Man. I triggered the bootlickers this evening. I sincerely apologize for my pro freedom, limited government views. I didn't realize how hurtful shaking up a statist's belief system can be.
Actually I have been to a cocktail party with Steve Forbes. It was very nice. We talked about all the value we don't provide.
You have no idea what type of government I would love to see because I haven't said it.
You know... They always say that.Real socialism has also never been given a chance.![]()
Wow 3 paragraphs of ad hominem fallacy calling libertarians childish! You win. I're 19 years old. That's totally understandable and even a bit endearing (private roads! private money! private police force! private armies!).
"I've got one simple principle that explains absolutely everything! Economics! Politics! Religion! Morality! I understand it all and you don't get it! By the way, have you read The Road to Serfdom?"
But libertarianism is sophomoric in the truest sense of the word (which is why it is so appealing to college sophomores).
Eventually, if all goes well, these folks can move beyond libertarianism; take some of the real insights that libertarians have provided and incorporate them into a more complete vision of politics, the economy, and life. [Actually, I'm not sure libertarians themselves have provided anything of value beyond what the Scottish enlightenment thinkers, American founders, and Austrian and Chicago economists have provided. But whatever.]
Charles Koch, Peter Thiel, Steve Forbes, and myself will have to have our own cocktail party. We don't provide anything of value whatsoever.If not, they become the folks you try to avoid at cocktail parties.
Actually I have been to a cocktail party with Steve Forbes. It was very nice. We talked about all the value we don't provide.
Because since the beginning of time one person would assert their physical dominance over another. As soon as that would happen, theft would inevitably occur.Why is that, do you think?
Leaderless? What about what I have said leads you to think I am advocating for a leaderless society?And how do we know that is true? Surely some tribe somewhere tried a leader less society.
You have no idea what type of government I would love to see because I haven't said it.
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