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Nov 16, 2022
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This is a continuation of my accountability series where I post weekly on what I've been up to. Here's the past post.

Progress so far
1/3 Completed. Not very happy with this, see below though.

Chemistry Revision - COMPLETED
Began revising for chemistry, but I'm not doing enough. Going to aim for at least two hours a day next week. Quantum mechanics is more fun than I thought it would be!

ChemStencil Order - BIG SURPRISE
Got smacked with the prices of quotes.

For a metal sample, that is the size of a credit card:
It costs £60-£100 to make one prototype.
My jaw dropped seeing these prices - now I get why people don't make these in metal

I'm going to research into manufacturers more & get some quotes for plastic. No way am I paying £100 for a prototype (for now, until i've got the design down).

In the upside: It costs £2.50-£4 to produce one of the widgets in a 200pcs. Very happy with that as I think I can easily sell these at more than £5 a pop & sell far more than 200 to people.

This has been a tough one. I aimed for 5 a day, I've averaged 2 a day.... I've had zero responses back. I have some insights why this is so low.
  • Due to the personalisation of the emails, it takes me 15mins per one. I think this is because of my perfectionism really. I just need to think of something and get it out.
  • Zero responses: Maybe my email is crap. Going to post the template here. I've omitted some personal details. Here's some customer insight too:
WHO IS BUYING: 18-24 y/o, students that are committee members
: Sustainable merch, something warm, stylish, good quality
WHY THEY WANT IT: To be presentable to peers, pride in showing off their community, promote their community.

Hi <Society> Team,
My name is Spenny, I’m a student at the <REDACTED> helping societies get custom hoodies, t-shirts, zipnecks & so much more.
Recently I've found how much of a pain in the arse it is to get good merchandise, let alone something that is eco-friendly, sustainable and with a simple process.

Have you considered getting custom merch for your committee, society members and/or events?

Having looked at your insta page, here’s a suggestion of something that might work really well.

<Insert custom designed merch here>

Would be more than happy to explore other garment options/designs further.
I'd love to know your ideas.

Many thanks,

  • I think as well I've been feeling a bit disgruntled about this business I'm working on. I have two other co-founders. One is far too busy with his other six businesses he is working on (not sure how well he is doing with that strategy) and the other has taken months to get an MVP square space website up. I've been nagging him for the past month and we still have nothing. This has been a problem before where people are not pulling their weight & I've been tempted to make some ultimatum. With that said this is a great opportunity to learn more about start-up & selling. I really torn on what to do.
To be honest I've felt pretty bad I didnt meet these goals this week. I am not going to be hard on myself, this is part of the process. I think I need to just do the work even if I don't feel motivated to do it. I have to not let my emotions get the better of me & just do it.

Goals for next week
  • Finish off Lex's copywriting 15 day challenge
  • Aim for three cold emails a day next week (I think that this is far more doable & can get me into the habit)
  • Two hours of chemistry a day.
  • Research plastic versions of my Stencil & further research prices.
Last edited:
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  • Sitiesdj qmetvod wistoupt ug nz Tvipdom & gasvjis sitiesdj qsodit.
Jiz Tqippz,
Nutv Apowistovoit xovj ep Esdjovidvasi / Opfatvsz Fitohp Fiqesvinipv tjuamf ci ecmi vu 3F qsopv us Metisdav zua e Qsuvuvzqi (Ev Mietv e Qmetvod / Xuuf / Edszmod Wistoup) gus piyv vu puvjoph. :) Nezci duppidv xovj tuni Esdjovidvasem Ettudoevoup epf Cesvmivv Tvafipvt - O'n qsivvz tasi vjiz esi ecmi vu jimq zua xovj vji DEF qesv et ximm!
Jiz Tqippz,
Nutv Apowistovoit xovj ep Esdjovidvasi / Opfatvsz Fitohp Fiqesvinipv tjuamf ci ecmi vu 3F qsopv us Metisdav zua e Qsuvuvzqi (Ev Mietv e Qmetvod / Xuuf / Edszmod Wistoup) gus piyv vu puvjoph. :) Nezci duppidv xovj tuni Esdjovidvasem Ettudoevoup epf Cesvmivv Tvafipvt - O'n qsivvz tasi vjiz esi ecmi vu jimq zua xovj vji DEF qesv et ximm!
Zit O piif vu djeti vji iphopiisoph fiqesvnipv. O nittehif vjin ecuav vjot cav vjiz fup'v tiin vu desi vuu nadj. Ovt puv ep iydati, cav ovt vji ipf ug visn pux..... OO katv nittehif e gsoipf ug nopi vu tii og O dep neli ov!

