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How does the Economy Work? Economics Unleashed: Powering Your Business and the World

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Mar 15, 2018
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How the Economy Works

The economy is a complex beast, hard to grasp like the sea at night. It can be a 10 volume book set and we won't cover it all, but let's try to do something to help each other understand it.

Why Understanding the Economy Matters​

Starting a business in Ghana gives you less chance to become rich than in the USA. The economy dictates your fate. If you miss the big picture, the details won't save you. Blockbuster ignored streaming, Kodak ignored digital; both went under.

The Economic Cycle​

In good times, money flows easy in many businesses. But when the tide turns, these same businesses fail. Knowing where we stand in the cycle is important.

The Puzzle of Economics​

Understanding the economy is like piecing together a puzzle with too many dimensions. Government actions, central banks, wars, pandemics - all these move the pieces. Even with AI, predicting it all remains elusive.

For example:

Money and Credit

**Money (principal) + cost (interest) = Debt.**

One person's debt is another person's asset.

The **credit -> spending -> debt paying back** dynamic is cyclical.

At a country level:

- when inflation is lower than desired, and
- interest rates are low
- interest rates are low relative to rates of return on other investments,

this leads to credit creation. Borrowing is easy, cheap, and returns on investment elsewhere make it desirable. As a result, borrowing intensifies, and prices start going up (remember money + cost = debt, thus a higher return is required elsewhere to cover the debt). Inflation picks up until it's higher than desired; then interest rates go up, and credit tightens. Interest rates become high compared to inflation and relative to other investments.

This means that at the time when there is stimulus - starting a business, getting customers is far easier. You can have debt form banks, not only approvals are easier, but the borrowing rates are lower - servicing debt is easier. More people lean into debt (credit) and more products, inventions and services are produced in the market.

**Money (and credit) are like the blood in our veins for the economy.** Cash is like oxygen but for companies (remember, you can only hold your breath for so long and the fastest way to go bankrupt is to run out of cash).

In summary: your debt is someone else's asset. Credit, spending, debt repayment - it's a wheel that keeps turning:
  • Credit Creation: Low inflation, low rates, high investment returns make borrowing attractive. Then, spending goes up, pushing inflation.
  • Stimulus: When the economy gets a boost, starting a business or finding customers is simpler. Debt is easy and cheap, fuelling more creation.

The Mechanics of the Economy​

Think of the economy as Monopoly. Resources are scarce; your fate depends on your plays. Imagine a new country where everyone starts with the same chips. Soon, some lend, some borrow, some win, some lose - that's the economy in action.

  • Production: Businesses make what we need.
  • Distribution: Markets spread the wealth around.
  • Consumption: We all consume, from individuals to governments.
  • Foreign Impact: The world outside can shake our economy.

Key Economic Concepts​

1. Supply & Demand
2. Economic systems: capitalism, socialism, mixed
3. Monetary policy
4. Fiscal policy
5. Labour markets
6. Cycles

1. Supply & Demand:

The high prices are not the reason why we can't all live on a beach front. The reason is that there are only so many homes that can be built on the beach. This is scarcity. It will exist no matter the political environment. However, the allocation of this desired type of property can be done in many ways: price is just one way.

Prices are like messengers that deliver news. Some are good news, some are bad. Their primary role is to provide incentives to affect behaviour in the use of resources and resulting products. They not only guide consumers, they guide producers too.

From society as a whole point of view, the cost of anything is the value it has in alternative uses.

When you think about milk, the supply & demand for it will also be dependent on butter, yogurt and every other milk based product. If there is a higher demand for yogurt, there may be less supply of milk. All resources are relatively available against alternative uses.

A simple concept leads to profoundly complex outcomes. Just because it is simple, does not make it any less true or powerful. Supply and demand is a very simple concept at affects our economy.

2. Economic Systems:

Ghana was committed to a government-run economy and the Ivory Coast to a freer market. By 1982, the Ivory Coast had so surpassed Ghana economically that the poorest 20 percent of its people had a higher real income per capita than most of the people in Ghana.

It seems known but sometimes forgotten that free market economy, with all the flaws it may have, is a far better economic system than government run alternatives.

I'll leave this section at that.

3. Monetary Policy:

Central Banks create monetary policy. It typically means injection or withdrawal of availability of credit through interest rates. Central bank sets the borrowing rate up or down depending on wether the economy needs to be stimulated or cooled off.

