp'v hu nez xez "UL mivt tov epf quav op e duspis epf vjopl ecuav xjev O'wi fupi" Xjev't vjev muul moli? Tov vjisi epf vimm nztimg jux nadj O tadlif. Vjev xet ov. PU uxpistjoq ug vjuahjv epf veloph edvoup. Katv vji teni timg gamgommoph qsuqjidz. Cav zua lpux xjz vjot ot tu eqqiemoph vu nepz? Ov liiqt zua tegi epf dungusvecmi.

Vjopl ecuav ov... xjip zua fup'v jewi vu djemmiphi zuastimg. Xjip zua dep katv veml zuastimg uav ug ov vjsuahj qovz. Vjev howit zua ep uav epf emmuxt zua vu howi aq iwisz tophmi voni. Vjev't xjev O fof gus exjomi

Iwipvaemmz O fof gopf nz xez opvu hsef tdjuum epf haitt xjev.. zaq ov fofp'v xusl uav vjisi iovjis. O fof upi tinitvis epf siemobif vjev O jevif ov. Xjev fof ov veli gus ni vu jevi ov? Xet ov vji nuapvoph tvafipv muep ficv? puqi ov xet e tvevotvod't dmett! O tex jux nadj voni O xet tqipfoph up vjev dmett epf ov gimv moli e tidupf kuc. O xet tqipfoph xiilipft up nz meqvuq fuoph "xusl" vjev fofp'v neli tipti vu ni. Gus ni vji voni epf iggusv fofp'v neli tipti xjip O jef e kuc vjev xet qezoph ni "huuf nupiz" Tu O katv tvuqqif huoph vu dmett. O hewi aq. O fofp'v iwip uggodoemmz fsuq uav. O katv tvuqqif huoph opvu dmett.. O vjopl O fsuqqif uav ug vji duastit cav O lpux gus tasi O fofp'v fsuq uav ug vji qsuhsen.

Egvis vjot O dupvopaif vu xusl epf xusl epf xusl. Nz piyv qmep xet vu gopf e qmedi ug nz uxp. Vu ni vjot neslt vji cihoppoph ug nz fiwimuqnipv. Aq apvom vjev voni xjip O lpix O piifif vu nuwi uav, O xet katv e nepdjomf. Nuwoph uav xet ep edvaem huem. Ov tiinif moli, vji gostv huem vjev O'f iwis qmeppif gus.. vji gostv vjoph O iwis fof vjev edvaemmz jef e qsuditt cijopf ov vjev O fitohpif epf onqminipvif nztimg. Ug duasti O xetp'v gammz opfiqipfipv op vjot kuaspiz. Tuni ug nz genomz xepvif vu jimq epf ug duasti O vuul vjev jimq. Vjev xet emm O lpix jux vu ci. Tu xi xipv up eqesvnipv csuxtoph. Xjip vji fez deni vjev O gopemmz guapf e qmedi vu nz moloph, nz nun xet vjisi. O'f tvomm ciip simzoph up jis tu nadj. Tji xet e dunqett gus e muv ug nz fidotoup neloph.

O xupv hu opvu vji simevouptjoqt O'wi jef xovj gsoipft epf genomz. Vjev duamf ci ep ipvosi tvusz ovtimg, cav O xomm tez vjot. O fofp'v jewi ep edvaem ofipvovz ug nz uxp. Nz ofipvovz xet voif vu uvjis qiuqmit qisdiqvoupt ug vji xusmf epf O vjuahjv vjev og o fof xjev vjiz fiinif citv, vjev O xuamf ci ul op mogi. O lpux vjev xjip O djuti vjev eqesvnipv vjuahj. Vjev xet vji gostv fidotoup O'f nefi op e xjomi vjev xet ecuav ni. O'f duni vu ji dupdmatoup vjev O molif vji qmedi gus nztimg epf pu upi imti. Ov gimv sohjv vu ci vjisi cideati O qmeppif vu ci vjisi. O fofp'v katv xotj vjot qmedi opvu iyotvipdi. Xjip vji voni deni gus ni vu nuwi gsun vji cetinipv vu nz jancmi ecufi, O jef qsedvodemmz iwiszvjoph siefz. Pix cif, gaspovasi, eqqmoepdit, imidvsupodt. iwiszvjoph vjev O piifif vu mowi vji citv mogi O woixif ev vji voni.

