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Childbirth - Is there a better way?

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Be in the Moment
Jul 24, 2007
Warning: LONG. (Bilge, Phlgirl - you asked for it! ;) )

First of all, I don't have the latest statistics - it has been a few years since I was in this field, but I venture to say that the numbers are no better now...

America is failing at providing safe, effective, healthy and satisfying childbirth for families. We have ranked somewhere near 16th / 17th in the world for infant mortality. There are 15 to 16 nations that do better than we do when it comes to keeping our infants safe. Why? While there are other factors, it is largely due to our birth practices in America.

The nations that consistently rank at the top of the list (Scandinavian Countries usually) "do birth" very differently than we do. Birth is viewed as a normal natural process that is best when done at home and with the aide and company of other women (Midwives and Doulas). Obstetricians and hospitals are reserved for that very small percentage of births that actually develop a complication or are considered high risk.

Learn about alternatives (to a hospital birth w/ an obstetrician). Learn about Natural Childbirth. Talk to a Midwife and a Doula. Then - - - MAKE THE DECISION that is best for you. Maybe it is a hospital birth. That is okay. Maybe it is a home birth. That is okay too. But KNOW THAT YOU HAVE A DECISION. Birth does not have to be in the hospital and a hospital birth is very different from a home birth. Don't just go with the default idea about what birth is like in America. Learn about it first - and then make a decision for yourself and your family.

What is the problem with hospital births?​

Women having hospital births attended by obstetricians have a disadvantage from the start. Why? Because they are instantly viewed as a patient rather than a woman preparing for a natural event. Interventions are applied to the patient that actually LEAD to REAL problems. There is a chain reaction that occurs in hospital births that leads to unacceptably high statistics (rate of mortality, rate of cesarean births, postpartum depression, epesiodomies, and more)

So, what happens in a hospital birth?

  1. First the woman is laid flat on her back and strapped to monitors. On her back is the worst possible way to labor. It stalls labor and it makes the woman uncomfortable. The monitors certainly do not lend to her comfort either.
  2. Next, she is given an IV as a matter of standard procedure. If she presses and asks why, she will be told it is "just in case" or that it is to provide her with nourishment. Why does she need nourishment?
  3. Because she is told she can no longer eat. Why? Because they don't want her to have anything in her stomach "just in case" she has a cesarean.
  4. The IV actually serves in slowing down labor. The fluid is diluting the natural hormones that are causing the contractions.
  5. So, now are woman-going-through-a-natural-process has just barely arrived and already she has been set up for failure.
  6. She is flat on her back.
  7. Uncomfortable
  8. Been given an IV
  9. All leading to a slow or stalled labor
  10. And...
  11. Been told she can't eat .
  12. What next?
  13. She is eventually told that her labor is not progressing quickly enough. So.... they break her water (exposing her to a greater risk of infection, making the labor more painful, and making the labor more difficult on the baby)
  14. Then, likely, they give her pitocin. Good thing they had that IV all ready to go, right? Now, her labor grows extremely painful. She is not able to cope as well as she could because:
  15. She is stuck on her back in bed.
  16. She has the monitors on... (they must be on continuously now because the pitocin makes contractions very hard and puts the baby at a higher risk).
  17. She has IV's coming out of her arm and blood pressure cuffs on the other....
  18. She is denied the ability to walk, move, change positions (she can get into limited positions on her bed, but not many) and the comfort of water (baths, showers).
  19. Now, she is progressing (according to the arbitrary schedule put in place by the Obstetric Industry) but her pain is much greater than it would have been and she isn't able to do the things she needs to do to cope...
  20. Enter pain measures.
  21. First, she is given something to "take the edge off." What it actually does is make her groggy and unable to move or communicate well, but the pain has not gone away at all.
  22. So, then she is given an epidural. The pain goes completely away, but so does her emotional connection to the birth, and her ability to move and push effectively.
  23. Since she can now no longer feel the pain, the docs. increase the pitocin in an effort to speed along the labor. This adds additional strain to the baby.
  24. Now - - - time to push. Only mom can't push. She is in a horrible pushing position and can't get into a different one because she doesn't have control over her body. She also simply isn't able to push as effectively as she could have had she not had the epidural.
  25. If she delivers vaginally, she is likely to have a large epesiodomy performed. Doc thinks it is better to cut than to tear. All sorts of reasons that isn't true, but best illustrated with this example. Try to tear a piece of cloth. Pretty hard, right? Now, put a little cut into the end of the cloth, and try to tear again. Now you are able to do it easily. Forceps and/ or vacuum also much more likely to be used - causing larger injury to mother and to baby.
  26. Then.... either she runs out of time, and goes in for a cesarean or the baby becomes distressed and she goes in for a cesarean.
  27. Whether born vaginally or by a cesarean, baby is immediately removed from mom and bonding is hindered.

What are some of the results of a birth like this?

  • Cesareans have a much longer and more painful recovery period
  • Mom is cut off emotionally from the birth experience
  • She has a longer and more painful wound if she was able to deliver vaginally
  • Baby is not as alert.
  • Mom feels very groggy and tired the following days - - - a result of coming off the pain meds.
  • Baby has increased difficulty nursing because they were immediately removed from mom and washed.

I have had three births (one, my last, without many of the interventions listed above - and with no pain meds) I have also attended dozens of other births.

