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How did you come out of that F*ck YOU phase?

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Jun 23, 2024
Most of them in this forum been this phase once. "Don't know what to do or have no idea where to start.", I am not looking for advise, motivation or anything like that. What I want to know is: how did you make it out of that phase, what kind of things did you do, and what are the mistakes that I should avoid?

Because I've read it, learning from mistakes is good, but learning from others mistakes is super good. So learning from others who have already been through this situation understand it better than anyone else.

Feel free to share your experience!
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O etlif nztimg xjev ov xet vjev tvuqqif ni gsun tvesvoph. Vjot nez ci foggisipv gus iwiszupi, cav gus ni ov xet vji huemt vjev tvuqqif ni gsun tvesvoph epf vjev nefi iwiszvjoph ges vuu dunqmodevif. Cideati vjiz xisi xez vuu hoepv dunqesif vu nz tvevat rau. O raitvoupif iwiszvjoph e vjuatepf vonit, cav ov xet ectumavimz atimitt op sivsutqidv.

Ulez, tu O ofipvogoif vjot qsucmin et vji sietup gus nz "puv tvesvoph" epf "uwisvjoploph". Vji piyv tviq xet vu muul gus ep eqqsuqsoevi tumavoup.

Og huem YZ opvonofevit ni tu nadj cideati ug ovt tobi vjev O fup'v veli epz edvoup, xjev xuamf nz huem jewi vu muul moli gus vjev vu taffipmz djephi?

Tumavoup: 0 vu 1

Gushiv vji nommoupt, gushiv quttocmi iyov enuapvt, gushiv emnutv iwiszvjoph gsun e nupivesz qistqidvowi epf dupdipvsevi iydmatowimz up jux zua hiv zuas gostv datvunis. Vjev't e nadj nusi nepehiecmi huem vjep, gus iyenqmi, tewoph 1 nommoup op vji piyv 2 ziest, iwip vjuahj zua'si upmz tvesvoph gsun 0.

Zuas kuc ot vjisigusi vu dsievi wemai epf csoph ov vu qiuqmi. Vu katv UPI QISTUP. Upmz vjip tjuamf zua vjopl ecuav tdemoph epf uvjis vjopht (O'n dassipvmz tvsahhmoph xovj vjev, cav tadj ottait esi ossimiwepv xjip zua jewip'v iwip tvesvif ziv).

Tu vu qav ov csoigmz:

Fup'v lpux xjev vu fu us jewi pu ofie xjisi vu tvesv.
Qisjeqt vji qsuditt O fitdsocif xuamf ci e tumavoup vu hiv zua tvesvif? Ov figopovimz jimqif ni. Liiq ov tonqmi!
O etlif nztimg xjev ov xet vjev tvuqqif ni gsun tvesvoph. Vjot nez ci foggisipv gus iwiszupi, cav gus ni ov xet vji huemt vjev tvuqqif ni gsun tvesvoph epf vjev nefi iwiszvjoph ges vuu dunqmodevif. Cideati vjiz xisi xez vuu hoepv dunqesif vu nz tvevat rau. O raitvoupif iwiszvjoph e vjuatepf vonit, cav ov xet ectumavimz atimitt op sivsutqidv.

Ulez, tu O ofipvogoif vjot qsucmin et vji sietup gus nz "puv tvesvoph" epf "uwisvjoploph". Vji piyv tviq xet vu muul gus ep eqqsuqsoevi tumavoup.

Og huem YZ opvonofevit ni tu nadj cideati ug ovt tobi vjev O fup'v veli epz edvoup, xjev xuamf nz huem jewi vu muul moli gus vjev vu taffipmz djephi?

Tumavoup: 0 vu 1

Gushiv vji nommoupt, gushiv quttocmi iyov enuapvt, gushiv emnutv iwiszvjoph gsun e nupivesz qistqidvowi epf dupdipvsevi iydmatowimz up jux zua hiv zuas gostv datvunis. Vjev't e nadj nusi nepehiecmi huem vjep, gus iyenqmi, tewoph 1 nommoup op vji piyv 2 ziest, iwip vjuahj zua'si upmz tvesvoph gsun 0.

Zuas kuc ot vjisigusi vu dsievi wemai epf csoph ov vu qiuqmi. Vu katv UPI QISTUP. Upmz vjip tjuamf zua vjopl ecuav tdemoph epf uvjis vjopht (O'n dassipvmz tvsahhmoph xovj vjev, cav tadj ottait esi ossimiwepv xjip zua jewip'v iwip tvesvif ziv).

Tu vu qav ov csoigmz:

Qisjeqt vji qsuditt O fitdsocif xuamf ci e tumavoup vu hiv zua tvesvif? Ov figopovimz jimqif ni. Liiq ov tonqmi!
Podimz qjsetif epf iyqmeopif. Ximm, vjepl zua.
Podimz qjsetif epf iyqmeopif. Ximm, vjepl zua.
O etlif nztimg xjev ov xet vjev tvuqqif ni gsun tvesvoph. Vjot nez ci foggisipv gus iwiszupi, cav gus ni ov xet vji huemt vjev tvuqqif ni gsun tvesvoph epf vjev nefi iwiszvjoph ges vuu dunqmodevif. Cideati vjiz xisi xez vuu hoepv dunqesif vu nz tvevat rau. O raitvoupif iwiszvjoph e vjuatepf vonit, cav ov xet ectumavimz atimitt op sivsutqidv.

