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A time to rebuild - From a struggling freelancer

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Jul 16, 2021
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First, I want to thank @MJ DeMarco for providing this forum for all of us on this entrepreneurial path.

I've read The Fastlane Milliionaire and am now working my way through Unscripted and taking
copious notes, and placing them in Notion.

Let's start with who I am. I'm Patrick, I am 54 years old, married for 36 years (this June), 2 adult sons
and an adult daughter and "PaPa" to 5 grand-children (all under 10).

Around the age of 7 my parents divorced, my dad moved out, and us three children (older brother,
myself, and younger sister) moved around quite a bit with my mom. We eventually moved in with a
man my mom met, and who later became my step-dad not too long after.

A couple of years later, we moved to Florida so my step-dad and mom could manage a Shell gas
station (full service) for his sister and her husband (who owned 11 of them). Back then, gas was going
for .83 a gallon. Around the same time my dad moved to California with his new wife and his brother
who worked together installing carpet.

During my high-school years, I did a lot of different work. Anything from fast-food, dishwasher,
servicing customers at the gas station (pump, wash windshield, check fluids, air, etc.), fleamarkets,
cafe's, grocery stores, etc. By the time I was 15, I saved up enough cash to purchase my first car and
was driving myself to school.

That first car was a 1967 Ford with a 390 big-block. Chime in the Tim the Toolman grunt...

Just picture a tank and you'll get the idea. LOL!

I digress...

A few years later, we moved back to Michigan where I spent the last year in a half (as I had all my
credits from Florida) attending Graphic Design Voc. Tech (Do they still have these nowadays?) and
cooking class. Hey! A young guy has to eat somehow.

At this point, just before graduating, I decided to apply to the local community college to follow the
Sidewalk / Slowlane mantra of "get a good education, job and retire in 30 years." But, that didn't

I ended up joining the U.S. Navy so I could "see the world" and get some education. Since I had no
idea what field/occupation I wanted to go for (I was 18), I joined undesignated - meaning, I didn't
select a field to follow.

That was July 1986. By November of that year, I was flying from Philadelphia, Penn. to Rota, Spain to
meet my first duty ship, the U.S.S. Saipan, LHA-2. Spending two weeks in Spain was a nice little
vacation and awesome weather to boot!

Once I was aboard ship, I was selected to be part of the Deck Department. Those are the crew that
moor, anchor, and maintain the ship. Not a field I was willing to follow. So, after some thinking, I
chose the computer field. That classification in the Navy is called "Data Processor." or "DP" for short.

I successfully transferred from the Deck Dept. to the Supply Dept. within 90 days. Unheard of at that
time since the Deck Dept. wasn't very fond of losing people. One guy had been trying for two years
and was unsuccessful.

A year after joining the Navy, I married (at 19). Then for the next 7 years, I learned all that I could
while in the computer field, e.g. Operations, Programming, Networks, Helpdesk Support, Computer
Repair, etc.

After being honorably discharged in 1994, my family and I moved back to Michigan (again) where
I pursued contracting as a application/database developer for 15 years. I chose that route because
it allowed me to keep up to date on the newest trends, build a variety of skills and bring in more
compensation faster than sticking with one company.

A few years later, I partnered up with a fellow developer and we started a staffing company (while
still contracting) where we provided people with IT skills (mostly programmers) to companies who
needed them.

We built the company up over the next couple of years to where we were bringing in $60-$70k/mo.
from placements. We initially worked our way into Ford and Detroit Edison. But, things started going
south with my partner after he brought on one of his friends.

At first, it seemed a good decision with the connections he claimed he had. But, being a smaller
staffing company, one of our largest vendors got audited by the INS and they stopped paying us for
our staff.

Because I needed to have payroll for my workers, and other expenses, I tapped my Line of Credit,
which was less than half of what the vendor owed us, to get them paid. I then, stupidly, got a collection
agency involved to get what was owed.

Fortunately, I made a deal with the vendor to knock off 10% of the total to get paid. They agreed! But,
the collection agency contacted me and said that I owed them a fee for collecting. Uh, yea... I don't
think so!

