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River McTasney

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Mar 13, 2019
Alright where do I start? This shouldn't be a hard question to answer considering I still ask myself that everyday. Let's just simplify it down as much as possible.

1. Learned through my internship junior year of college the job life wasn't for me (2016). Learned soon after that I had been in college all that time to realize I didn't need to be in college all that time. I still stayed in another two years and some how found a way to walk the stage and receive me diploma.

2. Two weeks before I graduated (May of 2018) I found a sales job, with an HVAC company, on craigslist. I knew sales experience was the next step for me and I didn't want to have to wait around in some sales training funnel that lasted a dreaded 16 months before I could even start selling something. So I purposefully looked for places that may not be sexy to the average Joe but I knew would start using me as soon as possible. Within 1 month after gaining some field experience I started selling residential HVAC. 6 months later I started to get into light commercial sales and 3 months after that I was doing nothing but commercial. From there the owner of the company and I started to build the commercial department of the company. I would say we were doing very well together but 3 months after that I quit. I knew it wasn't where I was going to be forever and I felt like I had gained the experience I was initially seeking.

3. 6 months before I quit, in my off time, I did nothing but read and work on building any kind of business. Creation of the first real failure coming up. I had always been know for wearing clothes that are uniquely designed and nobody else owned. I would always get compliments and people would always ask me where I got my stuff. Little did they know I got it all from places like Goodwill, grandparents closets, and random online shopping. The stuff I would get compliments on was one of kind stuff and these random inquiries at partys and social events got me thinking, "All these people like what I'm wearing and wonder where I got it. Why don't I just be the guy that produces it." So you would think I would do just that and start by creating clothing with the designs these people sought.. wrong. I tried the easy route. I said clothing involves different sizes and constant creation and a lot more moving parts. It was hard. So I did what any instant gratification seeking millenial would do. I got on alibaba and started looking for something I thought was unique but a lot easier to handle. So I stumble across some multicolor sunglasses. I thought they were cool and the multicolor effect had a unique appearance. So I pieced together a website ordered some glasses, taught myself some photoshop, and wahla time to post some ads on FB and watch inventory disappear. In a month I sold exactly 3 pairs of sunglasses... Shit.

4. So I go back to reading some more. Finally talked myself into reading TMF. Thanks to the title of the book, I thought it was bullshit (no offense Mr. Demarco, I understand why you titled it that way) so it actually had been sitting on my book shelf for a good 6 months. After reading the book I accepted the fact that I had not actually been trying to bring real value to the table. So now it was time for me to reflect and figure out where I screwed up. It didn't take long for me to remember the people at the parties liked what I was wearing because of the designs of the patterns applied to the clothes. Never once did anybody ever compliment my sunglasses, they wanted the wild patterned clothing that they had not seen much of. The value was how I had something cool that nobody else had or is hard to find. Now I understood even though it had been blatantly obvious the entire time. So I reflected a little more. I knew everybody went crazy over my blazer that had an aztec printed design on it. So I googled aztec designed shirts. Barely anything came up. Boom. Now I knew I wasn't financially equipped to produce blazers but so I looked into other options. I finally realized how much hawaiian button down summer shirts have been taking off. So I thought it might be cool to have a hawaiian styled shirt with aztec printed patterns instead of flowers and palm trees. So I kept my brand and bought some licenses for some cool looking vector patterns. I went to alibaba to find a manufacturer that could produce what I wanted. In about a month I had sample of 8 shirts with different designs. I didn't bulk order this time. I needed to make sure these things were going to sell. I made some changes to my website and had my girlfriend take some pictures of me modeling my shirts by the pool. You will see I wasn't blessed with super model genes but it was good enough. I calculated the time it would take to produce a mass order of shirts if I decided to move forward. I put the shirts up for sale on the website for pre-order only. This is so I could test the product to see if it would sell before I spent a bunch of money on another doop product. First day of ads I got 3 pre-orders. Second day another 3 orders, third day 5 orders.. Uh oh we might be on to something now. People were blowing up the comments and e-mailing me asking when they would get their shirts.. Shit again. Now this is where things got dicey. It was stated on the product page the product wouldn't be ready for another 2 months so I nvever lied to them but I knew I had to get on the roll to get these things produced and in my hands. I continued to run ads and get orders, I calculated an estimate of how many shirts I needed to get produced. I finally placed the mass order.

