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30 lbs. of Muscle Gained in One Year: How I Went From "skinny kid" to Aesthetic in 1 year at 16

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Aug 19, 2022
Allen, TX
------------------------Introduction (feel free to skip)------------------------

Hello all, I would like to start by saying how grateful I am to have this forum. Every visit I find myself drowning in value.

I made this post to document my fitness journey so far, inspire others to start theirs, and hopefully help some people make progress in their fitness endeavors by showing what worked for me and what might work for you.

I would also like to say that although I believe I have a decent physique, I am far from perfect and I still have a long way to go (not to mention cardio and diet, both of which I still have room to grow in).

------------------------My Story------------------------

Today I am 5' 10" at a lean 157.6 lbs, I get regular compliments from friends and family on my physique, and I am significantly more confident (but again, I still have room to grow). But lets start with about 8 months ago...

I'm 16, 5' 10", 127 lbs. (give or take) I'm borderline underweight and built like a stick. I get called skinny (or anything along those lines) on the daily. I lack confidence, I am perceived as a nerd, and my arms are even thinner than my younger sister's (yikes!). Around this time, I (somehow) get the confidence to ask out a beautiful girl... as we both stand, fidgeting under the tension, she says while staring at the floor: "Sorry, you're a nice friend, but I'm not looking for this right now"...friendzoned. Although I expected it, it still hurt like hell. I went home and sank in a sea of my own remorse and self-pity.

After a few weeks of wallowing in sadness later however, I started thinking I should start working out and improve my appearance. Eventually I started doing 20 minute upper/lower body dumbbell workouts about every other day, guided by a youtube workout video (this gives me nostalgia). A few weeks later, I start seeing some gains. I tell my friends at the lunch table that I started working out, while flexing my arms. A response from one of them: "Do you even workout?" (looking back, this makes me pissed. Although you might think they are, these people are not your friends). I kept going, and after a month or two I had gotten ok gains! I start showing this to my friends, some of them support me, others don't.

However, 2 weeks or so before the end of the school year, I arm wrestle a good friend of mine for fun. It was very close, I ended up losing (lol), and I challenged him and lost again (lol again). Later in that day, I did one of my dumbbell upper body workouts along with the same video tutorial, but during that workout I felt a bit of pain in my wrist, which I ignored and kept going. This was going to come back to bite me very quickly. The next day I woke up and my wrist was almost incapacitated, any time I tried to lift my school bag or something with a little weight, I had searing pain in it. A few weeks later, I get an MRI and find out that I tore my TFCC, doctors say that my recovery is uncertain but that I wouldn't be able to lift. This is the beginning of my down trend.

It's summer now, and I'm bored af. With my wrist in a cast I end up watching youtube videos and pissing my time away. My family and I go on a vacation to India, during which I spend most of the time perpetually sick. I throw up, lose more of my already puny appetite, and am stuck in bed for most of my "vacation". The times that my family and I did go out to meet friends and extended family, I am slapped in the face with "you should eat more", "you're skinnier than I remember", etc. Eventually our vacation ends, and to my dismay, my weight has dropped... down to 122 lbs. Something had to change...

During the remaining time in the summer, my wrist comes back to decent condition (although to this day it still bothers me), and I begin researching for the path I could take to get jacked. I ravenously consume information, fitness influencers, gurus, etc. I pick up tidbits here and there and eventually I find a channel called Hamza (say what you will about him, I will personally say that he has helped me turn around my life, not just in fitness but in other areas as well). He says that I have to start bulking (eating in a calorie surplus, more on this later), and that I have to go to an actual gym and train hard with a program.

Here finally comes the turning point, I am enrolled in an accelerated school program where I get to attend university for 11th and 12th grades. I meet a good friend, Joe, who has been training for a year. He puts me on a PPL (push-pull-legs) program and we hit the gym, hard, 5x a week at minimum, sometimes 6x. I get access to the dining halls on campus, and while my friends stuffed their faces with pizza and ice cream and nonsense garbage, I ate very clean and with intent. I started bulking and tracking my calorie intake, my goal being 3200 calories per day. I probably ate at least a 100 bowls of chicken, rice, and black beans over the course of the academic year. A lot of the time I ate pasta, and I often grabbed salad. After I gained a few lbs., I realized how much potential I had (and around this time I also said to myself: "shit, why didn't I just do this earlier"). Eating 3200 calories a day was not fun, walking back from the dining halls to the dorm was always a struggle. However, I managed to stay extremely consistent in the gym and with my bulking.

I started to reap the great rewards of my efforts. I consistently gained weight (and I still am) and ended the school year at about 153 lbs. lean and with a very decent physique. During the the latter end of the school year, I was consistently getting compliments from my good friends, which did wonders for my confidence. I feel 10x more respected by not only my friends, but people in general. I also earned respect for myself, which some would argue is the hardest respect to earn. Today I am at a lean 157.6 lbs. and I'm very happy with the progress I've made. I've started a gym club at my school program with Joe and we're supporting people in their fitness endeavors (while getting volunteer hours XD).

------------------------My Tips------------------------

Here is what I learned along the way as practical tips you can use to get started and/or make more progress.

You MUST stay consistent: As MJ and many members of the forum have pointed out, your declarations will mean absolutely jackshit until you actually start putting in effort to change your life. You won't get 6 pack abs if you're drinking or eating crap and not putting any actual effort into exercising or eating properly. Me and Joe have had countless friends make empty declarations or even come to the gym with us a few times, only to drop off within a week or two. I recommend using a habit tracker and/or getting an accountability partner (you can use this forum!) or gym bro.

Sleep is very important: Although you feel the burn in the gym, the actual gains are made in your sleep. Not only does getting great sleep give you more energy throughout the day that you can put into the gym or your business, it's also a vital part of the recovery process after hitting the gym.

Have a growth mindset: This doesn't just apply to fitness, but to almost all pursuits in life. Squash your limiting beliefs like: "I can't get jacked because my genetics suck", I see people blathering like this all the time. A much better and more useful (there is no point in holding beliefs that don't serve you) belief to hold is that you can and will improve over time. Your genetics might stop you from becoming the next Arnold, but they certainly won't stop you from putting on muscle and gaining/losing a lifechanging amount of weight.

Train until failure: You will make gains much faster unless you go close to failure (preferably all the way to failure) during your exercises (this is especially true later on).

Train with the proper frequency: A common trap for beginners is the Bro-split. Although you will make gains, training with a split like PPL (push-pull-legs) or Upper-Lower will allow you to target muscle groups with greater frequency, allowing you to give your muscles stimulus more often and ultimately resulting in greater and faster gains.

Don't ego-lift: Ego lifting is lifting much more than you are capable of. We've all seen clips of those guys racking on way too many plates than they are capable of and suffering greatly because they couldn't swallow their egos. Not only will you save yourself from injury, but you will make more gains when working with good form in the 10-15 rep range.

Listen to your body: This is more useful for those who are well into their fitness journeys. If you get pain while working out (NOT soreness or the burn), you should stop, maybe stretch, and then, carefully, try again. If you still get pain, you might need to cut it. It's not worth risking injury, especially are someone who doesn't have trouble taking action and getting in workouts, because we have many years to build our physiques.