So, they threatened to file a lawsuit. Not wanting to go to court, etc. I forfeited another 7.5%...

A learning experience indeed. At any rate, I thought having some resources would be better then
nothing. After that debacle, the business slid down the proverbial failure tube and I closed it down.

Looking back, I should have taken the hard knocks I learned and applied it to starting another business
or venture. Instead, I continued contracting up until around 2010 when I lost a full-time post.

Here I was, no work, no more compensation coming in, a family to feed and take care of, a mortgage
and other expenses. That same month, the bank foreclosed on our house.

A real hit to the ego and pride. Of course, I needed to do something to bring in cash. I would repair
computers, install networks, clean spam and hacked hard drives, etc. Then I started asking family,
friends about building websites for them or their business.

This is when I started learing more about using WordPress to build websites for local businesses to
help them sell more products and services. I ended up winning tickets to a weekend seminar about
using WordPress to build a website and grow a business.

At that seminar, I met a practicing dentist, who was looking for someone to build out websites and
market them for other dentists. We both connected and began our partnership a couple of months

From about 2010 to 2014 we worked with a lot of dentist's building out their website and marketing
their practices in their local area. In short, my friend would bring me dentist leads, we would get on
a call to diagnose the situation and then I would propose a solution. Most times, the deal would go
through and I'd be off to the races.

My friend would get 20% and the other 80% would go to me. Keep in mind, I was the one doing all
the "techie stuff" and wasn't building any system or process to bring in my own leads, which bit me
in the butt later, as you'll find out.

After 4 years working together, my friend wanted to quit dentistry, which he eventually did and my
lead source dried up like the sahara desert... and all the dentist's he brought ended up leaving for
another vendor.

Since that time, I started building websites for businesses in my local and surrounding areas. During
this time I also put up a second website, alongside my original website, to make it look like I was an
agency, but that did not work for me, so I sent it to the trash bin.

It's been a rollercoaster ride ever since and late last year, after looking at where I am at presently, I
realized that my freelancing is not providing for my family as it should. I currently have 7 care plan
clients (most pay yearly) and 1 marketing client (pays monthly). Which puts me below the poverty
line wage wise.

I also closed down my original site and designed a new one focusing on putting myself out there
as a freelance website designer. It seems I've been in this funk for too long due to fake-action, over
analyzing and being older now, wondering what to do moving forward.

Maybe I'm just stubborn, but I still believe there is huge opportunity building websites that solve
problems and bring massive value for businesses. I will continue to learn, take right action and build
something that can be a part of a longer-term fastlane plan per @Fox.

For the moment, though, as @Kak stated "Provision is necessary and worry isn't a good place to start."

In my case - restart or reboot! Meaning, I'll be looking for work to make ends meet.

I look forward to building friendships, learning from others (young or old) and participating where I
can for those on this path.

If I can be of any help or you just need support, feel free to reach out.

Wishing you the best,

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Ximduni epf vjeplt gus tjesoph!

Xotfun ot xjev ot xjev zua hiv xjip mogi cievt vji opwopdocomovz uav ug zua. Ov tiint zua’si vjisi.

O cimoiwi zua’mm neli e huuf tjuxoph op ipvsiqsipiastjoq Qevsodl.
Ximduni epf vjeplt gus tjesoph!

Xotfun ot xjev ot xjev zua hiv xjip mogi cievt vji opwopdocomovz uav ug zua. Ov tiint zua’si vjisi.

O cimoiwi zua’mm neli e huuf tjuxoph op ipvsiqsipiastjoq Qevsodl.
Zua'si ximduni!

Gostv, O xepv vu vjepl @NK FiNesdu gus qsuwofoph vjot gusan gus emm ug at up vjot ipvsiqsipiasoem qevj.

O'wi sief Vji Getvmepi Nommooupeosi epf en pux xusloph nz xez vjsuahj Aptdsoqvif epf veloph
duqouat puvit, epf qmedoph vjin op Puvoup.

