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  1. Len_1590

    Introducing me - Len, 32, London

    Hi Everyone, It's great to be here and I am really looking forward to discussing possibilities and the future with you all. Background I am a 32 year old qualified actuary (for 6 years now), a certified Risk Actuary, I am currently sitting accounting exams for an ACA qualification, I work in...
  2. MarcusAurelius

    Is there anyone who can mentor me? I have no idea how to start my entrepreneurial journey :)

    Hello to all, I am here after reading, indeed literally devouring, TMF, Unscripted and The Great Rat Race Escape. I read the first two in Italian and the third in English. So, probably, I’m here with a considerable delay compared to all of you. I introduce myself: I am a boy (it is nice to...
  3. andrea532

    Waiting for developments

    Hi everyone, let me introduce myself, I'm a 30 year old Italian boy. I don't speak much English so I'm using google translate, sorry if maybe some things will be difficult to understand. Let's talk briefly about myself, I'm a boy who started working at the tender age of 18, so I didn't finish...
  4. dhanushreddy

    I just don't know what to say

    Hello, it doesn't matter who I am until I start making money .So, here I am in search of making money...
  5. Kirby73

    Belated Introduction

    Hey Guys, I realised I hadn't made an intro post since joining the forum. (I will keep it short) Up until 2014, I was in the typical slow lane, corporate job in IT, big house, cars, holidays, etc, I had a property investment portfolio and some financial security. 2014 whilst working for a...
  6. W

    Turning the keys on my Fastlane journey!

    Hello Reader! With this post I want to introduce myself to The Fastlane Forum community, explain why the book had such an impact on me, and discuss the direction of my road. Having recently read The Millionaire Fastlane has allowed me to turn the key and ignite my engine. With this initial...
  7. One Jeffrey

    My First Post After Lurking for Months!

    Hello, I finally gathered the courage to write this introduction. I might be the biggest procrastinator around these lands. I made this account a few months ago and I kept lurking with my many problems that I kept ignoring. So here I am. I'm a 19 year old Canadian college student and I only...
  8. H

    I am determined and here I am am hello everyone

    Hello, I am KPzee. I got this name from trying to be a rapper. Before that I wanted to be an athlete, before that I wanted to be a biomedical engineer. All those paths I noticed didn't lead to where I wanted to go. I noticed this at the young age of 13. I am now 16 and after trying crypto and...
  9. R

    Going from reading the books to trying to reach the pedal on the fastlane

    Hi, im a 20 year old average "just a guy" living in finland, i believe to be lucky to live in an environment that wont absolutely shred me apart if i fail my first few attempts at enterpreneurship, nonetheless i still feel like life could have something more to it than just that middleclass...
  10. A

    Lurker for 2 years. Switching the strategy.

    Hey, I'm Artiom. I've been a lurker here for some time. Through the past 2 years, I've been consuming a lot of posts, but still haven't produced anything reasonable. After so much action-faking, I realized that now is the best time to commit with a progress thread. My old strategy didn't work...
  11. EndurancePenguin

    The pursuit of Happyness... in real life.

    Hi everyone, I came across MJ books and this forum thanks to a dear friend that recommended me “Unscripted”. I devoured it in a couple of days. Then I read TMF and I’m now reading The Great Rat Race Escape. These books blown my mind: I finally understand my inner discomfort about 9-5...

    #3: INTRODUCE YOURSELF - Hi, my name is IGGANOISIA (not my real name)

    So right now i feel like not proud of myself cus I'm currently trynna find my "perfect" target customer. So for that I didn't really want to introduce myself, but I'm here cus its an opportunity tho so yea :rofl: I didn't read the books, I just want to go in front in that issue that I have with...
  13. hyperreal

    Hello Fastlaners

    Hello Fastlaners, After finishing high school I decided to give the Slowlane a try, and it all went quite well for what this lane has to offer. I got a degree in a highly specialized field of engineering and got a high-paying job right away. I got many promotions, to quickly realize that there...
  14. Ella R

    My journey of determination, hard work, and self-discovery

    Hello! It took me almost a year to conquer my fear and be able to write in this forum. I kept reading all the posts, and I am admiring all of your successes. I am really thankful for all the insights from this forum and especially for @MJ DeMarco books that made me change my perception about...
  15. yevheniiku

    Newcomer introduction.

    Hi everyone! My name is Eugene and I'm a 22-year-old computer science engineer from Ukraine (excuse my English). My background is fairly typical: grew up in a family with a low income, went to school and university #1, left university #1, worked at McDonald's in Poland for 8 months, came back...
  16. Arch

    Intro | My Gilded Cage on the Sidewalk

    Hello everyone, I'm Ben, 35 yrs old and based in London. My father always taught me that if you look after the pennies, the pounds look after themselves. I now know this to be a solid Slowlane based saying, because growing up, money was always tight and basic needs like haircuts were always met...
  17. geronalb

    From Gaming Addict To My First Ever Entrepreneurial Success -- My Story So Far

    Greetings and salutations to you, my friend. Blessed be your day. Humor me, if only for a moment. It is my duty to make this tale worthwhile. While my story is yet to portray grandeur, no hero was born a legend. It is my mission to turn this around. And it is also my mission to share my...
  18. Shelley

    Hello there!

    Hello everyone. I am a Software Engineer and I joined the forum today. I came to know about MJ through a Youtube channel that recommended him. I finished listening to The Millionaire Fastlane a couple of days ago. Looking forward to talking to you all. I would be happy if @MJ DeMarco replied...
  19. TLH

    New to the forum...

    I'm new here and have read "The Millionaire Fastlane ". I've also read most of MJs other two books, but am still trying to wrap my head around his insights. I work full time and am getting a master's in management science part time. I have worked primarily for startups as a Go To Market...
  20. mirumiru

    I'm going to be eventually financially free! (20 yrs Female) Trying until I die!

    Hello to everyone. Nice to meet you. You can call me Miru. I want to present myself in this forum. I decided that I'm going to definitely post and compromise myself to be active in this forum while I can to at least say 'thank you' to those who provide value with their posts. I was writing...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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