real estate

  1. Daytraderz

    Buying a house, Would appreciate some discussion.

    I am 20 years old currently, a junior in college, and about to partially buy my first house. My business partner and I are going to be purchasing a house between March-May to turn into a rental property. We are cutting down operating expenses by doing all the house maintenance/reconstruction...
  2. MitchM

    About to make 800k in capital gains, trying to decide how to protect it.

    So I made a post a little while back in the relationships forum about how my mother was broke and needed to sell her house. To all of the folks who read that and responded, I would like to thank you because it really helped me put my head on my shoulders. And now, thankfully, it looks like...
  3. BrandonS85

    What would YOU like to learn about real estate investing?

    One of the projects I'm seriously taking on this year is to record the entire process of starting out, finding a cashflowing property, purchasing it, rehabing it , marketing it and earning residual monthly income from it. As of today I've bought 49 rentals since July 2013, with another 2 under...
  4. Michał Kóska

    Land broker

    Hello my Fastlane friends, I live outside the city and my town is surrounded by huge amount of agricultural land and building plots, Also the neighboring towns have similar possibilities :) There are brokerage companies in the area but surprisingly they don't offer a lot of this land to sell...
  5. biophase

    SUCCESS STORY: Biophase (eCommerce, Real estate)

    My story is not as intricate or exciting as the other ones on here and I'm nowhere near the $1M range yet. But, after reading the other ones I felt compelled to write mine. It's actually pretty boring and normal and it's not the fastlane or slowlane. I'd call it driving in regular traffic and...

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