(For gaining weight) Utilize liquid calories: I started making and drinking shakes pretty early in my bulking. It's a really easy way to get an extra 800+ calories in very quickly. Here is what I drink right now for breakfast:

1 cup milk
1 banana
1 tbsp greek yogurt
3 tsp peanut butter
1 scoop protein powder
Add some water to make the consistency better

How to start training: First you've got to get access to a gym, many gyms offer free periods or other offers that let you try out their facilities easily. Before you go, you need to download an app called Strong on the app store. This app lets you track exercises, sets, reps, weight used, and add any notes you want.

For the first day or two, feel free to screw around and get used to the gym environment (just please don't get yourself injured).

After one week, we are going to start training with intent using a PPL (push-pull-legs) program (NOTE: if you want to do strength training and move more weight instead of bodybuilding for aesthetics [although you will still gain some strength] which is what I did, you can try a 5x5 program, I encourage you to do your own research; I'm not including this because I don't have experience with it). In this program we will train chest, shoulders, and triceps on push days; back, lats, and biceps on pull days; and quads, hamstrings, and calves on leg days (some other muscles will be hit with compound exercises). I recommend starting with just 3 sets instead of 4 for each exercise during your first week so that you can start getting used to the burn. After 2 weeks, you can add drop sets to each of your exercises, where you don't take a break from your last set and instead decrease the weight and push out one more set. My preferred rep range is 10-15 for bodybuilding. Here's what it will look like (4x12 means 4 sets of 12 reps):

Push Day:
Chest - Bench press 4x8 (Or chest press or other alt.)
Shoulders - Shoulder press 4x12
Triceps - Triceps cable extension 4x12 (Lots of options here)
Mid Deltoid - Lateral raises 3x12 (Do these after a few weeks, You can do these with dumbbells or cables)

Pull Day:
Back - Cable rows 4x12 (Some kind of rows)
Lats - Lat pulldown 4x12 (You can experiment with pullups or other alt.)
Biceps - Bicep curl 4x12 (You can also use cables or machines or even some variations of pullups)
Rear Deltoid - Rear delt 3x12 (Similarly to Mid Deltoid, introduce these after a few weeks, You can do these with dumbbells or cables or machine)

Leg Day:
Compound - Squats 4x8
Compound - Leg press 4x8
Quads - Leg extensions 4x12
Hamstrings - Leg curls 4x12 (do this seated or prone on machine)
Calves - Calf raises 4x12

Some other areas to hit if you really want are: traps, neck (if you want), and obliques. I would recommend hitting abs at least every other day you go to the gym, if not everyday. I may experiment with deadlifts later in the future, this would most probably be for fun but I need to do more research.

How to start gaining/losing weight: Go to this website and put in your info: TDEE Calculator: Learn Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure It will give a number (see picture)

Awesome, this number is roughly the number of calories you need to consume to maintain your current weight at your current activity level. But what we want is the number of calories we need to consume to gain or lose weight. Scroll down to the tabs that read "maintenance", "cutting", and "bulking". If you didn't know already, cutting is the process of losing weight by consuming in a calorie deficit, while bulking is the opposite: gaining weight by eating in a calorie surplus. Choose the appropriate tab and record the number (I highlighted mine for reference, it's gone up by 200 calories since I started and I haven't updated, oops lol). You can also record the amounts of the macronutrients (protein, fats, carbs) if you want, but I don't find that to be necessary.


Cool, now we know how many calories we need to eat to gain/lose weight, what's next? We are going to use an awesome free app called MyFitnessPal to track our calorie intake. Download the app and set your calorie goal as recorded previously (if you want, you can also just put your info into the app, select your weekly goal, and let the app get a number for you).

Bam, now we have a way to easily track our calories and maintain progress to our goal, now what? Well, now's the hard part, staying accountable. You really have to stay consistent (as mentioned above) to make progress, you got this! Also please keep in mind that you won't get jacked just by eating less than your maintenance, you have to go to the gym to gain muscle.


Whew! That was quite a lot. This took me about 2 hours or so to write out, I hope you found my story entertaining and/or inspiring and the rest to be valuable. You have the power to change your life. I'm cheering for you!

P.S. If you guys have any questions and/or suggestions for me or others feel free to add them. Cheers!
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------------------------Opvsufadvoup (giim gsii vu tloq)------------------------

Jimmu emm, O xuamf moli vu tvesv cz tezoph jux hsevigam O en vu jewi vjot gusan. Iwisz wotov O gopf nztimg fsuxpoph op wemai.

O nefi vjot qutv vu fudanipv nz govpitt kuaspiz tu ges, optqosi uvjist vu tvesv vjiost, epf juqigammz jimq tuni qiuqmi neli qsuhsitt op vjios govpitt ipfiewust cz tjuxoph xjev xuslif gus ni epf xjev nohjv xusl gus zua.

O xuamf emtu moli vu tez vjev emvjuahj O cimoiwi O jewi e fidipv qjztorai, O en ges gsun qisgidv epf O tvomm jewi e muph xez vu hu (puv vu nipvoup desfou epf foiv, cuvj ug xjodj O tvomm jewi suun vu hsux op).

------------------------Nz Tvusz------------------------

Vufez O en 5' 10" ev e miep 157.6 mct, O hiv sihames dunqmonipvt gsun gsoipft epf genomz up nz qjztorai, epf O en tohpogodepvmz nusi dupgofipv (cav eheop, O tvomm jewi suun vu hsux). Cav mivt tvesv xovj ecuav 8 nupvjt ehu...

O'n 16, 5' 10", 127 mct. (howi us veli) O'n cusfismopi apfisxiohjv epf caomv moli e tvodl. O hiv demmif tloppz (us epzvjoph emuph vjuti mopit) up vji feomz. O medl dupgofipdi, O en qisdiowif et e pisf, epf nz esnt esi iwip vjoppis vjep nz zuaphis totvis't (zolit!). Esuapf vjot voni, O (tunijux) hiv vji dupgofipdi vu etl uav e cieavogam hosm... et xi cuvj tvepf, gofhivoph apfis vji viptoup, tji tezt xjomi tvesoph ev vji gmuus: "Tussz, zua'si e podi gsoipf, cav O'n puv muuloph gus vjot sohjv pux"...gsoipfbupif. Emvjuahj O iyqidvif ov, ov tvomm jasv moli jimm. O xipv juni epf tepl op e tie ug nz uxp sinusti epf timg-qovz.

Egvis e gix xiilt ug xemmuxoph op tefpitt mevis juxiwis, O tvesvif vjoploph O tjuamf tvesv xusloph uav epf onqsuwi nz eqqiesepdi. Iwipvaemmz O tvesvif fuoph 20 nopavi aqqis/muxis cufz fanccimm xusluavt ecuav iwisz uvjis fez, haofif cz e zuavaci xusluav wofiu (vjot howit ni putvemhoe). E gix xiilt mevis, O tvesv tiioph tuni heopt. O vimm nz gsoipft ev vji mapdj vecmi vjev O tvesvif xusloph uav, xjomi gmiyoph nz esnt. E sitqupti gsun upi ug vjin: "Fu zua iwip xusluav?" (muuloph cedl, vjot nelit ni qottif. Emvjuahj zua nohjv vjopl vjiz esi, vjiti qiuqmi esi puv zuas gsoipft). O liqv huoph, epf egvis e nupvj us vxu O jef huvvip ul heopt! O tvesv tjuxoph vjot vu nz gsoipft, tuni ug vjin taqqusv ni, uvjist fup'v.