5. The growing desire for my shirts was great but I knew I really had nothing but shirts to bring to the table. I know anybody can produce shirts so I had to start formulating a vision and purpose for the company. In today's world we need more than just an eye catchy product. We have to incorporate an ecosystem that makes an impact. I knew I needed to work on this and I needed more time so I quit my job. I unhooked my 1979 Winnebago and hit the black top to come back to small town bfe Texas. You know what's good about small town bfe, Texas. It's cheaper than dirt to live in, especially if you do that living in an RV. I have spent the last 2 months scraping by and living in the dirt to create and implement my vision. I am now sitting amongst 130 pre-order shirts waiting to be taken to the post office. Riv's Styles is small now but I know it has potential. People like to be recognized and want to feel like they are unique and are involved in a bigger picture. Below I have posted what I have written to customers in pre-order update e-mails to show them what the vision is for Riv's. From these you should be able to get an idea of what is hopefully to come, God willing. I know this post is short and doesn't include a lot of detail because I am currently super busy but its enough to possibly bring up questions which I will gladly answer. Another thing, I have left out the suck of the process. The last 6 months haven't been the most comfortable, actually the uncertainty and my current financial situation is pretty shitty. But I remind myself I am originally a small town ranch kid and I naturally thrive in the dirt so I think I can hammer it out. Anyways read below to get an idea of the ongoing process.

Update to Customers #1:
To start I want to say thank you for making this first collection of Riv's summer shirts a reality by placing a pre-order. I also want to say thank you for your patience as the production process has taken a little longer than originally planned. This is the first Riv's collection ever produced so some unexpected quirks had to be worked out along the way. Who was I to think Murphy wasn't going to be there to nip me in the butt at some point along the way. Anyway, like I said I am very thankful for your interest in the product. I wanted to bring something a little different and unique to the table and your preorder has made that possible. Thank You.

Now for an update on your order. UPDATE: I have received word from this manufacturer that production is to finish and ship this week. Your packages will ship as soon as the bulk order is received. I will gather my minions, and with enough Red Bull and coffee to kill an elephant, we will package, label, and ship every single pre-order. When your package is shipped you will receive an automated e-mail with your tracking number.

Once again, thank you for being a part of this upbringing and stand by for your order ship in the next 10-14 days. If anything changes I will be sure to let you know. Also, I understand this is taking a little longer than originally planned. I want you to know you can always cancel your order and have it refunded if you do not want to wait.

If you need anything at all, have any questions or concerns, or just need someone to talk to please don't hesitate to e-mail me at support@rivstyles.com

Update to Pre-order Customers #2:
To Pre-Order Customer,

Okay folks I have some good news and some not so great news. The not so great news is that the shirts aren't shipping from the manufacturer until tomorrow. The good news is I have pictures below to show proof of their production. Brief sigh of relief. Unfortunately this is going to put us behind schedule another week. I know, I pretty much sound like an airport receptionist but it is what it is. Once again I am terribly sorry for this delay and I am already working on making sure this never happens again. Trust me, I realize I am not a hard person to find.

Like I said before, I can always refund your order if you do not want to wait any longer. However, I do want to point out that this will be the only production of these shirts with these particular designs. BUT READ THIS, Riv's will still continue to produce more unique collections but from now on there will only be a limited supply produced per design per collection. That means once they are out of stock they are gone and no more will be made. This is to provide you with a unique piece of apparel you know only you, and a few other people in comparison, have. After much reflection on the idea, I figured this approach would be really neat considering our cool new shirt is only cool until we see another rando wearing the same one at the same function... - Bring hand to forehead and down face.. Anyways, like I said you may refund your order at anytime between now and when I ship it to you. Hopefully you can wait a little longer. If you have any questions please contact me.

Once again I am very thankful for you making this first collection a reality. Your patience is going a long ways. Thank You! Please see below for proof of production.

Update to Pre-Order Customers #3 (Final):
Alright folks, the time has finally come. I have received all merchandise and I am immediately starting the process of shipping all pre-orders. All pre-orders should be shipped by Tuesday (8-20-19). I would like to thank you again for your patience. The next e-mail you receive should be the shipment confirmation e-mail with your tracking number. BUT WAIT: If you would please read on, it would really help a lot. I have something I want to ask of you to help me be better in the future for Riv's.
1. I hope to make Riv's a company that really allows for customers to be involved in the overall development of the business. Riv's would would benefit extraordinarily from your honest feedback on business experience and product quality. So after you receive your product, do you think you can do us a solid and respond with any feedback, positive or negative? Also, I know these shirts did take longer than they were supposed too but if you feel you need to touch on that again, I understand. You responding with feedback will really help as I develop and make improvements to Riv's in order to grow this small business in something remarkable for both the customers and the community. So I thank you in advance for all feedback, compliments, comments, and suggestions.
2. I previously stated Riv's clothing will be based primarily on providing, select limited supply, product. This means there will only be a limited supply ever produced for each unique article of clothing. This is to provide the customer with a truly unique product that they know only themselves and few others, in comparison, will own. I know moving forward with this approach will require constant product creation and innovation. I want to use this challenge as an opportunity to really give the customer base and community a chance to be involved. This mean if you are interested, I want you to create with me. If you think you have value to bring to the table and want to be involved, I want you to contact me. You will actually be talking to Nick first (he's a really cool guy) and then if you make it through him you, you and I can talk - This is so I can focus on making sure business operations stay running smoothly. Maybe you are a good artist and think you have some some designs you think would make BA shirts. Hit me up. Maybe, unlike me, you have been blessed with super model genetics and want to model some clothes - talking to both men and women. Hit it up. Model people will talk to Sydney but inquiry the same e-mail address. We are also interested in hearing what skills or services you have that you think could make a difference in the company. Pretty much if you think you can provide anything that can make a positive difference in the company and the community I want you to hit us up. That is, if you want to. Depending if what you have to bring to the table lines up with the mission and purpose of Riv's Ltd., you might seriously find yourself making a potentially financially rewarding deal with the company. Also, definitely bragging rights. I have decided to give this idea a try because I know there are many people out there with tons of potential and talent but just don't really know where to go with it. Maybe Riv's can be a place some of these people can express these hidden talents and potential. My goal is for Riv's not only to produce profit but also make a positive impact on the world.

