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  1. Jessejalore

    Whos to blame? The CTO or the CMO?

    So i started working for a new dating app that needed help launching a sugar daddies dating app in Switzerland. Now Sugar daddy dating is a very niche service so you cannot advertise on Facebook and Instagram. You have to find very smart worded methods and ways to promote it. Nethertheless We...
  2. connorkennxdy

    How To Choose Between Multiple Business Ideas?

    I've recently had an idea for a SaaS business which satisfies CENTS. I have been mind-mapping it out to figure out how I'll go about starting & building it. However, I've also had another idea whilst thinking of problems I can solve via a business. It also satisfies CENTS but I don't want to...
  3. X

    18 y/o - Full-Time Job or Start A Business?

    Hello fellow entrepreneurs. I'm having a dilemma right now whether I should go for a full-time job that was offered to me or try and start a business. It will be very appreciated if you guys read the whole post before giving me your opinion, thanks. Let me elaborate, a few days ago I went to a...
  4. J

    Hello! I am new here!

    Hello there, My name is Johanne, new to this forum. Read the Millionaire Fast Lane book and watched a couple of Dimarco's videos on youtube. I definitely shared the same sentiment towards corporate world not being the way to financial freedom or getting a tone of loans for college education or...
  5. izraelinspired

    Master of All (None)

    "I know something about everything and everything about something, a jack-of-all-trades and master of one" [This post was originally shared on my newsletter called AboveSuccess, on Substack]. Dear Friend, I know sometimes my writing might sound harsh, but always know that I have you at heart...
  6. soulprenuer

    Conflict of interest when starting a side business while working full time?

    Hi everyone! I'm interested in starting an online C2C marketplace, but I work for a company that is also an online C2C marketplace. However, they specialize in the verification of luxury brands to prevent buyers from getting fakes, which is a big part of their success. In contrast, my business...
  7. S

    New to the forum, just started to get my world view UNSCRIPTED

    Hi, I'm Simon from Copenhagen, Denmark. I'm 31 years old, graduated from Copenhagen Business School in 2020 where I studied a Bachelor in Economics & Business Administration and a Master in Applied Economics & Finance and have worked as a business controller in a company since then. I started...
  8. Syaltanish

    Share your Valuable experience Please

    Hey Guys , Recently I have started an online Birthday Event services for Children only. The USP is "We do these birthday events for free and don't charge anything upfront from the Parents because of which we are getting good leads" Then we distribute the gifts to the child in the event and we...
  9. Djioul

    Entrepreneurship promoted by the Script ?

    Hello everyone, Since a few weeks now, I see ads from almost every banks (in France) offering many advantages for entrepreneurs starting their business. As soon as I see an ad from a bank, it is somehow adressed to entrepreneurs. I wanted to ask you if you also saw this kind of trend on other...
  10. B

    Advice for E-com product that has a great USP but isn't selling. What could be wrong???

    Hi Everyone, Been dabbling in E-com probably the last 4 years and learning the ropes, I've had moderate success with selling random products on FBA and importing stock for a former boss and making him plenty of profit. I use all of MJ's tools in his books and learned from other entrepreneurs as...
  11. Alicia10

    New Member

    Hi everyone, My name is Alicia. I just joined the forum from Jersey City, NJ, and I'm excited to be here! I've been on a journey of entrepreneurship for the past ~2 years, and I haven't exactly gotten the results I've been hoping for. While I've learned a lot, and I continue to learn, my...
  12. P

    Humble Bundle Entrepreneur Book Bundle

    Humble Bundle's got a Book Bundle for entrepreneurs up for the next 18 days. Anything in there that's good? Link: Humble Book Bundle: Become an Entrepreneur by Wiley

    Question for founders or anyone that works with a startup?

    I'll be sure to make this short, so i don't take most of your time. I live in Nigeria, currently in my 2nd year in college, and as all 3rd world countries it's filled with so many problems that could be tackled, both here and in africa. To be honest, building a tech solution is one thing, but...
  14. S

    Deja Vu

    Hey guys and gals, nice to meet you. I'm here because of that too. I ran into this website today while looking for some copywriting advice. Why was I looking for advice? Not sure. At this point, you know more about me than I know about writing copy. I have not read The Millionaire Fastlane...
  15. J

    I stumbled into MFL and it opened my eyes.

    Well, I guess I can start by introducing my self. My name is Jorge Díaz, I am from the city of Monterrey in México and I am 48 years old. A bit about my city. Monterrey is located in the northeast part of México, about 2 hours from the border with Texas. This awesome city is surrounded by...
  16. lantonio90

    Should I quit?

    Hi all, I set up a sports nutrition company in 2015. I had never run, set up or even managed a company before doing this, and took the plunge after my F U Moment when on a '2 weak' (notice I didn't say week) family vacation in Portugal from my corporate Microsoft recruitment job. I was doing...
  17. kongbullies

    Is starting a web development company a fastlane?

    Hi all! This is my first post here after finally done reading the Millionaire Fastlane by MJ. I am 24 and currently working as a junior web developer and I'm planning to build a web development company. I have few questions in mind. 1. Is starting a web development company a fastlane? It...
  18. Zooman009

    Ecommerce - Finding high quality traffic

    I recently decided on a certain style of clothing that I wanted to sell. I'm extremely fond of it and I've shown it to many people who say that they love the design and would want to get it. The problem is that when I try to run paid ads, I get no conversions. I have no clue if it's my website...
  19. FlightFight

    What are the differences between running a one-man company in Germany versus in the US?

    I live in Germany and running a one-man company here seems like a lot of bureaucratic work although I only have very surface level knowledge of the matter. There's also a lot of laws regarding privacy concerns and the internet which you have to pay attention to in Germany. I wonder if it's any...
  20. C

    Just a young entrepreneur who is looking for people who are as ambitious and hungry for success as he is to talk to and get to know

    Hello there, my name is Connor and I want to be a very very very wealthy businessman, innovator, and philanthropist. I am learning how to code and love it quite a lot. When I get really good at it, I'm gonna start creating mobile apps to help and bring value to people and am going to create a...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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