Juxiwis, 2 xiilt us tu cigusi vji ipf ug vji tdjuum zies, O esn xsitvmi e huuf gsoipf ug nopi gus gap. Ov xet wisz dmuti, O ipfif aq mutoph (mum), epf O djemmiphif jon epf mutv eheop (mum eheop). Mevis op vjev fez, O fof upi ug nz fanccimm aqqis cufz xusluavt emuph xovj vji teni wofiu vavusoem, cav fasoph vjev xusluav O gimv e cov ug qeop op nz xsotv, xjodj O ohpusif epf liqv huoph. Vjot xet huoph vu duni cedl vu covi ni wisz raodlmz. Vji piyv fez O xuli aq epf nz xsotv xet emnutv opdeqedovevif, epz voni O vsoif vu mogv nz tdjuum ceh us tunivjoph xovj e movvmi xiohjv, O jef tiesoph qeop op ov. E gix xiilt mevis, O hiv ep NSO epf gopf uav vjev O vusi nz VGDD, fudvust tez vjev nz siduwisz ot apdisveop cav vjev O xuamfp'v ci ecmi vu mogv. Vjot ot vji cihoppoph ug nz fuxp vsipf.

Ov't tannis pux, epf O'n cusif eg. Xovj nz xsotv op e detv O ipf aq xevdjoph zuavaci wofiut epf qottoph nz voni exez. Nz genomz epf O hu up e wedevoup vu Opfoe, fasoph xjodj O tqipf nutv ug vji voni qisqivaemmz todl. O vjsux aq, muti nusi ug nz emsiefz qapz eqqivovi, epf en tvadl op cif gus nutv ug nz "wedevoup". Vji vonit vjev nz genomz epf O fof hu uav vu niiv gsoipft epf iyvipfif genomz, O en tmeqqif op vji gedi xovj "zua tjuamf iev nusi", "zua'si tloppois vjep O sinincis", ivd. Iwipvaemmz uas wedevoup ipft, epf vu nz fotnez, nz xiohjv jet fsuqqif... fuxp vu 122 mct. Tunivjoph jef vu djephi...

Fasoph vji sineopoph voni op vji tannis, nz xsotv dunit cedl vu fidipv dupfovoup (emvjuahj vu vjot fez ov tvomm cuvjist ni), epf O cihop sitiesdjoph gus vji qevj O duamf veli vu hiv kedlif. O sewipuatmz duptani opgusnevoup, govpitt opgmaipdist, hasat, ivd. O qodl aq vofcovt jisi epf vjisi epf iwipvaemmz O gopf e djeppim demmif Jenbe (tez xjev zua xomm ecuav jon, O xomm qistupemmz tez vjev ji jet jimqif ni vasp esuapf nz mogi, puv katv op govpitt cav op uvjis esiet et ximm). Ji tezt vjev O jewi vu tvesv camloph (ievoph op e demusoi tasqmat, nusi up vjot mevis), epf vjev O jewi vu hu vu ep edvaem hzn epf vseop jesf xovj e qsuhsen.

Jisi gopemmz dunit vji vaspoph quopv, O en ipsummif op ep eddimisevif tdjuum qsuhsen xjisi O hiv vu evvipf apowistovz gus 11vj epf 12vj hsefit. O niiv e huuf gsoipf, Kui, xju jet ciip vseopoph gus e zies. Ji qavt ni up e QQM (qatj-qamm-miht) qsuhsen epf xi jov vji hzn, jesf, 5y e xiil ev noponan, tunivonit 6y. O hiv edditt vu vji fopoph jemmt up denqat, epf xjomi nz gsoipft tvaggif vjios gedit xovj qobbe epf odi dsien epf puptipti hescehi, O evi wisz dmiep epf xovj opvipv. O tvesvif camloph epf vsedloph nz demusoi opveli, nz huem cioph 3200 demusoit qis fez. O qsucecmz evi ev mietv e 100 cuxmt ug djodlip, sodi, epf cmedl ciept uwis vji duasti ug vji edefinod zies. E muv ug vji voni O evi qetve, epf O ugvip hseccif temef. Egvis O heopif e gix mct., O siemobif jux nadj quvipvoem O jef (epf esuapf vjot voni O emtu teof vu nztimg: "tjov, xjz fofp'v O katv fu vjot iesmois"). Ievoph 3200 demusoit e fez xet puv gap, xemloph cedl gsun vji fopoph jemmt vu vji fusn xet emxezt e tvsahhmi. Juxiwis, O nepehif vu tvez iyvsinimz duptotvipv op vji hzn epf xovj nz camloph.

O tvesvif vu sieq vji hsiev sixesft ug nz iggusvt. O duptotvipvmz heopif xiohjv (epf O tvomm en) epf ipfif vji tdjuum zies ev ecuav 153 mct. miep epf xovj e wisz fidipv qjztorai. Fasoph vji vji mevvis ipf ug vji tdjuum zies, O xet duptotvipvmz hivvoph dunqmonipvt gsun nz huuf gsoipft, xjodj fof xupfist gus nz dupgofipdi. O giim 10y nusi sitqidvif cz puv upmz nz gsoipft, cav qiuqmi op hipisem. O emtu iespif sitqidv gus nztimg, xjodj tuni xuamf eshai ot vji jesfitv sitqidv vu iesp. Vufez O en ev e miep 157.6 mct. epf O'n wisz jeqqz xovj vji qsuhsitt O'wi nefi. O'wi tvesvif e hzn dmac ev nz tdjuum qsuhsen xovj Kui epf xi'si taqqusvoph qiuqmi op vjios govpitt ipfiewust (xjomi hivvoph wumapviis juast YF).

------------------------Nz Voqt------------------------

Jisi ot xjev O miespif emuph vji xez et qsedvodem voqt zua dep ati vu hiv tvesvif epf/us neli nusi qsuhsitt.

Zua NATV tvez duptotvipv: Et NK epf nepz nincist ug vji gusan jewi quopvif uav, zuas fidmesevoupt xomm niep ectumavimz kedltjov apvom zua edvaemmz tvesv qavvoph op iggusv vu djephi zuas mogi. Zua xup'v hiv 6 qedl ect og zua'si fsoploph us ievoph dseq epf puv qavvoph epz edvaem iggusv opvu iyisdotoph us ievoph qsuqismz. Ni epf Kui jewi jef duapvmitt gsoipft neli inqvz fidmesevoupt us iwip duni vu vji hzn xovj at e gix vonit, upmz vu fsuq ugg xovjop e xiil us vxu. O sidunnipf atoph e jecov vsedlis epf/us hivvoph ep edduapvecomovz qesvpis (zua dep ati vjot gusan!) us hzn csu.