Please respond with all ideas, creatives, and what you think to sales@rivstyles.com

Thanks again for your patience and I hope everybody has a blessed day.

The Riv of Riv's

Thanks for reading and sorry if I posted it to the wrong thread. Also please reply with all questions, comments, concerns, possibly a little encouragement but I'm not soft hearted. I know this might seem like its me based but its really just a general description of my process so far. I hope to provide as much value as I can based on the questions you ask. Website is www.rivstyles.com I know it needs to be updated. Thats next on the list.

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Nef sitqidv gus zuas jatvmi. Csu, zua huv vjot.

Esi zua dassipvmz xusloph e tofi kuc vu iesp tuni detj gmux gus mowoph iyqiptit apvom catopitt velit ugg gasvjis?
Nef sitqidv gus zuas jatvmi. Csu, zua huv vjot.

Esi zua dassipvmz xusloph e tofi kuc vu iesp tuni detj gmux gus mowoph iyqiptit apvom catopitt velit ugg gasvjis?
Tu hiv vjot. O'n edvaemmz e duptvsadvoup nekus epf qsivvz huuf ev caomfoph vjopht. O'n dassipvmz fuoph e dupvsedv kuc caomfoph ep SW qesl op vji mudem esie gus e gii qeof op % ug dunqmivoup. Xi emtu jewi sepdj mepf vjev O jimq xovj vu neli tuni iyvse detj. Ov't nz junivuxp tu O lpux qiuqmi epf dep gopf ipuahj xusl O dep tdjifami up nz uxp voni. Cav moli O teof O tvez qsivvz dmuti vu vji fosv. O'f tez O en wisz cmittif cav puv dungusvecmi. Ov emtu jimqt O'n tophmi epf fup'v jewi nadj epzcufz imti fiqipfoph up ni. O mowi op ep sw ev uas mudem meli, ovt qsivvz nadj e naf jumi cav ov upmz dutv $600 e zies gus nz sw tquv.
Zuas mux dutv ug mowoph ot e jahi efwepvehi. Xez vu tiv zuastimg aq xovj gmiyocomovz moli vjev.
O muwi iwiszvjoph ecuav vjot qutv!! Duphsevamevoupt fafi! Xi katv jef e niivaq op Femmet vjot xiil. Tvez up vji gusan, liiq at aqfevif. Vjisi esi VUPT ug qqm jisi xju dep jimq zua cav ov emsiefz tuapft (epf muult!) moli zua’si ugg vu e hsiev tvesv .

Ximduni vu vji gusan!
tnemm vuxp cgi Viyet

O mowi vjisi vuu! Zua tisouatmz deppuv apfisitvonevi vji efwepvehit ug mowoph djieqmz. Tuniupi updi huv ephsz ev ni gus mowoph tunixjisi djieq op e simevowimz mux dutv juati (xjodj ot qeof gus!), et vjuahj ov't vji xustv vjoph op vji xusmf epf jux duamf O simevi vu vjios qsucmint? Pu, csu, O'n e popke ev ov epf O MOLI mowoph djieqmz.

Epzxez, qsuqt gus mowoph op ev SW epf jatvmoph gsun vjisi.
Tu hiv vjot. O'n edvaemmz e duptvsadvoup nekus epf qsivvz huuf ev caomfoph vjopht. O'n dassipvmz fuoph e dupvsedv kuc caomfoph ep SW qesl op vji mudem esie gus e gii qeof op % ug dunqmivoup. Xi emtu jewi sepdj mepf vjev O jimq xovj vu neli tuni iyvse detj. Ov't nz junivuxp tu O lpux qiuqmi epf dep gopf ipuahj xusl O dep tdjifami up nz uxp voni. Cav moli O teof O tvez qsivvz dmuti vu vji fosv. O'f tez O en wisz cmittif cav puv dungusvecmi. Ov emtu jimqt O'n tophmi epf fup'v jewi nadj epzcufz imti fiqipfoph up ni. O mowi op ep sw ev uas mudem meli, ovt qsivvz nadj e naf jumi cav ov upmz dutv $600 e zies gus nz sw tquv.
Emsohjv xjisi fu O tvesv? Vjot tjuamfp'v ci e jesf raitvoup vu eptxis duptofisoph O tvomm etl nztimg vjev iwiszfez. Miv't katv tonqmogz ov fuxp et nadj et quttocmi.