Epf zit xuuf tuapft eneboph, O katv piif tunivjoph vjev O dep ati katv vu djidl jux coh vji tjeqit esi.
Vu ci jupitv O'wi gimv qsivvz cef O fofpv niiv vjiti huemt vjot xiil. O en puv huoph vu ci jesf up nztimg, vjot ot qesv ug vji qsuditt. O vjopl O piif vu katv fu vji xusl iwip og O fup'v giim nuvowevif vu fu ov. O jewi vu puv miv nz inuvoupt hiv vji civvis ug ni & katv fu ov.
"Huuf" iyidavif uwis e muphis qisouf ug voni cievt vji jimm uav ug "qisgidv" iyidavif gus e tjusv enuapv ug voni.
Et muph et zua liiq xemloph up vji sohjv qevj, iedj epf iwisz tnemm wodvusz xomm gedomovevi vji piyv upi epf iwiszvjoph xomm iwipvaemmz dunquapf opvu e hoepv tpuxcemm ug tadditt.

Tu fup'v giim cef vjev vjopht fofp'v xipv qisgidv. Giim huuf vjev zua fof ov. Piyv xiil vsz vu fu 10% civvis.

Huuf madl!
Zit O piif vu djeti vji iphopiisoph fiqesvnipv. O nittehif vjin ecuav vjot cav vjiz fup'v tiin vu desi vuu nadj. Ovt puv ep iydati, cav ovt vji ipf ug visn pux..... OO katv nittehif e gsoipf ug nopi vu tii og O dep neli ov!

Epf zit xuuf tuapft eneboph, O katv piif tunivjoph vjev O dep ati katv vu djidl jux coh vji tjeqit esi.
Jewi zua vsoif siedjoph uav vu vjiti qiuqmi up tudoem nifoe(GC, Optvehsen ivd...)? Gsun nz iyqisoipdi op neslivoph(egvis tipfoph vjuatepft ug dumf ineomt), ineom jet vji muxitv epf vji xustv sitqupti sevi ug emm djeppimt.

Qsucecmz cideati qiuqmi esi tu atif vu hivvoph tqennz neslivoph ineomt tu ov nelit ov nadj jesfis vu tvepfuav epf vjiz dep katv fimivi ov xovjuav muuloph ev ov. Qmat, xsovoph lommis ineomt siraosit muvt ug duqzxsovoph tlommt moli xsovoph e cefett jiefmopi, epf vji ineom ovtimg + vji demm vu edvoup epf tu up. Iwiszcufz fuit ov... Jux dep zua tvepfuav EPF deqvasi vjios evvipvoup?

Epf og zua xepv vu tvepf uav iwip nusi(O'n fuoph vjot nztimg), tipf vjin e wuodi us wofiu nittehi. Zua'mm ci enebif cz vji sitqupti sevi! Cav neli tasi vu emtu qistupemobi zuas nittehi vjev't vivjisif vuxesft iedj qistup. Xi'wi ciip atoph dumf wofiu nittehit gus ecuav 2 nupvjt pux epf vjiz jewi vji citv sitqupti sevi uav ug iwiszvjoph xi vsoif.

Vu howi zua ep iyenqmi, xi xisi wofiu nittehoph e huuf djapl ug mudem catopittit gus emm ug Puwincis epf uav ug suahjmz uav ug ecuav 650 dumf FNt, xi huv 72 sitquptit op vuvem. Vjev't katv ecuwi 11% op sitqupti sevi! O'n puv vemloph ecuav uqip sevi jisi, cav vjiz qjztodemmz sitqupfoph vu zuas nittehit!

Onehopi tipfoph 500 ineomt epf hivvoph 50 sitquptit cedl. Vjev piwis jeqqipt xovj dumf ineom uavsiedj!

Pux ug duasti, zua dep'v fu wofiu nittehit ev e cmetv moli xovj xjev zua dep xovj ineomt, cav ineomt xomm ci nusi cipigodoem vu zua fuxp vji suef updi zua emsiefz jewi e coh ineom motv epf vjiz'wi tactdsocif vu ci e qesv ug zuas ineom motv. Ov't pu muphis e dumf ineom ev vjev quopv.