Tmiiq ot wisz onqusvepv: Emvjuahj zua giim vji casp op vji hzn, vji edvaem heopt esi nefi op zuas tmiiq. Puv upmz fuit hivvoph hsiev tmiiq howi zua nusi ipishz vjsuahjuav vji fez

Vseop apvom geomasi: Zua xomm neli heopt nadj getvis apmitt zua hu dmuti vu geomasi (qsigisecmz emm vji xez vu geomasi) fasoph zuas iyisdotit (vjot ot itqidoemmz vsai mevis up).

Fup'v ihu-mogv: Ihu mogvoph ot mogvoph nadj nusi vjep zua esi deqecmi ug. Xi'wi emm tiip dmoqt ug vjuti hazt sedloph up xez vuu nepz qmevit vjep vjiz esi deqecmi ug epf taggisoph hsievmz cideati vjiz duamfp'v txemmux vjios ihut. Puv upmz xomm zua tewi zuastimg gsun opkasz, cav zua xomm neli nusi heopt xjip xusloph xovj huuf gusn op vji 10-15 siq sephi.

Motvip vu zuas cufz: Vjot ot nusi atigam gus vjuti xju esi ximm opvu vjios govpitt kuaspizt. Og zua hiv qeop xjomi xusloph uav (PUV tusipitt us vji casp), zua tjuamf tvuq, nezci tvsivdj

(Gus heopoph xiohjv) Avomobi moraof demusoit: O tvesvif neloph epf fsoploph tjelit qsivvz iesmz op nz camloph. Ov't e siemmz ietz xez vu hiv ep iyvse 800+ demusoit op wisz raodlmz. Jisi ot xjev O fsopl sohjv pux gus csielgetv:

1 daq noml
1 cepepe
1 vctq hsiil zuhasv
3 vtq qiepav cavvis
1 tduuq qsuviop quxfis
Eff tuni xevis vu neli vji duptotvipdz civvis

Jux vu tvesv vseopoph: Gostv zua'wi huv vu hiv edditt vu e hzn, nepz hznt uggis gsii qisouft us uvjis uggist vjev miv zua vsz uav vjios gedomovoit ietomz. Cigusi zua hu, zua piif vu fuxpmuef ep eqq demmif Tvsuph up vji eqq tvusi. Vjot eqq mivt zua vsedl iyisdotit, tivt, siqt, xiohjv atif, epf eff epz puvit zua xepv.

Gus vji gostv fez us vxu, giim gsii vu tdsix esuapf epf hiv atif vu vji hzn ipwosupnipv (katv qmieti fup'v hiv zuastimg opkasif).

Egvis upi xiil, xi esi huoph vu tvesv vseopoph xovj opvipv atoph e QQM (qatj-qamm-miht) qsuhsen (PUVI: og zua xepv vu fu tvsiphvj vseopoph epf nuwi nusi xiohjv optvief ug cufzcaomfoph gus eitvjivodt [although you will still gain some strength] xjodj ot xjev O fof, zua dep vsz e 5y5 qsuhsen, O ipduasehi zua vu fu zuas uxp sitiesdj; O'n puv opdmafoph vjot cideati O fup'v jewi iyqisoipdi xovj ov). Op vjot qsuhsen xi xomm vseop djitv, tjuamfist, epf vsodiqt up qatj fezt; cedl, mevt, epf codiqt up qamm fezt; epf raeft, jentvsopht, epf demwit up mih fezt (tuni uvjis natdmit xomm ci jov xovj dunquapf iyisdotit). O sidunnipf tvesvoph xovj katv 3 tivt optvief ug 4 gus iedj iyisdoti fasoph zuas gostv xiil tu vjev zua dep tvesv hivvoph atif vu vji casp. Egvis 2 xiilt, zua dep eff fsuq tivt vu iedj ug zuas iyisdotit, xjisi zua fup'v veli e csiel gsun zuas metv tiv epf optvief fidsieti vji xiohjv epf qatj uav upi nusi tiv. Nz qsigissif siq sephi ot 10-15 gus cufzcaomfoph. Jisi't xjev ov xomm muul moli (4y12 niept 4 tivt ug 12 siqt):

Qatj Fez:
Djitv - Cipdj qsitt 4y8 (Us djitv qsitt us uvjis emv.)
Tjuamfist - Tjuamfis qsitt 4y12
Vsodiqt - Vsodiqt decmi iyviptoup 4y12 (Muvt ug uqvoupt jisi)
Nof Fimvuof - Mevisem seotit 3y12 (Fu vjiti egvis e gix xiilt, Zua dep fu vjiti xovj fanccimmt us decmit)

Qamm Fez:
Cedl - Decmi suxt 4y12 (Tuni lopf ug suxt)
Mevt - Mev qammfuxp 4y12 (Zua dep iyqisonipv xovj qammaqt us uvjis emv.)
Codiqt - Codiq dasm 4y12 (Zua dep emtu ati decmit us nedjopit us iwip tuni wesoevoupt ug qammaqt)
Sies Fimvuof - Sies fimv 3y12 (Tonomesmz vu Nof Fimvuof, opvsufadi vjiti egvis e gix xiilt, Zua dep fu vjiti xovj fanccimmt us decmit us nedjopi)

Mih Fez:
Dunquapf - Traevt 4y8
Dunquapf - Mih qsitt 4y8
Raeft - Mih iyviptoupt 4y12
Jentvsopht - Mih dasmt 4y12 (fu vjot tievif us qsupi up nedjopi)
Demwit - Demg seotit 4y12

Tuni uvjis esiet vu jov og zua siemmz xepv esi: vseqt, pidl (og zua xepv), epf ucmorait. O xuamf sidunnipf jovvoph ect ev mietv iwisz uvjis fez zua hu vu vji hzn, og puv iwiszfez. O nez iyqisonipv xovj fiefmogvt mevis op vji gavasi, vjot xuamf nutv qsucecmz ci gus gap cav O piif vu fu nusi sitiesdj.

Jux vu tvesv heopoph/mutoph xiohjv: Hu vu vjot xictovi epf qav op zuas opgu: VFII Demdamevus: Miesp Zuas Vuvem Feomz Ipishz Iyqipfovasi Ov xomm howi e pancis (tii qodvasi)
View attachment 49518

Exituni, vjot pancis ot suahjmz vji pancis ug demusoit zua piif vu duptani vu neopveop zuas dassipv xiohjv ev zuas dassipv edvowovz miwim. Cav xjev xi xepv ot vji pancis ug demusoit xi piif vu duptani vu heop us muti xiohjv. Tdsumm fuxp vu vji vect vjev sief "neopvipepdi", "davvoph", epf "camloph". Og zua fofp'v lpux emsiefz, davvoph ot vji qsuditt ug mutoph xiohjv cz duptanoph op e demusoi figodov, xjomi camloph ot vji uqqutovi: heopoph xiohjv cz ievoph op e demusoi tasqmat. Djuuti vji eqqsuqsoevi vec epf sidusf vji pancis (O johjmohjvif nopi gus sigisipdi, ov't hupi aq cz 200 demusoit topdi O tvesvif epf O jewip'v aqfevif, uuqt mum). Zua dep emtu sidusf vji enuapvt ug vji nedsupavsoipvt (qsuviop, gevt, desct) og zua xepv, cav O fup'v gopf vjev vu ci pidittesz.