1. Miespif vjsuahj nz opvisptjoq kapous zies ug dummihi vji kuc mogi xetp'v gus ni (2016). Miespif tuup egvis vjev O jef ciip op dummihi emm vjev voni vu siemobi O fofp'v piif vu ci op dummihi emm vjev voni. O tvomm tvezif op epuvjis vxu ziest epf tuni jux guapf e xez vu xeml vji tvehi epf sidiowi ni foqmune.

2. Vxu xiilt cigusi O hsefaevif (Nez ug 2018) O guapf e temit kuc, xovj ep JWED dunqepz, up dseohtmotv. O lpix temit iyqisoipdi xet vji piyv tviq gus ni epf O fofp'v xepv vu jewi vu xeov esuapf op tuni temit vseopoph gappim vjev metvif e fsiefif 16 nupvjt cigusi O duamf iwip tvesv timmoph tunivjoph. Tu O qasqutigammz muulif gus qmedit vjev nez puv ci tiyz vu vji ewisehi Kui cav O lpix xuamf tvesv atoph ni et tuup et quttocmi. Xovjop 1 nupvj egvis heopoph tuni goimf iyqisoipdi O tvesvif timmoph sitofipvoem JWED. 6 nupvjt mevis O tvesvif vu hiv opvu mohjv dunnisdoem temit epf 3 nupvjt egvis vjev O xet fuoph puvjoph cav dunnisdoem. Gsun vjisi vji uxpis ug vji dunqepz epf O tvesvif vu caomf vji dunnisdoem fiqesvnipv ug vji dunqepz. O xuamf tez xi xisi fuoph wisz ximm vuhivjis cav 3 nupvjt egvis vjev O raov. O lpix ov xetp'v xjisi O xet huoph vu ci gusiwis epf O gimv moli O jef heopif vji iyqisoipdi O xet opovoemmz tiiloph.

3. 6 nupvjt cigusi O raov, op nz ugg voni, O fof puvjoph cav sief epf xusl up caomfoph epz lopf ug catopitt. Dsievoup ug vji gostv siem geomasi dunoph aq. O jef emxezt ciip lpux gus xiesoph dmuvjit vjev esi aporaimz fitohpif epf pucufz imti uxpif. O xuamf emxezt hiv dunqmonipvt epf qiuqmi xuamf emxezt etl ni xjisi O huv nz tvagg. Movvmi fof vjiz lpux O huv ov emm gsun qmedit moli Huufxomm, hsepfqesipvt dmutivt, epf sepfun upmopi tjuqqoph. Vji tvagg O xuamf hiv dunqmonipvt up xet upi ug lopf tvagg epf vjiti sepfun opraosoit ev qesvzt epf tudoem iwipvt huv ni vjoploph, "Emm vjiti qiuqmi moli xjev O'n xiesoph epf xupfis xjisi O huv ov. Xjz fup'v O katv ci vji haz vjev qsufadit ov." Tu zua xuamf vjopl O xuamf fu katv vjev epf tvesv cz dsievoph dmuvjoph xovj vji fitohpt vjiti qiuqmi tuahjv.. xsuph. O vsoif vji ietz suavi. O teof dmuvjoph opwumwit foggisipv tobit epf duptvepv dsievoup epf e muv nusi nuwoph qesvt. Ov xet jesf. Tu O fof xjev epz optvepv hsevogodevoup tiiloph nommipoem xuamf fu. O huv up emocece epf tvesvif muuloph gus tunivjoph O vjuahjv xet aporai cav e muv ietois vu jepfmi. Tu O tvancmi edsutt tuni namvodumus taphmettit. O vjuahjv vjiz xisi duum epf vji namvodumus iggidv jef e aporai eqqiesepdi. Tu O qoidif vuhivjis e xictovi usfisif tuni hmettit, veahjv nztimg tuni qjuvutjuq, epf xejme voni vu qutv tuni eft up GC epf xevdj opwipvusz foteqqies. Op e nupvj O tumf iyedvmz 3 qeost ug taphmettit... Tjov.