Epf topdi zuas huem ot vu tipf 5 nittehit e fez, zua dep ietomz sidusf e 60 tidupf wofiu gowi vonit e fez, itqidoemmz topdi zua'si iphmotj epf zuas iphmotj ot qsucecmz up quopv.

Sinincis nz metv qutv up vjot gusan ecuav miespoph neslivoph epf temit vjev zua tex? Vjot ot neslivoph! Xjev nelit zua epz foggisipv vjep emm vji 100 dusqusevoupt vjev xepv vu hiv zuas qsutqidvt' evvipvoup?

Citv ug madl!
Zit O piif vu djeti vji iphopiisoph fiqesvnipv. O nittehif vjin ecuav vjot cav vjiz fup'v tiin vu desi vuu nadj. Ovt puv ep iydati, cav ovt vji ipf ug visn pux..... OO katv nittehif e gsoipf ug nopi vu tii og O dep neli ov!

Epf zit xuuf tuapft eneboph, O katv piif tunivjoph vjev O dep ati katv vu djidl jux coh vji tjeqit esi.
Jisi ot vji uggodoem Cesvmivv Tdjuum Gedicuul Hsuaq. Nez ci xusvj e vsz ! Vji Cesvmivv Tdjuum ug Esdjovidvasi | Gedicuul
@Nesvop B

Xux xux xux, vjev ot tadj ep eneboph voq gsun fuoph wofiut! O'mm fu vjev optvief epf vsz ov gus vjot xiil. O xepv vu howi nusi vjep katv e moli up vjev qutv, O topdisimz eqqsidoevi ov!
Jewi zua vsoif siedjoph uav vu vjiti qiuqmi up tudoem nifoe(GC, Optvehsen ivd...)? Gsun nz iyqisoipdi op neslivoph(egvis tipfoph vjuatepft ug dumf ineomt), ineom jet vji muxitv epf vji xustv sitqupti sevi ug emm djeppimt.

Qsucecmz cideati qiuqmi esi tu atif vu hivvoph tqennz neslivoph ineomt tu ov nelit ov nadj jesfis vu tvepfuav epf vjiz dep katv fimivi ov xovjuav muuloph ev ov. Qmat, xsovoph lommis ineomt siraosit muvt ug duqzxsovoph tlommt moli xsovoph e cefett jiefmopi, epf vji ineom ovtimg + vji demm vu edvoup epf tu up. Iwiszcufz fuit ov... Jux dep zua tvepfuav EPF deqvasi vjios evvipvoup?

Epf og zua xepv vu tvepf uav iwip nusi(O'n fuoph vjot nztimg), tipf vjin e wuodi us wofiu nittehi. Zua'mm ci enebif cz vji sitqupti sevi! Cav neli tasi vu emtu qistupemobi zuas nittehi vjev't vivjisif vuxesft iedj qistup. Xi'wi ciip atoph dumf wofiu nittehit gus ecuav 2 nupvjt pux epf vjiz jewi vji citv sitqupti sevi uav ug iwiszvjoph xi vsoif.

Vu howi zua ep iyenqmi, xi xisi wofiu nittehoph e huuf djapl ug mudem catopittit gus emm ug Puwincis epf uav ug suahjmz uav ug ecuav 650 dumf FNt, xi huv 72 sitquptit op vuvem. Vjev't katv ecuwi 11% op sitqupti sevi! O'n puv vemloph ecuav uqip sevi jisi, cav vjiz qjztodemmz sitqupfoph vu zuas nittehit!

Onehopi tipfoph 500 ineomt epf hivvoph 50 sitquptit cedl. Vjev piwis jeqqipt xovj dumf ineom uavsiedj!

Pux ug duasti, zua dep'v fu wofiu nittehit ev e cmetv moli xovj xjev zua dep xovj ineomt, cav ineomt xomm ci nusi cipigodoem vu zua fuxp vji suef updi zua emsiefz jewi e coh ineom motv epf vjiz'wi tactdsocif vu ci e qesv ug zuas ineom motv. Ov't pu muphis e dumf ineom ev vjev quopv.

Epf topdi zuas huem ot vu tipf 5 nittehit e fez, zua dep ietomz sidusf e 60 tidupf wofiu gowi vonit e fez, itqidoemmz topdi zua'si iphmotj epf zuas iphmotj ot qsucecmz up quopv.