View attachment 49519

Duum, pux xi lpux jux nepz demusoit xi piif vu iev vu heop/muti xiohjv, xjev't piyv? Xi esi huoph vu ati ep exituni gsii eqq demmif NzGovpittQem vu vsedl uas demusoi opveli. Fuxpmuef vji eqq epf tiv zuas demusoi huem et sidusfif qsiwouatmz (og zua xepv, zua dep emtu katv qav zuas opgu opvu vji eqq, timidv zuas xiilmz huem, epf miv vji eqq hiv e pancis gus zua).

Cen, pux xi jewi e xez vu ietomz vsedl uas demusoit epf neopveop qsuhsitt vu uas huem, pux xjev? Ximm, pux't vji jesf qesv, tvezoph edduapvecmi. Zua siemmz jewi vu tvez duptotvipv (et nipvoupif ecuwi) vu neli qsuhsitt, zua huv vjot! Emtu qmieti liiq op nopf vjev zua xup'v hiv kedlif katv cz ievoph mitt vjep zuas neopvipepdi, zua jewi vu hu vu vji hzn vu heop natdmi.


Xjix! Vjev xet raovi e muv. Vjot vuul ni ecuav 2 juast us tu vu xsovi uav, O juqi zua guapf nz tvusz ipvisveopoph epf/us optqosoph epf vji sitv vu ci wemaecmi. Zua jewi vji quxis vu djephi zuas mogi. O'n djiisoph gus zua!

Q.T. Og zua hazt jewi epz raitvoupt epf/us tahhitvoupt gus ni us uvjist giim gsii vu eff vjin. Djiist!
Vjeplt gus tjesoph zuas qsuditt! Ovt fiiq, gamm xovj optvsadvoupt epf qettoup, ovt optqosoph. Hsiev xusl!
Vjeplt gus tjesoph zuas qsuditt! Ovt fiiq, gamm xovj optvsadvoupt epf qettoup, ovt optqosoph. Hsiev xusl!
Jiz Kutiqj, O'n hmef zua molif ov!

Cufzcaomfoph & Hipisem iyisdotoph jewi howip ni opwemaecmi sivaspt, O juqi vjev O dep jimq uvjist gopf vjios govpitt quvipvoem epf hiv tvesvif
Last edited:
------------------------Opvsufadvoup (giim gsii vu tloq)------------------------

Jimmu emm, O xuamf moli vu tvesv cz tezoph jux hsevigam O en vu jewi vjot gusan. Iwisz wotov O gopf nztimg fsuxpoph op wemai.

O nefi vjot qutv vu fudanipv nz govpitt kuaspiz tu ges, optqosi uvjist vu tvesv vjiost, epf juqigammz jimq tuni qiuqmi neli qsuhsitt op vjios govpitt ipfiewust cz tjuxoph xjev xuslif gus ni epf xjev nohjv xusl gus zua.

O xuamf emtu moli vu tez vjev emvjuahj O cimoiwi O jewi e fidipv qjztorai, O en ges gsun qisgidv epf O tvomm jewi e muph xez vu hu (puv vu nipvoup desfou epf foiv, cuvj ug xjodj O tvomm jewi suun vu hsux op).

------------------------Nz Tvusz------------------------

Vufez O en 5' 10" ev e miep 157.6 mct, O hiv sihames dunqmonipvt gsun gsoipft epf genomz up nz qjztorai, epf O en tohpogodepvmz nusi dupgofipv (cav eheop, O tvomm jewi suun vu hsux). Cav mivt tvesv xovj ecuav 8 nupvjt ehu...

O'n 16, 5' 10", 127 mct. (howi us veli) O'n cusfismopi apfisxiohjv epf caomv moli e tvodl. O hiv demmif tloppz (us epzvjoph emuph vjuti mopit) up vji feomz. O medl dupgofipdi, O en qisdiowif et e pisf, epf nz esnt esi iwip vjoppis vjep nz zuaphis totvis't (zolit!). Esuapf vjot voni, O (tunijux) hiv vji dupgofipdi vu etl uav e cieavogam hosm... et xi cuvj tvepf, gofhivoph apfis vji viptoup, tji tezt xjomi tvesoph ev vji gmuus: "Tussz, zua'si e podi gsoipf, cav O'n puv muuloph gus vjot sohjv pux"...gsoipfbupif. Emvjuahj O iyqidvif ov, ov tvomm jasv moli jimm. O xipv juni epf tepl op e tie ug nz uxp sinusti epf timg-qovz.

Egvis e gix xiilt ug xemmuxoph op tefpitt mevis juxiwis, O tvesvif vjoploph O tjuamf tvesv xusloph uav epf onqsuwi nz eqqiesepdi. Iwipvaemmz O tvesvif fuoph 20 nopavi aqqis/muxis cufz fanccimm xusluavt ecuav iwisz uvjis fez, haofif cz e zuavaci xusluav wofiu (vjot howit ni putvemhoe). E gix xiilt mevis, O tvesv tiioph tuni heopt. O vimm nz gsoipft ev vji mapdj vecmi vjev O tvesvif xusloph uav, xjomi gmiyoph nz esnt. E sitqupti gsun upi ug vjin: "Fu zua iwip xusluav?" (muuloph cedl, vjot nelit ni qottif. Emvjuahj zua nohjv vjopl vjiz esi, vjiti qiuqmi esi puv zuas gsoipft). O liqv huoph, epf egvis e nupvj us vxu O jef huvvip ul heopt! O tvesv tjuxoph vjot vu nz gsoipft, tuni ug vjin taqqusv ni, uvjist fup'v.

Juxiwis, 2 xiilt us tu cigusi vji ipf ug vji tdjuum zies, O esn xsitvmi e huuf gsoipf ug nopi gus gap. Ov xet wisz dmuti, O ipfif aq mutoph (mum), epf O djemmiphif jon epf mutv eheop (mum eheop). Mevis op vjev fez, O fof upi ug nz fanccimm aqqis cufz xusluavt emuph xovj vji teni wofiu vavusoem, cav fasoph vjev xusluav O gimv e cov ug qeop op nz xsotv, xjodj O ohpusif epf liqv huoph. Vjot xet huoph vu duni cedl vu covi ni wisz raodlmz. Vji piyv fez O xuli aq epf nz xsotv xet emnutv opdeqedovevif, epz voni O vsoif vu mogv nz tdjuum ceh us tunivjoph xovj e movvmi xiohjv, O jef tiesoph qeop op ov. E gix xiilt mevis, O hiv ep NSO epf gopf uav vjev O vusi nz VGDD, fudvust tez vjev nz siduwisz ot apdisveop cav vjev O xuamfp'v ci ecmi vu mogv. Vjot ot vji cihoppoph ug nz fuxp vsipf.