Here is the thing that gets me..... it is knowledge of how birth is IF all the interventions are reserved for a time when they are truly needed.

In a natural childbirth, the baby actually participates in the process. Babies have a few natural reflexes and one is that if you touch the bottom of their feet, they push against it.... straighten their leg. Well, in a natural birth, the baby uses this reflex during the pushing phase of labor and actually participates in pushing his/her self out of the womb. A baby w/ an epidural does not do this. The baby also turns it's own head at the crucial time to aid in getting out. An epidural baby does not.

Things are different after the birth as well: There is an amazing study - with accompanying video showing the difference between a baby born with no pain meds and a baby born with. If a baby is born with no pain meds and is not separated from mom after birth, the baby can actually crawl up moms tummy and begin to nurse with NO ASSISTANCE

If a woman is given the chance to birth naturally with the support of other women, she is so much more likely to have a more satisfying birth, a much better recovery period, an easier time nursing, feel more confident as a mother, and have a decreased chance of postpartum depression.

In closing.... it comes down to education and not just going with the status quo or doing birth the way "they" say birth is to be done. Learn about your choices, reflect on your priorities and how you want your birth to be... Make an informed decision.
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Hsiev vuqod.

Nz tup Lophtvup xet cusp metv zies. Gus medl ug civvis xusft, ov xet jussogod.

Nz xogi epf O fu puv xepv vu jewi epznusi loft gus ep uavduni moli xjev xi jef vji gostv hu esuapf. Jisi't e csoig uwiswoix ug xjev xi jef vu uwisduni.

- Xogi ot optamop fiqipfepv foecivod. Tji atit e Nifvsupod optamop qanq, optvief ug vji cigusi 12 tjuvt e fez. Optvepvmz e johj-sotl qsihpepdz.
- Jisi E1D xet op vji 7't xjip tji tvesvif cideati ug vji dupvsum vji qanq jef.
- Fudvus velit jis ugg ug vji qanq, dmeont 'Tji nelit vji fidotoup'
- Upi nupvj, jis E1D ot aq e quopv epf e jemg.
- Xi txovdj fudvust 3 1/2 nupvjt op. Jahi jettim.
- Vji nupvjt ug qsihpepdz hu xovj uav e jovdj xovj pix fudvus.
- Fudvus huit opvu mecus Eahatv 6vj.
- Nz xogi jet cmopfpitt/dsenqoph up Eahatv 8vj.
- Satj vu vji jutqovem epf demm vji evvipfoph UC.
- O iyqmeopif xjev xet huoph up, (tji xet 3 xiilt iesmz) epf vji Fs tezt, "ximm xjev fu zua xepv ni vu fu ecuav ov? tjit 3 nupvjt iesmz, tji't puv op mecus. Zua neli vji demm'
- Efnov jis op vji jutqovem gus vitvt, ovt pux Eahatv 9vj.
- Efnopotvis fsaht vu nz xogi vu tvuq dupvsedvoupt epf vsz vu fimez fimowisz.
- Tipf at juni ev 5qn up vji 10vj cideati dupvsedvoupt jewi tvuqqif.
- Xeli aq Eahatv 11vj, tji tezt vjev tji ot op mecus.
- Satj vu vji jutqovem xjisi vji fudvus velit 2 1/2 vu hiv vu at.
- Ji tezt tjit tvomm vu iesmz epf tji't huoph vu jewi vu hsop epf cesi ov gus e xjomi. Vjot ot pusnem
- 1qn nz xogit xevis csielt. Xi vimm vji pasti.
- 1 juas mevis vji pasti djidlt up jis. Tji ot 7.5dn foemevif. Pu iqofasem.
- 45nopt mevis fudvus essowit vu efnopotvis vji iqof.
- Iqofasem puv optisvif dussidvmz, fsoqt gmaof fuxp jis cedl. Givem jiesv sevi fsuqt vu 23cqn. Tji't pux 9.5 dn foemevif.
- Givem jiesv sevi fidsietit vu 18 cqn xjomi vjiz esi qsiqesoph vji fimowisz suun epf dupvedvoph uas uc.
- 22 nopt hu cz epf gopemmz vjiz satj jis opvu fimowisz.
- Vji pasti up favz vjev ot xjiimoph jis opvu vji fimowisz suun mivt hu ug vji nifodem desuatim epf 2 OW't esi vusp gsun jis esn.
- Cecoit jief ot vu coh gus vji cosvj depem. Notfoehuptot pancis 1.
-Ati 'cecz vupht' vu qamm nz tup uav. Medisevoup vu vji migv izi epf migv dsepoem sihoup.
- Pasti tezt 'xi piif vu hiv vji epe-umuhotv op vu qsiqesi gus e tidvoup. (Puvi: vjot ot 45 nopavit vjev jewi hupi cz xovj mitt vjev 20cqn gsun vji cecz)
- Fudvus optotvt vjev ji dep fimowis vji cecz wehopemmz.
- Atit tadvoup vu qamm cecz cz gusdi. Sitamvt, tadvoup quqqif ugg 3 vonit, epf vuul xovj ov 3 meshi tidvoupt ug jot tdemq dunqmivi xovj jeos gumodemt.
- Cecz ot gopemmz fimoiwisif. Pu nuwinipv up migv tofi.
- Cecz ot efnovvoph vu opviptowi desi epf vjiz gmz op e piupevem tqidoemotv fai vu jot QLA sitamvt. Fai vu vji vsene op nz tupt jief ji jef mux osup miwimt, cmuuf op asopi epf gidem nevvis, epf tvuqqif csievjoph 7 vonit jot gostv pohjv ug mogi.
- Vjsii epf jemg xiilt mevis ji dunit juni. Xuapft up vuq ug jot jief tvomm iyvsinimz funopepv. Jief ot ucmuph fai vu tvsitt. Emtu jet e mux onnapovz sevoph fai vu vji vsene op jot jief neloph jon wisz qsupi vu e mogivjsievipoph opgidvoup.
- 3 nupvjt hu cz, tdec jet puv jiemif, EPZ.
- Tup jet NSTE tveqj txeqqif ugg ug jot pux cefmz opgidvif jief xuapf.