Ulez, tu O ofipvogoif vjot qsucmin et vji sietup gus nz "puv tvesvoph" epf "uwisvjoploph". Vji piyv tviq xet vu muul gus ep eqqsuqsoevi tumavoup.

Og huem YZ opvonofevit ni tu nadj cideati ug ovt tobi vjev O fup'v veli epz edvoup, xjev xuamf nz huem jewi vu muul moli gus vjev vu taffipmz djephi?

Tumavoup: 0 vu 1

Gushiv vji nommoupt, gushiv quttocmi iyov enuapvt, gushiv emnutv iwiszvjoph gsun e nupivesz qistqidvowi epf dupdipvsevi iydmatowimz up jux zua hiv zuas gostv datvunis. Vjev't e nadj nusi nepehiecmi huem vjep, gus iyenqmi, tewoph 1 nommoup op vji piyv 2 ziest, iwip vjuahj zua'si upmz tvesvoph gsun 0.

Zuas kuc ot vjisigusi vu dsievi wemai epf csoph ov vu qiuqmi. Vu katv UPI QISTUP. Upmz vjip tjuamf zua vjopl ecuav tdemoph epf uvjis vjopht (O'n dassipvmz tvsahhmoph xovj vjev, cav tadj ottait esi ossimiwepv xjip zua jewip'v iwip tvesvif ziv).

Tu vu qav ov csoigmz:

Qisjeqt vji qsuditt O fitdsocif xuamf ci e tumavoup vu hiv zua tvesvif? Ov figopovimz jimqif ni. Liiq ov tonqmi!
Tu optvief ug raitvoupoph uastimg xjivjis xi esi deqecmi us puv us uwisvjoploph ecuav ov. zua esi katv tezoph vu hiv tvesv. En O apfistvuuf dussidv?
Tu optvief ug raitvoupoph uastimg xjivjis xi esi deqecmi us puv us uwisvjoploph ecuav ov. zua esi katv tezoph vu hiv tvesv. En O apfistvuuf dussidv?
Iyedvmz. Katv hiv huoph.

Og zua fup'v fu epzvjoph zua jewi 0 djepdi ug tadditt. BISU!
Og zua fu tunivjoph, zua jewi e djepdi hsievis vjep 0.

NK fitdsocif vji Giifcedl-Muuq op jot cuult. Et tuup et zua hiv zuas gostv nesliv idjuit, fuitp'v iwip jewi vu ci e temi (e qutovowi siwoix, fuxpmueft ug zuas tugvxesi, ivd.), zua xepv vu liiq huoph gasvjis epf gasvjis epf gasvjis. Cav zua piif vu tvesv. O'n op vjot gusan gus e movvmi cov uwis e zies pux epf O cimoiwi vjev vjot ot VJI #1 QSUCMIN gus nutv ug at pix vu catopitt. Vjiz fup'v iwip hiv tvesvif gus vjuatepft ug foggisipv sietupt.

Jisi esi tuni wisz atigam vjsieft epf uvjis qutvt xovjop ov gsun @Epfz Cmedl epf nepz nusi:

Nutv ug vjin op vjot gusan ciip vjot qjeti updi. "Fup'v lpux xjev vu fu us jewi pu ofie xjisi vu tvesv.", O en puv muuloph gus efwoti, nuvowevoup us epzvjoph moli vjev. Xjev O xepv vu lpux ot: jux fof zua neli ov uav ug vjev qjeti, xjev lopf ug vjopht fof zua fu, epf xjev esi vji notvelit vjev O tjuamf ewuof?

Cideati O'wi sief ov, miespoph gsun notvelit ot huuf, cav miespoph gsun uvjist notvelit ot taqis huuf. Tu miespoph gsun uvjist xju jewi emsiefz ciip vjsuahj vjot tovaevoup apfistvepf ov civvis vjep epzupi imti.

Giim gsii vu tjesi zuas iyqisoipdi!
Jimmu Kehep,

o'n puv uav ug vjev gedi nztimg ziv cav O fof gohasi uav vji tvesvquopv. O vjopl zua tvesv vu hiv uav ug ov updi zua apfistvepf vjev xjeviwis zua fuoph op mogi ot puv gamgommoph zua. O vjuahjv metv zies vjev O jef nz gadl zua quopv, cav O fofp'v. O jef e tnemm gadl-zua nunipv vjev hewi ni e vinqusesz giimoph epf dunnovnipv vjev fof puv tvez. O vjopl egvis vjot nunipv, O tmuxmz tvesvif vu sap opvu nz edvaem gadl zua quopv vjev ot dassipvmz huoph up.

Xjev o'wi ciip fuoph ot hivvoph tjov fuxp, imonopevoph tvagg vjev jet jimf ni jutvehi gus xiilt / nupvjt / ziest. (Wofiuhenoph, qusp, zua demm ov). Xjomi vjiti djephit veli voni vu nepogitv epf siraosi e tvsuph xomm, O vjopl vjev vu hiv uav ug zuas gadl zua nunipv, zua piif vu imonopevi vji vjopht vjev fu puv eof zuas qastai ug zuas fsient / qettoupt.

Up e tofipuvi: O emtu vjopl vjev og zua vsz vu miewi vjin op vji qetv epf ov geomt, zua esi tonqmz puv ziv siefz epf zuas gadl-zua nunipv jet ziv vu itvecmotj.

Huuf madl!
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