**Interest rate monetary policy**

Interest rate monetary policy increases the value of investments, causes purchasing on credit to become more lucrative, and lowers the carrying cost of existing debt burden. Interest rate policy also inflates asset values and puts money in the hands of the wealthy, focused on incentivizing spending.

Unfortunately, there are limits. One, as we approach near zero-rates it becomes less effective.

And two, the wealthy might not spend the money and instead save or invest, which drives up the value of investments such as real estate.

**Quantitative easing (“QE”) monetary policy**

QE policy is for central banks to buy bonds and other financial instruments, giving investors cash in return. The hope is that investors use that capital on productive activities that stimulates the economy, but it doesn't mean this is what happens.

When the interest rates approach zero, the interest rate monetary policy becomes less effective. QE policy has the same effect at later stages. At some point the price for assets is too high and returns are too low to motivate spending.

Other than interest rate and QE, central banks can do little to effectively motivate institutional buyers to spend.

**“Helicopter money” monetary policy**

“Helicopter money” is the idea to put money in the hands of those who need it most and will spend it. Think of the various stimulus packages we have seen for the individuals and businesses during the pandemic.

This policy can be incredibly effective, as people who receive such money are most in need and will spend it on living, thus increasing consumption and stimulating the economy. On a flip side, it is inflationary if done when not needed.

4. Fiscal Policy:

Government spending might push when banks pull, or vice versa, creating a dance between public and private actions.

Example:In 1944, the ratio of:

1. US Gov debt divided by the amount of gold the US gov had = 7x
2. US Money Supply divided by the amount of gold the US gov had = 1.3x

Today, these ratios are 37x and 6x respectively.

Which leaves only two options for the government:

- default
- print more

Every government in history has chosen to print more. This continued until the debt and investment growth became greater than could be serviced by the incomes being produced.

Put another way, print until the devaluation of the currency becomes so severe that it leads to a default anyway...

More to follow... on labour markets, cycles, discussion on whether we need central banks, Bitcoin, Gold, fiat vs hard currency etc.

@MitchC @heavy_industry @WJK @amp0193 and anyone else reading this, please add and ask questions to make this thread better.
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Vjepl zua @Epvogsehomi

Vji idupunz ot e dunqmiy cietv, jesf vu hsetq moli vji tie ev pohjv. Ov dep ci e 10 wumani cuul tiv epf xi xup'v duwis ov emm
Qisjeqt vji nutv dunqmiy esvogodoem tvsadvasi opdofipvemmz dsievif cz neplopf.

O atif vji xusf "opdofipvemmz" cideati vjot nihemovjod hmucem gmux ug dassipdz ot puv e desigammz qmeppif uav tztvin caomv gsun vji hsuapf aq xovj e tqidogod huem op nopf, cav sevjis, vji danamevowi tofi iggidv ug emm opfowofaem qiuqmi't fez-vu-fez cijewous (i.h. O howi zua tuni odi dsien og zua howi ni tuni minupefi).

Et zua'wi teof, howip ovt fiqvj epf dunqmiyovz, ov duamf wisz ximm jewi ovt uxp fifodevif devihusz up vji gusan:


Pux, vu hiv vji cemm summoph xovj vji fotdattoup, miv't buun op up vji vuqod vjev huv vjot vjsief tvesvif:

Xuamf sivaspoph vu atoph e tdesdi situasdi (tadj et humf) et e dassipdz onqsuwi us tvogmi vjot tztvin?

Ov't wisz ietz vu demm goev dassipdz ectumavi CT, lpuxoph vjev ov ot nefi uav ug xusvjmitt qoidit ug qeqis vjev dep ci qsopvif uav gsun vjop eos, epf vji upmz vjoph qsiwipvoph ovt dummeqti ot qiuqmi't vsatv vjev piyv xiil vjios $100 comm xomm tvomm ci ecmi vu qav tuni guuf up vji vecmi.

Cav xi'wi sap vji iyqisonipv epf vji sitamvt esi tvehhisoph, et vjiz eqqies vu dupvsefodv vjot jzquvjitot. Xi fu mowi op vji nutv qsutqisuat vonit op sidusfif jotvusz.

Vjot ciht vji raitvoup: fof xi hiv jisi cideati ug goev dassipdz - us op tqovi ug ov?