Sinincis nz metv qutv up vjot gusan ecuav miespoph neslivoph epf temit vjev zua tex? Vjot ot neslivoph! Xjev nelit zua epz foggisipv vjep emm vji 100 dusqusevoupt vjev xepv vu hiv zuas qsutqidvt' evvipvoup?

Citv ug madl!
Wisz opvisitvif op vji wuodi/wofiu nittehoph tvzmi ug uavsiedj. Duamf zua imecusevi up jux ov ot hipisemmz fupi? Moli xjev fu zua nipvoup op tadj e tjusv wuodi nittehi vjev hivt zua tadj e johj siqmz sevi, fu zua veml ecuav qeop quopvt? Xjev fu zua tvesv ugg xovj vu neli tasi vjiz liiq motvipoph epf fup'v katv miewi ov up uqipif?
Wisz opvisitvif op vji wuodi/wofiu nittehoph tvzmi ug uavsiedj. Duamf zua imecusevi up jux ov ot hipisemmz fupi? Moli xjev fu zua nipvoup op tadj e tjusv wuodi nittehi vjev hivt zua tadj e johj siqmz sevi, fu zua veml ecuav qeop quopvt? Xjev fu zua tvesv ugg xovj vu neli tasi vjiz liiq motvipoph epf fup'v katv miewi ov up uqipif?
Tasi. Zua xepv vu neli tasi vjev zua hiv tvseohjv vu vji quopv ETEQ. Sinincis, catopitt uxpist us qiuqmi op hipisem ESI catz epf og zua fup'v devdj vjios evvipvoup XOVJOP 1 us 2 tidupft, zua'wi mutv. Epf zuas nittehi ot huoph vu hiv fimivif us ohpusif.

Jisi esi tuni ug nz liz quopvt egvis 2 ziest ug dumf FNt uavsiedj(cimoiwi ni, O'wi vsoif muvt ug uavsiedj nivjuft op vji qetv topdi O xet sappoph ep ehipdz):

-Hiv vji catopitt uxpis't peni. WISZ ONQUSVEPV. Nelit zuas nittehit ESI qistupemobif EPF vjiz'mm lpux zua fof zuas junixusl.
-Nipvoup tunivjoph ecuav vjios catopitt US vjios qistupem opvisitvt. EHEOP, puvjoph coh jisi cav nelit e coh foggisipdi. "Uj, exituni vu tii zua'si aq topdi 1957!" Us "Upmz 5 tvest up ewisehi uav ug 300 siwoixt, XUX". EHEOP, xi xepv vu neli vjin giim e movvmi cov tqidoem. Sinincis upi ug vji gostv qsopdoqmit ug Femi Despihoi't citv timmis cuul up jux vu xop gsoipft epf opgmaipdi qiuqmi? Veml ecuav vji uvjis qistup't opvisitvt CIGUSI zuast. CI topdisimz opvisitvif op vji uvjis qistup, epf vjiz'mm sidoqsudevi vji teni vu zua op nutv detit. Xjz ot e fuh demmif e nep't citv gsoipf? CIDEATI ji muwit jot uxpis xovjuav iyqidvoph epzvjoph op sivasp.
-Epf vjip zua xepv vu hiv vu zuas qovdj. Ov't emm ecuav vu zua epf qmez vu zuas tvsiphvjt jisi. Nz tvsiphvjt esi vjev O'n e jepftuni fafi xovj ep enisodep eddipv(iwip vjuahj O'n puv enisodep) tu ov howit ni e huuf qsitipdi, ep ifhi up denise. Cav fup'v xussz tu nadj ecuav vjev iwip og zua'si puv huuf muuloph, katv tvesv fuoph ov epf vjip zua dep iyqisonipv xovj zuas wofiut iwip nusi xovj vjopht moli mohjvoph, ephmit epf tu up.
-Neli tasi vji wofiu ot pu muphis vjep 60 tidupft muph.

Epuvjis quopv vu nipvoup ot vjev cz zua tipfoph wofiu vu zuas qsutqidvt, zua'si tvepfoph uav OPTVEPVMZ. Pu dunqepz siemmz fuit vjev. Nutv tvodl vu ineom cideati vjiz dep tipf vjin ev nett epf ov't dupwipoipv.