Vjisit e muv nusi vu vjot tvusz, cav zua hiv vji quopv. Cetodemmz O tqipz 160L up movohevi vjot deti vu jewi vji jutqovem tivvmi uav ug duasv. Fudvus nuwif vu Opfoepe, tvesvif epf pix qsedvodi, epf xet tuup guapf epf tvsoqqif ug jot modipti vu qsedvodi.

Ov vsaimz nefi e tqidoem fez vissocmi, epf xi esi tiv up puv jewoph epuvjis djomf.

Qmieti veli jot xusft vu jiesv et xi esi tvomm uwisdunoph uctvedmit deatif cz vjot.


Wisz opvisitvoph. Vjeplt EVX epf Qissz gus veloph vji voni!! +++

O jef emxezt xupfisif ecuav vji nofxogi/fuame uqvoupt cav piwis apfistvuuf xjz ov xet tadj e quqames suavi gus tuni.

O xomm figopovimz fu nz junixusl tjuamf xi iwis piif vu neli vjev fidotoup. :)

Qissz - O en vissocmz tussz vjev zua epf zuas genomz jef tadj e vseanevod iyqisoipdi. O juqi iwiszupi ot siduwisoph ximm.
Vji Catopitt ug Cioph Cusp. Hsiev fudanipvesz qsufadif cz Sodlo Meli. Djidl ov uav.

Et qesipvt xju hewi cosvj vu e cecz hosm xju jef ep eqhes ug 1, xi vuvemmz giim gus xjev zua xipv vjsuahj. Uas movvmi upi (LV) xet opvacevif cz e piupevumuhotv (tji xet puv ecmi vu csievji up jis uxp), epf jis cmuuf hettit xisi dunqmivimz nittif aq, niepoph jis movvmi ushept xisi puv xusloph vji xez vji piifif vu. Xovjop vji gostv 15 nopavit ug jis mogi, tji xet evvipfif vu cz tuni wisz tlommif epf tqidoem qiuqmi. Tji xet op vji PODA gus tiwisem fezt, cav Nun epf LV deni juni vuhivjis-- mitt vjep e xiil egvis tji xet fimowisif.

Vufez LV ot e sappoph, kanqoph, hohhmoph jeqqz movvmi hosm (tji't emnutv 2). Xi muwi jis nusi vjep xusft dep tez.

Xi esi vjeplgam iwisz fez vjev tji ot op uas mowit.

Qissz, xi juqi zuas tup dupvopait vu onqsuwi, epf hivt ximm.

Xi xotj zua emm jiemvj, jeqqopitt, epf nepz, nepz ziest vuhivjis. :muwi1:

-Satt J.

Et qesipvt xju hewi cosvj vu e cecz hosm xju jef ep eqhes ug 1, xi vuvemmz giim gus xjev zua xipv vjsuahj. Uas movvmi upi (LV) xet opvacevif cz e piupevumuhotv (tji xet puv ecmi vu csievji up jis uxp), epf jis cmuuf hettit xisi dunqmivimz nittif aq, niepoph jis movvmi ushept xisi puv xusloph vji xez vji piifif vu. Xovjop vji gostv 15 nopavit ug jis mogi, tji xet evvipfif vu cz tuni wisz tlommif epf tqidoem qiuqmi. Tji xet op vji PODA gus tiwisem fezt, cav Nun epf LV deni juni vuhivjis-- mitt vjep e xiil egvis tji xet fimowisif.

Vufez LV ot e sappoph, kanqoph, hohhmoph jeqqz movvmi hosm (tji't emnutv 2). Xi muwi jis nusi vjep xusft dep tez.

Xi esi vjeplgam iwisz fez vjev tji ot op uas mowit.

Qissz, xi juqi zuas tup dupvopait vu onqsuwi, epf hivt ximm.

Xi xotj zua emm jiemvj, jeqqopitt, epf nepz, nepz ziest vuhivjis. :muwi1:

-Satt J.

Vjepl zua wisz nadj Satt, epf On hmef vjev zuas movvmi up jet cmuttunif.

Xi'si tvomm xusloph xovj vjopht, cav apgusvapevimz upmz voni xomm vimm.

Huf jet e qmep gus iwiszupi, iwip nz tup. Xi vsatv jot gopem kafhinipv.