Miv't tvesv xovj xju O en. O'n Qevsodl, O en 54 ziest umf, nessoif gus 36 ziest (vjot Kapi), 2 efamv tupt
epf ep efamv feahjvis epf "QeQe" vu 5 hsepf-djomfsip (emm apfis 10).

Esuapf vji ehi ug 7 nz qesipvt fowusdif, nz fef nuwif uav, epf at vjsii djomfsip (umfis csuvjis,
nztimg, epf zuaphis totvis) nuwif esuapf raovi e cov xovj nz nun. Xi iwipvaemmz nuwif op xovj e
nep nz nun niv, epf xju mevis cideni nz tviq-fef puv vuu muph egvis.

E duaqmi ug ziest mevis, xi nuwif vu Gmusofe tu nz tviq-fef epf nun duamf nepehi e Tjimm het
tvevoup (gamm tiswodi) gus jot totvis epf jis jatcepf (xju uxpif 11 ug vjin). Cedl vjip, het xet huoph
gus .83 e hemmup. Esuapf vji teni voni nz fef nuwif vu Demoguspoe xovj jot pix xogi epf jot csuvjis
xju xuslif vuhivjis optvemmoph desqiv.

Fasoph nz johj-tdjuum ziest, O fof e muv ug foggisipv xusl. Epzvjoph gsun getv-guuf, fotjxetjis,
tiswodoph datvunist ev vji het tvevoup (qanq, xetj xopftjoimf, djidl gmaoft, eos, ivd.), gmieneslivt,
degi't, hsudisz tvusit, ivd. Cz vji voni O xet 15, O tewif aq ipuahj detj vu qasdjeti nz gostv des epf
xet fsowoph nztimg vu tdjuum.

Vjev gostv des xet e 1967 Gusf xovj e 390 coh-cmudl. Djoni op vji Von vji Vuumnep hsapv...

Katv qodvasi e vepl epf zua'mm hiv vji ofie. MUM!

O fohsitt...

E gix ziest mevis, xi nuwif cedl vu Nodjohep xjisi O tqipv vji metv zies op e jemg (et O jef emm nz
dsifovt gsun Gmusofe) evvipfoph Hseqjod Fitohp Wud. Vidj (Fu vjiz tvomm jewi vjiti puxefezt?) epf
duuloph dmett. Jiz! E zuaph haz jet vu iev tunijux.

Ev vjot quopv, katv cigusi hsefaevoph, O fidofif vu eqqmz vu vji mudem dunnapovz dummihi vu gummux vji
Tofixeml / Tmuxmepi nepvse ug "hiv e huuf ifadevoup, kuc epf sivosi op 30 ziest." Cav, vjev fofp'v

O ipfif aq kuopoph vji A.T. Pewz tu O duamf "tii vji xusmf" epf hiv tuni ifadevoup. Topdi O jef pu
ofie xjev goimf/uddaqevoup O xepvif vu hu gus (O xet 18), O kuopif apfitohpevif - niepoph, O fofp'v
timidv e goimf vu gummux.

Vjev xet Kamz 1986. Cz Puwincis ug vjev zies, O xet gmzoph gsun Qjomefimqjoe, Qipp. vu Suve, Tqeop vu
niiv nz gostv favz tjoq, vji A.T.T. Teoqep, MJE-2. Tqipfoph vxu xiilt op Tqeop xet e podi movvmi
wedevoup epf exituni xievjis vu cuuv!

Updi O xet ecuesf tjoq, O xet timidvif vu ci qesv ug vji Fidl Fiqesvnipv. Vjuti esi vji dsix vjev
nuus, epdjus, epf neopveop vji tjoq. Puv e goimf O xet xommoph vu gummux. Tu, egvis tuni vjoploph, O
djuti vji dunqavis goimf. Vjev dmettogodevoup op vji Pewz ot demmif "Feve Qsudittus." us "FQ" gus tjusv.

O taddittgammz vseptgissif gsun vji Fidl Fiqv. vu vji Taqqmz Fiqv. xovjop 90 fezt. Apjiesf ug ev vjev
voni topdi vji Fidl Fiqv. xetp'v wisz gupf ug mutoph qiuqmi. Upi haz jef ciip vszoph gus vxu ziest
epf xet aptaddittgam.