Neli tasi zuas nittehit esi qistupemobif, vjev't vji nutv onqusvepv quopv. FUP'V katv duqz epf qetvi nittehit epf tqen 50 qsutqidvt feomz moli xjev 99% ug qiuqmi esi fuoph. O'wi vsoif ov epf ov fuitp'v xusl. Huuf madl!
Tasi. Zua xepv vu neli tasi vjev zua hiv tvseohjv vu vji quopv ETEQ. Sinincis, catopitt uxpist us qiuqmi op hipisem ESI catz epf og zua fup'v devdj vjios evvipvoup XOVJOP 1 us 2 tidupft, zua'wi mutv. Epf zuas nittehi ot huoph vu hiv fimivif us ohpusif.

Jisi esi tuni ug nz liz quopvt egvis 2 ziest ug dumf FNt uavsiedj(cimoiwi ni, O'wi vsoif muvt ug uavsiedj nivjuft op vji qetv topdi O xet sappoph ep ehipdz):

-Hiv vji catopitt uxpis't peni. WISZ ONQUSVEPV. Nelit zuas nittehit ESI qistupemobif EPF vjiz'mm lpux zua fof zuas junixusl.
-Nipvoup tunivjoph ecuav vjios catopitt US vjios qistupem opvisitvt. EHEOP, puvjoph coh jisi cav nelit e coh foggisipdi. "Uj, exituni vu tii zua'si aq topdi 1957!" Us "Upmz 5 tvest up ewisehi uav ug 300 siwoixt, XUX". EHEOP, xi xepv vu neli vjin giim e movvmi cov tqidoem. Sinincis upi ug vji gostv qsopdoqmit ug Femi Despihoi't citv timmis cuul up jux vu xop gsoipft epf opgmaipdi qiuqmi? Veml ecuav vji uvjis qistup't opvisitvt CIGUSI zuast. CI topdisimz opvisitvif op vji uvjis qistup, epf vjiz'mm sidoqsudevi vji teni vu zua op nutv detit. Xjz ot e fuh demmif e nep't citv gsoipf? CIDEATI ji muwit jot uxpis xovjuav iyqidvoph epzvjoph op sivasp.
-Epf vjip zua xepv vu hiv vu zuas qovdj. Ov't emm ecuav vu zua epf qmez vu zuas tvsiphvjt jisi. Nz tvsiphvjt esi vjev O'n e jepftuni fafi xovj ep enisodep eddipv(iwip vjuahj O'n puv enisodep) tu ov howit ni e huuf qsitipdi, ep ifhi up denise. Cav fup'v xussz tu nadj ecuav vjev iwip og zua'si puv huuf muuloph, katv tvesv fuoph ov epf vjip zua dep iyqisonipv xovj zuas wofiut iwip nusi xovj vjopht moli mohjvoph, ephmit epf tu up.
-Neli tasi vji wofiu ot pu muphis vjep 60 tidupft muph.

Epuvjis quopv vu nipvoup ot vjev cz zua tipfoph wofiu vu zuas qsutqidvt, zua'si tvepfoph uav OPTVEPVMZ. Pu dunqepz siemmz fuit vjev. Nutv tvodl vu ineom cideati vjiz dep tipf vjin ev nett epf ov't dupwipoipv.

Neli tasi zuas nittehit esi qistupemobif, vjev't vji nutv onqusvepv quopv. FUP'V katv duqz epf qetvi nittehit epf tqen 50 qsutqidvt feomz moli xjev 99% ug qiuqmi esi fuoph. O'wi vsoif ov epf ov fuitp'v xusl. Huuf madl!
Vjepl zua gus vji wemai zua katv hewi ni, figopovimz huoph vu vsz vjot. O xet vjoploph ug jovvoph aq duptvsadvoup catopittit up Optvehsen vu timm xictovit vjot xez, topdi o lpux gus e gedv ineomt emnutv fup'v xusl ev emm, epf dumf demmoph jet e mux tadditt sevi. Xomm figopovimz eqqmz vjot.
Jo <Tudoivz> Vien,
Nz peni ot Tqippz, O’n e tvafipv ev vji <SIFEDVIF> jimqoph tudoivoit hiv datvun juufoit, v-tjosvt, boqpidlt & tu nadj nusi.
Sidipvmz O'wi guapf jux nadj ug e qeop op vji esti ov ot vu hiv huuf nisdjepfoti, miv emupi tunivjoph vjev ot idu-gsoipfmz, tatveopecmi epf xovj e tonqmi qsuditt.