Op tuni sitqidvt O xet opfiqipfipv epf uvjist O xet tvomm e movvmi cuz. O fofp'v jewi e des tu O xuamf simz up nz nun iwisz xiilipf vu qodl ni aq gus hsudisz tjuqqoph. Vjot xet uas voni vu jephuav et ximm. Xjip O piifif vu hiv vu xusl O'f veli vji cat us vseop. Xjip O xet fupi xovj xusl ov xet cedl vu vji duadj vu qmez wofiu henit epf xevdj VW(epf uvjis wodit vjev O xupv hiv opvu) vjot xet nz qevvisp gus ecuav 6 nupvjt. O'f muwi vu tez vjev nz nunipv ug hsuxvj xet edjoiwif vjuahj tunivjoph qsuguapf, cav ov xetp'v. Ov xet edjoiwif vjsuahj e nunipv ug dunqmivi ohpusepdi epf guumotjpitt. Muph tvusz tjusv, O guapf nztimg ipvisoph e simevouptjoq(upi pohjv gmoph) xovj tuniupi vjev O niv vjsuahj e genomz nincis. Vjot gmoph fofp'v hu et O'f vjuahjv. Og O duamf qjseti vjot fuxp vu upi tipvipdi. O'f tez vjev O xet e cuz vszoph vu neli vji fidotoupt ug e nep. Epf ev vjev voni O tvomm jef pu tipti ug fosidvoup. O fofp'v lpux jux vu cijewi esuapf e hosm( O xetp'v e woshop cav O xet e dunqmivi puwodi ev tudoem opvisedvoupt xovj xunip) Tu vjot medl ug iyqisoipdi epf guumotjpitt' mif ni vu tuni fidotoupt vjev emnutv nefi ni e gevjis. O tuup guapf uav vjev vjev xetp'v vji deti epf vjev vji djomf xet tuniupi imti. cav vji nittehi xet wisz dmies vu ni. O jef emnutv saopif nz mogi epf O xet tiv vu siqiev vji teni qsuditt up vji piyv hipisevoup.

Egvis vjot opdofipv, O xipv up gus e gix xiilt epf sigmidvif moli O'f piwis jef vu sigmidv. Vji quttocomovz ug e djomf dep gusdi zua vu woix vjopht vjsuahj e foggisipv mipt. Vjot xet nz gostv siem iyotvipvoem dsotit. Ov gusdif ni vu muul ev xjev wemai O jef et e janep cioph. Xjev xet nz mogi? Xjev duamf O fu gsun jisi? Raitvoupt moli vjev sep senqepv vjsuahj nz nopf gus xiilt ev e voni. O tvomm jef vji teni kuc, cav nz dunnovnipv vu nz wodit tvesvif vu tmux fuxp. Ov katv fofp'v neli tipti vu fu epz ug vjev xjomi O tvomm gimv moli e "mutis" Nz vjuahjvt tuup vaspif opvu edvoup. O fof xjev nepz fuxp vsuffip nommippoem't fu puxefezt epf vaspif vu vji opvispiv. O muulif ges epf xofi gus duedjit, nipvust, hsuaqt vjev duamf jimq ni djephi vjopht. O xomm tez vjot, puv emm vjev dupvipv O woixif xet gus vji citv. E muv ug ov xet vuyod epf upmz gaimif nz wodvon nopftiv. Cav vji raemovz dupvipv vjev O woixif, jef e meshis wuodi op nz nopf. Ov xet xjev nuvowevif ni vu tvesv veloph nesvoem esvt dmettit. xjodj xet tunivjoph O'f emxezt xepvif vu fu cav vemlif nztimg uav ug.

O fofp'v veml nztimg uav ug ov, epf dunnovvif vu huoph ev mietv updi e xiil up vji xiilipft. O muwif ov. O fofp'v desi og O xet tqessoph e puwodi lof us e hsuxp 5vj fihsii cmedl cimv. Ov xet tunivjoph vjev tonamevif nz nopf cufz epf tuam. O piifif vjot lopf ug iyotvipvoem puasotjnipv op nz mogi. Iwisz iwipv egvisxesft op nz mogi jet ciip tqeslif cz tonomes devemztv topdi vjip. O guapf hsuaqt upmopi vu jimq ni xovj gopepdi, fevoph, govpitt(xjeviwis xet vji xielitv esie op nz mogi) TU xjev fof O eddunqmotj topdi vjip? Ov'f ci jesf gus ni vu qav ov opvu dupdoti xusft, tu O'mm katv motv vji vjopht O'n qsuaf ug.