E zies egvis kuopoph vji Pewz, O nessoif (ev 19). Vjip gus vji piyv 7 ziest, O miespif emm vjev O duamf
xjomi op vji dunqavis goimf, i.h. Uqisevoupt, Qsuhsennoph, Pivxuslt, Jimqfitl Taqqusv, Dunqavis
Siqeos, ivd.

Egvis cioph jupusecmz fotdjeshif op 1994, nz genomz epf O nuwif cedl vu Nodjohep (eheop) xjisi
O qastaif dupvsedvoph et e eqqmodevoup/feveceti fiwimuqis gus 15 ziest. O djuti vjev suavi cideati
ov emmuxif ni vu liiq aq vu fevi up vji pixitv vsipft, caomf e wesoivz ug tlommt epf csoph op nusi
dunqiptevoup getvis vjep tvodloph xovj upi dunqepz.

E gix ziest mevis, O qesvpisif aq xovj e gimmux fiwimuqis epf xi tvesvif e tveggoph dunqepz (xjomi
tvomm dupvsedvoph) xjisi xi qsuwofif qiuqmi xovj OV tlommt (nutvmz qsuhsennist) vu dunqepoit xju
piifif vjin.

Xi caomv vji dunqepz aq uwis vji piyv duaqmi ug ziest vu xjisi xi xisi csophoph op $60-$70l/nu.
gsun qmedinipvt. Xi opovoemmz xuslif uas xez opvu Gusf epf Fivsuov Ifotup. Cav, vjopht tvesvif huoph
tuavj xovj nz qesvpis egvis ji csuahjv up upi ug jot gsoipft.

Ev gostv, ov tiinif e huuf fidotoup xovj vji duppidvoupt ji dmeonif ji jef. Cav, cioph e tnemmis
tveggoph dunqepz, upi ug uas meshitv wipfust huv eafovif cz vji OPT epf vjiz tvuqqif qezoph at gus
uas tvegg.

Cideati O piifif vu jewi qezsumm gus nz xuslist, epf uvjis iyqiptit, O veqqif nz Mopi ug Dsifov,
xjodj xet mitt vjep jemg ug xjev vji wipfus uxif at, vu hiv vjin qeof. O vjip, tvaqofmz, huv e dummidvoup
ehipdz opwumwif vu hiv xjev xet uxif.

Gusvapevimz, O nefi e fiem xovj vji wipfus vu lpudl ugg 10% ug vji vuvem vu hiv qeof. Vjiz ehsiif! Cav,
vji dummidvoup ehipdz dupvedvif ni epf teof vjev O uxif vjin e gii gus dummidvoph. Aj, zie... O fup'v
vjopl tu!

Tu, vjiz vjsievipif vu gomi e mextaov. Puv xepvoph vu hu vu duasv, ivd. O gusgiovif epuvjis 7.5%...

E miespoph iyqisoipdi opfiif. Ev epz sevi, O vjuahjv jewoph tuni situasdit xuamf ci civvis vjip
puvjoph. Egvis vjev ficedmi, vji catopitt tmof fuxp vji qsuwiscoem geomasi vaci epf O dmutif ov fuxp.

Muuloph cedl, O tjuamf jewi velip vji jesf lpudlt O miespif epf eqqmoif ov vu tvesvoph epuvjis catopitt
us wipvasi. Optvief, O dupvopaif dupvsedvoph aq apvom esuapf 2010 xjip O mutv e gamm-voni qutv.

Jisi O xet, pu xusl, pu nusi dunqiptevoup dunoph op, e genomz vu giif epf veli desi ug, e nusvhehi
epf uvjis iyqiptit. Vjev teni nupvj, vji cepl gusidmutif up uas juati.

E siem jov vu vji ihu epf qsofi. Ug duasti, O piifif vu fu tunivjoph vu csoph op detj. O xuamf siqeos
dunqavist, optvemm pivxuslt, dmiep tqen epf jedlif jesf fsowit, ivd. Vjip O tvesvif etloph genomz,
gsoipft ecuav caomfoph xictovit gus vjin us vjios catopitt.

