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  1. andro

    From Forex Bust to Fastlane App Idea—Need Your CENTS Input

    Hey Fastlaners, I’m Eugene—30, single, living with my parents in Washington, and part-time at Amazon. A year ago, I was broke in Florida, sleeping in my car, chasing Forex riches. I burned through savings and my USPS retirement fund, hopping from guru to guru, convinced I’d crack the market. The...
  2. LordMarcipan

    My introduction

    Hello everyone! My name is Max, and I'm 22 years old. Now I am in my penultimate year of studying for a bachelor's degree in economics. The TMF book helped me clear my mind and understand my goal, that in the medium term I want to create my own investment fund that will help develop business...
  3. Jaywalker

    Adventures in Business

    Howdy all, I first read the books in 2020. It was a revelation. Here are some of my failures so that you can learn from my mistakes. In addition, I will talk about where I am now. Let’s see what the forum has to offer. Failure #1: Started a family business with my father. We sold an upgrade...
  4. Gstan

    My Introduction

    Hi everyone, I'm Georgije Stanisic, a 25-year-old engineer working in southeastern Wisconsin. I've always had a passion for invention and creation, and I really enjoyed my time in engineering school. My first internship out of school involved extremely boring and monotonous work. However, my...
  5. Nevah Lucky

    Reincarnated - Process from the ashes

    Hi everyone, I'd like to reintroduce myself to you. I go by Nevah Lucky for now. I'm an upbeat, creative soul who finds solace in the theory that we have the choice to determine what matters in a meaningless world. I get excited over meeting new people, cool experiments that drill down to the...
  6. E


    Hello Producers and Creators, Happy New Year to everyone, I hope you all have as good of a 2025 as mine will be. :gold: I'm Ethan, 22, from Australia. I've just recently discovered the Millionaire Fastlane book, and I don't think I've ever read anything that resonated this much with me. I've...
  7. jarbasams

    Feeling the need to change

    Hi everyone! Jarbas, from Brazil. I'm 34, happily married and father of a one year old boy. When I was a boy myself I wanted to invent something and even built some homemade prototypes of automation solutions and electrical appliances. But I grew up in a context in which higher education meant...
  8. L

    Stupid Ideas Becoming Smart During Execution?

    Hello, I'm new here, I read The Millionaire Fastlane (currently reading/listening to Unscripted) and realized that this was the only way I'd be able to guarantee my family's safety and prosperity is to start a business. I'm 22 and work as a Software Developer, I was mostly self-taught. However...
  9. Mabero2025

    21yo. Parents already millonaires but want to make it by myself.

    Hello everyone! I'm not really new in this forum as I already registered a year ago when I read Millonaire Fastlane. But now I am almost finishing Unscripted book and I thought about checking again the Fastlane Forum. So I introduce myself, my name is Martí, I'm from Spain, 21 yo. and studying...
  10. Saucepan Steve

    An FTE from hindsight

    Hey guys, My name is Michal. I'm a 17 year old living in Ireland. I was a goblinoid lurker before seeing @Andy Black 's post about it, so I decided to post my intro now. My journey started all the way back when I was 12 and found TMF . I started flipping PCs by selling all electronics I had...
  11. alexvikner

    Intro — Starting my Fastlane journey as a Web Designer

    Hi everyone! My name's Alex, I'm 24 and living in Amsterdam. After finishing my masters in digital marketing, I defaulted to a 9-7 job working as a website manager for tech companies. 2 months ago I decided to go freelance on the side as a web designer. I learned how to use Framer and started...
  12. markspray

    Closing in on 50, Dad & moving to the other side of Australia, starting all over again

    Intro as just got the reminder and loving this group Ever just take a leap, well I've done it a few times and this time it's a massive leap. So how did I end up selling my house, packing up my sh*t and take my wife and 2 year old 4500km to the other side of the country not knowing anyone and...
  13. Henric

    Struggling through the FTE

    Hello all, recently found The Millionaire Fastlane and it really gave me a kick up the backside. I have worked in IT for many years now, primarily as a consultant in various roles, but I also have managerial experience in the field. I have drifted a bit between various roles in search of that...
  14. Cognishn

    Dear Lurker, taking the next step is better than a lifetime of planning without action. (Intro Post)

    Dear Lurker, Fear is an incredible gatekeeper to success. I’m Ahmed. You don’t need to care! What matters is the value I add to your life. So I’ll share only what is beneficial to you to know from my story. Without realising it, living in a place of fear will push you into boxes, boundaries...
  15. @cjohnyrun

    Intro + My "business" is just a 20k/mo job

    I started a business 4 years ago. Reading Fastlane was a big part of it. I tried scaling a few things, selling courses and memberships (I've got a decent-sized online following). I have a blog that did pretty well, YouTube vids, etc. I always sold some, but never had those $40k launches the...
  16. S


    Hi all, I'm 19 you can call me Santana, I've always been a motivated and ambitious young man since I can think, I come from the Bronx, NY and Im interested in improving and creating a better life for my family and the people around me, Honestly I truly want to succeed after all the hardships ive...
  17. D

    Hello World!

    Hi all, intro time. Just joined after listening to Fastlane Millionaire. I’m a military vet and after I got out, I dabbled in various things like going back to school (just some post-bacc classes…not a full degree), Red Cross volunteer, and worked in dialysis. We, as a family, had enough of...
  18. Calyps0

    Hi !

    Hello, my name is Joris, I'm 18 and I'm from France. Here's my story : I basically went from indulging myself with almost every bad/mediocre habits imaginable ( Video games, Youtube, Junk food, Sedentary lifestyle, you know the drill ... ), to a young man full of ambition that got rid off his...
  19. Osama Dar

    I wish I wasn't as skeptical and reluctant to take true action :(

    Hi forum friends! This is Osama (not the one you thinking :D). I joined this forum at the start of this year but haven't posted anything yet. I read Fastlane and Unscripted and got a dopamine surge by daydreaming about 'F**K This' to my current job and going for a scalable business. Although...
  20. Hello_World1

    A 12-year-old girl walks into a bar and reads "The Script"... Her parents say: Why the long face?

    So, my name is Jasmine. I am 30 and... let me tell you about myself. *gets on therapist chaise* (MJ said "The more the better." so you ASKED for this! haha) I am a black woman who lives and was raised in Arizona, USA. Left-handed, the youngest of my class, and the only non-white person in my...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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