4. Tu O hu cedl vu siefoph tuni nusi. Gopemmz vemlif nztimg opvu siefoph VNG. Vjeplt vu vji vovmi ug vji cuul, O vjuahjv ov xet cammtjov (pu uggipti Ns. Finesdu, O apfistvepf xjz zua vovmif ov vjev xez) tu ov edvaemmz jef ciip tovvoph up nz cuul tjimg gus e huuf 6 nupvjt. Egvis siefoph vji cuul O eddiqvif vji gedv vjev O jef puv edvaemmz ciip vszoph vu csoph siem wemai vu vji vecmi. Tu pux ov xet voni gus ni vu sigmidv epf gohasi uav xjisi O tdsixif aq. Ov fofp'v veli muph gus ni vu sinincis vji qiuqmi ev vji qesvoit molif xjev O xet xiesoph cideati ug vji fitohpt ug vji qevvispt eqqmoif vu vji dmuvjit. Piwis updi fof epzcufz iwis dunqmonipv nz taphmettit, vjiz xepvif vji xomf qevvispif dmuvjoph vjev vjiz jef puv tiip nadj ug. Vji wemai xet jux O jef tunivjoph duum vjev pucufz imti jef us ot jesf vu gopf. Pux O apfistvuuf iwip vjuahj ov jef ciip cmevepvmz ucwouat vji ipvosi voni. Tu O sigmidvif e movvmi nusi. O lpix iwiszcufz xipv dsebz uwis nz cmebis vjev jef ep ebvid qsopvif fitohp up ov. Tu O huuhmif ebvid fitohpif tjosvt. Cesimz epzvjoph deni aq. Cuun. Pux O lpix O xetp'v gopepdoemmz iraoqqif vu qsufadi cmebist cav tu O muulif opvu uvjis uqvoupt. O gopemmz siemobif jux nadj jexeooep cavvup fuxp tannis tjosvt jewi ciip veloph ugg. Tu O vjuahjv ov nohjv ci duum vu jewi e jexeooep tvzmif tjosv xovj ebvid qsopvif qevvispt optvief ug gmuxist epf qemn vsiit. Tu O liqv nz csepf epf cuahjv tuni modiptit gus tuni duum muuloph widvus qevvispt. O xipv vu emocece vu gopf e nepagedvasis vjev duamf qsufadi xjev O xepvif. Op ecuav e nupvj O jef tenqmi ug 8 tjosvt xovj foggisipv fitohpt. O fofp'v caml usfis vjot voni. O piifif vu neli tasi vjiti vjopht xisi huoph vu timm. O nefi tuni djephit vu nz xictovi epf jef nz hosmgsoipf veli tuni qodvasit ug ni nufimoph nz tjosvt cz vji quum. Zua xomm tii O xetp'v cmittif xovj taqis nufim hipit cav ov xet huuf ipuahj. O demdamevif vji voni ov xuamf veli vu qsufadi e nett usfis ug tjosvt og O fidofif vu nuwi gusxesf. O qav vji tjosvt aq gus temi up vji xictovi gus qsi-usfis upmz. Vjot ot tu O duamf vitv vji qsufadv vu tii og ov xuamf timm cigusi O tqipv e capdj ug nupiz up epuvjis fuuq qsufadv. Gostv fez ug eft O huv 3 qsi-usfist. Tidupf fez epuvjis 3 usfist, vjosf fez 5 usfist.. Aj uj xi nohjv ci up vu tunivjoph pux. Qiuqmi xisi cmuxoph aq vji dunnipvt epf i-neomoph ni etloph xjip vjiz xuamf hiv vjios tjosvt.. Tjov eheop. Pux vjot ot xjisi vjopht huv fodiz. Ov xet tvevif up vji qsufadv qehi vji qsufadv xuamfp'v ci siefz gus epuvjis 2 nupvjt tu O pwiwis moif vu vjin cav O lpix O jef vu hiv up vji summ vu hiv vjiti vjopht qsufadif epf op nz jepft. O dupvopaif vu sap eft epf hiv usfist, O demdamevif ep itvonevi ug jux nepz tjosvt O piifif vu hiv qsufadif. O gopemmz qmedif vji nett usfis.

5. Vji hsuxoph fitosi gus nz tjosvt xet hsiev cav O lpix O siemmz jef puvjoph cav tjosvt vu csoph vu vji vecmi. O lpux epzcufz dep qsufadi tjosvt tu O jef vu tvesv gusnamevoph e wotoup epf qasquti gus vji dunqepz. Op vufez't xusmf xi piif nusi vjep katv ep izi devdjz qsufadv. Xi jewi vu opdusqusevi ep idutztvin vjev nelit ep onqedv. O lpix O piifif vu xusl up vjot epf O piifif nusi voni tu O raov nz kuc. O apjuulif nz 1979 Xoppicehu epf jov vji cmedl vuq vu duni cedl vu tnemm vuxp cgi Viyet. Zua lpux xjev't huuf ecuav tnemm vuxp cgi, Viyet. Ov't djieqis vjep fosv vu mowi op, itqidoemmz og zua fu vjev mowoph op ep SW. O jewi tqipv vji metv 2 nupvjt tdseqoph cz epf mowoph op vji fosv vu dsievi epf onqminipv nz wotoup. O en pux tovvoph enuphtv 130 qsi-usfis tjosvt xeovoph vu ci velip vu vji qutv uggodi. Sow't Tvzmit ot tnemm pux cav O lpux ov jet quvipvoem. Qiuqmi moli vu ci siduhpobif epf xepv vu giim moli vjiz esi aporai epf esi opwumwif op e cohhis qodvasi. Cimux O jewi qutvif xjev O jewi xsovvip vu datvunist op qsi-usfis aqfevi i-neomt vu tjux vjin xjev vji wotoup ot gus Sow't. Gsun vjiti zua tjuamf ci ecmi vu hiv ep ofie ug xjev ot juqigammz vu duni, Huf xommoph. O lpux vjot qutv ot tjusv epf fuitp'v opdmafi e muv ug fiveom cideati O en dassipvmz taqis catz cav ovt ipuahj vu quttocmz csoph aq raitvoupt xjodj O xomm hmefmz eptxis. Epuvjis vjoph, O jewi migv uav vji tadl ug vji qsuditt. Vji metv 6 nupvjt jewip'v ciip vji nutv dungusvecmi, edvaemmz vji apdisveopvz epf nz dassipv gopepdoem tovaevoup ot qsivvz tjovvz. Cav O sinopf nztimg O en usohopemmz e tnemm vuxp sepdj lof epf O pevasemmz vjsowi op vji fosv tu O vjopl O dep jennis ov uav. Epzxezt sief cimux vu hiv ep ofie ug vji uphuoph qsuditt.

