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  1. Crafty

    The Rat Race - Chased the Cheese Right into the Trap

    After five years and 130k dollars, I made an investment that transformed my life—the Tom Brady of investments. I never would've thought $8.50 would have had such an impact. The Millionaire Fast Lane (which led me to Unscripted and then The Great Rat Race Escape) has changed my entire outlook on...
  2. Blaise


    Hi Fastlaners, I'm a Millennial lady in Freedom Florida, an investor (stocks, crypto, bullion, real estate, collectibles), and a thriving burn survivor. Also a lover of God and on a lifetime spiritual journey. Very interested in growth on every level and want to meet everyone here who has...
  3. Ela

    Hello My Fellow Hustlers :)

    Hi, I'm Ela, a Web designer and Inbound Marketer. I was once stuck at 9-5 job, but now I am running my own Digital agency from my home and helping clients all over the world. I faced ton of failures in my life like many of you guys, no one there to pull up when i was down, but i love taking...
  4. BlackAlpaca

    I just woke up

    Hello, My name is Diae, A 22 years old computer engineer student from Morocco. While I am not an entrepreneur, here is how I got here: The me a month ago was your average lazy (very lazy) guy in his early 20's who just wanted a degree and get a job, a side walker in MFL description. even thought...
  5. Alin Farah

    Advice for a 19 year old Future Entrepreneur

    Greetings everyone, my name is Alin, I am a 19 year old male from the UK. I have completed most of Millionaire Fastlane and I must say it is fantastic, the best book I have read so far , and it has made me change my perspective in various of fields, it has also made me use my free time solely...
  6. B

    An introduction consisting of no less than SIX FTE's.

    Hi All, I just joined the forum even though it's been months since I finished MJ's latest book, The Great Rat Race Escape. I'm a software developer approaching his mid-30's currently based in Colorado, and over the past several years, I've encountered somewhat of a midlife crisis with regards...
  7. ivanagrace88@gma

    Hi i just wanted to introduce myself

    Living in Indonesia, 15yo girl,I just entered a vocational school and majoring in marketing(actually I only have an art background, but the internet is quite helpful) until finally I can be 1st in class.but it turns out I was wrong, my life didn't change just because I was 1st in class.I feel my...
  8. MexicanCreator48

    An introduction and my journey into the Fastlane Forum

    Hello! I came here to connect with people who are willing to help me to become the best version of myself and help others as well. Let me tell you a little bit about my life story, before knowing anything about MJ’s books, I began reading books about personal finances since I wanted to be...
  9. Renata57

    Escaped an abusive household, now it's time to escape the rat race!

    Greetings everyone, Well, since you've read the title, let's start with a bit about my situation. I'm currently 22 and moved to a new city in Germany with my girlfriend. I have quit my job August 2021 because we are able to live comfortably on her sole income as a microbiologist. Since then I...
  10. wyattnorton


    Hey everyone, The name is Danny and I am a 21-year-old junior at Marquette University in Wisconsin. Some background in terms of my entrepreneurship: Bought and sold gum in middle school (easy gas station across the street to buy packs for about $1-$1.5 on average then sell a piece for $0.25)...
  11. F

    Introducing myself (and seeking for some help...)

    So after about a month of lurking around and reading various threads, I decided to introduce myself to the Fastlane Forum. About a month ago, I stumbled across The Millionaire Fastlane and it totally catched me. Before reading the book, I was totally into living in the Slowlane, but MJ's book...
  12. I

    The Little Student Who Wanted More

    Hi all, I'm Isaac, and I'm one of the new recruits here on the forum. I joined after reading TMF and decided that it was about time to get myself out of the rut I'm stuck in and do something I want to do for once, and the first step in doing that is by surrounding myself with other people with...
  13. speedbird

    What would you recommend a student to do with his/her free time?

    Hello! I'm a 17 years old boy who just got to know about The Millionaire Fastlane thanks to James Jani (on Youtube)! I've always been eager to work on a project but I never got it right. I've been programming since 12 and always thought that I was going to make it as a game developer, someday...
  14. Tim K.

    print("Hello World")

    Hello friends from the FASTLANE! Before I dive into who I am, I'd like to start with some well deserved gratitude. Thankyou to every single person who interacts with this forum, I really thought that I was alone with the UNSCRIPTED mindset. Some posts on here really helped me grow personally...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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