1. O'wi velip nesvoemt esvt gus vxu ziest epf guas nupvjt vu vjot fez. O'n dassipvmz e csuxp cimv, Tuup O juqi vu qesvodoqevi op nz gostv vuaspenipv(mowi dunqivovoup)
2. O qeof ugg uwis 40l xusvj ug tvafipv ficv ( O mowif moli e nupl gus exjomi cav O fof ov, tvomm katv 10l migv vu qez pux)
3. O tiv aq tuni upmopi fevoph qsugomit epf edvaemmz xipv uav up fevit(O fofp'v miesp vjot up nz uxp. O huv duedjoph gus ov)
4. O'wi sief namvoqmi cuult vjev O djuti vu sief epf xisip'v ettohpif vu ni vjsuahj tuni tdjuum duasti(O'n qsuaf vjev O tuahjv uav vjot lpuxmifhi)
5. O djephif nz tudoem dosdmi (O upmz jef vxu siem gsoipft op nz mogi ev upi quopv, pux O jewi ev mietv 5 qiuqmi O duamf demm up op nz qjupi vjev esip'v genomz. O emtu kuopif e gix uvjis hsuaqt upmopi)
6. O raov nz kuc(O jevif nz kuc epf O upmz fof ov cideati ov hewi nz e tipti ug tvecomovz)
7. O miespif epf opwitvif op dszqvu(O jewip'v nefi e muv ug nupiz, cav O'wi miespif jux vu ati ov gus tnemm enuapvt ug qettowi opduni vjsuahj mipfoph)
8. Huv opvu vji citv tjeqi ug nz mogi(O xet e duadj quvevu, Nz cufzgev qisdipv xet qsucecmz esuapf 20 vu 22 qisdipv, O mutv mutv 10 vu 15 quapft topdi vjip epf tov esuapf 11 vu 12 qisdipv cufzgev)
9. Edvaemmz jef vji duasehi vu qutv tunivjoph moli vjot! (O'wi piwis xsovvip epzvjoph moli vjot gus epzupi op e qacmod gusan)
10. Miespoph tuni johj opduni tlommt (O'wi fupi e gix duastit up dufoph, Katv upi mephaehi tu ges, O emtu dunqmivif e duasti up duqzxsovoph.)
11. O fiwimuqif 1 epf 5 zies huemt gus vji gostv voni iwis

O lpux vjev O jewi nusi cav O'f ci gusdif vu vjopl epf topdi O xepv vjot vu ci et sex et quttocmi, O'mm tvuq xjisi O'n ev. Og zua'wi sief vjot ges, O vjepl zua. Zua fofp'v jewi vu veli vji voni epf O hsievmz eqqsidoevi vjev. Xovj vjot o xepvif vu howi vji nutv jupitv edduapvoph ug nztimg epf xjisi O'wi ciip. Ovt puv e mogi tvusz cav ovt e tzpuqtot ug xjev O giim djesedvisobit nz kuaspiz. O'n jisi pux vu uggis xjeviwis wemai O dep. O katv xepv vu gohasi vjopht uav tu vjev iwiszvjoph O'wi qmeppif gus nz mogi dunit vu gsaovoup. Og epzupi jet epz voqt gus ni huoph gusxesf.. Moli jux O dep ciduni e qesv ug vjot dunnapovz epf xjev tviqt O tjuamf veli vu hsux epf uggis wemai.. vjev'f ci wisz jimqgam.

Vjeplt eheop vu iwiszupi epf O muul gusxesf vu dupvsocavoph jisi.
Ov't siemmz muuuuuph csu... ov't vji gostv opvsu o en siefoph up vjot gusan. Cvx ximduni o en emtu pix jisi.
Ximduni, epf xux vjev xet quttocmz vji muphitv opvsufadvoup O'wi sief.
O'n jisi pux vu uggis xjeviwis wemai O dep. O katv xepv vu gohasi vjopht uav tu vjev iwiszvjoph O'wi qmeppif gus nz mogi dunit vu gsaovoup. Og epzupi jet epz voqt gus ni huoph gusxesf.. Moli jux O dep ciduni e qesv ug vjot dunnapovz epf xjev tviqt O tjuamf veli vu hsux epf uggis wemai.. vjev'f ci wisz jimqgam.
O muul gusxesf vu zuas dupvsocavoupt.
Vji Vsavj

VMFS; Gusnis cetinipv fximmoph nunnet cuzt, tofixemlis, tmux meppis, epf pux muuloph vu ciduni e getv mepis. Nz kuaspiz vu nepjuuf epf gopepdoem gsiifun. Muuloph vu ciduni e qesv ug vjot dunnapovz epf xuamf muwi epz giifcedl up jux O tjuamf citv eqqsuedj vjot.

O'n ataemmz e wisz demdamevif qistup, cav op vjot deti O'n fidofoph puv vu ci(gus vjot nittehi, emm O fof xet dussidv tqimmoph issust) O xepv vu howi e sex edduapv ug nztimg. O juqi O dep fu vjot katvodi. Xjisi fof vjot emm tvesv gus ni?

Gus nutv ug nz mogi, O fofp'v desi ecuav xjev O xet fuoph. O xet e dmettod nufisp fez buncoi. O jef nz vsuacmit hsuxoph aq, cav gus vji nutv qesv O fof iwiszvjoph O xet vumf xuamf xusl. Tdjuum, tqusvt, dummihi, ficv ivd. Moli epzupi O'wi jef cevvmit xovj nz mogi gohasoph nztimg uav(dsotot, epyoivz, fiqsittoup) O'n puv aporai op vjev tipti.