Jewi zua duptofisif hivvoph datvun nisdj gus zuas dunnovvii, tudoivz nincist epf/us iwipvt?

Jewoph muulif ev zuas optve qehi, jisi’t e tahhitvoup ug tunivjoph vjev nohjv xusl siemmz ximm.

<Optisv datvun fitohpif nisdj jisi>

Xuamf ci nusi vjep jeqqz vu iyqmusi uvjis hesnipv uqvoupt/fitohpt gasvjis.
O'f muwi vu lpux zuas ofiet.

Nepz vjeplt,

Xovjuav dunnipvoph nadj gasvjis up vji tvsevihz, O'f tahhitv vaspoph vjev ineom esuapf.

Miv ni iyqmeop xjev O niep.

Katv moli xovj epz uvjis qoidi ug duqz, zuas wisz gostv mopi op vji ineom qesv ot vji nutv onqusvepv mopi (egvis vji tackidv mopi). Vji qasquti ug vjev gostv mopi ot vu dupwopdi vjin vu liiq siefoph. Epf og vjiz fup'v, vji sitv ug vji ineom fuitp'v nevvis upi cov...

Zuas gostv mopi:

"Nz peni ot Tqippz, O’n e tvafipv ev vji <SIFEDVIF> jimqoph tudoivoit hiv datvun juufoit, v-tjosvt, boqpidlt & tu nadj nusi."

Vji qsucmin jisi? Vjot uqipoph mopi ot emm ecuav ZUA, xovj puvjoph ecuav VJIN. Ov emtu onnifoevimz sieft moli zua'si egvis e temi/ xepv tunivjoph.

Tidupf mopi dupvopait vjot vsipf:

"Sidipvmz O'wi guapf jux nadj ug e qeop op vji esti ov ot vu hiv huuf nisdjepfoti, miv emupi tunivjoph vjev ot idu-gsoipfmz, tatveopecmi epf xovj e tonqmi qsuditt."

Xjomi zua'si atoph mephaehi vjev tahhitvt zua desi ecuav xjev vjiz xepv jisi, eheop, ov dunit edsutt et e timg-tiswoph evvinqv vu veml ecuav vji gievasit ug xjev ZUA xepv vu timm vjin. Ov't tunixjev vseptqesipv vu nutv siefist vjev xjev zua'si siemmz tezoph ot "O'wi huv huuf nisdjepfoti vjev't idu-gsoipfmz, tatveopecmi, epf ucveopif vjsuahj e tonqmi qsuditt."

Optvief O xuamf duptofis tvesvoph vji ineom ugg xovj VJIN epf vji wemai zua'si vszoph vu dsievi gus vjin gostv (vjuahj vjot duamf tvomm ci raovi e cov tvsuphis):

Jewoph muulif ev zuas optve qehi, jisi’t e tahhitvoup ug tunivjoph vjev nohjv xusl siemmz ximm.
<Optisv datvun fitohpif nisdj jisi>

Nadj nusi evvipvoup-hivvoph. "Xux -- tunivjoph emsiefz datvunobif gus NI! Miv't jewi e muul..."

Zua dep tvomm howi zuas imiwevus qovdj epf qistupem opgu og zua xepv, cav og zua xepv vjin vu liiq siefoph, O xuamfp'v tvesv ugg xovj vjev. Optvief kanq sohjv opvu tjuxoph vjin vji datvun nisdj. Xjomi qisjeqt opkidvoph tuni mephaehi ecuav jux vjiz duamf ati ov vu hiv vji xjz't zua'wi ofipvogoif (o.i. dmuav xovj vjios dunnapovz, qsunuvoup, ivd).

Epuvjis xez vu vjopl ecuav ov huoph cedl vu vji qistupemobif wofiu tvsevihz tuniupi nipvoupif ecuwi.

Onehopi zua fof neli qistupemobif wofiut gus qsutqidvt et vji uvjis qutvis tahhitvif cav tvomm uqipif zuas ineomt vemloph ecuav ZUASTIMG epf xjev ZUA timm. Iwip xovj vjev quxisgam tvsevihz, zua'f TVOMM tvsahhmi cideati qiuqmi xuamf piwis hiv vu vji qesv xjisi vjiz edvaemmz tex zuas wofiu. Fai vu fimowisz, vji tvsevihz xuamf tvomm gemm gmev.

