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Feb 22, 2016
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Hello! I was searching something online and found a list that some of us may benefit from. It's a list people add their wishes. Some of them are useless anymore, some of them are still valuable. Anyways, here it is:


I WISH for an easy way to wash the inside of the windshield in my car without having to hang upside down to get into the edges. - Sioux City IA

I WISH I had a "relaxation station" at my desk that could play soothing music, nature sounds, give out an essence of my favorite scent or scent of choice at the time, offer inspiring words. A brief moment of peace or pick-me-up in one unit. - Sioux City IA

I WISH that someone could invent a shampoo that could just straighten your hair while you are washing it. - North Port

I WISH that someone would invent a way to erases the whiteboard, with the press of a button. - North Port

I WISH that we could get up for school around 9 A.M. and get out of school at 6 P.M., I think that would be great for us kids! - Tampa, Florida

I WISH there was a tracking device kind of like a watch or necklace that our children could wear when there away from our site. This device they wear somehow could be connected to there home phone, all they would have to do is press the button and it would call local police. - Enid, Oklahoma

I WISH for a wireless, remote-controlled gallery light for artwork that is displayed on a high wall or on a cathedral ceiling. - Lords Valley, PA

I WISH that someone would invent sugerless and low fat chocolate that actually tasted like the real thing. - Wodonga, Australia

I WISH someone would post a decent wish so that I could use it for my 8th grade invention project this year. - Hermon, Maine

I WISH someone, maybe 'Corporate America', would let me have a nuclear powered car.....or at least one propelled by magnetic propulsion.- Barnegat, NJ

I WISH they would have odd and even answers at the back of a student math or science book. - McDonough, Georgia

I WISH I had a way of escaping tornados without having to leave all my family and things behind - Tampa, Florida

I WISH there was a remote that you could use on people. That way when you don't want to here them you can press mute, or if they did something you like you could make them do it again by pressing rewind. - Deland

I WISH there was a computer program that all you had to do was fix a girls makeup on the computer and then put on a mask ant push a button and then there it is on your face.- Atlanta, Georgia

I WISH there was a spray that you could use in your hair after the club. So that your hair doesn't smell Like cigarettes the next day. Like Fabreeze for clothes.- Sugarland, Texas

I WISH someone would make Christian cartoons and they were really great and up to date, not boring for the children.- Tampa, Florida

I WISH that someone would invent a tool that made your hamsters be quiet during the night, so you can sleep - Raleigh, NC
I WISH someone would make heated gloves that you could wear while you write. This would allow those that have to work in the cold to do their job without freezing their fingers, - Newmarket New Hampshire

I WISH for self cleaning gutters. - St Louis, Missouri

I WISH that, I could have a remote system , where I can install different operating systems , either Linux or Windows. - Coimbatore India

.I WISH there was some kind of box, that a dog could walk through, to clean and dry its feet and legs. - Bad Honnef, Germany

I WISH there was a pharmaceutical fluid that when drunk by a smoker it would clear his lungs and arteries and make him as healthy as someone who has never smoked before.- Christos, Cyprus

I WISH someone would invent a truly real diet loss pill, not some barely legal mixture of herbs and chemicals.- Bakersfield, CA

I WISH there was a device that could be dropped into liquid to produce duplicate molecules of that liquid. No, I'm not alcoholic... just tired of paying outrageous gasoline prices! - San Antonio, TX

I WISH there were a machine you could walk through and make you smile and feel better about yourself and others around you. - Pineland

I WISH that forward and backward time travel were a true reality. - St Albans

I WISH there was a tool that would assist in the building of a wooden fence. I envision it as cross between a pocket hole guide, a clamp and a position locator. - Kingston, Ontario

I WISH for a semi autonomous robotic device, designed with human environments in mind and software engineered for secondary objective movement, while primary objectives can be directed in near real time via WAN/LAN to Bluetooth technology by a human director. - Auckland, New Zealand

I WISH they would make the hula hoop glow and the ball inside really glow so it looks like an asteroid going around a planet. - San Diego