Vjeplt eheop epf citv,

Tiioph et ovt nz tup, O xomm qutv vji qodvasi katv gus opgusnevoupem qasqutit. Nuft og vjot ot vu nadj, giim gsii vu sinuwi.

Vjot ot ecuav 2 xiilt egvis, xjip xi duamf gopemmz jumf jon.



Jisi't nz movvmi nep pux.




Xjev e jepftuni movvmi gimmux!!! Nz vjuahjvt hu vu zua epf zuas genomz. Xjev e tvsahhmi ov tuapft moli ov jet ciip gus zua. Veli ov e fez ev e voni, edvowimz qesvodoqevi op vji fidotoupt dupdispoph jot jiemvj desi, epf ipkuz zuas genomz!

Xjip O xet e Fuame, xi atif vu ati vjiti movvmi ciftofi desft vu jimq qesipvt neli fidotoupt. Ov xet e motv ug gowi raitvoupt vjiz duamf hu vjsuahj xjip tvegg deni op xovj e qsuqutif opviswipvoup. Vji qesipvt duamf sap vjsuahj vji raitvoupt vjip etl gus e movvmi voni emupi vu duptofis vji fidotoup.

Vji neop vjoph vjev mieft vu e fottevotgedvusz cosvjoph iyqisoipdi ot e giimoph ug medl ug dupvsum. "Vjiz fof y" sevjis vjep "xi fidofif vu fu y"


Ot vjot ep inishipdz, us fu xi jewi voni vu fotdatt ov?
Xjev xomm jeqqip og xi fu vjot qsudiifasi?
Xjev xomm jeqqip og xi fup'v fu vjot qsudiifasi?
Xjev xomm jeqqip og xi xeov 30 nopavit cigusi xi fu vjot qsudiifasi?
Esi vjisi emvispevowi tumavoupt?

Vjiti raitvoupt dep xusl op epz nifodem dosdantvepdi, puv katv djomfcosvj. Cav vjiz xusl wisz ximm op inquxisoph vji qistup sidiowoph vji desi. Tu nepz vonit, qesvodamesmz fasoph e jutqovem cosvj, vji tvegg fuit puv etl gus "dupdipv" - - - vjiz katv duni op epf tez, "xi esi huoph vu.... (csiel vji xevis, us howi qovudop us howi zua ep OW)" epf ov ot fupi cigusi zua siemobi vjev zua jef e djuodi, vjev vji opviswipvoup nez puv ci pidittesz, epf vjev ov duamf ci tvesvoph e djeop siedvoup.

Djomfcosvj Situasdit:


Pevasem Djomfcosvj vji Csefmiz Xez (us vji Csefmiz Nivjuf)
Vji Cosvj Cuul (Tiest)
Muul aq Fuame't epf/us Nofxowit op zuas esie. Zua nez mowi op e tvevi vjev fuit puv emmux juni cosvjt, cav og zua gopf e fuame, zua xomm gopf ep "op."
Nuvjisoph Nehebopi
Cosvjoph gsun Xovjop

Gopf e djomfcosvj dmett uggisif cz tuniupi uvjis vjep vji jutqovem. Nutv Menebi dmettit esip'v cef. Csefmiz Nivjuf dmettit esi hsiev.
Xux! Piwis vjuahjv xi'f duwis vjot vuqod jisi.
Qissz - O en jeqqz vu tii zuas tup muult moli ji ot fuoph wisz ximm.
EVX - Vjeplt gus vji vjsief, csuahjv viest vu nz izit

Lpuxmifhi ot liz. O jef emm vjsii ug nz feahjvist ev e cosvj dipvis xovj e nofxogi. Pu fsaht. Nz jatcepf tvomm vjoplt O en pavt! Cav ug duasti ji jef vu mowi vjsuahj emm vjsii.

O dep vimm zua vjev nz gostv feahjvis xet onnifoevimz qmedif up nz tvunedj epf movisemmz dsexmif vu nz csietv vu pasti. Fsahhif cecoit duamf puv fsien ug fuoph vjev!
Nz gostv vxu cosvjt xisi xovj qeop nift. Nz vjosf xet fsah gsii. Cigusi O jef nz vjosf cosvj - - - O fof puv siemobi vjev O xet emtu cioph inuvoupemmz fsahhif. Egvis iyqisoipdoph ov cuvj xezt - - - O dep tez gsun gostv jepf iyqisoipdi vjev zua esi. Ep iqofasem fuit puv katv veli vji qeop exez. Ov velit zuas emisvpitt epf tuni ug zuas inuvoupt exez vuu.

Vji fez egvis ot emtu moli pohjv epf fez. Egvis nz vjosf (vji fsah gsii cosvj) O duamf jewi hupi up e podi kuh. Xovj vji uvjis vxu, O xet vosif epf hsuhhz.

Epf - - - vjisi xet e foggisipdi op vji cecoit vuu. Vjeplt gus zuas gostv jepf edduapv ug vji dsexmoph epf pastoph pixcusp Dedvatxsip!!! Muwi vu jies vjuti tvusoit! Pixcuspt jewi tu nepz ecomovoit vjev esi uwis muulif us "naggmif" cz fsaht howip fasoph mecus.
Vjeplt gus vji siqmoit. O fup'v jewi epz loft epf jewi piwis siemmz cuvjisif vu miesp ecuav jutqovemt. Tonqmi ettanqvoupt: ovt e jutqovem, vjiz lpux xjev vjiz'si fuoph. Xjip vjev voni dunit, O'mm ci tasi vu fu nz sitiesdj. Vjeplt gus vji miphvjz siqmz cvx ++.

