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  1. MexicanCreator48

    Trouble finding the right information inside a company/business

    Hello everyone, I have been experiencing an issue with finding the right inventory information in the company I have been working for since it takes me days to find the right information needed to present to managers/executives. And here's the problem/need I'm planning to solve: I want to...
  2. ajakupi

    In soft phase seeking feedback

    I am currently in the Proof (Soft) phase. I have edited my website incrementally based on the users acitivity but I want to start an ad campaign with one single picture that showcases the physical product (which still doesn't exist, only a mockup). The picture shows a can submarged can...
  3. Paul David

    Roast my Email (or SMS/cold call script etc)

    I thought it might be useful for those of us who do cold outreach to have a roast my outreach content thread. We could post our content here and get some feedback from the business owners in the group on whether they liked it, hated it or offer advice on what they'd change. I'll start. Here's...
  4. ajakupi

    Croatian little man

    Hi to all of you which will read this, My name is Arjan and I'm from Croatia. Tbh I am still a nobody, I haven't built a business yet nor do I have anything special to provide except my mindset. I am driven to become libareted from time, locations and liberated financially. But I don't want to...
  5. Jrjohnny

    I need help and feedback

    I have a few ideas and I need feedback, I want to start restaurants as entrepreneurship but when i google profit of restaurants owners, it says not very profitable, and I want to start 1 fancy restaurant and eventually branch to like 7. Are restaurants profitable??
  6. F

    Please rate my website's design

    Hello guys. I'm a web programmer, not a web designer. I would like to know if my website's design is aesthetic, so I want to receive some opinions about it. The website is not in English, but I just want to know if it looks pretty. I'm sure that aesthetic website is key to have succesfull brand...
  7. L

    Is my business project a selfish idea, or am I seeing need/demand right?

    Hey all, before you go in on me for the title, I'm not asking anyone to do my job for me with this, I'm just looking for input from neutral parties. I'm working on creating a brand of dog dental care treats/products and I'm afraid I might be blinded to whether or not there is a need. I have a...
  8. constant

    Which of these do you think is the most suitable idea? (Pros and Cons)

    Hello. I have various ideas and would like to know what other forum members think or suggest. Context: 17 years old Idea 1: Local services (window washing, painting fences etc.) + Learning the tasks doesn't seem to be too difficult. + Will learn how to talk and sell services to business...
  9. Fede91Ts

    How do you evaluate if the website for your new startup looks legit and professional?

    Hi everyone! It had been a while since my last post in which I was introducing that I was about to start a business. After a few weeks of study trying to size the opportunity and building processes, I've spent some time in building the website for my venture. The plan is to start looking for...
  10. Gregory Diehl

    Seeking Beta Readers For A Book On Rental Property Investing

    I'm looking for a few beta readers for a book my company is producing about building wealth through rental property investing in America. Please comment below or message me if your interested in leaving some critical feedback on all or part of it, and I'll give you access to the shared Google...
  11. Asap_Luca

    e-com plan subscription to luxury brands

    Hello everyone! How you doing? So, I'm putting out a lot of ideas and i'm trying to get the most out from them. Basically i see that a lot of people, especially girls and boys here in Italy who have a classic 9-5 job, they 're not earning a lot to dress like they would, since everyone, almost...
  12. E

    Feedback and Wisdom needed

    I have decided to build a parking app that tracks which parking spots are open and would allow you to reserve them for a small price. In case anyone is wondering, I did get this idea from an idea dump on this forum. I am a homebody and when I do go out it is camping or to friends house. I am...
  13. Reynante Alvarez

    Help in choosing a business idea...

    Hey business people, I need your help if you may. Since I quitted social media and college two years ago, I had been working at my sister's bakery as an all-around graphic designer. It was a need and not a choice. My basics are covered here (shelter, food, wi-fi, electricity, etc.) in exchange...
  14. Gleb Feder

    Need your feedback - product for entrepreneurs

    Hi! My name is Gleb and I want to do a product for entrepreneurs to boost their productivity. I'm at the very beginning now, I have an idea and want you to give me feedback. Please don't be afraid to offend me, I need criticism. I will be grateful for any ideas and comments...
  15. B

    Roadblock. Seeking advice.

    Hi folks, I tend to type a lot because I'm excessively detail oriented, so I'll break down this post into the following sections so that the TL;DR; folks can still jump in and hopefully respond where they seem most interested. -My Product -My Roadblock -Potential Courses Of Action -What I've...
  16. David Borodin

    Databases Problems Are Painful...

    Bonjour, So basically there is a problem that accrued recently... :xx: I will try my best to explain it simply and save you time. :thumbsup: If you have experience with it, and you have time to help me, I would absolutely appreciate it! :)...
  17. eekern

    Feedback on SaaS in MVP stages

    Hey everyone who teaches information and wants better client results I just launched the MVP of my SaaS and are in need of honest feedback Send me a DM with a sentence about yourself and what you do, and I will give you lifetime access to our highest plan :)
  18. polaroid22

    Help youtube channel feedback WANTED

    Hello everyone, I just read the millionaire fastlane(my favorite non fiction book!) and just started unscripted. These books are really inspirational, as I allways wanted to escape the sidewalkers/slowlane lane, I wish I read these 15 years ago, before wasting my time all those years with jobs...
  19. KushShah9492

    What skill would you recommend learning on a daily commute?

    I’m asking this just out of curiosity, if you were to commute daily for 4 hours(2 hours to work, return 2 hours from work to home), what skill would you recommend learning if she/he wants to start a side hustle? I just came across a bunch of people commuting daily for 3-4 hours, just downloading...
  20. D

    Looking to take the Next Step! Feeback / Constructive criticism needed

    Hello fastlaners! it's been a lot of years lurking in this forum, learning from the success and failures of others and I'm very grateful that I was introduced to this community. For many years I decided to push back an idea that I thought was worth the shot but never really pull the trigger...

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