
  1. Geekour

    There is nothing in the desert and no man needs nothing

    Hey there Fastlaner (or soon to be one). Yes you. I have a message for you should you care to hear it. No matter where you are in the world, you are zooming past everyone and everything in your life. Everything from your everyday choices, decisions, business, and those dear to you. Not paying...
  2. Andrew W

    Ultimate Resource List (Websites, Books, and more!)

    INTRO I've been browsing through this forum a bit and (forgive me if I'm wrong) I haven't seen a thread that shows a massive list of resources for learning. Obviously learning is vital to surviving in this day and age. Creating a business? Gotta know basic salesmanship, marketing, manufacturing...
  3. tpjay

    Is Willy Wonka Unscripted?

    This man has created a wold of his imagination. Isn't that what being unscripted is about. Simply imagining what you want out of life then creating it? Although if i can remember he has had a difficult time running the factory and was retiring candy making but he was looking for a successor much...
  4. M

    Which mindset is better? Machiavellian vs altruistic?

    Which mindset will make you more successful? 1. Following the money, power and influence to secure your interests. While doing that, working on happiness health and self development. Doing what works for your benefit. Doing what makes you wealthier, more powerful, and more influential. 2...
  5. Greg R

    Happiness and Freedom. Stoicism and Entrepreneurship, the Parallel.

    I am going to start and end this thread with the same question. How has philosophy helped you? Not long ago, my college-old interest in philosophy had been rekindled. With a specific focus on Stoicism. This occurred about the same time I started becoming interested in entrepreneurship. Was this...

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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