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  1. Mr. Bazz

    From Power 5 Division 1 Football to Multi-national Corporate Finance Analyst

    Hey Fastlane Community - here is my story: Who Am I: :football:&:pencil: All my life, I followed the standard means of living. I went to school did well with Academics and athletics. I followed the path, being fortunate to receive a full scholarship to play Football in the Power 5 conference...
  2. Kyle T

    One Day at a Time: A Message to Forum Newbies

    "I am not there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday..." I joined this forum less than 6 months ago and this post is specifically for other newbies who are browsing this forum. There are on only 2 things that you have to do in order to be successful in using this wonderful place. Read...
  3. S

    Why am I here?

    I'm Sully. So, 25 years into life and 'this feeling' hasn't left me since my first job (age 16). That first job was in quality control for a spray painting factory and yes, it was as boring as it sounds. Literally, watching paint dry. 'This feeling' I'm referring to, is of course the same...
  4. captainwes

    Newbie-ish, Fastlane (x2), Starting Unscripted, Wife has a side biz.

    Hello All, This is only the second forum I've utilized beside some odd Reddit threads. I don't recall how I found Fastlane by @MJ DeMarco, but I think I read a nice blunt blurb on the interwebs and said, "Well, this dude just got my money - I'm buying that book". That was a year ago. The only...
  5. Ajay Sewsankar

    Just Finished TMF. New to the Forum.

    Good evening everyone. Currently in Texas so it’s late into the evening here. Hope you all are having a great day. My name is Ajay Sewsankar. I am a college student strongly interested in being an entrepreneur. I recently got out of the military and obtained a job in Texas where I moved to...
  6. Jonathan S.Diaz

    Introduction & story: High-school Programmer, aspiring innovator

    "You should be focusing on school" they tell me "You are putting too many responsibilities on yourself too early", and that "The time for that is when you are older". It's hard to disagree with these statements when they are coming from your own mother, especially when she is working a cashier...
  7. Jonathan S.Diaz

    Just read TMF. Someday is today

    I’ve just read TMF and It’s been a wake up call for me. I’ve finally realized what “someday” really means: all this time I have been thinking “some day I’ll start my own business”, waiting for the moment I have the experience or knowledge or money, “someday when I have the money” or “someday...
  8. RazorCut

    New Here? Why you should read first and ask questions later..

    I was going to post this in response to a specific thread but thought other new members might get some mileage out of it so I have expanded upon it and put it out in the open. What promoted this post was a new member asking these questions within a thread: "Really how can I find a product...
  9. Aleph

    Sick & tired of being fed up & tired of being treated like a mule

    Belgium calling. Found this forum and have been browsing for the last few days. As this is a SOLID group of people, I am humbled you'll have me. So here's a bit bout me. For the last 2 years, I've been unemployed. I've been training through the unemployment agency to became a web developer...
  10. JFCopy

    24 y/o Copywriter, Lost AF

    Hey there, Found this forum after a very discouraging day digging through all the BS people market towards copywriters who don't know any better (yours truly, 4 hours ago). My name's Miranda. After graduating summa cum laude from a lib arts college, I realized I only gave a damn about...
  11. Elise

    I QUIT

    Hi , Glad to join yall. You can call me 'E'. I currently live in the Houston area. My thread title is the two words I dream of telling my employer: I Quit. And it'll happen soon. I read the Millionaire Fastlane and Unscripted a couple years ago. But like all my other 100+ books, I tossed it...
  12. Busybee22

    Hello World!!

    Hi everyone, my name is Ashley and I am new to the forums. I have been intro entrepreneurship now for 3 years, trying different things here and there until I find what I really want to do. I am passionate about a few things, like theater for example, and am wishing to pursue those as well. I am...
  13. Millennial

    Kessinger / Clothing Brand Idea

    Hello Fastlane Community! As this is my first thread on Fastlane I would like to first address some information about myself. I am an 18 year old wannabe entrepreneur. Still in Grade 12, I struggle to find the time to focus on my true passion for entrepreneurship, in saying this, I need some...
  14. CROJosh

    Shifting Gears

    Hey all, I run an agency that serves ecommerce stores and I've been having growing pains for the last year and need a change. Not sure if I want to jump ship completely or just take some off the table and advise but this is not sustainable. If there was ever a stereotypical Phoenixian, it'd...
  15. Jamie Carter

    UK Calling - What works in the US works in the UK

    Hi Guys, @MJ DeMarco Just wanted to introduce myself, I'm Jamie from the UK. I have almost finished the Millionaire fastlane and found it eye opening with some really good concepts. I am currently applying some of the techniques to my UK Web Agency and Lead generation projects as effectively...
  16. Pitoyz07

    New comer

    Hi everyone! I'm a third year chemical engineering student from the Philippines. Almost done reading the book Millionaire fastlane. Quits from being a sidewalker and aims for the fastlane. But beside this, I dont have yet have a clue on how to start. To free my self from social pressure and...
  17. drumworx

    Aspiring Value Creator exiting the Slowlane

    Hi all - my first post! I'm currently doing the 9-5 grind working an international assignment for one of the most interesting and dynamic FMCG companies on the planet. I've been with them 6.5 years and working 9-5 12 years. I'm South African but currently find myself in Sao Paulo, Brazil - with...
  18. Andrewjgong

    Almost 26 and Looking to Retire at Age 30

    Hello! My name is Andrew. In December 2016 I graduated and went full time into my business. Hopefully my intro doesn't sound too cocky! :clench: I picked up TMF two years ago and have listened to it at least 3 times. I also picked up Unscripted last year. My life has changed immensely with...
  19. C

    Hello! This is my [rather long] story of the past 5 years.

    Ready for some long-winded writing? Buckle in! My name is Cam. I'm 27, I have a degree in Psychology -- which means next to nothing, but which cost me (and my parents) a pretty penny. The way it stands, they will have debt from MY education for the rest of their lives. I'm not comfortable with...
  20. C

    Hi I'm CryptoKnight! I'm new here!

    Hello, I am new to cryptocurrency and I am very much interested about them. If you guys have insight and news stories you want to share with me please do. Here's something I found today. [removed] I hope I can make friends with everyone and learn lots of things about cryptocurrency.

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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