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  1. CalebB556

    [Progress] $1k+ a month with 3d modeling on Upwork.

    Hey guys, after posting on this forum once about not wanting to create myself a job, I've gotten some amazing advice and have decided to take the plunge into....freelance 3D CAD design. Over the next few months, I'll update this thread with my progress and the goals I have reached. First off...
  2. Olimac21

    Italki Tips (And Language Teaching in General)

    Hi everyone, I posted some time ago about language learning tips and now I decided to take a step further to become a language teacher myself on a part-time based (apart from my full time job which is draining my energy at the moment). My "why's" behind this is I really enjoy teaching...
  3. BifeDeChorizo

    I Will Apply For 260 Freelance Jobs [In Two Months]

    Hello everyone! Making this thread to stay accountable. This is my situation right now: + 25 years old + Living with my mother + Making around usd$240 monthly (enough to pay internet, food and taxes) + Trying to fix a condition I had for YEARS (since I was 8) called Sleep Apnea but discovered...
  4. D

    Going from freelance back to employee in sales? Should I...

    Hi, I have been a personal trainer in the UK for a long time now. I was qualified back when there were not as many trainers about, so it used to be very profitable, and can still be, but the trouble with the business model is that it’s limited by time. The second problem is that fitness is my...
  5. CopyDane

    Freelance to agency > Why would people work for me?

    Hey there, everyone! Short presentation: I've been working as a freelance copywriter since 2013. I don't really like writing, but I know my way around the field by now. Recently I've been thinking seriously about stepping it up, hiring young copywriters and scaling my business into an agency...
  6. AlexLegault

    Looking For Constructive Criticism - Sales Copy

    Hey guys, I'm looking for some feedback on this copywriting gig I started on Fiverr. I'm trying to build up my skills and I'd appreciate some feedback if you guys have any! Link: alexlegault95 : I will write legendary sales copy for $50 on www.fiverr.com Any constructive criticism is much...
  7. AlexLegault

    Starting my first copywriting gig

    Like many of you, I figured I needed to learn the skill of copywriting if I want to start an online business one day. So I've been studying it for a while now by watching Udemy videos, learning from some of the best copywriters from books and helping people in my community for free by helping...
  8. Andy Black

    Freelance and beyond

    Someone asked this a while ago in a Facebook group I'm in: When you were a one-man-show, how did you manage (website) projects so as to not overwhelm yourself? My answer: I've a dozen monthly recurring clients on the go at the moment. I'm creaking at the seams but welcome it. I want to get...
  9. Lex DeVille

    SinisterLex's - Freelance Giveaway & Other Free Stuff...

    Not a sales ad. Growing my YouTube channel. Just crossed 800 subs and thought it would be cool to do a 1k giveaway. Entry is open until the channel reaches 1,000 subscribers. Since the channel is heavily skewed toward a freelance audience, the prize is freelance relevant. The same setup I...
  10. Lex DeVille

    The Majority Of Workers Will Freelance By 2027

    From Upwork's Press Release on Freelancing in America 2017. For those who freelance or are considering freelance, now is the best time to start. Once this train starts moving and people catch on, it's gonna get a lot more crowded. ;) Click here to read their full article. Click here for the...
  11. D

    Starting From Zero: Road To $1,000/month Hustle

    I thought I would post this so I'd feel like crap if I disappointed you guys. Basically, I have been a "professional student" due to "being supposed" to do that and lack of action back when I first read the 4HWW at 19. Not having any success until now, five years later, due to excuses makes me...
  12. Esoteric Wealth

    Anyone into freelance video/photography?

    Just wondering if anyone does, or has done any freelance video or photo work before. I'm inspired by @SinisterLex and his copywriting freelancing. My skills however are video related. I can probably do corporate videos, videos for small businesses and such. How hard is to break into? I have...
  13. PatrickWho

    New Freelancers: Here's how to start a personal website to market yourself.

    Hey all, Freelancing can be a great way to turn a skill into a quick income. In my short time on the forum I've already seen many talk about getting started. In an effort to help, I thought I'd share some easy to follow instructions on how to get started with some of the basics. I'm a full...
  14. AdrianL

    The impact of not knowing yourself

    I’m going to start off with a highlight of a thought that came to me a couple of days ago: One of the main parts of doing good business implies helping others. If I don’t know myself well enough, to be able to help myself, and have no clue of how to get to know myself better, how can I expect...
  15. Sully1994

    From 10 Dollar to 10 Grand Gigs- My 6 month freelance journey.

    My freelance writing journey over the span of 6 months: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Hired by a man on Upwork to write articles about Facebook Live Murders. Strangely, he insisted that they be comedic. Of...
  16. WebMedic

    Advice to succeed as a freelancer

    Hi everyone, As a freelancer you might be worried about the market being saturated and not sure how to improve your freelancing career. I want to share my top 3 advice which can help you get more clients and keep working with them for longer. The advice is aimed at web development/design but...
  17. OverByte

    Suggestions for Hiring Content Writers

    Hello, I'm looking to hire a content writer for a website I'm releasing soon and was wondering if any members here had suggestions on sites other than the usual freelancing websites (ie upwork, writersaccess.com) which act as a middle man. I'd prefer to work directly with the freelancer and...
  18. KopyKidd

    Graduating from Upwork - From Zero to $1,000 in 5 Days

    After 2 years and more than $100k made, I deleted my Upwork profile last week. I'd been pussyfooting around taking my copywriting business off of Upwork for months. My workload had gone down, my feedback score was sinking, and I was getting frustrated with Upwork in general, but every day I had...
  19. dave773

    Why You Shouldn't Use Upwork

    Today I logged into my Upwork account and was met with this.. 'Your Account has been suspended. Please Contact Customer Support' Over the past month, I have applied for just a few small jobs. While I don't use it as an income, it still pissed me off! I was actually waiting for payment from a...
  20. Lex DeVille

    Lex DeVille's - I Deleted My Upwork Account...

    I'm deleting my Upwork account to start over from scratch to prove the freelance market isn't as saturated as everyone believes. The reason you can't get work isn't "market saturation". It isn't "fake" clients. It isn't Upwork's algorithms being "mean" to you or that you're brand new and don't...

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