I WISH someone would sell spheres with holes appropriate for building a dodecahedron.- Coppell, Texas

I WISH someone would build a baby doll that did everything, that would be good for teens who think they want a baby. This would give them a chance to think it over. - Kansas

I WISH there was a sharp knife that would fit the curve of the mayonnaise jar. Which means you have to get a spatula to prevent wasting mayonnaise. - Grand Bay, AL
I WISH someone would invent a stand for a hairdryer so that both hands could be left free for styling. Holding a hairdryer in one hand and trying to control both hair and styling brush with the other is very difficult. - London, UK
I WISH someone would invent a power washer for ceilings and walls. It's pretty funny how many AUTO Tools I use in my home. Grants, New Mexico

I WISH someone would invent cordless plugs, this would eliminate all the wires that hang down and run across the floor to the socket. You would be able to arrange a room according to where you want things to be, rather than having to arrange a room according to where the sockets are. - London, UK

I WISH an invention would be made to generate electricity using a pendulum. If a clock could run on a pendulum why not electricity. - Manila, Philippines

I WISH there was a remote electronic device that can be purchased by consumers to kill or jam a car stereo system within close proximity to me or up to a certain range from me. -Louisville, KY

I WISH there was a glass on which no water can stick to, so there will be no need for any wipers on automobiles to clear their windscreens. Further such glass would be great on spectacles for use on rainy days. - Thrissur, India

I WISH there was a single remote control device that could be used on everything in my house. - Orlando, Florida

"I WISH someone would invent a device for people with bad knees and back that can't bend to help put socks on your feet. - Orlando, Florida.

I WISH all PDA's had a casing designed with pockets to hold a couple of credit cards, dollar notes, thus replacing the need for a wallet. - Singapore

I WISH I had a simple folding machine to fold lengthy fabrics instead of folding by hand. - India

I WISH that cellular phones had a remote with a button you can push to page them so if you don't have minutes on your phone or if your phone is disconnected you can find it by simply pushing a button. - Salisbury, NC

I WISH someone would design a way to waterproof personal audio players so that I could surf or swim laps while listening to my own tunes. - Virginia Beach

I WISH some Toyota, or Chevy, or Honda, etc.. would make a car that ran from magnetism so we would never have to buy gas and someone would make a magnetic generator that could run our power for us so we wouldn't have to pay a power bill.- Axton, VA

I WISH somebody would invent a lightweight system to project the pages of a book to the ceiling. It would be great to read in bed. Easy turning of pages is a must.- Florence (Italy)

I WISH someone invented a cigarette that lit up by itself so you wouldn't have to search for a lighter the whole time.-London (UK)

I WISH that we will get a TV that works by itself when you say on off and when you say the channels. - New Haven, CT

I WISH there was a jet-propelled pack that would strap on to your back that would not run out of fuel to quickly and could go the speed of a small plane. It wouldn't be to heavy and it would be in my price range. - Long Island, NY

I WISH that everyone could speak the same language and all races could understand one another - a lot of the world problems could be solved. Sometimes you want to be friends with someone and they want to be friends with you but you cannot understand each other. This is really a tragedy. - Melbourne, Australia

I WISH for a virtual reality TV / PC that would have all the 3D / VR features integrated including smell sense / odor. - California student

I WISH there was an integrated phone system that worked through any personal computer. There are web phones out there that communicate through your ISP, but what I'm suggesting is your standard telephone features (dialing, caller-id, call waiting, phone book, etc) should be integrated through your PC via your standard phone line. This would be more generally acceptable than a web phone system because the phone companies would still make money and the infrastructure is already in place.- Sparta, NJ

I WISH women could buy durable travel containers for tampons! It seems crazy that anyone can buy containers for soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, etc right in the drugstore or grocery store. Why not tampons? We NEED them when we travel, and they easily get crushed or torn and thus aren't sterile any more. A hard plastic case that could hold 4 to 8 tampons would be a very handy item. - Edison, NJ

