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mj demarco

  1. R


    Can you guide me Is it a good idea to work a full time job to provide rent money and exc.. and hustle at the side and is medecinal foods a good idea to build on a project , plz
  2. R


    Hello i'm a student and im new here , i hope to get the knowledge i need to be like you
  3. M

    Leaving the Slowlane, trying not to get killed in the Fastlane.

    Greetings. So, per the instructions, here's my story. If it's too much, I apologize. Talking about myself is not something I do often, so I'm not too good at it. Back in the 1990's I was running in the slow lane when I met my first Entrepreneur, Doc Smith. He was "retired" and told me about...
  4. U

    Breaking Out

    Man, what a trip it is trying to break out of the programming I received my whole life! I wish this book had been given to me as a kid. It wasn't around back then regardless, but I don't know if I would have known what to do with it at that stage in my life anyways had I not experienced...
  5. C

    Day 2 (failure...)

    Alright, let me explain... Remember when I said I would start going to bed early? well... When I got home from work last night I ate dinner and went straight to bed. That's when my girlfriend came inside the room and started putting the moves on me. I think you can piece together what happened...
  6. C

    Day 1 (FAILURE...)

    I posted yesterday that I'd be back with another thread about the progress I've made. And I'm happy to conclude that day 1 was....... A somewhat complete failure. After I posted my intro thread yesterday, i decided that i would wake up at 5 A.M., since that seems to be the time all high...
  7. C

    Hello, MJ

    To start off, thank you or whoever approved this account. its really nice to finally speak to you. My name is Christopher. I'm 19, hate the idea of serving a corporate boss instead of serving the market with my ambitions, and want the next generations of my family to never endure the pain of...
  8. Vigilante

    Happy Birthday MJ DeMarco

    I've been busy the past few months, and hopefully will get back here in short order. Just popped in today to give birthday best wishes to my friend, mentor and favorite author. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO @MJ DeMarco For the lives you've changed, many wishes that this upcoming year finds you healthy...
  9. Billion_!n_a_r

    Need an advice

    Hi guys I'm New here just joined it's good to be seeing soo many motivated people's around I'm going to stick around and I'm going to learn please support
  10. D

    First step

    Hi...I am working in a company as a slowlane worker. Before a month I don't even have a dream about what I want to do in life. I dont have any goals, any talent, any extraordinary skills. I thought wealth is only to people who have talent and born rich. Very ordinary people like me don't have a...
  11. D

    Good Morning!

    Hi Everyone, Just joined The Fastlane Forum. I’m a sole trader based in the UK, running a small Bid Consultancy designed to introduce SMEs to competitive tendering. I look forward to meeting some amazing entrepreneurs here! Thank you and have a great day!
  12. PratLey

    I am happy to be part of this community

    I will introduce myself I am PratLey. Currently in BBA degree. Soon I am going to graduated but I don't want to trap in rat race so I decided to learn programming languages and to start freelance. My future goal is to build startup in virtually reality , augmented reality field. Happy to hear...
  13. Gridiron911

    Shiny & new

    Hey , I’m Phil. I read The Millionaire Fastlane. It was such a good read I picked up unscripted, I’m just over half way. I enjoy the way my mind set has been challenged. These books are like fresh air I can’t get enough. The books are definitely getting me outside my comfort zone., reminding me...
  14. Xav243

    Hello to all current and future millionnaire entrepreneurs!

    Hi Everyone and Hi @MJ DeMarco , My name is Xavier, I’m a 37-year-old French guy living in Belgium. I almost finished reading Unscripted and this is how I heard about this forum. I am wondering whether I should read also Fastlane as in I had the impression Unscripted was a better version, more...
  15. sara_hca


    HELLO EVERYBODY!!! I'm honored to be part of this forum. I'm Sara from Barcelona, Spain, and I'm excited to start this new road trip, the Fastlane.
  16. Mayor042

    How do I get started

    Good day everyone, I'm really glad I found this book the millionaire fastlane at my local shop and read it. It has really opened my eyes and changed my perspective of financial freedom, now i have ideas burning inside of me which I intend bringing out to life, ideas that I know will benefit...
  17. Hugo Del Portel

    Getting started

    Hey ! Hi to everyone ! I'm Hugo, 26 , born in Italy, raised in France, currently working in Spain. About my schooling, I've a Master in Industrial Engineering, curious and practical guy. So, a few line to introduce myself, I promise to be short. As far as I remember, I wanted to be an...
  18. N

    This is Niels, looking forward to engage in this community.

    Dear amazing people of the Fastlane Forum, I am Niels, writing to you out of West Japan. During high-school graduation I tought myself Japanese, learned the 2000 characters necessary to read a Japanese newspaper, graduated university with the goal to live here and get a job. Because Japan can...
  19. kugrenyuk

    TheFastlaneForum App

    Been thinking about this, the Fastlane Forum really needs a mobile app. Would make the communications a lot more easier. Karolina :))
  20. ShaneMcG

    Hello Everyone

    Just writing to introduce myself to the forum. I am a 23 year old from Ireland. I read about The Fastlane Forum on good old Bold and Determined many years ago. I got and studied TMF at the time and absolutely resonated with the picture of the way the working world operates that MJ painted. I...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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Get The Books that Change Lives...

The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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