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business ideas

  1. VIDAA

    Can Hypnosis unlock your Business Potential?

    After my 2-year work sabbatical (Sold my forum for $2 Mil) in 2016, I've been wanting to get back into the game but struggling with new business ideas. I was the master of my game with overwhelming success in SEO and Affiliate Marketing. But somehow, I have lost interest in AM and want to start...
  2. Romans Ivanovs

    A burning desire to build an empire!!

    Hey everyone, I’m new to this forum. I’m also about to finish reading The Millionaire Fastlane. Recently, I’ve relocated to Cambridge, UK. Before I lived in London for 4 years and had two businesses. A leadership coaching company - failed, a travel agency - “broke up" with my business partner...
  3. Lex DeVille

    Forward Thinking Questions - Business Ideas Abound

    The future is coming fast .. so let's talk about the opportunities. The purpose of this thread is to inspire creative thought and new ideas by asking questions. When X happens, what happens to Y or Z or E .. For instance: When self-driving cars are commonplace and more people use ride...
  4. Alex Paul

    The Next Instagram – Social Network For Stories

    Hi Fast Laners! I recently had an idea. We all have stories to tell, right. We tell stories in our social circle, to our friends, they tell us something back, we laugh or awe at it and feel awesome. Storytelling is interesting for both a teller and a listener, and has long been a common...
  5. Xavier X

    Financial App Idea (and more)

    Long post incoming!! I apologize in advance. As we all know, ideas by themselves are pretty useless, without the right execution. Except if you're in the business of selling ideas, of course. :cool: Like any entrepreneur, I have multiple ideas running through my head each time I see a need. A...
  6. melissa_summers

    What simple tools helped you to boost your business?

    Guys, hello everyone! Perhaps everyone who starts a business thinks about various effective ways, is in search of interesting ideas and improvements (This issue concerns me so much). And I'll be glad to know what has helped you once to improve your business model?
  7. A

    Free Workshop: For anyone struggling to find a business idea.

    HOT! IDEA 
    Hey all, In the upcoming month, I'll be starting a thread on here with the intent to solve the problem once and for all: To help any newbies here in finding their first business idea. This is a common problem for a lot of people who join this forum, and by having a centralized area for...
  8. A

    Why you should test out many ideas at once.

    This post is an argument about why you shouldn't only focus on one idea when you're getting started out. I was just talking to an old friend of mine who said his plan going forward is to build 10 different products (in the same market/category), and see which ones take off. I remember...
  9. MTF

    Struggling with Business Ideas? Do This One Thing to Never Run Out of Fastlane Opportunities

    aka The Astonishing Secrets That IceCreamKid Never Told You… Exposed! (just kidding man) Dear Insiders, For years I couldn't understand how MJ can so easily spot everywhere opportunities to start a Fastlane business. I was always struggling with business ideas, and MJ's words in his book -...

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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