I WISH there was an elevator that generates power for itself. Even if there is no electricity in the building ,the elevator still works. i think i found a way how to do that. - Oklahoma City, OK

I WISH they invented a blow dryer that had a button that said curl and it curls for you instead of using a curling iron or curlers. - Audubon, NJ

I WISH I could find pants stretchers that I have seen years ago. They insert into each leg after they are washed and dry with crease and no wrinkles. - Woodland, TX

I WISH for a all in one PC that includes a scanner, printer, camera, fax and copy machine all in one box. VCR's and TV's come together now, why not? - Loveland, CO

I WISH for a pillow that always stays cool. Maybe even blankets that stay cool, too... even in summer. - Auckland, New Zealand

I WISH that there was a robot that did everything for you and you didn't have to one thing except to speak into a microphone and tell it what to do. That would be awesome! - Pierce, NE

I WISH there was a robot that would look and sound exactly like you! you could control it by voice or control! - Student

I WISH someone would invent a key-ring that you could ring, like a mobile phone, when you had lost it in the house. West Midlands, United Kingdom

I WISH someone would invent a cartridge device (such as the compact-VHS tapes use for playback within a regular VCR) to allow people to play their 8mm, Hi-8, Digital8 or MiniDV video tapes. I work in a major retail environment, and not a day goes by that I don't have some customer asking me where these are! If such a device exists, I don't know about it...and I would LOVE to find it! - Lakeland, FL

I WISH for a device that could give you a hair cut by merely placing it on your head like a helmet and then be able to choose from different styles of cuts. - Edmonton Alberta, Canada

I WISH for a paint that can change to a related color with use of a heating unit. Chicago, IL

I WISH you could record your thoughts without speaking them out. Something is lost during the translation. - Toronto, Canada

I WISH for gum that does not lose the flavor for a whole day. - Canton, TX

I WISH for a devise in your car that you can tell it where you want to go and it takes you there. Canton, TX

I WISH that pencils could be made specially to fit your hand instead of having to buy something extra. Hands hurt when you're drawing and writing for a long time! - Atlanta, GA

I WISH that the airlines would create a system for preventing hijackings quickly and without serious consequences. They would need to make the cockpits air-tight. They would need to give the pilots their own ventilation system independent of the rest of the passengers so that if a hijacking occurred the pilots could flip a switch and release a medically safe airborne agent into the passenger section of the airplane to immediately incapacitate everyone passengers and hijackers alike. This would stop hijackings without their being aware of it or without being able to circumvent it. - West Plains, MO

I WISH any book to be able to be translated automatically to any language the reader chooses! - Tucson, AZ

I WISH for engineered grass that grows to a limited height and does not need to be cut. - Visitor from Downers Grove, IL

I WISH That a 1 inch deap device that you could hang on the wall, that you could talk into. This would have the time, memo's,shopping lists and notes to others as well as a combo of pc and TV. - Visitor from Lakeland, FL

I WISH for a video recorder that adjusts the clock depending on the Time Zone that it is in. Visitor from Downers Grove, IL

I WISH for a device to built into the TV and its remote such that you could push a button on the TV and a sound would come from the remote so you could find it. Similar to the page feature of most wireless phones. Visitor from Washington

I WISH someone would invent a 2 wheel drive bicycle for all of us extreme bikers out there.

I WISH there were a 2-in-1 table that works like a computer table and a desk. It should be space saving with small rooms in mind. - Visitor from Singapore

I WISH someone would make an alarm clock that would spray water on you so that you would wake up at the time desired. - Visitor Ken

I WISH I could find a supplier of a pants stretcher....a simple device on which to dry and stretch laundered khakis so that they dry with a crease. Visitor from Geneva, NY

I WISH someone made fog-proof glass for my car or clear defogging wires, possibly out of tin oxide or other clear electrical conductors. Visitor Stallings

I WISH that just for a novelty item would be invented that for the adamant smoker a filter could be inserted onto the end of the cigarette filter and each time he/she inhales the filter would play some sort of music such as the "Funeral Dirge", or "I'm going to live forever", or "On top of old Smokey". - Visitor from Honolulu, Hawaii