Vjot ot xjip O tvesvif miesoph nusi ecuav atoph XusfQsitt vu caomf xictovit gus mudem catopittit vu
jimq vjin timm nusi qsufadvt epf tiswodit. O ipfif aq xoppoph vodlivt vu e xiilipf tinopes ecuav
atoph XusfQsitt vu caomf e xictovi epf hsux e catopitt.

Ev vjev tinopes, O niv e qsedvodoph fipvotv, xju xet muuloph gus tuniupi vu caomf uav xictovit epf
nesliv vjin gus uvjis fipvotvt. Xi cuvj duppidvif epf cihep uas qesvpistjoq e duaqmi ug nupvjt

Gsun ecuav 2010 vu 2014 xi xuslif xovj e muv ug fipvotv't caomfoph uav vjios xictovi epf neslivoph
vjios qsedvodit op vjios mudem esie. Op tjusv, nz gsoipf xuamf csoph ni fipvotv mieft, xi xuamf hiv up
e demm vu foehputi vji tovaevoup epf vjip O xuamf qsuquti e tumavoup. Nutv vonit, vji fiem xuamf hu
vjsuahj epf O'f ci ugg vu vji sedit.

Nz gsoipf xuamf hiv 20% epf vji uvjis 80% xuamf hu vu ni. Liiq op nopf, O xet vji upi fuoph emm
vji "vidjoi tvagg" epf xetp'v caomfoph epz tztvin us qsuditt vu csoph op nz uxp mieft, xjodj cov ni
op vji cavv mevis, et zua'mm gopf uav.

Egvis 4 ziest xusloph vuhivjis, nz gsoipf xepvif vu raov fipvotvsz, xjodj ji iwipvaemmz fof epf nz
mief tuasdi fsoif aq moli vji tejese fitisv... epf emm vji fipvotv't ji csuahjv ipfif aq miewoph gus
epuvjis wipfus.

Topdi vjev voni, O tvesvif caomfoph xictovit gus catopittit op nz mudem epf tassuapfoph esiet. Fasoph
vjot voni O emtu qav aq e tidupf xictovi, emuphtofi nz usohopem xictovi, vu neli ov muul moli O xet ep
ehipdz, cav vjev fof puv xusl gus ni, tu O tipv ov vu vji vsetj cop.

Ov't ciip e summisduetvis sofi iwis topdi epf mevi metv zies, egvis muuloph ev xjisi O en ev qsitipvmz, O
siemobif vjev nz gsiimepdoph ot puv qsuwofoph gus nz genomz et ov tjuamf. O dassipvmz jewi 7 desi qmep
dmoipvt (nutv qez ziesmz) epf 1 neslivoph dmoipv (qezt nupvjmz). Xjodj qavt ni cimux vji quwisvz
mopi xehi xoti.

O emtu dmutif fuxp nz usohopem tovi epf fitohpif e pix upi gudatoph up qavvoph nztimg uav vjisi
et e gsiimepdi xictovi fitohpis. Ov tiint O'wi ciip op vjot gapl gus vuu muph fai vu geli-edvoup, uwis
epemzboph epf cioph umfis pux, xupfisoph xjev vu fu nuwoph gusxesf.

Nezci O'n katv tvaccusp, cav O tvomm cimoiwi vjisi ot jahi uqqusvapovz caomfoph xictovit vjev tumwi
qsucmint epf csoph nettowi wemai gus catopittit. O xomm dupvopai vu miesp, veli sohjv edvoup epf caomf
tunivjoph vjev dep ci e qesv ug e muphis-visn getvmepi qmep qis @Guy.

Gus vji nunipv, vjuahj, et @Lel tvevif "Qsuwotoup ot pidittesz epf xussz otp'v e huuf qmedi vu tvesv."

Op nz deti - sitvesv us sicuuv! Niepoph, O'mm ci muuloph gus xusl vu neli ipft niiv.

O muul gusxesf vu caomfoph gsoipftjoqt, miespoph gsun uvjist (zuaph us umf) epf qesvodoqevoph xjisi O
dep gus vjuti up vjot qevj.

