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  1. LHXS

    SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook Profiles - differen one for each business?

    Curious to know people's strategies (as well as what's OK and what's not!) I'd rather not mix business and personal, but I have a small portfolio of websites (c.5). I would rather not use my personal account for engaging with users and groups for each one (especially as the goal is to sell some...
  2. Jemmalee

    SOCIAL MEDIA After a few years SM experience

    So I know how to grow a brand to some degree via social media. I can develop new brands really quickly using social media in fact, however, I have made the poor decisions previously to submit myself to the endless scroll holes that be Facebook groups and connections. I get what age groups...
  3. ethandiaz

    SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook Advertising

    Hey all, I have a question for those who use Facebook as one of their advertising tools. You should all know about making a Custom Audience and how it usually takes some time for the audience to populate before being able to use this new custom audience. However, I've recently made a custom...
  4. Robin Andrews

    SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook has Wrongly Blocked my URL - How Should I Respond?

    My website domain has been blocked due to a mistake where I posted the same article multiple times trying to get the image crop right. My FB business page, Compucademy, is also blocked from sharing content, presumably because it is associated with my website domain. I've spent a lot of time...
  5. Sanj Modha

    SOCIAL MEDIA How To Target ANYONE On Facebook (Step By Step Video Included)

    Hey folks! I've seen a lot of Facebook targeting posts and apps so I thought I'd demystify this... Enjoy: https://www.loom.com/share/3851f7a25cc14ef796202573d6e0fe7d Thanks. Sanj
  6. Giuseppe verdi

    HOT! Get Cashflow with Affiliate Marketing

    Hello everyone. This is my fist post on FLF and I hope than I can help you to start your entrepreneurial activity. I've been doing affiliate marketing for over a year. I started by launching campaigns on facebook with only 5€ per day until today I spend more than 4-5K/day. Affiliate marketing...
  7. MTF

    SOCIAL MEDIA Can You Escape the Giants in an Online Business?

    Virtually every online business model I analyzed recently relies to a large extent on one of the giants: Google, Amazon, Facebook, or Apple. It seems like with each year it's getting harder and harder not to base your online business on one of the big companies. Just to give a few examples...
  8. D

    SOCIAL MEDIA What do you require of a Facebook Marketer/Manager?

    I'm thinking about taking on Facebook clients in the new year after utilising this month to get into the right mindset and work on my knowledge. At the moment I'm great at growing and monetising audiences, analysing pages/groups, setting up teams, creating organic content, but there's still a...
  9. D

    SOCIAL MEDIA Previously successful young entrepreneur. Failed hard, I need your advice.

    I love being an entrepreneur. I have ever since I was age 12 and made my first £££ - I made a website using skills I'd taught myself for my uncle. He was impressed and after seeing that first lil bundle of cash and being proud of my work (and seeing it be used for actual business!) I knew my...
  10. DustinH

    SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook Ads Microtargeting

    So, I am trying to do hyper-local ad targeting on Facebook. All the way down to just a specific neighborhood. Is there a work-around of the 15-mile radius targeting in Facebook Ads??? Like get the targeting down to 1-mile radius???
  11. PapaGang

    SOCIAL MEDIA Chamath Palihapitiya: Be good copiers

    Chamath is a former Facebook executive who started a VC firm that specializes in funding initiatives that aim for big change. He's very smart, very articulate, and came from nothing. There is a ton of value in this talk, and I'll start with this nugget he learned after working for Terry...
  12. GetShitDone

    INVESTING How To Advertise RESTRICTED Products On FB/Google? (Crypto)

    I have a client for my Digital Marketing Agency that wants FB/PPC Ads + A Sales Funnel website built. The problem? His product is a Crypto Trading Signal Indicator AKA a software that tells you if Bitcoin is going up or down and what trading decision you should take. Facebook/Google don't...
  13. Vitaly the Winne

    SOCIAL MEDIA From Facebook to Fastlane

    I recently rediscovered the Fastlane Forum one night (admittedly I got really drunk and started mindlessly browsing the web, and read an article about what the wealthy and the broke do differently and how they think that had an article to the forum). After spending the next 20 minutes reading...
  14. itfactor

    NOTABLE! [GUIDE] Facebook Ads Made Simple (That Even Your Mom Can Understand) 2019 Edition

    Hello Fastlane, I’ve wanted to write a guide on Facebook Ads for some time now. While there’s already a great PPC guide by @eliquid on this subject, there’s always new stuff to learn and to talk about when it comes to FB ads. Note that this isn’t going to be a step-by-step guide, but rather a...
  15. Andy Black

    HOT! Cyrptocurrency news: Facebook launches Libra

    Mark Zuckerberg announced the following earlier today: View: https://www.facebook.com/4/posts/10107693323579671
  16. HiGHPeR

    SOCIAL MEDIA Get a higher converting website or landing page from Hyper6.com

    Hey everyone! We're almost into summer and its that time of the year to launch those hot summer offers! Contact me today to schedule a free consultation, and lets see how www.hyper6.com can help you improve your overall ROI or FB ROAS and simply make you more money. We've been in the...
  17. Jeff Noel

    SOCIAL MEDIA How to evaluate a Facebook group marketing value ?

    Main question We're trying to evaluate how much it would be worth to pin a sponsored post for a day, a week or a month. Details I help manage a 20K+ facebook group, consisting of female entrepreneurs. Stats first. Here's our average over the last 60 days: We get ~750 comments per day We get...
  18. Jonny Blaze

    SOCIAL MEDIA I Would Love To Hear Your Opinion On Social Media Platforms

    Hello all! Let's just get straight to the point, I don't need an extensive introduction, I will keep it short and simple. A lot of the marketing I do is strictly through Social Media, and I often times ponder a very particular question that I'm sure many others have as well. Which Social Media...
  19. Zcott

    IDEA Calling myself out on a stupid idea

    Hi all, I have a good problem which I am hoping others can help me find a solution. I appreciate some might view this as not being a ‘real’ business as such, yet with the goal of adding a revenue stream I think we can agree that it is a step in the right direction. I have two facebook pages...
  20. Fox

    SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook loses $120 billion (market cap) in a day

    Biggest loss in a companies value in one day ever... Facebook stock drops 19%, loses $120 billion in value after warning that revenue growth will take a hit Yikes.