I WISH that someone would invent a magnetic propulsion engine that would match the earth's magnetic poles. It would match the like pole thereby repelling itself from the earth making space travel easier, transportation easier, etc, etc. - Visitor Jody

I WISH that water could be used as fuel, instead of oil. - Visitor James

I WISH someone made a camera that is attached to your computer and it can take a picture and send through the wires of the computer and memory and it will be in your files (instead of a scanner). Thanks and please invent! - Visitor from Chelsea, AL

I WISH someone invent a player for MP3 and wave together without having to use the PC. - Visitor from Gironico, Italy

I WISH that there was a device that could accelerate the growth of anything, at any time, and be able to stop the acceleration and reverse the effects, too. - Visitor from Prairie Village, Kansas

I WISH someone would invent a device that would get the leaves and pine-straw OFF my dogs and cats when they come inside after roaming outdoors...I' m tired of sweeping up after them 5 times a day, they refuse to wipe their feet before reentering the house - Visitor from Chelsea, AL

I WISH That there was an electronic wall calendar that I could hang in my kitchen that could be programmed with important dates. You could write on it with a special pen and erase with a button. Also it would come in different colors to match your decor. It could also have a screen that would hold your shopping list. - Visitor from Livonia, MI

I WISH that someone wold invent something for people who has to wear aclostimie bags.You can't take a bath or even go swimming. you can't get the bag wet. If hope there is someone out there that is willing to help me invent something to cover the bag. - Visitor from Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin


I WISH someone would invent a car that could go underwater, fly, and still be able to drive on the road. - Visitor from Wesley Chapel, Florida

I WISH someone would invent a lighted, activity board for toddlers in a car seat. If you commute to and from work with a frightened child in the back seat, will know exactly what I am talking about. Having gone on a trip with my granddaughter, Sarah, I know this would be great. - Visitor from Franklin, Pennsylvania

I WISH for 12 volt electric impact wrench packed with a hydraulic jack [for the automobile] . The jack should be powered by the impact wrench and both could be pre-packed in a hard sided carrying case with 12 volt light; and a 3 X multiplier outlet plug-in. Probably should throw in a couple of collapsible wheel chocks or molded wheel chocks that perfectly fit in the case. - Visitor from Howell, Michigan.

I WISH someone would devise a tool for us baby-boomers, and handicapped individuals who cannot get on our knees to clean mop-boards and moldings! My husband has made such a homemade device, by taking a wooden handle about 14" long and taping a stiff denture brush on the end. It is ideal for me, but a telescoping handle would be better. Also, other attachments would be nice, such as various sponges. - Visitor Wendy.

I WISH I could buy a memory TV which stores in its memory all the programs received in the last 24 hours so that if I missed something I can rewind and watch it.A simple memory device within the set would do.I will then not have to remember to record my favorite program on video .- Visitor from Kenya.

I WISH that when your vehicle is being hijacked at gunpoint that as soon as you leave your vehicle there should be a device that comes into effect, activating a smoke filled vehicle. Forcing the thief to abandon the vehicle due to no visibility. - Visitor from South Africa.

I WISH the windows in my car would be tinted variably with a dimmer switch (from absolutely clear to opaque). Clear for night driving, mirrored from the outside to keep the car cool on hot summer days.

I WISH there was an easy hang-up device that gives messages to and hangs up, politely of course, on solicitors who call every hour of every day. - Visitor from Illinois.

I WISH someone will invent a machine that you throw your washing in, to come out on the other side dry, sorted, ironed and neatly packed. Received from two visitors. Must be a problem!

I WISH that someone would invent a pen and pencil that would be put together and instead of two it would be one. Last a long time, what a great deal! - Visitor Jen

I WISH for a pants stretcher/drier like the ones we used when I was a kid. It was a metal frame that could be inserted into the legs of our just-watched jeans and then hung up. It helped the jeans dry faster, with fewer wrinkles and little or no shrinking. - Visitor from New York

Source: ideafinder.com
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