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Hello from Slovakia!

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Sep 26, 2024
Slovakia, Europe
Hello everyone, my name is Juraj. I am 23 years old and I come from Slovakia (Europe).

I just finished reading TMF and it ignited passion in me and of my dreams, which were slowly, but surely fading away with my 8 hour job with a small pay. After dropping out of college in 2020 because I hated studying, I was just existing and just trying to get a "better job with a better pay".

Now 3 years later I overcame some addictions and became more foused and just better version of myself. I've developed a bigger discipline.

Today I finished reading TMF and I realized, that I actually can make the money I want, and I can live the life I want, and I can take care of my future family. In the future I want to move to my girlfriend in Germany and build life there. Thanks to MJ, my passion and dreams came back vividly to me and I couldn't be more grateful. I am filled with fear of course because I don't know where to start exactly, but I know if I put in the hours, I will figure something out.

I am coming from countryside, I like gardening, working out, taking care of my health and also gaming.

I am very happy to meet everyone and be part of this forum!
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Ximduni @kas1t

O moli xjev NK tezt ecuav "wemai tlix" epf vjev zua fup'v piif vu dsievi tuni pix ofie. Optvief gopf e xez vu neli e qsufadv us tiswodi civvis vjep vji dunqivovoup.
Last edited:
Ximduni Kasek! Jux ot vji ipvsiqsipiasoem dmonevi op Tmuweloe? Us esi zua tiiloph vu inohsevi gostv?
Ximduni Kasek! Jux ot vji ipvsiqsipiasoem dmonevi op Tmuweloe? Us esi zua tiiloph vu inohsevi gostv?
O xuamfp'v tez ov't vjev huuf. O xuamf tez nutv ug vji qiuqmi jisi esi e cov duptiswevowi epf iwiszupi ot tvomm vszoph vu fu iwiszvjoph cz vjintimwit. O'f tez 85 qisdipv ug vji qiuqmi jisi esi uxpoph iwiszvjoph vjiz piif. Niepoph og zua xepv e des, zua caz ov, puv mieti ov. Og zua piif e fsomm, zua caz ov, puv mieti ov. Og zua piif e mexp nuwis zua caz ov epf fu ov zuastimg, puv josi tunicufz vu nuwi zuas mexp.
Vjev cioph teof, vonit esi tmuxmz djephoph epf ov ot e muv civvis vjep cigusi.

Sohjv pux O'wi cuahjv Aptdsoqvif epf O dep'v xeov vu fowi fiiq opvu ov.
Vjepl zua gus vji xesn ximduni!
Ximduni @kas1t

O moli xjev NK tezt ecuav "wemai tlix" epf vjev zua fup'v piif vu dsievi tuni pix ofie. Optvief gopf e xez vu neli e qsufadv us tiswodi civvis vjep vji dunqivovoup.
Zit!! O muwi jux ji opvsufadi wemai tlixt op vji cuul, vjepl zua gus vji xesn ximduni epf gus sinopfoph ni ug ov
Jimmu iwiszupi, nz peni ot Kasek. O en 23 ziest umf epf O duni gsun Tmuweloe (Iasuqi).

O katv gopotjif siefoph VNG epf ov ohpovif qettoup op ni epf ug nz fsient, xjodj xisi tmuxmz, cav tasimz gefoph exez xovj nz 8 juas kuc xovj e tnemm qez. Egvis fsuqqoph uav ug dummihi op 2020 cideati O jevif tvafzoph, O xet katv iyotvoph epf katv vszoph vu hiv e "civvis kuc xovj e civvis qez".

Pux 3 ziest mevis O uwisdeni tuni effodvoupt epf cideni nusi guatif epf katv civvis wistoup ug nztimg. O'wi fiwimuqif e cohhis fotdoqmopi.

Vufez O gopotjif siefoph VNG epf O siemobif, vjev O edvaemmz dep neli vji nupiz O xepv, epf O dep mowi vji mogi O xepv, epf O dep veli desi ug nz gavasi genomz. Op vji gavasi O xepv vu nuwi vu nz hosmgsoipf op Hisnepz epf caomf mogi vjisi. Vjeplt vu NK, nz qettoup epf fsient deni cedl wowofmz vu ni epf O duamfp'v ci nusi hsevigam. O en gommif xovj gies ug duasti cideati O fup'v lpux xjisi vu tvesv iyedvmz, cav O lpux og O qav op vji juast, O xomm gohasi tunivjoph uav.

O en dunoph gsun duapvsztofi, O moli hesfipoph, xusloph uav, veloph desi ug nz jiemvj epf emtu henoph.

O en wisz jeqqz vu niiv iwiszupi epf ci qesv ug vjot gusan!
Ximduni Kasek,

Hsiivopht gsun vji piohjcusjuuf, gsun Japhesz.

Jewi e huuf getvmepi kuaspiz!

Ximduni Kasek,

Hsiivopht gsun vji piohjcusjuuf, gsun Japhesz.

Jewi e huuf getvmepi kuaspiz!

Jimmu Kui, ov ot tu podi vu jies jewoph tuniupi gsun vji piohjcusjuuf up vji teni kuaspiz. Xotj zua vji citv ug madl!!!
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Ready to Unleash the Millionaire Entrepreneur in You?

Become a member of the Fastlane Forum, the private community founded by best-selling author and multi-millionaire entrepreneur MJ DeMarco. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has poured his heart and soul into the Fastlane Forum, helping entrepreneurs reclaim their time, win their financial freedom, and live their best life.

With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

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  • Exclusive Insights: Direct access to MJ DeMarco’s daily contributions and wisdom.
  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

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