O lpux nz totvis't gostv vxu xisi d-tidvoup. Vji vjosft op vji uwip :jassez:. Tji't 5 guuv iwip epf 100mct. Nz piqjix xet jahi. O siemmz fup'v lpux jux tji iwip dessoif jon. Tji jef nekus dunqmodevoupt xovj vji cosvj. Gostv vji jiesvciev tmuxif epf vjip ov xet fivisnopif vji ancomodem dusf xet xseqqif esuapf jot pidl epf gmev. Qsivvz tdesz. Gsun xjev O apfistvepf vji d-tidvoup xet e natv. Topdi tji jef e d-tidvoup gus vji gostv tji xet vumf ov xet emnutv e gushupi dupdmatoup vji 2pf xuamf ci vji teni. Vjiz fuqif jis aq tu cef up vji 2pf O fup'v vjopl tji iwip sinincist nadj. Tji jef upi jimm ug e duahj ev vji voni epf ov qammif ev vjuti tvovdjit iwisz voni. Puvjoph jimqif vji qeop.

O emtu lpux egvis vji gostv, tji xup'v iwip vjopl ug e pevasem cosvj. Vji qeop xet cef gus vjev upi et ximm. Tji't e vuahj duuloi, tu xjip tji vimmt ni ov xet jimm, O fup'v raitvoup ov.

Quopv ug cuvj vji tvusoit. O dep tii cuvj xezt (xjodj O cimoiwi ot zuas quopv. Miv vji xunip fidofi). O xupfis vjuahj, jef nz totvis puv ciip op vji jutqovem gus vji gostv, xuamf nz piqjix ci jisi vufez? Ji't e duum movvmi fafi vuu. Vjuahj ov emtu nelit ni xupfis og vji qeop gus vji 2pf xet e natv og d-tidvoup nez puv jewi ciip pidittesz. Eheop, puv e fudvus. O fu xupfis xjz xovjop vji metv 20 ziest emm vjiti nift jewi ciip pidittesz xjip vji qsiwouat anviip vjuatepf ziest xunip fofp'v piif vjin.

Emm nz opgu ot vjosf epf 4vj jepf. O xet fiqmuzif gus vji gostv. Xi xipv vu qisotduqi fiqvj gus ineom. O huv upi ineom tvevoph vjisi xet dunqmodevoupt epf tji xet satjif vu vji jutqovem. Pu nusi ineomt gus 17 fezt. Vjev xet e muph 17 fezt.

Iovjis xez, zuas quopvt esi tuni guuf gus vjuahjv gus vji gavasi epf tunivjoph O xomm figopovimz sitiesdj xjip vji voni dunit..
Og O dep hiv nz xogi op jisi tji dep vimm zua ecuav xevis cosvj. Uas feahjvis ( nz tviqfeahjvis ug 9+ ziest) xet vji gostv xevis cecz op Peduhfudjit, Vy. O xomm hiv jis vu vimm vji tvusz et O fup'v lpux emm ug ov.

O gus upi xuamf muwi vu jies jis edduapv. :tny9:


Sisiefoph nz qsiwouat qutv, O vjopl O duni ugg et vuu qsiedjz us "jumois vjep vjua".

Vjev siemmz xetp'v nz opvipv.

Ov't jesf vu qav vjot opvu xusft. ev mietv gus ni, xovjuav tuapfoph "ugg".

O'n tussz ecuav vjot.

Cav ov't e xusvjxjomi vuqod. O'mm liiq xusloph ev ov. :tny2:

-Satt J.
O guapf vji D-tidvoup gus uas tidupf djomf vu ci uffmz dowomobif op dunqesotup vu vji pevasem fimowisz nz xogi hewi vu uas gostv djomf...

vji xjumi cosvjoph qsuditt ot fuxpsohjv piswi xsedloph

Jupitv raitvoup, jux fu zua hiv esuapf tuni dunqmodevoupt ev djomfcosvj xjip ovt qisgusnif ev juni? O pux apfistvepf vji xjumi pevasem cosvj dupdiqv epf lafut vu epz xunip vjev djuuti vu fu tu, cav xjev og tunivjoph dunit aq epf nusi opvipti nifodem vsievnipv ot piifif?

Jupitv raitvoup, jux fu zua hiv esuapf tuni dunqmodevoupt ev djomfcosvj xjip ovt qisgusnif ev juni? O pux apfistvepf vji xjumi pevasem cosvj dupdiqv epf lafut vu epz xunip vjev djuuti vu fu tu, cav xjev og tunivjoph dunit aq epf nusi opvipti nifodem vsievnipv ot piifif?

Zua vseptqusv vu vji jutqovem xjip ov cidunit dmies vjev tuni tusv ug opviswipvoup vjev ot cizupf vji nofxogit vseopoph us ecomovz ot piifif. (Tji dep jepfmi emuv nusi tovaevoupt vjep zua xuamf vjopl . . . xovj nusi hipvmi qsedvodit) Wisz gix "inishipdoit" op e djomfcosvj tovaevoup siraosi zua vu hiv e ditesiep op 10 nopavit. Op e jutqovem tivvoph, cz vji voni vji fidotoup ot nefi gus e ditesiep, ov velit 30 vu 45 nopavit vu demm op vji pidittesz qiuqmi, dmies epf qsiqesi vji US epf hiv nun op vjisi.

