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  1. andrea532

    Whatever business you want to start, start small.

    Hi everyone, I hope this post can be helpful to all aspiring entrepreneurs like me who want to be free with their own time instead of spending 40 hours a week doing the same thing over and over again. Today I want to share a story of failure with you. My Story As an aspiring entrepreneur, I...
  2. Markymath

    Professional Mountain Biker's Fastlane Journey

    Making this thread to track my journey. 07/15/2024 I've been a member of this forum since 2017 when I first read The Millionaire Fastlane. That book changed my life by transforming my mindset and making me value my time more than ever. I've been a professional mountain biker full-time since I...
  3. lifemaker

    What Do You Think?

    After getting a nice knuckle-sandwich for my poor execution, I sat down and did a Kinetic Execution Plan. (which I now understand I should have done 9 days ago...) The plan is posted bellow, if anyone would like to give it a read and maybe share view on the idea afterwards. Traditional Window...
  4. teteie

    Swimming out to sea

    Guess we're keeping with the swimming titles for now :D Last Sunday I posted an intro here (TLDR: Software Engineer based entrepreneur living in Portugal) Moving to an execution themed thread makes more sense now. 2 main advances this week. 1. Webapp As per my mentioned struggles in the...
  5. Sadik

    Building a Software Product business: Third attempt

    My previous SaaS project failed. Reasons -> 1> I got entrapped into best tech stack v/s just building something and pushing it out. Wasted a lot of time on setting up the perfect tech stack which killed the time I could give and killed motivation as building software doesn't pay until you push...
  6. Ramius

    £30k - £50k per month in the B2B sector

    Back story... Waaaay back in 2018 I was desperate to get back on my entrepreneurial path. I had successful online businesses and internet marketing enterprises before, but couldn't scale. It seemed like everything I tried was missing "something", and I could not make anything work, or got hit...
  7. M

    If i haven’t seen anyone do it, is it a bad idea

    I’ve been inspired by @piano to dig deeper and soon start my own window cleaning service. Lately i have noticed for the past 10+ years living in my neighborhood there are a lot of people who have done lawn services, car detailing and even pressure washing but I have never seen anyone go for...
  8. MTBLover30

    Launch now or Wait?

    I have a question for the following entrepreneurs who have been successful and are familiar with MJ’s validation process. First I’ll give you the background of what I’ve completed. Then I’ll share where I’m at in the current process. Third I’ll share the option I’m considering with the fear...
  9. MexicanCreator48

    Launched a social media page for my app but I haven't gotten new followers yet

    A few hours ago I made a post on Instagram letting users know how does the app work and soon make a launch for my app (I have made a prototype for users to test the product), but as for know I haven't gotten any followers yet, how did you guys get new followers for your social media page for...
  10. rasswanth_lenin

    From Debt to Fastlane: My $1000 Dropshipping Challenge as a 20-Year-Old Entrepreneur

  11. Nikkko

    Ways to sell products on the website.

    Im having a hard time thinking about this, but is using a website to bring buyers to buy from either shoppee(an online shopping app) and lazada(also an online shopping app) is better than using shopify? I thought it would be a pretty interesting approach because shopify has some things that I am...
  12. N

    Niche Evolutions Blogging and Youtube Journey

    I have been a member on this forum for a few years now on and off. I'm creating this progress thread as a way for me to get things off of my mind and into something that perhaps will provide more value both to me and the readers here. I started a youtube channel in the food/baking niche about a...
  13. humthesongg

    I trained an AI GPT model (Request for feedback) Opportunity cost Flight analyst

    Hey everyone, Not too long ago, I had an idea for a flight analysis widget aimed at changing the way people compare their travel through Google Flights. Instead of merely considering the price, this widget would delve deeper into the concept of "opportunity cost" by factoring in the value of...
  14. Dufresne85

    Dufresne85 Digital Products Accountability/Progress thread

    Hi, I am going Fastlane with lots of time constraints due to having a family with 2 kids and a doing full time job to provide for them. My background story is here: INTRO - Intro Due to time constraints, I can only focus on building projects that can eventually run automatically. Projects...
  15. DonyaSze

    Video game development is my passion and I’m making it my fast lane strategy.

    I know that MJ said working on your dream isn’t the best way to make millions, but I’ve put together an explanation of why my dream project is a good idea to build based on the CENTS formula. Control: I have it allllll as the leader of the team and main developer. Entry: To some, the...
  16. Yanezez

    My List of Failures: Looking Back (Part I)

    What's this About and Why I want to write about all the attempts of making a business or sometimes just a few extra bucks I have undertaken. I want to write what I tried to do, if it worked, why it worked, and most importantly, why I think they failed. Spoiler alert, none have been successful...
  17. SnowLava

    Building a side hustle, building good habits and breaking bad ones (progress thread)

    This is going to be a progress thread for anybody who's interested. NOTE : It has nothing to do with 'new years resolution'. I have been maintaining a journal for quite some time now where I record my progress, just thought about posting a progress thread here for more accountability. Here's...
  18. AlfaStream

    The bane of your existence "Action Faking".

    Not another word. I want you to pull out your phone, get a pen and piece of paper, even notepad. Got something to write with? Ok awesome. Now the one question I want you to answer is this one thing, keep it simple, and straight forward. One sentence or less. I want you to close your eyes, take...
  19. Young Money

    Finally, a Business Idea Worth Pursuing!

    No more chasing the next "shiny object", I've found my next business idea that is innovative, and most importantly, it solves a problem. I was in a bit of a slump this Fall as the ecommerce store I had launched in the summer had failed, and even after getting feedback and tweaking the store, I...
  20. charlemagne

    stumbling on success

    Fastlaners, I am starting this as an execution thread. If you look at my profile, I started one back in March. I didn't stick with it though because I didn't know how to stick with things until recently. Now I am ready. The purpose of this thread is to hold me accountable to documenting my...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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