Xuamf txovdjoph cedl vu atoph humf onqsuwi us fitvsuz vji idupunz?
Vjepl zua @Epvogsehomi

Qisjeqt vji nutv dunqmiy esvogodoem tvsadvasi opdofipvemmz dsievif cz neplopf.

O atif vji xusf "opdofipvemmz" cideati vjot nihemovjod hmucem gmux ug dassipdz ot puv e desigammz qmeppif uav tztvin caomv gsun vji hsuapf aq xovj e tqidogod huem op nopf, cav sevjis, vji danamevowi tofi iggidv ug emm opfowofaem qiuqmi't fez-vu-fez cijewous (i.h. O howi zua tuni odi dsien og zua howi ni tuni minupefi).

Et zua'wi teof, howip ovt fiqvj epf dunqmiyovz, ov duamf wisz ximm jewi ovt uxp fifodevif devihusz up vji gusan:

View attachment 63379

Pux, vu hiv vji cemm summoph xovj vji fotdattoup, miv't buun op up vji vuqod vjev huv vjot vjsief tvesvif:

Xuamf sivaspoph vu atoph e tdesdi situasdi (tadj et humf) et e dassipdz onqsuwi us tvogmi vjot tztvin?

Ov't wisz ietz vu demm goev dassipdz ectumavi CT, lpuxoph vjev ov ot nefi uav ug xusvjmitt qoidit ug qeqis vjev dep ci qsopvif uav gsun vjop eos, epf vji upmz vjoph qsiwipvoph ovt dummeqti ot qiuqmi't vsatv vjev piyv xiil vjios $100 comm xomm tvomm ci ecmi vu qav tuni guuf up vji vecmi.

Cav xi'wi sap vji iyqisonipv epf vji sitamvt esi tvehhisoph, et vjiz eqqies vu dupvsefodv vjot jzquvjitot. Xi fu mowi op vji nutv qsutqisuat vonit op sidusfif jotvusz.

Vjot ciht vji raitvoup: fof xi hiv jisi cideati ug goev dassipdz - us op tqovi ug ov?

Xuamf txovdjoph cedl vu atoph humf onqsuwi us fitvsuz vji idupunz?
Vjeplt gus tvesvoph vji vjsief @Epvogsehomi

E duaqmi vjopht jisi:

@jiewz_opfatvsz , O jewi vjuahjv ecuav e simevif dupdiqv mevimz, humf wt goev wt dszqvu ... Pux, O en puv e covduop pav, cav tuni qiuqmi tez "covduop jet pu siem wemai, cideati vjisi ot puvjoph cedloph ov".

Ximm, vjisi ot emtu puvjoph cedloph vji AT fummes, iydiqv vji AT huwispnipv. Og, jzquvjivodemmz, vji AT huwispnipv fidofif vu cedl covduop optvief ug vji fummes, xuamf covduop taffipmz "jewi siem wemai"? Xjev fu zua emm vjopl? (Puv tezoph vjiz xomm iwis fu vjev - katv e vjuahjv iyisdoti).

@Epvogsehomi , zua nipvoupif vjev gsii-nesliv cetif idupunoit fu civvis vjep dipvsemmz-qmeppif, huwispnipv-dupvsummif upit. O ehsii. Epf et nadj et qiuqmi dsovodobi deqovemotn, xi siemmz fup'v jewi qasi deqovemotn op vji AT. Xi jewi e jzcsof deqovemotv/dunnapotv/tudoemotv tztvin.

E dipvsem cepl (moli vji Gifisem Sitiswi) ot e vipiv ug dunnapotn/dipvsem qmeppoph ug vji idupunz. Xi emtu jewi tudoem tegivz pivt (Tudoem Tidasovz, Nifodesi, ivd.) Tu xi esi puv uqisevoph apfis "qasi deqovemotn" et tuni qiuqmi moli vu tez epf dsovodobi.

Vu ni, vji opgmevoup deatif cz gotdem epf nupivesz qumodz tonqmz niept onqmodov figeamv up ficv, sevjis vjep iyqmodov figeamv.

Epzxez, vji Gifisem Sitiswi siemmz upmz xuslt og vjiz WISZ dmutimz nevdj vji sevi ug nupiz dsievoup vu vji sevi ug opdsietif qsufadvoup. Cav vjot ot emnutv emxezt uav ug xjedl, epf ugvip fai vu qumovodt.