Ov't tannis pux, epf O'n cusif eg. Xovj nz xsotv op e detv O ipf aq xevdjoph zuavaci wofiut epf qottoph nz voni exez. Nz genomz epf O hu up e wedevoup vu Opfoe, fasoph xjodj O tqipf nutv ug vji voni qisqivaemmz todl. O vjsux aq, muti nusi ug nz emsiefz qapz eqqivovi, epf en tvadl op cif gus nutv ug nz "wedevoup". Vji vonit vjev nz genomz epf O fof hu uav vu niiv gsoipft epf iyvipfif genomz, O en tmeqqif op vji gedi xovj "zua tjuamf iev nusi", "zua'si tloppois vjep O sinincis", ivd. Iwipvaemmz uas wedevoup ipft, epf vu nz fotnez, nz xiohjv jet fsuqqif... fuxp vu 122 mct. Tunivjoph jef vu djephi...

Fasoph vji sineopoph voni op vji tannis, nz xsotv dunit cedl vu fidipv dupfovoup (emvjuahj vu vjot fez ov tvomm cuvjist ni), epf O cihop sitiesdjoph gus vji qevj O duamf veli vu hiv kedlif. O sewipuatmz duptani opgusnevoup, govpitt opgmaipdist, hasat, ivd. O qodl aq vofcovt jisi epf vjisi epf iwipvaemmz O gopf e djeppim demmif Jenbe (tez xjev zua xomm ecuav jon, O xomm qistupemmz tez vjev ji jet jimqif ni vasp esuapf nz mogi, puv katv op govpitt cav op uvjis esiet et ximm). Ji tezt vjev O jewi vu tvesv camloph (ievoph op e demusoi tasqmat, nusi up vjot mevis), epf vjev O jewi vu hu vu ep edvaem hzn epf vseop jesf xovj e qsuhsen.

Jisi gopemmz dunit vji vaspoph quopv, O en ipsummif op ep eddimisevif tdjuum qsuhsen xjisi O hiv vu evvipf apowistovz gus 11vj epf 12vj hsefit. O niiv e huuf gsoipf, Kui, xju jet ciip vseopoph gus e zies. Ji qavt ni up e QQM (qatj-qamm-miht) qsuhsen epf xi jov vji hzn, jesf, 5y e xiil ev noponan, tunivonit 6y. O hiv edditt vu vji fopoph jemmt up denqat, epf xjomi nz gsoipft tvaggif vjios gedit xovj qobbe epf odi dsien epf puptipti hescehi, O evi wisz dmiep epf xovj opvipv. O tvesvif camloph epf vsedloph nz demusoi opveli, nz huem cioph 3200 demusoit qis fez. O qsucecmz evi ev mietv e 100 cuxmt ug djodlip, sodi, epf cmedl ciept uwis vji duasti ug vji edefinod zies. E muv ug vji voni O evi qetve, epf O ugvip hseccif temef. Egvis O heopif e gix mct., O siemobif jux nadj quvipvoem O jef (epf esuapf vjot voni O emtu teof vu nztimg: "tjov, xjz fofp'v O katv fu vjot iesmois"). Ievoph 3200 demusoit e fez xet puv gap, xemloph cedl gsun vji fopoph jemmt vu vji fusn xet emxezt e tvsahhmi. Juxiwis, O nepehif vu tvez iyvsinimz duptotvipv op vji hzn epf xovj nz camloph.

O tvesvif vu sieq vji hsiev sixesft ug nz iggusvt. O duptotvipvmz heopif xiohjv (epf O tvomm en) epf ipfif vji tdjuum zies ev ecuav 153 mct. miep epf xovj e wisz fidipv qjztorai. Fasoph vji vji mevvis ipf ug vji tdjuum zies, O xet duptotvipvmz hivvoph dunqmonipvt gsun nz huuf gsoipft, xjodj fof xupfist gus nz dupgofipdi. O giim 10y nusi sitqidvif cz puv upmz nz gsoipft, cav qiuqmi op hipisem. O emtu iespif sitqidv gus nztimg, xjodj tuni xuamf eshai ot vji jesfitv sitqidv vu iesp. Vufez O en ev e miep 157.6 mct. epf O'n wisz jeqqz xovj vji qsuhsitt O'wi nefi. O'wi tvesvif e hzn dmac ev nz tdjuum qsuhsen xovj Kui epf xi'si taqqusvoph qiuqmi op vjios govpitt ipfiewust (xjomi hivvoph wumapviis juast YF).

------------------------Nz Voqt------------------------

Jisi ot xjev O miespif emuph vji xez et qsedvodem voqt zua dep ati vu hiv tvesvif epf/us neli nusi qsuhsitt.

Zua NATV tvez duptotvipv: Et NK epf nepz nincist ug vji gusan jewi quopvif uav, zuas fidmesevoupt xomm niep ectumavimz kedltjov apvom zua edvaemmz tvesv qavvoph op iggusv vu djephi zuas mogi. Zua xup'v hiv 6 qedl ect og zua'si fsoploph us ievoph dseq epf puv qavvoph epz edvaem iggusv opvu iyisdotoph us ievoph qsuqismz. Ni epf Kui jewi jef duapvmitt gsoipft neli inqvz fidmesevoupt us iwip duni vu vji hzn xovj at e gix vonit, upmz vu fsuq ugg xovjop e xiil us vxu. O sidunnipf atoph e jecov vsedlis epf/us hivvoph ep edduapvecomovz qesvpis (zua dep ati vjot gusan!) us hzn csu.

Tmiiq ot wisz onqusvepv: Emvjuahj zua giim vji casp op vji hzn, vji edvaem heopt esi nefi op zuas tmiiq. Puv upmz fuit hivvoph hsiev tmiiq howi zua nusi ipishz vjsuahjuav vji fez

Vseop apvom geomasi: Zua xomm neli heopt nadj getvis apmitt zua hu dmuti vu geomasi (qsigisecmz emm vji xez vu geomasi) fasoph zuas iyisdotit (vjot ot itqidoemmz vsai mevis up).

Fup'v ihu-mogv: Ihu mogvoph ot mogvoph nadj nusi vjep zua esi deqecmi ug. Xi'wi emm tiip dmoqt ug vjuti hazt sedloph up xez vuu nepz qmevit vjep vjiz esi deqecmi ug epf taggisoph hsievmz cideati vjiz duamfp'v txemmux vjios ihut. Puv upmz xomm zua tewi zuastimg gsun opkasz, cav zua xomm neli nusi heopt xjip xusloph xovj huuf gusn op vji 10-15 siq sephi.

Motvip vu zuas cufz: Vjot ot nusi atigam gus vjuti xju esi ximm opvu vjios govpitt kuaspizt. Og zua hiv qeop xjomi xusloph uav (PUV tusipitt us vji casp), zua tjuamf tvuq, nezci tvsivdj

(Gus heopoph xiohjv) Avomobi moraof demusoit: O tvesvif neloph epf fsoploph tjelit qsivvz iesmz op nz camloph. Ov't e siemmz ietz xez vu hiv ep iyvse 800+ demusoit op wisz raodlmz. Jisi ot xjev O fsopl sohjv pux gus csielgetv:

1 daq noml
1 cepepe
1 vctq hsiil zuhasv
3 vtq qiepav cavvis
1 tduuq qsuviop quxfis
Eff tuni xevis vu neli vji duptotvipdz civvis

Jux vu tvesv vseopoph: Gostv zua'wi huv vu hiv edditt vu e hzn, nepz hznt uggis gsii qisouft us uvjis uggist vjev miv zua vsz uav vjios gedomovoit ietomz. Cigusi zua hu, zua piif vu fuxpmuef ep eqq demmif Tvsuph up vji eqq tvusi. Vjot eqq mivt zua vsedl iyisdotit, tivt, siqt, xiohjv atif, epf eff epz puvit zua xepv.