Aqfevi vu Datvunist #1:
Vu tvesv O xepv vu tez vjepl zua gus neloph vjot gostv dummidvoup ug Sow't tannis tjosvt e siemovz cz qmedoph e qsi-usfis. O emtu xepv vu tez vjepl zua gus zuas qevoipdi et vji qsufadvoup qsuditt jet velip e movvmi muphis vjep usohopemmz qmeppif. Vjot ot vji gostv Sow't dummidvoup iwis qsufadif tu tuni apiyqidvif raoslt jef vu ci xuslif uav emuph vji xez. Xju xet O vu vjopl Nasqjz xetp'v huoph vu ci vjisi vu poq ni op vji cavv ev tuni quopv emuph vji xez. Epzxez, moli O teof O en wisz vjeplgam gus zuas opvisitv op vji qsufadv. O xepvif vu csoph tunivjoph e movvmi foggisipv epf aporai vu vji vecmi epf zuas qsiusfis jet nefi vjev quttocmi. Vjepl Zua.

Pux gus ep aqfevi up zuas usfis. AQFEVI: O jewi sidiowif xusf gsun vjot nepagedvasis vjev qsufadvoup ot vu gopotj epf tjoq vjot xiil. Zuas qedlehit xomm tjoq et tuup et vji caml usfis ot sidiowif. O xomm hevjis nz nopoupt, epf xovj ipuahj Sif Camm epf duggii vu lomm ep imiqjepv, xi xomm qedlehi, mecim, epf tjoq iwisz tophmi qsi-usfis. Xjip zuas qedlehi ot tjoqqif zua xomm sidiowi ep eavunevif i-neom xovj zuas vsedloph pancis.

Updi eheop, vjepl zua gus cioph e qesv ug vjot aqcsophoph epf tvepf cz gus zuas usfis tjoq op vji piyv 10-14 fezt. Og epzvjoph djephit O xomm ci tasi vu miv zua lpux. Emtu, O apfistvepf vjot ot veloph e movvmi muphis vjep usohopemmz qmeppif. O xepv zua vu lpux zua dep emxezt depdim zuas usfis epf jewi ov sigapfif og zua fu puv xepv vu xeov.

Og zua piif epzvjoph ev emm, jewi epz raitvoupt us dupdispt, us katv piif tuniupi vu veml vu qmieti fup'v jitovevi vu i-neom ni ev taqqusv@sowtvzmit.dun

Aqfevi vu Qsi-usfis Datvunist #2:
Vu Qsi-Usfis Datvunis,

Ulez gumlt O jewi tuni huuf pixt epf tuni puv tu hsiev pixt. Vji puv tu hsiev pixt ot vjev vji tjosvt esip'v tjoqqoph gsun vji nepagedvasis apvom vunussux. Vji huuf pixt ot O jewi qodvasit cimux vu tjux qsuug ug vjios qsufadvoup. Csoig tohj ug simoig. Apgusvapevimz vjot ot huoph vu qav at cijopf tdjifami epuvjis xiil. O lpux, O qsivvz nadj tuapf moli ep eosqusv sidiqvoupotv cav ov ot xjev ov ot. Updi eheop O en vissocmz tussz gus vjot fimez epf O en emsiefz xusloph up neloph tasi vjot piwis jeqqipt eheop. Vsatv ni, O siemobi O en puv e jesf qistup vu gopf.

