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  1. lukeymacca

    Alter Ego - What entrepreneurial alter ego would you choose?

    Seen this post and decided to get the book. Loving it so far, thanks for the recommendation. Will let you know my entrepreneur alter ego once I'm finished.
  2. lukeymacca

    Is Tim Ferriss a fraud?

    I would recommend you still read it. Its different and for that many write it off, but I found it pretty inspiring and its opened my mind to a different way of thinking about business. While there is lots in the book that I wouldn't personally follow (and lots that I would) there is still value...
  3. lukeymacca

    My first Climb

    Quality advice right there! Also there is merit in just starting something, sounds like you are overthinking it and many (including myself) spend too much time thinking and no time doing. Its better to progress with an ok idea then to wait for the perfect idea that will never come. You'll learn...
  4. lukeymacca

    Anyone from Perth?

    I'm from Bunbury :)
  5. lukeymacca

    Buy a float tank. Change your life.

    Did my first float last week. I've dabbled with meditation in the past but have always had issues keeping the mind quiet. For about the first 30mins in the tank I struggled with the new surrounding, pondered about life, business and the plans for 2016 then for the last 30 mins I just fully zoned...
  6. lukeymacca

    G'Day from Australia!

    Welcome Jon, Good to have another aussie!
  7. lukeymacca

    What are your MUST WATCH entrepreneur or business movies?

    HOT! CHAT 
    Warrior, Its got nothing to do with entrepreneurship but gets me so pumped every time I watch it.
  8. lukeymacca

    Building an awesome life

    Have not forgot about you guys - just been doing less talking more listening, less teaching more learning. The last few months since my update have been a rollercoaster, and I’ve learnt a lot about myself and the business. The work is starting to come in for the electrical business, it’s still...
  9. lukeymacca

    Apple Watch... Yea or Nay?

    Apple has always been the best at knowing what the consumer wants before they know themselves... with that being said, I wont be rushing out to buy an Iwatch.
  10. lukeymacca

    Building an awesome life

    So I’ve finally got my license and we are up and running!! With a small amount of Facebook marketing we have now got a few jobs in excess of 1k which is a nice starting point. The plan is to now get out there work and build a client list, from this we will attempt to step up to the...
  11. lukeymacca

    Building an awesome life

    Progress update 2! Well the electrical and instrumentation services business has hit a small road bump. The paperwork I submitted for my license to operate had a small mistake in it, so this has delayed progress slightly. Lesson: Triple check everything before you submit it! So for the time...
  12. lukeymacca

    Charnell's eBook Progress Thread [Here we go, it's getting serious!]

    Awesome work Charnell, looks like you’re really making it happen! Followed :)
  13. lukeymacca

    I'm going to make an easy $1M in 2015.......

    Very interesting read so far, I'm sure that you (kid money) will prove the hatters wrong. Good luck with the goal and keep updating this thread!
  14. lukeymacca

    Hate having to lie to my boss and tell him I love my job.

    Hey Biggeemac, sounds like your working a shitload but man you gotta take some action! Rather than saving up 40k before you start something, start something now. Figure out what you are going to do today and take your first step keep taking action untill you can then tell you boss to shove it...
  15. lukeymacca

    Greg Plitt ... RIP

    Man this has wrecked my day. Always found Greg motivating as all hell!
  16. lukeymacca

    Separate site for different continents – USA and Aus

    I would have the direct to the .com. Who is your target market? Are you aiming to sell internationally or are a majority of your clients Australian? I don’t think the difference in spelling will be a problem. Infact I don’t think many would notice!
  17. lukeymacca

    Tradesmen in the Fastlane

    Fully agree, I guess this is the case with any services business, the limiting factor will almost always be the number of people actually doing the work and the hours in the day.
  18. lukeymacca

    Tradesmen in the Fastlane

    Loving the conversations this thread is generating! Here is my thoughts…. I believe that almost all businesses can be fastlaned. It doesn’t matter if you provided cleaning services, SEO, import goods and sell on ebay, run a car wash or write code. If you have the right mindset (and understand...
  19. lukeymacca

    Question for Business Owners !

    Just responding to your question 2 "What advice would you give to a young guy (20yo) who is stuck, wanting to start a business so badly that he has anxiety because he doesn't have a business yet and feels like days are going to waste?"
  20. lukeymacca

    Question for Business Owners !

    Just start, then learn and adapt on the way. People spend to much time learning/thinking/dreaming and not enough time making shit happen. (I am guilty of this) Opportunities present themselves to those who take action.

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