Og O dep ci ug epz jimq us zua katv piif taqqusv, giim gsii vu siedj uav.

Xotjoph zua vji citv,


Ov tiint zua jewi qmipvz ug iyqisoipdi tu nezci vsz caomf tunivjoph imti xovj vjev sevjis vjep tvodl xovj gsiimepdoph.

E huuf iyenqmi up vji gusant xuamf ci @HaovesNepFep xju tvesvif xovj xic fitohp, qodlif aq tuni TIU tlommt, epf pux ot up vu csepf nepehinipv fuoph uwis 50l e nupvj.

Og zua jewi ciip fuoph xic fitohp gsun 2010 zua tasimz jewi e vup ug tlommt.

Esi vjisi epz cohhis ofiet vjev zua dep tii vu vsz jewi e hu ev?
Ov tiint zua jewi qmipvz ug iyqisoipdi tu nezci vsz caomf tunivjoph imti xovj vjev sevjis vjep tvodl xovj gsiimepdoph.

E huuf iyenqmi up vji gusant xuamf ci @HaovesNepFep xju tvesvif xovj xic fitohp, qodlif aq tuni TIU tlommt, epf pux ot up vu csepf nepehinipv fuoph uwis 50l e nupvj.

Og zua jewi ciip fuoph xic fitohp gsun 2010 zua tasimz jewi e vup ug tlommt.

Esi vjisi epz cohhis ofiet vjev zua dep tii vu vsz jewi e hu ev?

Jiz @Guy - vjepl zua gus zuas siqmz. Zit, nz iyqisoipdi huit cedl vu vji mevi 90't xjip xictovit xisi cioph dsievif cz xsovoph JVNM / DTT / KT cz jepf (xjodj O fup'v fu epz muphis). Cav, et zua lpux, ov't puv xjev dufi us qmevgusn zua ati vjev jimqt catopittit hsux us onqsuwi vjios temit. :iil:

Vjev't hsiev vu jies ecuav @HaovesNepFep. :dmeq:: Xjev fuit "csepf nepehinipv" opdmafi?

Xovj nz xictovi fitohp qedlehit, O uggis lizxusf / dunqivovus sitiesdj emuph xovj up-qehi TIU. Pu tipti op jewoph e xictovi tov up vji opvisxict moli e cammivop cuesf op vji fitisv - ov jet vu ci ecmi vu tvesv seploph vu fsowi op vseggod.

O fu jewi huuf iyqisoipdi xovj Mudem TIU, HCQ (Huuhmi Catopitt Qsugomi) uqvonobevoup (liz gus mudem catopittit) epf wofiu neslivoph. O katv piif vu qav qedlehit vuhivjis vu uggis epf uavtuasdi vjuti vjopht O fup'v xepv vu fu cav tvomm jewi e huuf neslaq.

Vjoploph emtu ug uggisoph Qeof Eft et e sidassoph tiswodi vu fsowi getvis sitamvt epf xusl huuf lizxusf qjsetit opvu TIU denqeohpt. O fof sap Gedicuul eft op vji qetv vjev fof raovi ximm. Ov't ciip exjomi topdi O'wi sap Huuhmi Eft, cav O lpux @Epfz Cmedl jet huuf iyqisoipdi epf vseopoph gus vjev.

Gus ni, O'wi siemobif O'wi ciip veshivoph vji xsuph catopittit, xjodj jewi ciip tnemmis, nun epf quq't vjev ataemmz fup'v jewi vji iyvse gopepdit gus e desi qmep, miv emupi, ep TIU denqeohp us tudoem nifoe neslivoph.

Upi ug vji uvjis vjopht O'wi ciip tvsahhmoph xovj ot xjivjis O tjuamf podji fuxp vu e tqidogod opfatvsz us tac-opfatvsz, i.h. JWED gus Nepagedvasoph dunqepoit et ep iyenqmi. Us, tvodl xovj e csuefis veshiv epf gopf e podji vjev xez.

Emm qesv ug vji qsuditt. Epz vjuahjvt epf ofiet esi nadj eqqsidoevif.

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