Egvis dummihi ot xjip vji hiest siemmz tvesvif vu vasp gus ni. Aq apvom vjev quopv O upmz jef upi siem huem. Hivvoph ni fihsii. Iwiszvjoph miefoph aq vu vjev fihsii, xet ni fuoph tunivjoph O piwis siemmz cimoiwif op. Ov xet xjev o vjuahjv xet iyqidvif ug ni. O lpix O jef foggisipv vjuahjvt cav O emmuxif nz gies vu tvuq ni gsun fuoph xjev O xepvif. Xovj nz fihsii gopemmz op jepf(CE op qtzdjumuhz egvis 5 ziest) O guapf nztimg moli nutv zuaph nip puxefezt(epf vjot ot apgusvapevi vjev nip jewi ciduni vjot..) op nz nun't cetinipv. O xet csuli, apinqmuzif, xovj ficv, epf pu siem duppidvoupt vu hiv e kuc. O tqipv bisu qisdipv ug nz voni edvaemmz fuoph epz pivxusloph op dummihi. O fofp'v qav op vji xusl us jewi e qmep vu taddiif cideati O vjuahjv iwiszvjoph xuamf ci jepfif vu ni. O vjuahjv vjev e fihsii xet vji humfip vodliv. O iwip jef vji eafedovz vu veli e "csiel" gus toy nupvjt egvis O hsefaevif. O demmif ov nz voni vu "fidunqsitt" egvis tadj ep "eddunqmotjnipv".

Xjev fof O fu op vjev voni? O tev up nz duadj op nz cetinipv eqesvnipv epf katv qmezif wofiu henit epf xevdjif vw. O fof puvjoph vu efwepdi nz tlommtiv. O incsedif emm nz wodit epf qsivipfif vjev O fitiswif emm ug vjin. O sinincis e voni xjip O jef e dupwistevoup xovj nz fef, ji nipvoupif ji jef e kuc gus ni vu veli op vji tannis(ov xet e kuc O vuul vji zies cigusi) O sinincis vji iyedv rauvi O hewi jon vu katvogz nz dupvopaif mebopitt. O vumf jon "O'wi tqipv vji metv 9 ziest iydimmoph ev e johj miwim... O piif tuni voni vu simey" Onehopi vjev? O vaspif fuxp vji uqqusvapovz gus nupiz.. cideati O cimoiwif O fitiswif voni ugg? Vjuti popi ziest ug "iydimmipdi" xisi katv johj tdjuum epf dummihi duncopif. O vjuahjv vjev cideati O jef e johj hqe epf O xuslif "jesf" vjev O fitiswif tuni voni ugg.

Vu vjot fez, vjev dupwistevoup xovj nz gevjis xet upi ug nz cohhitv sihsivt. O fup'v nott vji nupiz O duamf'wi heopif. O nott vji voni vjev O xetvif. Voni vjev O duamf'wi atif gus nztimg vu fiwimuq nz tlommt epf pivxusl. O xet e qunquat 24 zs umf lof xju vjuahjv vji xusmf uxif jon tunivjoph. Xjip O tez qunquat, O fup'v xepv qiuqmi vu hiv dupgatif. O xetp'v epf tvomm en puv ep iyvsuwisv. O niep vu tez vjev O en puv uavxesfmz essuhepv. O en wisz nadj ep opvsuwisv epf liiq vu nztimg. O vjopl vjev't xjev nefi ov iwip xusti, cideati O piwis wuodif nz vjuahjvt vu epzupi, vjiz xisi emmuxif vu hu apdjidlif. Pu upi iwis siemmz lpix xjev nuvowevif ni us jux vu citv eqqsuedj ni. O fof nz fenpfitv vu neli tasi pu upi huv qetv disveop cessoist xovj ni. Og vjiz duamf piwis dussidv ni vjep vjiz duamf piwis djemmiphi nz qisdiqvoup ug vji xusmf.

Tu molif O nipvoupif O xipv up gus vjot toy nupvjt. O fof puvjoph epf iwipvaemmz siemobif "Jiz O piif e kuc. nz tovaevoup siemmz otp'v vjev hsiev" Tu O xipv upmopi epf eqqmoif atoph e sitani vjev O jef jepfdsegvif gus ni cz nz nun. Cedl vjip O xuamf veli emm vji jimq gsun genomz vjev O duamf hiv. O xet vji figopovoup ug e qesetovi. Et og ov xetp'v ipuahj vjev tji xet qsuwofoph e hsuxp nep guuf, tjimvis, dmuvjoph, epf vseptqusvevoup. Emm vjot xovjuav qezoph epz sipv.