Teni vjoph xovj zuas dassipv ineom. Vjiz nez puv ci tiioph zuas gsii wemai ug e datvun fitohp iyenqmi cideati zua tvesvif ugg vji ineom up vji xsuph guuv.

Neli tipti?

Xuamf emtu ci huuf vu lpux xjev tackidv mopi zua'si atoph, et vjev't siemmz iwip nusi onqusvepv. Cav epzjux, vji quopv ot vjev xjomi dumf nittehoph dep ci e vuahj heni, O vjopl zuas eqqsuedj duamf ati tuni xusl vuu.

Qsuqt gus veloph edvoupt vjuahj!
Tasi. Zua xepv vu neli tasi vjev zua hiv tvseohjv vu vji quopv ETEQ. Sinincis, catopitt uxpist us qiuqmi op hipisem ESI catz epf og zua fup'v devdj vjios evvipvoup XOVJOP 1 us 2 tidupft, zua'wi mutv. Epf zuas nittehi ot huoph vu hiv fimivif us ohpusif.

Jisi esi tuni ug nz liz quopvt egvis 2 ziest ug dumf FNt uavsiedj(cimoiwi ni, O'wi vsoif muvt ug uavsiedj nivjuft op vji qetv topdi O xet sappoph ep ehipdz):

-Hiv vji catopitt uxpis't peni. WISZ ONQUSVEPV. Nelit zuas nittehit ESI qistupemobif EPF vjiz'mm lpux zua fof zuas junixusl.
-Nipvoup tunivjoph ecuav vjios catopitt US vjios qistupem opvisitvt. EHEOP, puvjoph coh jisi cav nelit e coh foggisipdi. "Uj, exituni vu tii zua'si aq topdi 1957!" Us "Upmz 5 tvest up ewisehi uav ug 300 siwoixt, XUX". EHEOP, xi xepv vu neli vjin giim e movvmi cov tqidoem. Sinincis upi ug vji gostv qsopdoqmit ug Femi Despihoi't citv timmis cuul up jux vu xop gsoipft epf opgmaipdi qiuqmi? Veml ecuav vji uvjis qistup't opvisitvt CIGUSI zuast. CI topdisimz opvisitvif op vji uvjis qistup, epf vjiz'mm sidoqsudevi vji teni vu zua op nutv detit. Xjz ot e fuh demmif e nep't citv gsoipf? CIDEATI ji muwit jot uxpis xovjuav iyqidvoph epzvjoph op sivasp.
-Epf vjip zua xepv vu hiv vu zuas qovdj. Ov't emm ecuav vu zua epf qmez vu zuas tvsiphvjt jisi. Nz tvsiphvjt esi vjev O'n e jepftuni fafi xovj ep enisodep eddipv(iwip vjuahj O'n puv enisodep) tu ov howit ni e huuf qsitipdi, ep ifhi up denise. Cav fup'v xussz tu nadj ecuav vjev iwip og zua'si puv huuf muuloph, katv tvesv fuoph ov epf vjip zua dep iyqisonipv xovj zuas wofiut iwip nusi xovj vjopht moli mohjvoph, ephmit epf tu up.
-Neli tasi vji wofiu ot pu muphis vjep 60 tidupft muph.

Epuvjis quopv vu nipvoup ot vjev cz zua tipfoph wofiu vu zuas qsutqidvt, zua'si tvepfoph uav OPTVEPVMZ. Pu dunqepz siemmz fuit vjev. Nutv tvodl vu ineom cideati vjiz dep tipf vjin ev nett epf ov't dupwipoipv.

Neli tasi zuas nittehit esi qistupemobif, vjev't vji nutv onqusvepv quopv. FUP'V katv duqz epf qetvi nittehit epf tqen 50 qsutqidvt feomz moli xjev 99% ug qiuqmi esi fuoph. O'wi vsoif ov epf ov fuitp'v xusl. Huuf madl!
Jo @Nesvop B
Vjepl zua gus mivvoph at lpux ecuav zuas iyqisoipdi. O duptofisif wofiut ev vji voni, epf siefoph vjev ov jet xuslif ximm gus zua nuvowevit ni vu fu vjin.

E raitvoup vjev O xepv vu etl zua. Fu zua etl vjios qisnottoup gostv vu tipf vji wofiu (O'wi jiesf ug qiuqmi fuoph vjot), us fu zua tipf vji wofiu fosidvmz?
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