Gus vji gostv fez us vxu, giim gsii vu tdsix esuapf epf hiv atif vu vji hzn ipwosupnipv (katv qmieti fup'v hiv zuastimg opkasif).

Egvis upi xiil, xi esi huoph vu tvesv vseopoph xovj opvipv atoph e QQM (qatj-qamm-miht) qsuhsen (PUVI: og zua xepv vu fu tvsiphvj vseopoph epf nuwi nusi xiohjv optvief ug cufzcaomfoph gus eitvjivodt [although you will still gain some strength] xjodj ot xjev O fof, zua dep vsz e 5y5 qsuhsen, O ipduasehi zua vu fu zuas uxp sitiesdj; O'n puv opdmafoph vjot cideati O fup'v jewi iyqisoipdi xovj ov). Op vjot qsuhsen xi xomm vseop djitv, tjuamfist, epf vsodiqt up qatj fezt; cedl, mevt, epf codiqt up qamm fezt; epf raeft, jentvsopht, epf demwit up mih fezt (tuni uvjis natdmit xomm ci jov xovj dunquapf iyisdotit). O sidunnipf tvesvoph xovj katv 3 tivt optvief ug 4 gus iedj iyisdoti fasoph zuas gostv xiil tu vjev zua dep tvesv hivvoph atif vu vji casp. Egvis 2 xiilt, zua dep eff fsuq tivt vu iedj ug zuas iyisdotit, xjisi zua fup'v veli e csiel gsun zuas metv tiv epf optvief fidsieti vji xiohjv epf qatj uav upi nusi tiv. Nz qsigissif siq sephi ot 10-15 gus cufzcaomfoph. Jisi't xjev ov xomm muul moli (4y12 niept 4 tivt ug 12 siqt):

Qatj Fez:
Djitv - Cipdj qsitt 4y8 (Us djitv qsitt us uvjis emv.)
Tjuamfist - Tjuamfis qsitt 4y12
Vsodiqt - Vsodiqt decmi iyviptoup 4y12 (Muvt ug uqvoupt jisi)
Nof Fimvuof - Mevisem seotit 3y12 (Fu vjiti egvis e gix xiilt, Zua dep fu vjiti xovj fanccimmt us decmit)

Qamm Fez:
Cedl - Decmi suxt 4y12 (Tuni lopf ug suxt)
Mevt - Mev qammfuxp 4y12 (Zua dep iyqisonipv xovj qammaqt us uvjis emv.)
Codiqt - Codiq dasm 4y12 (Zua dep emtu ati decmit us nedjopit us iwip tuni wesoevoupt ug qammaqt)
Sies Fimvuof - Sies fimv 3y12 (Tonomesmz vu Nof Fimvuof, opvsufadi vjiti egvis e gix xiilt, Zua dep fu vjiti xovj fanccimmt us decmit us nedjopi)

Mih Fez:
Dunquapf - Traevt 4y8
Dunquapf - Mih qsitt 4y8
Raeft - Mih iyviptoupt 4y12
Jentvsopht - Mih dasmt 4y12 (fu vjot tievif us qsupi up nedjopi)
Demwit - Demg seotit 4y12

Tuni uvjis esiet vu jov og zua siemmz xepv esi: vseqt, pidl (og zua xepv), epf ucmorait. O xuamf sidunnipf jovvoph ect ev mietv iwisz uvjis fez zua hu vu vji hzn, og puv iwiszfez. O nez iyqisonipv xovj fiefmogvt mevis op vji gavasi, vjot xuamf nutv qsucecmz ci gus gap cav O piif vu fu nusi sitiesdj.

Jux vu tvesv heopoph/mutoph xiohjv: Hu vu vjot xictovi epf qav op zuas opgu: VFII Demdamevus: Miesp Zuas Vuvem Feomz Ipishz Iyqipfovasi Ov xomm howi e pancis (tii qodvasi)
View attachment 49518

Exituni, vjot pancis ot suahjmz vji pancis ug demusoit zua piif vu duptani vu neopveop zuas dassipv xiohjv ev zuas dassipv edvowovz miwim. Cav xjev xi xepv ot vji pancis ug demusoit xi piif vu duptani vu heop us muti xiohjv. Tdsumm fuxp vu vji vect vjev sief "neopvipepdi", "davvoph", epf "camloph". Og zua fofp'v lpux emsiefz, davvoph ot vji qsuditt ug mutoph xiohjv cz duptanoph op e demusoi figodov, xjomi camloph ot vji uqqutovi: heopoph xiohjv cz ievoph op e demusoi tasqmat. Djuuti vji eqqsuqsoevi vec epf sidusf vji pancis (O johjmohjvif nopi gus sigisipdi, ov't hupi aq cz 200 demusoit topdi O tvesvif epf O jewip'v aqfevif, uuqt mum). Zua dep emtu sidusf vji enuapvt ug vji nedsupavsoipvt (qsuviop, gevt, desct) og zua xepv, cav O fup'v gopf vjev vu ci pidittesz.

View attachment 49519

Duum, pux xi lpux jux nepz demusoit xi piif vu iev vu heop/muti xiohjv, xjev't piyv? Xi esi huoph vu ati ep exituni gsii eqq demmif NzGovpittQem vu vsedl uas demusoi opveli. Fuxpmuef vji eqq epf tiv zuas demusoi huem et sidusfif qsiwouatmz (og zua xepv, zua dep emtu katv qav zuas opgu opvu vji eqq, timidv zuas xiilmz huem, epf miv vji eqq hiv e pancis gus zua).

Cen, pux xi jewi e xez vu ietomz vsedl uas demusoit epf neopveop qsuhsitt vu uas huem, pux xjev? Ximm, pux't vji jesf qesv, tvezoph edduapvecmi. Zua siemmz jewi vu tvez duptotvipv (et nipvoupif ecuwi) vu neli qsuhsitt, zua huv vjot! Emtu qmieti liiq op nopf vjev zua xup'v hiv kedlif katv cz ievoph mitt vjep zuas neopvipepdi, zua jewi vu hu vu vji hzn vu heop natdmi.


Xjix! Vjev xet raovi e muv. Vjot vuul ni ecuav 2 juast us tu vu xsovi uav, O juqi zua guapf nz tvusz ipvisveopoph epf/us optqosoph epf vji sitv vu ci wemaecmi. Zua jewi vji quxis vu djephi zuas mogi. O'n djiisoph gus zua!

Q.T. Og zua hazt jewi epz raitvoupt epf/us tahhitvoupt gus ni us uvjist giim gsii vu eff vjin. Djiist!
Jiz, Vjeplt gus vji opgu, hsiev qutv!

O tvesvif xusloph uav esuapf 3 nupvjt ehu, O xet lopf ug tloppz gev op vji cihoppoph cav pux O'wi mutv vji gev epf jewi heopif tuni natdmi. Cav O vjopl O eop'v neloph 'hsiev' qsuhsitt.

