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  1. Siddhartha

    Foundations, the trigger, reaching olympus

    Everyone wants to claim freedom, everyone wants to claim financial security and freedom from the script. Some have done this; but most of them gloss over what they started with, what they came from, and some of the worst battles. Popular biographies and blog posts tend to be some of the worst...
  2. MJ DeMarco

    Your worst entrepreneurial failure... details please!

    What is your worst entrepreneurial failure... please, let's hear the details! If you share, please let us know how you ACTED, ASSESSED, and ADJUSTED, if at all. I'll start... I mentioned this story in Unscripted but it is what I'd classify as my worst failure... More recently, my worst...
  3. pat9000

    Why do we love losers?

    I feel too many people are soft today. We accept failure almost as equally as a success. They try to make all the kids feel like winners and have no one feel the grief of loss. If you never taste defeat, how can you truly taste victory? I just wonder why we are accepting stuff like this and...
  4. Dragan9

    19 yo Dancing with fear, Call to action, Leaving Home.

    I am a 19 Year old Bosnian. I always hated the 9-5 scam. I hated the idea of selling my soul to a job that i hate. I saw life has more to offer, so when people asked me what do I want to work when i Grow up, I had no plan. I would usually give them a short answer,Doctor,Lawyer bla bla...That was...
  5. F

    GET TO COLLEGE! (Because I failed at business.)

    Here is my perspective. I think that if you're unsure of what you want to to do with your life, you should go to college until you figure it out. I love MJ's book, but one issue I have with it is his hatred of college education and getting a job. The millionaire fastlane claims that there are...
  6. M

    21-year-old uni grad - frozen & stuck because I fear failure

    OK, here it goes. I know I was supposed to do this 3 1/2 years ago, but better late than never. I’m a university grad, born, raised, and schooled in the hellhole known as Toronto. I majored in finance at a business school, & got a job as an accounting clerk shortly after graduation. During the...
  7. MikeS

    When was it the last time that someone failed to sell you something? Why did he fail?

    Recently, I have seen a post on the Facebook from @Fox about how someone has failed to sell him a personal training. I thought it was interesting and realized that it could be a great idea to turn it into a thread on this forum. We can all learn from the mistakes of others. So tell me: When...
  8. D

    Another Slice of Humble Pie for 404, Failed SAAS

    Yet again, I've failed. There are always lessons to be learned with each of these landmines, but this one hit deep. In this episode, 404 violates the Commandment of Need. I've spent 7 months diligently developing a SaaS product that I told the market it needed, but not one that the market told...
  9. MJ DeMarco

    Hate mail, Volume 1: I tried that once!

    Couldn't resist, but sometimes I get the best content ideas emailed to me!
  10. startinup

    Don't make the same mistakes I did...

    Hey Fastlaners, Haven't been active on the forum recently. But I wanted to take a moment to help some people avoid some mistakes I made when starting my first business. Last August, I started working, like many here, to sell websites to local businesses. It was a great experience, even though...
  11. Z

    From walking dead to two business execution and now at fastlane

    Thanks @MJ DeMarco are my hero. Your book TMf gave me the chance to live.Reading it was very hard for me( to understand )and it took more than three months to read it through because everything in your book was new to me( terms such as: choices, negative...
  12. Fid

    Am I failing already? Competitors executing damn well

    TLDR; I found out a competitor business is executing (almost) exactly my idea and doing it... damn well! I am at learning & prototyping phase, lightyears behind them. Does that mean I'm failing already by being too late and continuing to execute should be considered unreasonable? To begin...
  13. BrooklynHustle


    THE POWERPOINT THAT CHANGED MY LIFE Every one of us here has been subjected on numerous occasions to a DRY a$$ Powerpoint presentation where the speaker recites the words you can already see on the slide, points to various graphs, and arranges key takeaways in neat groups of three en route to...
  14. BrooklynHustle

    2012 - Microsoft demoted me. I cried in my car. I'm not ashamed...

    2012 - Microsoft demoted me. I cried in my car. I'm not ashamed... I wondered if my life was going anywhere In that moment Entrepreneurship became a NEED rather than an option & I couldn't be stopped What's been your most important failure & WHY?
  15. MJ DeMarco

    How to lose a long term client in a matter of moments...

    @Chitown True story... So the barber I go to is a small shop that is usually empty. Even on Thursdays and Fridays when the place should pick up (due to men prepping for their weekend) the place is relatively empty. The place has a patchwork shop with zero branding, atmosphere, or anything. But...
  16. dgr

    A Millionaire in Process from Spain

    Oops! I forgot to introduce myself. But it's never late! Since I was 3, every time my mom asked me “what do you want to be when you grow up?” my answer was the same. Astronaut? Soccer player? Fireman? Nop. “I will be a Millionaire!” Well... 30 years has passed. Still not a millionaire. Maybe...
  17. Scot

    Why 98% of businesses fail...

    So we've all heard that 98% of small business will fail in the first 5 years. Hopeful entrepreneurs will look at that statistic one of two ways.. either as a challenge or as a reason not to pursue a business. But what if I told you that number was bullshit? This chart from the SBA shows...
  18. Silverhog

    23yo, Aus, education scam and goals from now

    My story isn’t too interesting but here goes - it is LONG though! Im 23 years old, currently living in Australia, and currently (regrettably) still in university. Stumbled upon TMF and Unscripted after a night of sleeplessness, mixed with anxiety and frustration regarding my life’s past...
  19. cutthroughstatic

    My Business Just had it's Worst Month on Record. Why this is the Best Thing that's Ever Happened.

    This is from a post I wrote today for my personal blog. If no one minds, I will link to the actual post later. But for now I'll just copy and paste the text. I'm pretty long winded when I write, and generally lack the ability to even summarize well enough for an accurate TL;DR. So for you people...
  20. Symphony

    A Month Off from 25, Completely Broke and 100% Proud of it!

    I should probably start this with a little explanation... First off- being broke isn't necessarily something to be proud of. It usually means you're probably doing something VERY wrong- which I was until very recently. However, through the intervention of happenstance, coincidence, the Law...