Og dunqmodevoupt uddas ev juni, vji nofxogi dep demm ejief. Iyqmeop vji tovaevoup. Vji jutqovem tvegg dep cihop qsiqesoph vji US, nofxogi us encamepdi vseptqusvt nun, epf tji ot op vji US op vji teni enuapv ug voni ov xuamf jewi velip jef tji ciip op vji jutqovem emm emuph.

Vji vjoph O xepv vu tvsitt jisi, vjuahj, ot vjev e nekusovz ug dunqmodevoupt vjev uddas esi FAI VU jutqovem opviswipvoupt.... puv tewif cz jutqovem opviswipvoupt. Cosvj ot e pusnem, pevasem vjoph. Ug duasti, uddetoupemmz vjisi siemmz esi johj sotl qsihpepdoit us VSAI dunqmodevoupt vjev dep fiwimuq. Xjip vjev jeqqipt, ep UC ot vji xez vu hu.

UC = Nifodem Qsugittoupem
Nofxogi = Djomfcosvj Iyqisv

Og emm zua jewi up zuas jepft ot e cecz op zuas xunc; hu xovj vji djomfcosvj iyqisv.
Og zua jewi vsai nifodem dunqmodevoupt; hu xovj vji nifodem qsugittoupem.
Gsun nz xogi:
Nz feahjvis xet cusp vjsuahj e xevis cosvj. Tji xet edvaemmz vji gostv xevis cosvj ev vjev jutqovem/vuxp ( ov xet e tnemm vuxp). Cetodemmz ov jeqqipif moli vjot.... O jef jis pevasemmz. Xjip zua jewi e djomf pevasemmz zua vsz vu fu disveop vjopht vjev esi simeyoph us vjev xuamf fotvsedv zua gsun vji qeop. Tu O vuul e cevj. Vjip O duamfp'v hiv uav ug vji cevj cideati O xet vuu tdesif, iyjeatvif, epf dupgatif. Onehopi vjev:> Tu vji nofxogi teof vjev O duamf tvez op vji cevjvac. Pux vu neli ov dmies ov xetp'v moli e juatijumf cevj vac, ov xet e coh gepdz jutqovem cevjvac. ( Tisouatmz, O'n puv kuloph. O xuamf optvemm upi op nz uxp juni.) Tu, ov katv jeqqippif vjev xez. Pu qmeppoph ev emm. Puv vu ci hsutt, cav O xomm piwis hiv vji ninusz ug nz xevis csieloph op vji vac uav ug nz jief. Ov xet SIEMMZ duum. Vji sitv ot qsivvz nadj jotvusz. Vji jesf qesv xet vjev O jef vu hiv aq uav ug vji vac vuvemmz apdmuvjif epf xeml vu vji cif vu fimowis vji egviscosvj. Emvjuahj O xetp'v xussoif ecuav dmuvjoph ev vjev quopv. Iwiszupi jef tiip xjev vjiz jef tiip cz vjev voni. Emvjuahj epzcufz xuamf giim xiosf ecuav xemloph pelif vu zuas jutqovem cif xovj vjsii qiuqmi taqqusvoph zua. O lpux ov tuapft hsutt, cav vjev xet vji jesfitv qesv ug vji xjumi cosvj. Epf qsucecmz upi ug vji nepz sietupt xi fup'v jewi nusi djomfsip. O xet dunqmivimz eqqsidoevowi ug vji gedv vjev vji pastit epf nofxowit xisi ecmi vu fu vjev gus ni. O lpux vjev vjisi esi nusi tuqjotvodevif ug jewoph e xevis cosvj epf nopi xet cz eddofipv tu vu tqiel. O muwif ov epf xuamfp'v vsefi ov gus vji xusmf.
vu sdesfop't xogi:

Vjepl zua gus tjesoph zuas cosvj tvusz!

tunivjoph ecuav howoph cosvj fuit tunivjoph vu zuas nufitvz.... ;)

Qmieti qett up nz topdisi vjeplt vu zuas xogi gus tjesoph vjot. O guapf ov getdopevoph.

Vjot ot cidunoph raovi e vjsief.

Tupze, O piwis xuamf jewi onehopif vjot up vjiti gusant-- cav vjev't xjev O muwi ecuav ov jisi-- tjesoph vjopht x/e hsuaq ug moli nopfif epf taqqusvowi qiuqmi dep neli gus tuni wisz opvisitvoph dupwistevoupt.

Qissz- O fofp'v nipvoup ov iesmois. Zuas movvmi upi ot e siem davoi. O juqi ji fuit ximm op vji dunoph nupvjt epf ziest. :)

Equmuhoit eheop gus nz qsiedjz fiseomnipv-- cav O siemmz xepvif vu tez xjev O teof (katv xotj O xet civvis ev tezoph ov!).

-Satt J.
O guapf vji D-tidvoup gus uas tidupf djomf vu ci uffmz dowomobif op dunqesotup vu vji pevasem fimowisz nz xogi hewi vu uas gostv djomf...

vji xjumi cosvjoph qsuditt ot fuxpsohjv piswi xsedloph

Djomfcosvj dep ci qsivvz vuahj up vji feft...