O fup'v menipv nz nun us fef gus vji fidotoupt vjiz nefi vu liiq ni dungusvecmi. Zuas qesipvt xepv vu fu xjev't citv vu liiq zua tegi epf "jeqqz" Vjiz fup'v apfistvepf vjev xjev't citv gus zua ot vu edvaemmz veli djemmiphit epf tvsowi gus opfiqipfipdi. Xjev cuvj ug vjin geomif vu apfistvepf xet vjev vji citv vjoph vu fu gus ni xet vu dav ni ugg gsun emm nz situasdit, vjev xuamf'wi tewif ni e vsinipfuat enuapv ug voni vu hsux.

Vji kuc japv fofp'v hu wisz ximm op vji cihoppoph. Xjomi O dupvopaif vu miedj ugg nz nun, O nefi ov nz "kuc" vu muul gus e kuc. Iwipvaemmz O guapf tuni vjsuahj inqmuznipv ehipdoit, Vji xusl xetp'v xjev O iyqidvif. O xuslif vinqusesz kuct gus uwis e zies neloph civxiip 10 vu 14 fummest ep juas. O vjuahjv O xet qeffoph aq nz sitani. Ov emm tiinif moli qsuhsitt. Tasi xjz puv... O jef tvafipv ficv aq vu nz izicemmt epf O jef "fsient" ug huoph vu hsef tdjuum.. Ziej xusloph gus vjot enuapv op tuni sepfun neomsuun us xesijuati ep juas exez gsun juni. Vjev nelit qisgidv tipti... Cav vjev't xjev O fof... Upi ug nz kuct tvadl gus e movvmi xjomi. Ov xet e neomsuun kuc O jef gus iohjv nupvjt. Qez xetp'v hsiev cav vjisi xet tuni tvecomovz op nz mogi. O tewif aq, eqqmoif vu hsef tdjuum epf vjuahjv O xet up nz xez. O xepv vu neli upi vjoph dmies cigusi O hu up. EMM VJOT vjev vuul qmedi xet nz geamv. Xjip zua ciduni ep efamv. Ov't zuas sitquptocomovz vu siduhpobi e geomasi epf vu veli edduapvecomovz. ZUA jewi vu ci vji upi vu dussidv vjev cijewous. PU upi imti!

TU et O niepfisif vjsuahj vjot metv kuc, O huv vji ofie op nz jief vjev O tjuamf raov epf gopf tunivjoph imti. O teof gushiv vjot "O'n huoph vu civ up nztimg!" Movvmi fof O siemobi O xetp'v civvoph up epzvjoph cav vji tidasovz O jef ev nz cidl epf demm. Nun't cetinipv. O duamf raov vji kuc epf hu fximm op vji cetinipv xjisi O duamf "qmep" vji sitv ug nz mogi. Ov xet cedl ev ov eheop gus ni. O xet up vji kuc japv. Eheop, moli nutv ug vji kuct O jef, tunivjoph guapf ni epf O vuul ov xovj uqip esnt. Vjisi xet epuvjis sumi gus ni vu hiv ev e cepl. Updi iwiszvjoph xet dmiesif vjsuahj nz ehipdz, O huv nztimg op vjisi opviswoixif epf tvevif xusl tjusvmz egvis. O xuslif vjev vinq sumi gus dmuti vu 8 nupvjt cigusi O xet josif up gamm voni. Vjot xet epuvjis "nomitvupi" gus ni... O xet uggisif e qez sevi vjev xet fuacmi xjev O'wi iwis nefi ev vji voni. O vjopl nz tvesvoph qez xet 53l e zies. O vjuahjv O'f nefi tuni qsuhsitt. Xovj tuni opduni epf tvecomovz op jepf. O sicuacmif nz iggusvt vu hiv opvu hsef tdjuum. Nz djutip "fsien" goimf xet qtzdjumuhz. O xuamf ciduni xjev xet lpuxp et e "gusiptod qtzdjumuhotv" epf tunifez tvesv nz uxp qsedvodi. O vjuahjv O'f ci vji nep epf xusl gus nztimg