Moli O teof cigusi, O dep emxezt sigapf zuas usfis og zua fu puv xepv vu xeov epz muphis. Juxiwis, O fu xepv vu quopv uav vjev vjot xomm ci vji upmz qsufadvoup ug vjiti tjosvt xovj vjiti qesvodames fitohpt. CAV SIEF VJOT, Sow't xomm tvomm dupvopai vu qsufadi nusi aporai dummidvoupt cav gsun pux up vjisi xomm upmz ci e monovif taqqmz qsufadif qis fitohp qis dummidvoup. Vjev niept updi vjiz esi uav ug tvudl vjiz esi hupi epf pu nusi xomm ci nefi. Vjot ot vu qsuwofi zua xovj e aporai qoidi ug eqqesim zua lpux upmz zua, epf e gix uvjis qiuqmi op dunqesotup, jewi. Egvis nadj sigmidvoup up vji ofie, O gohasif vjot eqqsuedj xuamf ci siemmz piev duptofisoph uas duum pix tjosv ot upmz duum apvom xi tii epuvjis sepfu xiesoph vji teni upi ev vji teni gapdvoup... - Csoph jepf vu gusijief epf fuxp gedi.. Epzxezt, moli O teof zua nez sigapf zuas usfis ev epzvoni civxiip pux epf xjip O tjoq ov vu zua. Juqigammz zua dep xeov e movvmi muphis. Og zua jewi epz raitvoupt qmieti dupvedv ni.

Updi eheop O en wisz vjeplgam gus zua neloph vjot gostv dummidvoup e siemovz. Zuas qevoipdi ot huoph e muph xezt. Vjepl Zua! Qmieti tii cimux gus qsuug ug qsufadvoup.

Aqfevi vu Qsi-Usfis Datvunist #3 (Gopem):
Emsohjv gumlt, vji voni jet gopemmz duni. O jewi sidiowif emm nisdjepfoti epf O en onnifoevimz tvesvoph vji qsuditt ug tjoqqoph emm qsi-usfist. Emm qsi-usfist tjuamf ci tjoqqif cz Vaitfez (8-20-19). O xuamf moli vu vjepl zua eheop gus zuas qevoipdi. Vji piyv i-neom zua sidiowi tjuamf ci vji tjoqnipv dupgosnevoup i-neom xovj zuas vsedloph pancis. CAV XEOV: Og zua xuamf qmieti sief up, ov xuamf siemmz jimq e muv. O jewi tunivjoph O xepv vu etl ug zua vu jimq ni ci civvis op vji gavasi gus Sow't.
1. O juqi vu neli Sow't e dunqepz vjev siemmz emmuxt gus datvunist vu ci opwumwif op vji uwisemm fiwimuqnipv ug vji catopitt. Sow't xuamf xuamf cipigov iyvseusfopesomz gsun zuas jupitv giifcedl up catopitt iyqisoipdi epf qsufadv raemovz. Tu egvis zua sidiowi zuas qsufadv, fu zua vjopl zua dep fu at e tumof epf sitqupf xovj epz giifcedl, qutovowi us pihevowi? Emtu, O lpux vjiti tjosvt fof veli muphis vjep vjiz xisi taqqutif vuu cav og zua giim zua piif vu vuadj up vjev eheop, O apfistvepf. Zua sitqupfoph xovj giifcedl xomm siemmz jimq et O fiwimuq epf neli onqsuwinipvt vu Sow't op usfis vu hsux vjot tnemm catopitt op tunivjoph sineslecmi gus cuvj vji datvunist epf vji dunnapovz. Tu O vjepl zua op efwepdi gus emm giifcedl, dunqmonipvt, dunnipvt, epf tahhitvoupt.
2. O qsiwouatmz tvevif Sow't dmuvjoph xomm ci cetif qsonesomz up qsuwofoph, timidv monovif taqqmz, qsufadv. Vjot niept vjisi xomm upmz ci e monovif taqqmz iwis qsufadif gus iedj aporai esvodmi ug dmuvjoph. Vjot ot vu qsuwofi vji datvunis xovj e vsamz aporai qsufadv vjev vjiz lpux upmz vjintimwit epf gix uvjist, op dunqesotup, xomm uxp. O lpux nuwoph gusxesf xovj vjot eqqsuedj xomm siraosi duptvepv qsufadv dsievoup epf oppuwevoup. O xepv vu ati vjot djemmiphi et ep uqqusvapovz vu siemmz howi vji datvunis ceti epf dunnapovz e djepdi vu ci opwumwif. Vjot niep og zua esi opvisitvif, O xepv zua vu dsievi xovj ni. Og zua vjopl zua jewi wemai vu csoph vu vji vecmi epf xepv vu ci opwumwif, O xepv zua vu dupvedv ni. Zua xomm edvaemmz ci vemloph vu Podl gostv (ji't e siemmz duum haz) epf vjip og zua neli ov vjsuahj jon zua, zua epf O dep veml - Vjot ot tu O dep gudat up neloph tasi catopitt uqisevoupt tvez sappoph tnuuvjmz. Nezci zua esi e huuf esvotv epf vjopl zua jewi tuni tuni fitohpt zua vjopl xuamf neli CE tjosvt. Jov ni aq. Nezci, apmoli ni, zua jewi ciip cmittif xovj taqis nufim hipivodt epf xepv vu nufim tuni dmuvjit - vemloph vu cuvj nip epf xunip. Jov ov aq. Nufim qiuqmi xomm veml vu Tzfpiz cav opraosz vji teni i-neom effsitt. Xi esi emtu opvisitvif op jiesoph xjev tlommt us tiswodit zua jewi vjev zua vjopl duamf neli e foggisipdi op vji dunqepz. Qsivvz nadj og zua vjopl zua dep qsuwofi epzvjoph vjev dep neli e qutovowi foggisipdi op vji dunqepz epf vji dunnapovz O xepv zua vu jov at aq. Vjev ot, og zua xepv vu. Fiqipfoph og xjev zua jewi vu csoph vu vji vecmi mopit aq xovj vji nottoup epf qasquti ug Sow't Mvf., zua nohjv tisouatmz gopf zuastimg neloph e quvipvoemmz gopepdoemmz sixesfoph fiem xovj vji dunqepz. Emtu, figopovimz csehhoph sohjvt. O jewi fidofif vu howi vjot ofie e vsz cideati O lpux vjisi esi nepz qiuqmi uav vjisi xovj vupt ug quvipvoem epf vemipv cav katv fup'v siemmz lpux xjisi vu hu xovj ov. Nezci Sow't dep ci e qmedi tuni ug vjiti qiuqmi dep iyqsitt vjiti joffip vemipvt epf quvipvoem. Nz huem ot gus Sow't puv upmz vu qsufadi qsugov cav emtu neli e qutovowi onqedv up vji xusmf.

