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  1. D

    Words for Recovering Sidewalkers

    I have to say, I am currently a recovering sidewalker. I stacked up expensive parasitic consumer debt thinking I'd pay it off when I got my hustle rolling, while sneering at the slowlaners wasting time for $2 an hour. While I am not going to become an inconveinent saver, because I think bigger...
  2. NotLikeYou

    Creating an amazing platform! But how?

    Hey I hope you`re doing well, This is my first Post here so if theres a mistake in it feel free to correct me. I read Millionaire Fastlane and Unscipted. I took a long time of brainstorming and searching for ideas daily. I was really surprised that I got a lot of ideas. After I had enough I...
  3. J

    Hi, everyone!

    I'm excited to jump into the Fastlane as an Unscripted entrepreneur. Thanks for welcoming me! I am a 20-year real estate investor determined to take my business to new heights this year and finally realize my objective of being the premier urban development mogul in the United States of...
  4. D

    [Progress] Starting another SaaS (travel industry this time)

    Hey everyone! After selling off my previous SaaS, I thought I'd keep things relaxed for a year or so, to be able to think about things, get the creative juices flowing, and so on. "Keep things relaxed" lasted for 6 months, time to try something new! While building out that previous SaaS (a...
  5. K

    Why do so many people nowadays avoid using React Native for the mobile application development?

    SAAS / APPS 
    During the last several years, our company VReal Soft, specialized in Web and Mobile Application Development, has faced with the following issue: a huge number of our potential clients is trying to avoid React Native for developing their mobile applications (for absolutely unknown reasons)! It’s...
  6. Hurley32533

    Advice on a business acquisition and future development

    Fastlaners, I'm currently in the due diligence stage of purchasing a parking lot company here in Florida. The purpose of creating this thread is to chronicle the journey along with all successes and failures. In the spirit of full disclosure please forgive my horrible spelling and punctuation...
  7. Niptuck MD

    What Questions regarding new product development or manufacturing do you all have?

    This is a new thread I am shedding light and expertise on for you all to benefit from. I hope some of the principles can be applied to your innovations, thoughts, ideas etc. Within the realms of commercialization, design, planning, control and organization are all simultaneously embedded as part...
  8. J

    90 Days To Get Passive Income, Hot Girls, And a Loyal Powerful Team

    Everything they tell about the way how to achieve this easily and with tricks... ...seems to be a lie. I guess everyone read a headline like this before. These Headlines are common for the most gurus products. And the biggest markets are: Money Fitness and Body Dating Personality...
  9. Danny reds

    Lunch with a Mentor!

    Who would you want to have a 1 hr lunch with? You can only pick one out of the top 5 in my opinion. MJ Demarco Grant Cardone Zig Ziglar Gary Vee Andy Frisella I know i can list so many more but these mentors impacted my life the most.
  10. MitchM

    Client acquisition for a cryptocurrency development team.

    Hello everyone! For some background: Back in November I started my eCommerce business which is going very well. Right now I am looking to make some extra cash to fund more inventory, products, distribution channels, and ad testing. One of my friends contacted me with perfect timing -...
  11. B. Cole

    Folks in the swimming pool industry -

    Not sure how many of you Fastlaners have products or business in the swimming pool/spa industry. Heading to the NESPA show in Atlantic City next week (1/23, 24 and 25). Hit me up via pm if you’re there, the First Lady and I will be there hob-knobbing and learning. NorthEast Spa & Pool...
  12. D

    What do you think?

    Hello to all forum members! First of all, a big thanks to @MJ DeMarco for writing not one but two books challenging the current (flawed) state of thinking among individuals worldwide, and showing to all of us that there is more to life than just 'doing what you're told.' I am about to turn...
  13. Dunkafelics

    Creating Group For Practicing Sales Process

    Hey all, So I've come up with an idea recently that I would like to get together with a few like minded people on the FLF forum who are actively selling products/services and would like to improve in specific areas. My goal would be to establish a group who can help each other out in tightening...
  14. jick5555

    Adult Entertainment Website

    This thread will be my first progression thread on my first proper idea, any criticism is greatly encouraged and will be professionally consumed, tips such as book recommendations would also be massively appreciated. Idea: To create an Adult Entertainment Website that will greatly increase the...
  15. A

    Profiting from natural disaster using real estate

    This is a real estate strategy that i got exposed and am taking advatage of in a city that experienced an earthquake, this strategy can also work in other natural disaster areas and perhaps outside of disaster zones also. Quick background about myself and how it came to be. I'm a construction...
  16. Joaki

    Created a mobile app development studio

    Good morning everybody, I joined the forum sometime early 2015 at 18 years old with no specific skills but a ton of ambition and drive to become absolutely great. The past two years have been the best and most challenging of all. I've gone from knowing absolutely nothing about programming to...
  17. million$$$smile

    Remember that guy in 'Forrest Gump'...

    Remember that guy in Forrest Gump that followed Forrest as he was running across the country and all of a sudden Forrest stops, turns around and says "I think I'll go home now" and that guy freaks out and shouts "NOW WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO???" Don't be "Running on Empty" (Jackson Browne)...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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