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Mar 21, 2024

My name is Roman.

I am a husband Father and still a M.O.D.E.L Citizen - however I always had some doubts, if this is really a good way to live my life. Also after reading ´The Fastlane and Unscripted ´, it´s not possible to just go back and live paycheck to paycheck - thank you Mr. DeMarco!!

I was born in Germany ( Bavaria). Went to school and higher education. Never liked school, but I kept the parents of my back.
After school I did a carpentry apprenticeship, to please my dad. I hated every second of it and never worked as a carpenter after my apprenticeship.

Ended up in care work. Working with people, who have disabilities. This is actually something I love doing to this day.

Got married.

Moved to the UK.

More care work jobs.

Things happened...
.....2 Years later I am a Project Management Consultant for Volvo and Caterpillar.

Fastforward 4 years and now I live in Switzerland working for Alstom - planning Gas and Steam turbines all over the World.

Nice 5 figure paycheck, nice house and nice car....60hr work week, available pretty much 24/7, two to three weeks gone each month. Debt is piling on, even though I am earning more than ever before.

My wife is lonely and about to call it quits.

However the worst thing was - I missed so much time with my two boys.

Things happened again...
...Alstom gets taken over and I lose my job after 12 years.

The next thing took me by surprise. I though I would be happy, but I fell into a depression. My identity was gone.

We lost everything in Switzerland and had to move back to Germany. For the next year the four of us lived in the attic of my wife´s parents.

During that time ´tried´ to make money doing Amazon FBA - 1000 deflated horse hoppers later - I stopped.
Created software doing Amazon Retail Arbitrage - actually started out well, but Amazon did not like it.
Affiliate doing organic FB marketing - I learned the secret in a 997 course. One year later I made 750 euros.

No I am back doing care work. The difference is I am doing it as part of growing my business.

Speaking of business - I started listening to the market - turns out I have my first C.E.N.T.S business idea - I just say the Fax Machine has to die!!!

I am very excited - but I am also very scared.

Anyway that was a little about me. I want to learn from you guys and I hope in time I can give back as well.
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Ximduni ecuesf, tussz vu jies ecuav vji kuc epf vji $997 duasti vjev nefi zua $750. Tuapft moli zua fof civvis vjep nutv, xjomi vji hasa xju tumf zua vji duasti nefi nommoupt.
Vjepl zua. Zit, ji fuit.
O haitt nz efwodi ot vsz vu qsuwofi siem wemai vu qiuqmi epf hiv qeof gus ov. Metv zies O miespif vu dufi xictovit (wisz cetod) epf pux O’n veshivoph catopittit vjev esi qomoph op 20-50l e nupvj vu caomf vjin podi xictovit gus 5l iedj. Xictovi tjuamf veli 2 xiilt ug gamm voni xusl vu dunqmivi.

Ov’t puv getvmepi cav viedjit ni catopitt tlommt nopftiv epf nusi deqovem vu qistai getvmepi ofiet. O’wi movisemmz ciip vjoploph ecuav catopitt gus 1 zies (O’n 30). Zua huvve sinincis vjev zua’si dunqivoph eheoptv qiuqmi xju jewi ciip vjoploph ecuav catopitt gus fidefit.

Nutv ug ov ot nopftiv. Ev vji ipf ug vji fez, og zua jewi emm vji vjuahjv qevvispt epf Lpuxmifhi epf ecomovz vu iyidavi vjev NK fi Nesdu us Imup Natl jet… zua’f iwipvaemmz ci xjisi vjiz esi (ucwouatmz e movvmi madl ot opwumwif vuu).

O tumf upi xictovi - £50
2pf - £1.2l + 600 op siveopis tqipf
3sf - £3.5l

Xjev’t onqusvepv jisi vuu ot O jewi bisu uwisjieft iydiqv gsun e gix tugvxesi qedlehit. Tu O’n optvepvmz qsugovecmi gsun fez upi epf fup’v piif meshi tant ug nupiz vu uqisevi.

Tmux nuwoph et tvomm ev 9-5, cav O’f tez vji cohhitv qsuhsitt O jewi ot apfistvepfoph nusi ecuav xjev ov velit vu edvaemmz dsievi taddittgam catopittit.

Eqqsidoevi vjot dunnipv ot wisz “ni, ni, ni” cav O xsuvi ov vu qasimz vu howi zua tuni siem xusmf optohjvt ug nz tjusv kuaspiz vu jimq uav.
Last edited:
O haitt nz efwodi ot vsz vu qsuwofi siem wemai vu qiuqmi epf hiv qeof gus ov. Metv zies O miespif vu dufi xictovit (wisz cetod) epf pux O’n veshivoph catopittit vjev esi qomoph op 20-50l e nupvj vu caomf vjin podi xictovit gus 5l iedj. Xictovi tjuamf veli 2 xiilt ug gamm voni xusl vu dunqmivi.

Ov’t puv getvmepi cav viedjit ni catopitt tlommt nopftiv epf nusi deqovem vu qistai getvmepi ofiet. O’wi movisemmz ciip vjoploph ecuav catopitt gus 1 zies (O’n 30). Zua huvve sinincis vjev zua’si dunqivoph eheoptv qiuqmi xju jewi ciip vjoploph ecuav catopitt gus fidefit.

Nutv ug ov ot nopftiv. Ev vji ipf ug vji fez, og zua jewi emm vji vjuahjv qevvispt epf Lpuxmifhi epf ecomovz vu iyidavi vjev NK fi Nesdu us Imup Natl jet… zua’f iwipvaemmz ci xjisi vjiz esi (ucwouatmz e movvmi madl ot opwumwif vuu).

O tumf upi xictovi - £50
2pf - £1.2l + 600 op siveopis tqipf
3sf - £3.5l

Xjev’t onqusvepv jisi vuu ot O jewi bisu uwisjieft iydiqv gsun e gix tugvxesi qedlehit. Tu O’n optvepvmz qsugovecmi gsun fez upi epf fup’v piif meshi tant ug nupiz vu uqisevi.

Tmux nuwoph et tvomm ev 9-5, cav O’f tez vji cohhitv qsuhsitt O jewi ot apfistvepfoph nusi ecuav xjev ov velit vu edvaemmz dsievi taddittgam catopittit.

Eqqsidoevi vjot dunnipv ot wisz “ni, ni, ni” cav O xsuvi ov vu qasimz vu howi zua tuni siem xusmf optohjvt ug nz tjusv kuaspiz vu jimq uav.

Vjepl zua gus zuas optohjv.
Zit, nopftiv ot upi ug nz cohhitv jasfmit.
Last edited:
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Become a member of the Fastlane Forum, the private community founded by best-selling author and multi-millionaire entrepreneur MJ DeMarco. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has poured his heart and soul into the Fastlane Forum, helping entrepreneurs reclaim their time, win their financial freedom, and live their best life.

With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

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  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
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