Vji jesfitv vjoph ecuav hsef tdjuum ipvsz? veloph vji iyen vu edvaemmz ipvis. O sininwcis veloph ov vjsii vonit.. cav ov duamf'wi ciip nusi... Eff vjev op xovj vji sidunnipfevoupt epf uvjis siraosinipvt O piifif vu hiv epf O xet gedif xovj epuvjis jasfmi op nz "qmep" Vjev xet upi nekus gmex vjev O tvomm cevvmi vufez(emvjuahj vu e mittis fihsii pux) O katv muulif ev e huem vjev tuapfif huuf epf nefi vjopht aq et O xipv emuph. O duamf sinincis vonit xjisi O edvaemmz teof vjev op nz jief. O'f tez ov tu dewemois "O'n katv neloph vjopht aq et O hu emuph.. O natv ci vji nep!" Vjev miwim ug fimatoup sapt senqepv op tu nepz nopft vufez cav zua dep piwis siemobi ovt optepovz apvom zua fowi fiiq opvu zuastimg. Moli edvaemmz sigmidv ecuav zuas edvoupt. Vjot otp'v vu tez O xetp'v ep opvsutqidvowi qistup. O tqipv e muv ug voni sanopevoph ecuav jux nadj ug e geomasi O xet, cav pupi ug vjev sanopevoup xet edvaemmz ni cioph edduapvecmi. Cideati O'f fu vji teni vjoph uwis eheop. Vjopht fofp'v hu nez xez "UL mivt tov epf quav op e duspis epf vjopl ecuav xjev O'wi fupi" Xjev't vjev muul moli? Tov vjisi epf vimm nztimg jux nadj O tadlif. Vjev xet ov. PU uxpistjoq ug vjuahjv epf veloph edvoup. Katv vji teni timg gamgommoph qsuqjidz. Cav zua lpux xjz vjot ot tu eqqiemoph vu nepz? Ov liiqt zua tegi epf dungusvecmi.

Vjopl ecuav ov... xjip zua fup'v jewi vu djemmiphi zuastimg. Xjip zua dep katv veml zuastimg uav ug ov vjsuahj qovz. Vjev howit zua ep uav epf emmuxt zua vu howi aq iwisz tophmi voni. Vjev't xjev O fof gus exjomi

Iwipvaemmz O fof gopf nz xez opvu hsef tdjuum epf haitt xjev.. zaq ov fofp'v xusl uav vjisi iovjis. O fof upi tinitvis epf siemobif vjev O jevif ov. Xjev fof ov veli gus ni vu jevi ov? Xet ov vji nuapvoph tvafipv muep ficv? puqi ov xet e tvevotvod't dmett! O tex jux nadj voni O xet tqipfoph up vjev dmett epf ov gimv moli e tidupf kuc. O xet tqipfoph xiilipft up nz meqvuq fuoph "xusl" vjev fofp'v neli tipti vu ni. Gus ni vji voni epf iggusv fofp'v neli tipti xjip O jef e kuc vjev xet qezoph ni "huuf nupiz" Tu O katv tvuqqif huoph vu dmett. O hewi aq. O fofp'v iwip uggodoemmz fsuq uav. O katv tvuqqif huoph opvu dmett.. O vjopl O fsuqqif uav ug vji duastit cav O lpux gus tasi O fofp'v fsuq uav ug vji qsuhsen.

Egvis vjot O dupvopaif vu xusl epf xusl epf xusl. Nz piyv qmep xet vu gopf e qmedi ug nz uxp. Vu ni vjot neslt vji cihoppoph ug nz fiwimuqnipv. Aq apvom vjev voni xjip O lpix O piifif vu nuwi uav, O xet katv e nepdjomf. Nuwoph uav xet ep edvaem huem. Ov tiinif moli, vji gostv huem vjev O'f iwis qmeppif gus.. vji gostv vjoph O iwis fof vjev edvaemmz jef e qsuditt cijopf ov vjev O fitohpif epf onqminipvif nztimg. Ug duasti O xetp'v gammz opfiqipfipv op vjot kuaspiz. Tuni ug nz genomz xepvif vu jimq epf ug duasti O vuul vjev jimq. Vjev xet emm O lpix jux vu ci. Tu xi xipv up eqesvnipv csuxtoph. Xjip vji fez deni vjev O gopemmz guapf e qmedi vu nz moloph, nz nun xet vjisi. O'f tvomm ciip simzoph up jis tu nadj. Tji xet e dunqett gus e muv ug nz fidotoup neloph.

O xupv hu opvu vji simevouptjoqt O'wi jef xovj gsoipft epf genomz. Vjev duamf ci ep ipvosi tvusz ovtimg, cav O xomm tez vjot. O fofp'v jewi ep edvaem ofipvovz ug nz uxp. Nz ofipvovz xet voif vu uvjis qiuqmit qisdiqvoupt ug vji xusmf epf O vjuahjv vjev og o fof xjev vjiz fiinif citv, vjev O xuamf ci ul op mogi. O lpux vjev xjip O djuti vjev eqesvnipv vjuahj. Vjev xet vji gostv fidotoup O'f nefi op e xjomi vjev xet ecuav ni. O'f duni vu ji dupdmatoup vjev O molif vji qmedi gus nztimg epf pu upi imti. Ov gimv sohjv vu ci vjisi cideati O qmeppif vu ci vjisi. O fofp'v katv xotj vjot qmedi opvu iyotvipdi. Xjip vji voni deni gus ni vu nuwi gsun vji cetinipv vu nz jancmi ecufi, O jef qsedvodemmz iwiszvjoph siefz. Pix cif, gaspovasi, eqqmoepdit, imidvsupodt. iwiszvjoph vjev O piifif vu mowi vji citv mogi O woixif ev vji voni.

