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  1. acars513

    New Here! Just read the book(s)

    Seeing all of this as a new forum member, I was very confused. But I get it now. The irony is palpable and I wish you nothing but luck on your photography journey! "Don't let your dreams be dreams" - Shia LaBeouf
  2. acars513

    New Here! Just read the book(s)

    Hey, I like to play too so if they wanna play, let’s play! I’m all for it.
  3. acars513

    New Here! Just read the book(s)

    Thank you guys for the warm welcome! Everyone has to start somewhere. I have been taking the courses on web design that @Fox recommended every night since I purchased the course. I guess it's frowned upon to be excited about moving forward with something and encouraging others that, even though...
  4. acars513

    Has Anyone Ever Used SiteSwan?

    I am brand new to wed design and am in the process of teaching myself coding via UDEMY and I came across a website called SiteSwan that will essentially help you with building your web design business with websites you design through their platform for clients. They also teach you fundamentals...
  5. acars513

    Starting over at 30

    That’s awesome man! I will be right there with you sooner rather than later!
  6. acars513

    Starting over at 30

    Fastlane, Unscripted and Rat-Race Escape
  7. acars513

    Starting over at 30

    I definitely will be implementing ChatGPT with the designs! I need to work on asking it the correct way for things which I am sure there is a thread in here that highlights how to do so. Understanding the principles of coding and programming is my focus now. I have extensive sales skills and I...
  8. acars513

    Starting over at 30

    Hello! I found the book(s) last month and I am 33. Teaching myself web design now as a father of 3 to start my freelance web design business. It is never too late!
  9. acars513

    Starting my second business - help with webdesign for trademen and small business owners

    Hello! Sounds like you are off to a great start with the web design business! I recently started teaching myself coding because this is a venture I am going to pursuing once I get my coding skills under my belt (been taking a Udemy course and doing to every night, making solid progress). I love...
  10. acars513

    I've Read The Great Rat-Race Escape!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Just finished it! There are so many similarities between the book and our actual lives (mine and my significant other). Thank you for the back-and-forth between the story and the lessons. Unlike any other book I have read!
  11. acars513

    Hello Everyone.

  12. acars513

    Have you had your "FTE"? (Or Was it an FTM?!)

    A couple of things for context: I have zero desire to work any more in this industry than I already do. The owner is the son of the original owner who bought the business back in the 70's or 80's and he has no inclination to sell due to their rapid expansion. I came from the banking industry...
  13. acars513

    Have you had your "FTE"? (Or Was it an FTM?!)

    I have. One of my responsibilities of the shop is our in house accountant and we do, in fact, make waaayy more money than all of the other shops (last year we made 4.3m and our second place shop was less than half that).
  14. acars513

    Does Anyone Have Experience Trademarking?

    Would doing so after sales are made be better due to making sure there is a market demand for the product? Would that be better than trademarking the word/phrase prior to putting it on clothing to avoid copycats or imitations?
  15. acars513

    Don’t lurk, do this instead

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Thanks, Andy! As a new member, this is nice to read. I appreciate the encouragement!
  16. acars513

    Does Anyone Have Experience Trademarking?

    I had an idea for a line of shirts/hats/sweatshirts/etc. with a specific phrase/words that I was going to see about trademarking. Does anyone in here have any experience in this type of work? It seems pretty straight forward (although it probably isn't) but I would love any and all information...
  17. acars513

    Have you had your "FTE"? (Or Was it an FTM?!)

    My FTE happened fairly recently. I had been in the financial services industry for the last few years (where I thought I wanted to retire from) as a banker at a branch. This bank was not paying nearly enough so a friend of mine asked if I would be interested in working for the company he is at...
  18. acars513

    "I don't have enough mental energy left to work on fastlane after returning home from my dayjob."

    I have felt these exact feelings time and time again. Changing the routine is paramount to success. In those moments, I always try to remind myself of my, "Why?". As someone who works 50+ hours a week at my "normal" job, takes care of 3 children, exercises regularly and am starting to...
  19. acars513

    How to Learn Code, Start a Web Company, $15k+ per month within 9 months

    If anyone is new to this and wants to take the Udemy course on HTML and CSS listed in this thread, it’s on sale right now for $22. I just bought it and I’ll be starting my learning this week. Thanks, Fox
  20. acars513

    I've Read UNSCRIPTED!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Read this right after Fast Lane. SO GOOD

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