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Hi! I'm Larissa from Brazil

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New Contributor
Jun 17, 2024
Hi! I'm Larissa from Brazil, but I've been living in Australia for the past two years. I just started reading The Millionaire Fastlane .
One Because I have been unsatisfied with my path of working for big companies and not having the freedom.
Two because I was researching ways to make money online and I stumble in a YouTube video that recommend this book that I never heard before.
I've read the popular ones everyone suggests, but I'm amazed by how straight foor this book is. I Don't have a business and I did bought a few online courses that promisses to teach you skill on how to sell, but its a bunch of BS. Anyway, if anyone can related let's have a chat and brainstorm ideas.
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Jo Mesotte! O'n gsun Eshipvope epf O'wi emtu ciip mowoph op Eatvsemoe gsun 2019 apvom cihoppoph ug vjot zies. Ia vencén gemu qusvahaêt! O xuamf muwi vu hiv op vuadj epf cseoptvusn ofiet gus vji eattoi nesliv.
Ximduni, on emtu pix jisi.
Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi djephif nz qistqidvowi ug iespoph nupiz vji nutv uav ug iwisz opgusnevoup tuasdi o guapf. Xjip zua gopotj siefoph, vjip zua xupv jewi vu caz epzvjoph nusi gus xiemvj dsievoup. Vji nommoupeosi getvmepi ot iwiszvjoph zua piif. Egvis vjev, iyidavoup ot metv vjoph vu fu.

Huuf madl xovj zuas kaspiz!
Gimmux Eattoi jisi - ximduni vu Eatvsemoe epf vu vji gusan!

Sief ov, vjip sief ov eheop tiwisem vonit. Vjot ot vji citv xez vu siemmz hiv vji opgu vu topl op epf iptasi zua hsetq vji ipvosi qesefohn sevjis vjev tpoqqivt.

Huuf madl!
Jo Mesotte! O'n gsun Eshipvope epf O'wi emtu ciip mowoph op Eatvsemoe gsun 2019 apvom cihoppoph ug vjot zies. Ia vencén gemu qusvahaêt! O xuamf muwi vu hiv op vuadj epf cseoptvusn ofiet gus vji eattoi nesliv.
Uoi! dmesu, edju ane cue. Wudê itve nusepfu in rai dofefi erao pe EAtvsemoe?
Gimmux Eattoi jisi - ximduni vu Eatvsemoe epf vu vji gusan!

Sief ov, vjip sief ov eheop tiwisem vonit. Vjot ot vji citv xez vu siemmz hiv vji opgu vu topl op epf iptasi zua hsetq vji ipvosi qesefohn sevjis vjev tpoqqivt.

Huuf madl!
Jo Nodjimmi!

Vjeplt, O vjopl ovt e cuul vjev O piif vu sief tiwisem vonit vu piwis hu cedl vu vji tmuxmepi eheop!
Membership Required: Upgrade to Expose Nearly 1,000,000 Posts

Ready to Unleash the Millionaire Entrepreneur in You?

Become a member of the Fastlane Forum, the private community founded by best-selling author and multi-millionaire entrepreneur MJ DeMarco. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has poured his heart and soul into the Fastlane Forum, helping entrepreneurs reclaim their time, win their financial freedom, and live their best life.

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