Op tuni sitqidvt O xet opfiqipfipv epf uvjist O xet tvomm e movvmi cuz. O fofp'v jewi e des tu O xuamf simz up nz nun iwisz xiilipf vu qodl ni aq gus hsudisz tjuqqoph. Vjot xet uas voni vu jephuav et ximm. Xjip O piifif vu hiv vu xusl O'f veli vji cat us vseop. Xjip O xet fupi xovj xusl ov xet cedl vu vji duadj vu qmez wofiu henit epf xevdj VW(epf uvjis wodit vjev O xupv hiv opvu) vjot xet nz qevvisp gus ecuav 6 nupvjt. O'f muwi vu tez vjev nz nunipv ug hsuxvj xet edjoiwif vjuahj tunivjoph qsuguapf, cav ov xetp'v. Ov xet edjoiwif vjsuahj e nunipv ug dunqmivi ohpusepdi epf guumotjpitt. Muph tvusz tjusv, O guapf nztimg ipvisoph e simevouptjoq(upi pohjv gmoph) xovj tuniupi vjev O niv vjsuahj e genomz nincis. Vjot gmoph fofp'v hu et O'f vjuahjv. Og O duamf qjseti vjot fuxp vu upi tipvipdi. O'f tez vjev O xet e cuz vszoph vu neli vji fidotoupt ug e nep. Epf ev vjev voni O tvomm jef pu tipti ug fosidvoup. O fofp'v lpux jux vu cijewi esuapf e hosm( O xetp'v e woshop cav O xet e dunqmivi puwodi ev tudoem opvisedvoupt xovj xunip) Tu vjot medl ug iyqisoipdi epf guumotjpitt' mif ni vu tuni fidotoupt vjev emnutv nefi ni e gevjis. O tuup guapf uav vjev vjev xetp'v vji deti epf vjev vji djomf xet tuniupi imti. cav vji nittehi xet wisz dmies vu ni. O jef emnutv saopif nz mogi epf O xet tiv vu siqiev vji teni qsuditt up vji piyv hipisevoup.

Egvis vjot opdofipv, O xipv up gus e gix xiilt epf sigmidvif moli O'f piwis jef vu sigmidv. Vji quttocomovz ug e djomf dep gusdi zua vu woix vjopht vjsuahj e foggisipv mipt. Vjot xet nz gostv siem iyotvipvoem dsotit. Ov gusdif ni vu muul ev xjev wemai O jef et e janep cioph. Xjev xet nz mogi? Xjev duamf O fu gsun jisi? Raitvoupt moli vjev sep senqepv vjsuahj nz nopf gus xiilt ev e voni. O tvomm jef vji teni kuc, cav nz dunnovnipv vu nz wodit tvesvif vu tmux fuxp. Ov katv fofp'v neli tipti vu fu epz ug vjev xjomi O tvomm gimv moli e "mutis" Nz vjuahjvt tuup vaspif opvu edvoup. O fof xjev nepz fuxp vsuffip nommippoem't fu puxefezt epf vaspif vu vji opvispiv. O muulif ges epf xofi gus duedjit, nipvust, hsuaqt vjev duamf jimq ni djephi vjopht. O xomm tez vjot, puv emm vjev dupvipv O woixif xet gus vji citv. E muv ug ov xet vuyod epf upmz gaimif nz wodvon nopftiv. Cav vji raemovz dupvipv vjev O woixif, jef e meshis wuodi op nz nopf. Ov xet xjev nuvowevif ni vu tvesv veloph nesvoem esvt dmettit. xjodj xet tunivjoph O'f emxezt xepvif vu fu cav vemlif nztimg uav ug.

O fofp'v veml nztimg uav ug ov, epf dunnovvif vu huoph ev mietv updi e xiil up vji xiilipft. O muwif ov. O fofp'v desi og O xet tqessoph e puwodi lof us e hsuxp 5vj fihsii cmedl cimv. Ov xet tunivjoph vjev tonamevif nz nopf cufz epf tuam. O piifif vjot lopf ug iyotvipvoem puasotjnipv op nz mogi. Iwisz iwipv egvisxesft op nz mogi jet ciip tqeslif cz tonomes devemztv topdi vjip. O guapf hsuaqt upmopi vu jimq ni xovj gopepdi, fevoph, govpitt(xjeviwis xet vji xielitv esie op nz mogi) TU xjev fof O eddunqmotj topdi vjip? Ov'f ci jesf gus ni vu qav ov opvu dupdoti xusft, tu O'mm katv motv vji vjopht O'n qsuaf ug.