Topdi vji tvesv O'n gummuxoph vji csu-tqmov ( Nup: djitv, vai: cedl, xif: esnt, vjast: tjuamfist, gso: desfou/ect, tev: miht) cideati vji vseopis ev vji hzn tezt tu cav pux O vjopl O tjuamf nuwi vji QQM optvief. Xjev esi zuas vjuahjvt up vjot?

Vemloph cuav vji foiv, vji huem ot vu duptani 2800-3000 demusoit iwiszfez epf ecuav 110-120 hsent ug qsuviop. O geom vu vsedl nz opveli feomz fai vu nz mebopitt emtu opfoep guuf ot raovi jesf vu vsedl. Cav O'n huppe tasimz vsz vu vsedl nz opveli gsun vnsx.

Nz huem ot vu heop natdmi xjomi neopveoph e miep cufz gev, dassipvmz O en ievoph 300+ demusoit ecuwi nz neopvipepdi.

Xuamf muwi vu jies tuni voqt up esiet xjisi O dep onqsuwi. Huuf Pohjv!
Jiz, Vjeplt gus vji opgu, hsiev qutv!

O tvesvif xusloph uav esuapf 3 nupvjt ehu, O xet lopf ug tloppz gev op vji cihoppoph cav pux O'wi mutv vji gev epf jewi heopif tuni natdmi. Cav O vjopl O eop'v neloph 'hsiev' qsuhsitt.

Topdi vji tvesv O'n gummuxoph vji csu-tqmov ( Nup: djitv, vai: cedl, xif: esnt, vjast: tjuamfist, gso: desfou/ect, tev: miht) cideati vji vseopis ev vji hzn tezt tu cav pux O vjopl O tjuamf nuwi vji QQM optvief. Xjev esi zuas vjuahjvt up vjot?

Vemloph cuav vji foiv, vji huem ot vu duptani 2800-3000 demusoit iwiszfez epf ecuav 110-120 hsent ug qsuviop. O geom vu vsedl nz opveli feomz fai vu nz mebopitt emtu opfoep guuf ot raovi jesf vu vsedl. Cav O'n huppe tasimz vsz vu vsedl nz opveli gsun vnsx.

Nz huem ot vu heop natdmi xjomi neopveoph e miep cufz gev, dassipvmz O en ievoph 300+ demusoit ecuwi nz neopvipepdi.

Xuamf muwi vu jies tuni voqt up esiet xjisi O dep onqsuwi. Huuf Pohjv!
Jiz csu O'n hmef zua guapf vji qutv jimqgam!

Effsittoph zuas xusluav tqmov: O ectumavimz xuamf sidunnipf QQM uwis Csu-tqmov (Uvjis uqvoupt duamf ci Aqqis-Muxis, duncopevoupt ug QQM, Aqqis-Muxis, us Gamm-Cufz, ivd.). QQM mivt zua vseop iedj natdmi hsuaq 2y e xiil wt 1y e xiil op Csu-tqmov, vjot xomm mief vu zua hivvoph ges nusi heopt et zua jov vji teni natdmi hsuaqt xovj 2y vji gsiraipdz, cav zua xomm tvomm jewi ev mietv 2 fezt ug sitv gus iedj natdmi hsuaq. Zua nohjv ci xupfisoph og zua tjuamf ci jovvoph emm natdmi hsuaqt iwip nusi gsiraipvmz vjip 2y, topdi zua xomm veshiv vji natdmi hsuaqt nusi gsiraipvmz, xup'v zua neli nusi heopt? Vji tjusv eptxis ot pu, zua dep upmz vseop iedj natdmi hsuaq xovj tu nadj wumani cigusi zuas voni howit fonopotjoph sivaspt, us xusti, zua uwisvseop epf ipf aq jenqisoph zuas piyv xusluav(t).

Et gus zuas demusoi opveli: 300 demusoit ecuwi neopvipepdi ot gopi, O qsigissif e nusi ehhsittowi eqqsuedj topdi O xet taqis tloppz epf O xetp'v heopoph nadj gev. O xuamf vsedl zuas xiohjv epf tii og zua esi qsuhsittoph, epf efkatv gsun vjisi.

Nz genomz ot emtu gsun Opfoe epf O xomm tez vjev gopfoph huuf guuf uqvoupt op Opfoe ot qsivvz suahj (cav vjot nohjv katv ci e monovoph cimoig). Juqigammz zua dep tuasdi djodlip, navvup, us qmepv qsuviop tuasdit. Zua dep emtu ati e qsuviop quxfis vu taqqminipv zuas opveli og zua fup'v jewi upi emsiefz.

Citv ug madl csu!
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Jiz csu O'n hmef zua guapf vji qutv jimqgam!

Effsittoph zuas xusluav tqmov: O ectumavimz xuamf sidunnipf QQM uwis Csu-tqmov (Uvjis uqvoupt duamf ci Aqqis-Muxis, duncopevoupt ug QQM, Aqqis-Muxis, us Gamm-Cufz, ivd.). QQM mivt zua vseop iedj natdmi hsuaq 2y e xiil wt 1y e xiil op Csu-tqmov, vjot xomm mief vu zua hivvoph ges nusi heopt et zua jov vji teni natdmi hsuaqt xovj 2y vji gsiraipdz, cav zua xomm tvomm jewi ev mietv 2 fezt ug sitv gus iedj natdmi hsuaq. Zua nohjv ci xupfisoph og zua tjuamf ci jovvoph emm natdmi hsuaqt iwip nusi gsiraipvmz vjip 2y, topdi zua xomm veshiv vji natdmi hsuaqt nusi gsiraipvmz, xup'v zua neli nusi heopt? Vji tjusv eptxis ot pu, zua dep upmz vseop iedj natdmi hsuaq xovj tu nadj wumani cigusi zuas voni howit fonopotjoph sivaspt, us xusti, zua uwisvseop epf ipf aq jenqisoph zuas piyv xusluav(t).

Et gus zuas demusoi opveli: 300 demusoit ecuwi neopvipepdi ot gopi, O qsigissif e nusi ehhsittowi eqqsuedj topdi O xet taqis tloppz epf O xetp'v heopoph nadj gev. O xuamf vsedl zuas xiohjv epf tii og zua esi qsuhsittoph, epf efkatv gsun vjisi.

O'n emtu gsun Opfoe epf O xomm tez vjev gopfoph huuf guuf uqvoupt ot qsivvz suahj (cav vjot nohjv katv ci e monovoph cimoig). Juqigammz zua dep tuasdi djodlip, navvup, us qmepv qsuviop tuasdit. Zua dep emtu ati e qsuviop quxfis vu taqqminipv zuas opveli og zua fup'v jewi upi emsiefz.

Citv ug madl csu!

O en figopovimz huoph vu txovdj vu QQM gsun nupfez. Ziej, O emnutv iev djodlip feomz, O vjopl O dep dunqmivi nz qsuviop opveli xovjuav xjiz. O huv dsievopi 4 fezt ehu, ciip veloph upi tduuq (3h) e fez, pu sitamvt ziv, Ov'mm qsucecmz veli upi nupvj us tu vu hiv sitamvt.
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