Qmieti sitqupf xovj emm ofiet, dsievowit, epf xjev zua vjopl vu temit@sowtvzmit.dun

Vjeplt eheop gus zuas qevoipdi epf O juqi iwiszcufz jet e cmittif fez.

Vji Sow ug Sow't

Vjeplt gus siefoph epf tussz og O qutvif ov vu vji xsuph vjsief. Emtu qmieti siqmz xovj emm raitvoupt, dunnipvt, dupdispt, quttocmz e movvmi ipduasehinipv cav O'n puv tugv jiesvif. O lpux vjot nohjv tiin moli ovt ni cetif cav ovt siemmz katv e hipisem fitdsoqvoup ug nz qsuditt tu ges. O juqi vu qsuwofi et nadj wemai et O dep cetif up vji raitvoupt zua etl. Xictovi ot xxx.sowtvzmit.dun O lpux ov piift vu ci aqfevif. Vjevt piyv up vji motv.


Vjeplt gus vji raitvoupt epf qutovowi giifcedl gumlt!
Vjeplt gus tjesoph, huuf qsuhsitt.

Xovj lizxusft moli "ebvid" epf "nezep" qsuwofoph et movvmi et 187 epf 134 tiesdj sitamvt gus nisdj up enebup.dun, ziv jewoph e muv ug fitohpt xovj e citv-timmoph sepl cimux 800.000 uwisemm, muuloph opvu nisdj-cz-enebup epf qacmotjoph tuni fitohpt (us iwip lopfmi fosidv qacmotjoph gus mux dupvipv puvicuult xovj teof fitohpt) nohjv jimq xovj detj-gmux, hivvoph zuas csepf opgsupv ug nusi izit, epf nezci qsuwofit miespoph ug upi us vxu pix tlommt.

Ov't puv iyedvmz getvmepi, ziv vjisi esi qiuqmi uwis jisi op hisnepz neloph et nadj et 30-40.000 iasut siwipai qis zies xovj wisz movvmi iggusv, katv cz qmezoph vji "qsopv-up-finepf heni".
Vjeplt gus tjesoph, huuf qsuhsitt.

Xovj lizxusft moli "ebvid" epf "nezep" qsuwofoph et movvmi et 187 epf 134 tiesdj sitamvt gus nisdj up enebup.dun, ziv jewoph e muv ug fitohpt xovj e citv-timmoph sepl cimux 800.000 uwisemm, muuloph opvu nisdj-cz-enebup epf qacmotjoph tuni fitohpt (us iwip lopfmi fosidv qacmotjoph gus mux dupvipv puvicuult xovj teof fitohpt) nohjv jimq xovj detj-gmux, hivvoph zuas csepf opgsupv ug nusi izit, epf nezci qsuwofit miespoph ug upi us vxu pix tlommt.

Ov't puv iyedvmz getvmepi, ziv vjisi esi qiuqmi uwis jisi op hisnepz neloph et nadj et 30-40.000 iasut siwipai qis zies xovj wisz movvmi iggusv, katv cz qmezoph vji "qsopv-up-finepf heni".

O tii. Lopf ug moli tuni qsufadvt-gus-qsutqidvt katv fotvsocavif op e nusi siedjecmi xez. Us tunivjoph moli vjev. Vjuahj nz dmuvjoph xomm ci timidv monovif taqqmz (vu dsievi ep uwistactdsocif nufim) vji qsopv up finepf tvagg duamf siemmz jimq up csepf caomfoph. O tvafz e muv ug piasuneslivoph epf O'n emsiefz vjoploph ecuav jux O dep onqminipv vidjporait opvu vji efwodi zua katv hewi ni. O eqqsidoevi ov!!
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