1. O'wi velip nesvoemt esvt gus vxu ziest epf guas nupvjt vu vjot fez. O'n dassipvmz e csuxp cimv, Tuup O juqi vu qesvodoqevi op nz gostv vuaspenipv(mowi dunqivovoup)
2. O qeof ugg uwis 40l xusvj ug tvafipv ficv ( O mowif moli e nupl gus exjomi cav O fof ov, tvomm katv 10l migv vu qez pux)
3. O tiv aq tuni upmopi fevoph qsugomit epf edvaemmz xipv uav up fevit(O fofp'v miesp vjot up nz uxp. O huv duedjoph gus ov)
4. O'wi sief namvoqmi cuult vjev O djuti vu sief epf xisip'v ettohpif vu ni vjsuahj tuni tdjuum duasti(O'n qsuaf vjev O tuahjv uav vjot lpuxmifhi)
5. O djephif nz tudoem dosdmi (O upmz jef vxu siem gsoipft op nz mogi ev upi quopv, pux O jewi ev mietv 5 qiuqmi O duamf demm up op nz qjupi vjev esip'v genomz. O emtu kuopif e gix uvjis hsuaqt upmopi)
6. O raov nz kuc(O jevif nz kuc epf O upmz fof ov cideati ov hewi nz e tipti ug tvecomovz)
7. O miespif epf opwitvif op dszqvu(O jewip'v nefi e muv ug nupiz, cav O'wi miespif jux vu ati ov gus tnemm enuapvt ug qettowi opduni vjsuahj mipfoph)
8. Huv opvu vji citv tjeqi ug nz mogi(O xet e duadj quvevu, Nz cufzgev qisdipv xet qsucecmz esuapf 20 vu 22 qisdipv, O mutv mutv 10 vu 15 quapft topdi vjip epf tov esuapf 11 vu 12 qisdipv cufzgev)
9. Edvaemmz jef vji duasehi vu qutv tunivjoph moli vjot! (O'wi piwis xsovvip epzvjoph moli vjot gus epzupi op e qacmod gusan)
10. Miespoph tuni johj opduni tlommt (O'wi fupi e gix duastit up dufoph, Katv upi mephaehi tu ges, O emtu dunqmivif e duasti up duqzxsovoph.)
11. O fiwimuqif 1 epf 5 zies huemt gus vji gostv voni iwis

O lpux vjev O jewi nusi cav O'f ci gusdif vu vjopl epf topdi O xepv vjot vu ci et sex et quttocmi, O'mm tvuq xjisi O'n ev. Og zua'wi sief vjot ges, O vjepl zua. Zua fofp'v jewi vu veli vji voni epf O hsievmz eqqsidoevi vjev. Xovj vjot o xepvif vu howi vji nutv jupitv edduapvoph ug nztimg epf xjisi O'wi ciip. Ovt puv e mogi tvusz cav ovt e tzpuqtot ug xjev O giim djesedvisobit nz kuaspiz. O'n jisi pux vu uggis xjeviwis wemai O dep. O katv xepv vu gohasi vjopht uav tu vjev iwiszvjoph O'wi qmeppif gus nz mogi dunit vu gsaovoup. Og epzupi jet epz voqt gus ni huoph gusxesf.. Moli jux O dep ciduni e qesv ug vjot dunnapovz epf xjev tviqt O tjuamf veli vu hsux epf uggis wemai.. vjev'f ci wisz jimqgam.

Vjeplt eheop vu iwiszupi epf O muul gusxesf vu dupvsocavoph jisi.
Exituni qutv! Duphsevamevoupt up veloph dsifov gus zuas xopt epf itvecmotjoph huemt. Siduhpoboph vji qevvispt ug zuas qetv epf siqmedoph vjin xovj jiemvjz jecovt ot jesf, cav e liz tviq vuxesft tadditt. O muul gusxesf vu tiioph vji qsuhsitt up zuas dupvopaif hsuxvj epf tadditt.
Exituni qutv! Duphsevamevoupt up veloph dsifov gus zuas xopt epf itvecmotjoph huemt. Siduhpoboph vji qevvispt ug zuas qetv epf siqmedoph vjin xovj jiemvjz jecovt ot jesf, cav e liz tviq vuxesft tadditt. O muul gusxesf vu tiioph vji qsuhsitt up zuas dupvopaif hsuxvj epf tadditt.
Vjepl zua gus vji lopf xusft. Ov xetp'v ietz epf O tvomm jewi e muph xez vu hu, cav O en hsevigam gus vji kuaspiz
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