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  1. Vamsi Interviews

    I'm good with people, but tend to have issues with bosses

    I don't think it's the mistakes or deviations that are causing the issue. Have you heard of Robert Greene's book The 48 Laws of Power? The very first law is "Never outshine the master." Quote: Always make those above you feel comfortably superior. In your desire to please and impress them...
  2. Vamsi Interviews

    Documenting my progress to scale up my Web Design Business

    Awesome! I'm also doing the same course.
  3. Vamsi Interviews

    Workshop on using Google Ads to perform market research (on a whiff of spend)

    I'm interested in this! I've been doing Rob's Fox Legends program, so learning about ads would be useful to help clients in addition to making a website for them.
  4. Vamsi Interviews

    Building a Posture Empire - Solving Lifelong Difficulties

    I would certainly be interested in this product/solution. When I saw Bryan Johnson's videos on his posture exercises and habits, I started following them. Seems like one of the long-term impactful things to do to maximize longevity and quality of life.
  5. Vamsi Interviews

    Teaching Teens Entrepreneurship

    Unscripted would probably be great. I also imagine there are some great podcasts that they might find interesting. Like Simon Squibb, Alex Hormozi, Patrick David-Bet, and some of the Diary of a CEO episodes that focused on entrepreneurship.
  6. Vamsi Interviews

    $100k/mo, but are business acquisitions distracting me?

    Interesting. Your story kind of reminds me of Alex Hormozi's path starting a business, selling it, and then acquiring other businesses and scaling them up. Alex does advise people below $10m in yearly revenue to focus on their one product, one channel, and one avatar, because it usually just...
  7. Vamsi Interviews

    Documenting a Lifetime Journey working on a Youtube Podcast

    No worries Dave. I appreciated your response either way. I agree that I can and should take steps to decommodify my podcast. One way to do that is to focus on a niche, such as entrepreneurship, and then niche down even further from there in terms of my style, guests I choose, questions I ask etc.
  8. Vamsi Interviews

    Post all of your ideas and random problems you’ll never execute on...

    Wouldn't this depend on the nature of the solution? And of course the cost can't exceed the cost of just buying more mushrooms whenever they spoil. Whether the solution is re-usable or 1 time use, and how well it works to extend the mushroom's lifespan and keep them fresh etc. all matter for the...
  9. Vamsi Interviews

    Day Trading

    Why are you necroing old posts about day trading?
  10. Vamsi Interviews

    How to Protect Yourself from Fraud

    Text 2FA is much less secure than app 2FA e.g. Google Authenticator. So whenever you have an option, opt for application 2FA.
  11. Vamsi Interviews

    Status games vs. Wealth creation games

    There are some zero-sum and finite games within the overall infinite and positive-sum game of business. Another example would be the stock market, where for one person to win, another has to lose. But I think there are always ways to succeed outside of those zero-sum games. For example, about...
  12. Vamsi Interviews

    Status games vs. Wealth creation games

    @Kevin88660 Moving our discussion here to a new thread so we don't hijack Johnny's thread. Working with boomers to take over their businesses seems fine. I've heard of that strategy being a good idea for younger people because many boomers want to get out of businesses, and they own the...
  13. Vamsi Interviews

    A great example of Fastlane success and value of time.

    I remember playing Monopoly as a kid and getting bored with it quite quickly, but then discovering The Game of Life and loving the complexity in that game. Lots of ups and downs, and it involved investing which I was fascinated by. You could end up with kids, which would be expensive, but you...
  14. Vamsi Interviews

    Random Chat, Thoughts, Posts, and/or Rants Thread

    HOT! CHAT 
    Absolutely. I remember learning about how (In the USA anyway) taxes were first implemented as a "temporary" measure to fund the war. Then it became permanent.
  15. Vamsi Interviews

    Random Chat, Thoughts, Posts, and/or Rants Thread

    HOT! CHAT 
    They put a $ sign next to it, and they're in BC, so I assume CAD/Canadian Dollars. If it was rupees, it would be about 33,000 CAD. Not nearly as bad, and seems a lot more reasonable to extort a business owner for. But I think they mean $2M dollars.
  16. Vamsi Interviews

    Random Chat, Thoughts, Posts, and/or Rants Thread

    HOT! CHAT 
    Dang, Abbotsford is in BC, the province I live in. That's crazy that gang intimidation and extortion is still out in the open in a 1st world country like Canada. $2M also seems like a LOT to ask for protection. Surprised it's not more like $XXXX per month.
  17. Vamsi Interviews

    Trying to get into consultancy - not sure where to start

    I highly recommend checking out Jonathan Stark's work on ditching hourly billing. He used to be a software developer, then became a software consultant, and now also helps other consultants value price their work. His work is great for anyone who wants to detach their income from their time...
  18. Vamsi Interviews

    PEMF Therapy on the Go!

    Awesome to have you here Mark! For context, I recently interviewed Mark Fox, founder at Resona Health, and invited him to the Fastlane forum. I'm just trying out his product for the first time and will report back with results! He has over 700 positive testimonials so it clearly works for a lot...