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business ideas

  1. matejko

    Business Owners, What Are Your Biggest Graphic Design Challenges?

    Hi, I'm a graphic designer with 15 years of experience. Throughout this time, I’ve worked for various design agencies. Now, I’m looking to start working independently, and I’m curious—what are the most common challenges you face as business owners when it comes to graphic design? What tasks...
  2. R

    Businesses You Should Avoid And Why

    Hey everyone! My journey in entrepreneurship is only starting, but I wanted to give my thoughts and opinions instead of just asking questions. Here is my list of business / side hustles to be avoided in my opinion: 1) Dropshipping - It's too saturated, and even if you are successful most of...
  3. ProcessPro

    1731 business ideas to choose from (neatly categorized into 23 sections)

    Hey everyone...thought I'd share this list of 1731 business ideas in case it helps someone looking for their next fastlane idea. Click on File > Make a Copy to save a copy on your own Google Drive (or download as a spreadsheet, etc). I built this list by looking at the 23 major categories on...
  4. ICreateLuck

    List of Problems that Need a Solution

    I tried finding a list or problems in need of a solution in the forum but wasn't able to. IMO, this is the place to start when trying to come up with a new venture: noticing a need, and then deciding if you should pursue supplying a solution. I'd love for this thread to become a massive list...
  5. Stephen H King

    Need Criticism! My fourth business attempt. Personal cooling & warming device.

    My previous attempts are all failed. I've been trying to make everything better and start all over again. I'll explain my framework and do some surveys about a few details. Please give me as much criticism as you can. I will be grateful. The first part: Business Idea Cooling Neck Fan I noticed...
  6. E

    17, profited $60k already, but completely lost in life.

    I'm 17 years old, and throughout the las year or so, I've been hopping around from business to business, side hustle to side hustle, and managed to save up $60k. However, none of these "side hustles" have been scalable, and at my best I made just under 7k in one month. For the last month or two...
  7. B

    Online Education Business vs Social Media Marketing Agency

    Hey All, My Current 6 Figure Business- I have been in the Real Estate business 8 years and I have found some success ( 6 figures, Not 7 Figures). However, I have grown to really dislike the hamster wheel of chasing the next deal. When I started I was a beast and super hungry for success, but...
  8. RicardoGrande

    Surprisingly simple stupid businesses- that somehow work

    Like any good TFF member, I spend any possible downtime listening to talks with founders. I like hearing about people getting off the ground and getting started, and how quickly (or not) they were able to take off. A big, painful recurring theme is that there seem to be a lot of what I call...
  9. F

    Community for Networking with other Business & Money Focused People

    Two Questions: 1. Is there an existing group chat/discord/community of current and/or aspiring entrepreneurs? 2. If not, who would be interested in joining one? Let me Explain… I’m a 23-year-old working in Finance with an obsession of business and entrepreneurship. I have a few ventures I’m...
  10. MJ DeMarco

    Has your ME-BIAS backed you into a corner of doing nothing?

    This was a recent post in the Unscripted Text Network and definitely needs its own thread here. Has your ME-BIAS backed you into a corner of doing nothing? Has your ME-BIAS filtered out thousands of good, life-changing business ideas into no ideas? Has your ME-BIAS stopped you from grinding...
  11. MTF

    Let's Play a Game: Brainstorming Boring Business Ideas

    So many people today want to launch businesses in sexy and trendy industries they're passionate about. This creates opportunities in boring niches, for entrepreneurs who don't have such preferences and simply want to solve problems and get paid (well) for it. Unfortunately, many people on this...
  12. Shubham Hire

    I'm frustrated thinking about business ideas.

    I'm a college student right now and decided to start my own business because it's my dream. Till date I haven't earned a single buck, but I have this mindset that no matter what happens I'll do business and gain financial independence. My biggest problem is that I don't have any business idea to...
  13. MitchC

    Post all of your ideas and random problems you’ll never execute on...

    I think we need a random off topic chat thread where we just dump all of our half fleshed out ideas that we will never do anything with and discuss them, things that are not worthy of an INE or their own thread. Why? Maybe someone from the forum will solve your problem for you. Maybe you’ll...
  14. deadevil

    Business Ideas in Non-Congested Markets

    Hi everyone, I am based in the UK and have tried a couple side hustles which I thought would do well, but have ultimately been less spectacular. Namely: 1) Freelance - I do some freelance work as a software developer, but find it difficult to compete with pricing with developers in say India...
  15. Wendy-Russo

    Rate my Ratings Rating Idea

    Problem : Fake ratings are a problem for platform's reputations, customer's times and money, small businesses and literally everyone involved Idea: A website / chrome extension / app that would allow users to know how reliable a product's ratings are. Use: Copy paste the product's link into...
  16. KushShah9492

    New Side Hustle suggestions(for short term)

    I'd like to start my second source of income(shouldn't have to be millions of dollars, should cover just basic expenses with 5-10% savings). I've been into digital marketing for a while, but it seems everybody's doing it, and there's nothing exclusive I could offer. Any other suggestions are...
  17. Lukass

    Need advice for business

    Hello member, I am 22 years old guy trying to make business. I live in country called Lithuania. Studied finance but decided to stop because I didn’t saw anything i like. Was expecting konwledge about world economics and so on. Created cleaning business but it’s dying. Reading book about...
  18. MJ DeMarco

    How great is your business idea from a CENTS perspective? Find out instantly...

    Introducing -- Grade My Business Idea -- a website tool that will instantly grade and rate your business ideas in accordance to a weighted CENTS Framework whereas NEED and SCALE is most important, plus a MARKET ACCESS variable. (If you can't reach a market with a message, do you have a market??)...
  19. I

    Leveraging An Audience - Business Ideas?

    Hi there, I'm new to the forum and I'd like to give a brief background for context I'm a designer but I've been grinding hard on Youtube for 2-3 years. I currently have a Youtube channel with a little over 200k subscribers, and I pull in around 700k video views per month at the moment. I turn...
  20. Lex DeVille

    Lex DeVille's - 200 Mostly Offline Rental Business Ideas

    Looking at the 100 Unsexy Business Ideas thread had me thinking about rentals. Thought we could separate the discussion so we can have rentals all in one place. Below is 100 ideas off the top of my head that could be rented. These are in no particular order and by no particular industry. I...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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