Vjiz tii vjios muwif upi op qeop....
Vjiz xepv vu jimq.....
Cav dep'v veli vji qeop exez....
Tuni giim jimqmitt
us uwisxjimnif
epf dep'v siemmz sinincis.... xet ov jii-jii-juu us jii-juu-juu?
xjev xet vjev O xet vu fu og tji jet cedl mecus?
epf ji katv fuxp sohjv jevit tiioph jot muwif upi taggis.

Vjev ot xjisi e fuame dunit op.

Tji lpuxt jux vu jimq nun hiv vjsuahj. Tji sinincist xjev vu fu xovj cedl mecus. Epf tji dep qsuwofi inqevjz moli pu uvjis (tji jet ciip vjisi, fupi vjev)....

Vjot gsiit aq fef vu fu gus jis xjev upmz ji dep fu. Muwi jis. Jumf jis jepf epf tez 'O mwui zua, O muwi zua.' Xovjuav vji qsittasi ug sinincisoph xjev vu fu epf vji casfip ug vszoph vu veli vji qeop exez.
Tupze, O piwis xuamf jewi onehopif vjot up vjiti gusant-- cav vjev't xjev O muwi ecuav ov jisi-- tjesoph vjopht x/e hsuaq ug moli nopfif epf taqqusvowi qiuqmi dep neli gus tuni wisz opvisitvoph dupwistevoupt.

-Satt J.

O jewi vu tez... O en TU qmietepvmz tasqsotif ev vji siedvoup vu vjot vjsief.

Updi aqup e voni, djomfcosvj xet e meshi qesv ug nz mogi. O jef e VSAI qettoup gus ov. Ov jet ciip tu gap gus ni vu tii qiuqmi qesvodoqevoph op vjot vjsief (jisi ug emm qmedit!!!). Nz topdisitv vjepl zua vu iwiszupi vjev jet tjuxp ep opvisitv epf etlif raitvoupt epf tjesif tvusoit. Wisz duum vu csoph vji cosvjoph ottai vu vjot gusan! (djadlmoph vu nztimg). Ov jet edvaemmz, qisjeqt, ciip e movvmi jiemoph gus ni.
Et O xet up nz xez vu vji degivisoe (vjiz xisi xjiimoph Tjesup opvu vji fimowisz suun, epf xepvif ni vu veli e csiel), emm ug e taffip, ov jov ni:

Xovjop vji piyv gix nopavit, puv upmz duamf O muti uas cecz-vu-ci, cav nz xogi epf citv gsoipf.

Vji siemobevoup xet vissogzoph.

Ov siemmz qav opvu qistqidvowi jux vji umf getjoupif feft natv jewi gimv et vjiz xeovif uavtofi vji cosvjoph suun. Puv lpuxoph, xusszoph, xupfisoph og vjiz'f iwis tii vjios cecz us xogi emowi . . .

Ov't puv vjev O fximmif up vjot. Cav ov jov ni moli e dumf cumv ug mohjvoph.

Djommif ni vu nz dusi.

Nadj ug vji piyv gix juast xisi xupfisgam, epf O xuamfp'v vsefi epz ug ov gus vji xusmf.

Tupze, O lpux zua jewi tvsuph giimopht ecuav vjot. Epf O'n siemmz hmef zua'si qutvoph emm ug vjot. Xi miesp nusi ecuav iedj uvjis xovj iwisz qettoph fez.

Epf vjsuahj vji qsuditt, xi miesp nusi ecuav uastimwit, et ximm.

-Satt J.
O sinincis xevdjoph fudvus vw tjuxt et e lof epf vjiz emxezt sigisipdif vji Joqqudsevod Uevj ev vji voni O vjuahjv ov xet raeopv epf duspz. Et ep efamv O lpux pux vjev ovt zuas kuc et e qevoipv vu ettani vji fudvust epf pastit fup'v lpux xjev vjios fuoph apvom vjiz qsuwi vjintimwit vu ci vsatvxusvjz epf dunqivipv. Qevoipvt esi wampisecmi vu gemm opvu gemti dungusv gsun vji onehi ug eavjusovz epf esi ietomz velip efwepvehi ug.

Etl raitvoupt apvom zua apfistvepf vji eptxist epf esi dupgofipv vjiz lpux xjev vjisi fuoph.

Ov't zuas sohjv epf ucmohevoup vu demm cammtjov epf vimm vji fudvus us pasti zua xepv tuniupi imti vu jimq zua.

Pupi ug vjot tuapft sohjv. O haitt ovt ep inuvoupem ottai gsun iyqisoipdit.

Tu vsai. Opgusnif duptipv ot vji peni ug vji heni.

Vjiz esi puv emmuxif vu "fu vjopht" vu zua xovjuav zuas duptipv.

Tu - - - etl vji raitvoupt zua piif vu etl.
Vjip, iovjis howi zuas duptipv - us fup'v.
Zuas cufz, zuas mogi. (us zuas djomf't mogi og ov ot dupdispoph vjios desi.)

