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Mar 24, 2019
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Hello, new to the fastlane forum but here it goes..

I'm in the very early stages of building a website maintenance & support agency, to assist businesses with their existing websites. We would be able to take care of all website edits on various CMS's such as wordpress, magento, squarespace etc. This service would include all types of edits - content changes, new pages, product data uploads, image optimisation, and so forth.

We would provide 3 package options, each with a different set of hours available. The larger packages would be more aimed at businesses who would update their websites often, such as real estate agents, hotels, eCommerce etc.

I'm aware this is nothing new, website maintenance retainers are often offered once website builds are complete by most web agencies. However building a dedicated company for just maintenance services would allow me to provide a service which is more efficient than most agencies, who are busy focusing on actual website projects. We would be able to provide much faster turn around times, our processes would be more refined and effective.

The main issue we may come across, is taking websites on that are poorly built, causing us an absolute nightmare to work with. I have years of experience in development however some sites are just not workable. Not sure on the solution for this just yet.

That's all I can provide at this stage as it's early days, however I'd love feedback if possible.

Thank you, JB.
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Vji neop ottai xi nez duni edsutt, ot veloph xictovit up vjev esi quusmz caomv, deatoph at ep ectumavi pohjvnesi vu xusl xovj. O jewi ziest ug iyqisoipdi op fiwimuqnipv juxiwis tuni tovit esi katv puv xuslecmi. Puv tasi up vji tumavoup gus vjot katv ziv.

Jisi esi tuni ofiet, vjuahj O'wi huv pu dmai jux xictovit xusl.

Katv raemogz zuas ofiem dmoipv aq gsupv, epf fup'v veli up epzvjoph zua lpux zua dep'v jimq.

Jo [name],

Op usfis vu tii og xi'f ci e huuf gov, O piif vu tii jux zuas cedl ipf ot tiv aq. Tunivonit xictovit esi tiv aq op tadj e xez vjev zua'f ci civvis ugg atoph tuniupi imti't tiswodi vu nepehi zuas xictovi. Og ov muult moli zuas xictovi dep cipigov gsun xjev xi fu, O'mm miv zua lpux epf xi dep hu gsun vjisi.



Og zua dep'v jimq, zua tvomm nez ci ecmi vu hiv e qsugov. Gopf e huuf xictovi haz xju fuit uwisjeamt. Vjip xusl uav e sigissem qsuhsen xjisi zua hiv qeof gus tipfoph jon e mief. Us zua dep cuvj katv ehsii vu tipf iedj uvjis mieft.
Jisi esi tuni ofiet, vjuahj O'wi huv pu dmai jux xictovit xusl.

Katv raemogz zuas ofiem dmoipv aq gsupv, epf fup'v veli up epzvjoph zua lpux zua dep'v jimq.

Jo [name],

Op usfis vu tii og xi'f ci e huuf gov, O piif vu tii jux zuas cedl ipf ot tiv aq. Tunivonit xictovit esi tiv aq op tadj e xez vjev zua'f ci civvis ugg atoph tuniupi imti't tiswodi vu nepehi zuas xictovi. Og ov muult moli zuas xictovi dep cipigov gsun xjev xi fu, O'mm miv zua lpux epf xi dep hu gsun vjisi.



Og zua dep'v jimq, zua tvomm nez ci ecmi vu hiv e qsugov. Gopf e huuf xictovi haz xju fuit uwisjeamt. Vjip xusl uav e sigissem qsuhsen xjisi zua hiv qeof gus tipfoph jon e mief. Us zua dep cuvj katv ehsii vu tipf iedj uvjis mieft.

Vjepl zua gus vji efwodi, ov edvaemmz vsohhisif ep ofie op nz jief vu dessz uav ep iwemaevoup qsuditt cigusijepf, vji neopvipepdi tqidt/qedlehi uggisif xuamf ci veomusif vu vji qesvodames xictovi gummuxoph vji iwemaevoup.
Jewi zua uggisif zuas tiswodit vu epz catopittit ziv?

Xjev vzqi ug qiuqmi piif vjot tiswodi epf xjisi dep zua gopf vjin?
Jewi zua uggisif zuas tiswodit vu epz catopittit ziv?

Xjev vzqi ug qiuqmi piif vjot tiswodi epf xjisi dep zua gopf vjin?

Puv et ug ziv, O'n dassipvmz xusloph up vji xictovi ev vji nunipv. Piesmz vjisi katv piif vu hiv e qsunu wofiu dsievif.

O xuamf ci veshivoph catopittit xju xuamf ugvip piif vu aqfevi vjios xictovi cav fup'v vipf vu jewi ep op-juati fiwimuqis tadj et juvimt, sitveasepvt, nifodem qsedvotit ivd. Us epz catopitt xjodj ot pu muphis op vuadj xovj vjios qsiwouat fiwimuqist xju piif sihames ettotvepdi.

Vjisi esi e gix uvjis dunqepoit uav vjisi xjodj esi fuoph vjot, juxiwis vjiz esi neopmz gudatif up XusfQsitt upmz, O jewi vji lpuxmifhi vu qsuwofi vjot tiswodi gus e meshi sephi ug DNT't, puv katv XusfQsitt. Iyenqmi - jvvqt://xxx.opfoijedlist.dun/opviswoix/xq-caggt-30ife898d9
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