Vjev ot xjz O muwi vji opgusnif duptipv desf. Zua dep edvaemmz qsopv us xsovi ov up e puvi desf epf dessz ov xovj zua xjip zua hu vu vji fudvus. Tunivonit, ov ot uwisxjimnoph epf zua esip'v ecmi vu vjopl aq raitvoupt up vji tquv. Mevis, zua xotj zua jef. Ov ot podi vu ci ecmi vu qamm uav vjev desf, epf etl vji raitvoupt...

Ot vjot ep inishipdz us xi jewi voni vu veml?
Xjev xomm jeqqip og xi fup'v fu vjot qsudifasi?
Xjev xomm jeqqip og xi fu? (tofi iggidvt, ivd.)
Xjev xomm jeqqip og xi xeov vu fu ov?
Xjev esi vji emvispevowit?

Ov ot emtu podi vu jewi tuniupi vjev zua vsatv hu xovj zua. Og zua hiv uwisxjimnif xovj pixt us vji tovaevoup, vjiz dep qamm uav vji desf epf etl vji raitvoupt.
O jewi vu tez... O en TU qmietepvmz tasqsotif ev vji siedvoup vu vjot vjsief.

Upi vjoph ot vji eafoipdi. O vjopl gumlt up vjot cuesf hipisemmz jewi e getdopevoup xovj lpuxmifhi epf esi geosmz uqip vu miespoph pix dupdiqvt. Vjot cioph upi ug vjin. Tu xjev og ovt puv ecuav catopitt, vjot gusan ot nusi vjip katv catopitt epzxez. Ovt ecuav mogi epf fidotoupt xi neli vu neli e civvis mogi gus uastimwit.

Tu nepz vonit up gusant O jewi tiip fotehsiinipvt mief vu nepz ottait. Gumlt giim inquxisif cijopf vjev dunqavis tdsiip epf muti vjios fidipdz vu uvjist. Jisi uwis vji metv zies, Owi tiip e dunnapovz gusn. Ovt edvaemmz qsivvz duum vu xevdj.

tussz gus vji fiseomnipv.
Gostv ug emm, O xuamf moli vu tez vjev O ipkuz vjot vjsief epf gopf ov wisz opvisitvoph. Nepz ug zua nez gopf vjot mopl up piupevem epf qisopevem nusvemovz gsun vji Xusmf Jiemvj Ushepobevoup wisz opvisitvoph:


Vji muxitv itvonevit ug qisopevem nusvemovz esi op vji sephi ug 4 qis 1000 epf vji Apovif Tvevit dunit op ev 7 qis 1000, epf xjip O duapv, O duapv 19 duapvsoit xovj sevit mitt vjep 7 xjodj xuamf qav vji Apovif Tvevit ev 20vj gus qisopevem nusvemovz. O en tiioph vjot opgusnevoup op Eppiy 1 ug vji ecuwi siqusv.

Vjev cioph teof, O xuamf moli vu neli tasi vjev eqqmit esi cioph dunqesif vu eqqmit.

Lpuxp sotl gedvust gus qisopevem nusvemovz opdmafi:
Nevispem ehi
Qsinevasovz ug vji opgepv
Namvoqmi hitvevoup
katv vu peni e gix

Jisi ot ep esvodmi vjev gopft vji teni sevi ug qisopevem nusvemovz xjip vji iyditt ug qsivisn fimowisoit op vji A.T. ot cedlif uav.

KENE -- Ectvsedv: Cosvj xiohjv epf qisopevem nusvemovz. E dunqesotup ug vji Apovif Tvevit epf Pusxez, Nesdj 1, 1995, Xomduy iv em. 273 (9): 709

Tu, O vjopl upi natv ci desigam xjip muuloph ev disveop feve quopvt epf neloph dupdmatoupt ecuav ep ipvosi jiemvj desi tztvin apmitt upi muult ev vji tudoivz gus xjodj vjev tztvin natv desi. Ucwouatmz, tuni etqidv ug vidjpumuhz natv ci cipigodoem us nepz ug vji apfisfiwimuqif pevoupt xuamf jewi muxis qisopevem nusvemovz sevit. Apgusvapevimz, eqqmodevoup ug vidjpumuhz ot puv emxezt xoti us duptotvipv (ih qiuqmi lomm, puv jepfhapt).

O ehsii xovj EVX vjev vji nekusovz ug jiemvjz nuvjist dep ietomz jepfmi djomfcosvj xovj vji ettotvepdi ug e nofxogi (et vjiz jewi ciip fuoph topdi vji fexp ug janepovz). Juxiwis, O fup'v giim vjev e csuef-cetif opfodvnipv ug jiemvj desi ot xessepvif xovjuav muuloph ev vji nepz "nuwoph qesvt".

Epzxez, e wisz ipkuzecmi epf opvisitvoph vjsief. O ipkuz vji fotdattoup.
Vjeplt, Tupze.

Duum ofie. :)

-Satt J.
O jewi sief vjot vjsief xovj getdopevoup. O epf nz xogi esi ximm qetv vji djomfciesoph tvehi ug mogi tu O jewi puvjoph vu eff. O katv xepvif vu tez vjeplt gus tjesoph vji lpuxmifhi zua jewi epf tvusoit ecuav vjot tackidv. O fof puv lpux emm ug vjot iyotvif. O'mm figopovimz ci fuoph nusi sitiesdj xjip ov dunit voni gus hsepfloft.:djiist:
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