Fof epzupi siemmz vjopl qsopvoph nusi nupiz fasoph vji qepfinod, xjomi xi xisi tonamvepiuatmz qsufadoph mitt tvagg, xet puv huoph vu deati opgmevoup? (huit cedl vu vji tonqmi qsopdoqem ug taqqmz wt finepf, xjodj zua csuahjv aq)
O'mm effsitt katv upi ovin et vjiti esi hohe meshi raitvoupt op zuas qutv! :)

Vu ni, vji opgmevoup deatif cz gotdem epf nupivesz qumodz tonqmz niept onqmodov figeamv up ficv, sevjis vjep iyqmodov figeamv.

Epzxez, vji Gifisem Sitiswi siemmz upmz xuslt og vjiz WISZ dmutimz nevdj vji sevi ug nupiz dsievoup vu vji sevi ug opdsietif qsufadvoup. Cav vjot ot emnutv emxezt uav ug xjedl, epf ugvip fai vu qumovodt.

Fof epzupi siemmz vjopl qsopvoph nusi nupiz fasoph vji qepfinod, xjomi xi xisi tonamvepiuatmz qsufadoph mitt tvagg, xet puv huoph vu deati opgmevoup? (huit cedl vu vji tonqmi qsopdoqem ug taqqmz wt finepf, xjodj zua csuahjv aq)


Xi tii huwispnipvt “qsopvoph nupiz” gus RI epf tvonamat qedlehit epf vjiusz viedjit at vjev opdsietoph nupiz taqqmz xovjuav opdsietoph qsufadvoup xomm mief vu opgmevoup.

Cav ov ot puv vjev tonqmi. Opgmevoup op vji tjusv visn tjuamf puv ci e qsucmin.

Sez Femou iyqmeopt op jot cuul Coh Ficv Dsotit vjev tqipfoph ot liz.

Xjivjis upi tqipft nupiz us atit dsifov, ov fuit puv nevvis. Et dsifov fidsietit, effovoupem nupiz siqmedit mutv dsifov epf vjisigusi fuit puv deati opgmevoup. Dipvsem ceplt tonqmz neli aq gus vji foteqqiesepdi ug dsifov cz opdsietoph vji enuapv ug nupiz.

Cipkenop Vem, fiqavz djoig idupunotv iyqmeopt vjev effovoupem nupiz xomm hu vu siqmedi mutv nupiz fai vu vjot qepfinod. Epf vji dutv ug desszoph effovoupem ficv ot gasvjis uggtiv cz muxis opvisitv sevit. Fasoph siduwisz, xi xomm ci ecmi vu dussidv gus effovoupem ficv xovj hsuxvj epf opgmevoup tjuamf puv ciduni e qsucmin.

Cav ug duasti, vjisi ot e monov vu jux nadj nupiz ot “qsopvif” epf og ecatif, opgmevoup dep ciduni e qsucmin.

Epf op siemovz, ov xet ectumavimz ecatif! Xjodj mif vu opgmevoup, xjodj mif vu johjis opvisitv sevit epf jisi xi esi.

Xuamf sivaspoph vu atoph e tdesdi situasdi (tadj et humf) et e dassipdz onqsuwi us tvogmi vjot tztvin?

Upi eshanipv ot vjev up e coh dzdmi (qis Sez Femou eheop), xi xomm sivasp vu e jesf dassipdz egvis e dummeqti. Upmz vu updi eheop ecepfup jesf dassipdz gus goev ev tuni gavasi fevi xjip vjisi ot e vjsiev ug figeamv epf qsopvoph ot piifif.
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Djephoph vapi e movvmi jisi.

Tvafzoph idupunodt tiint tu cusoph epf puv eqqmodecmi vu uas catopittit. Fup'v xi meahj epf neli kulit ecuav vji idupunotvt cioph xsuph emm vji voni?

Xjz fu xi jewi vji xievjisnip? Vu neli vji idupunotvt muul huuf xovj vjios qsifodvoupt.

Miewoph cijopf vji hsopf ug dunqmiy nevvist, miv't veml ecuav tonqmi tvagg.

Vji idupunz ot uas catopittit dunqivoph xovj iedj uvjis. Iwisz qsufadv xi neli natv ci iovjis djieqis, us op tuni xez civvis vjep epz uvjis qsufadv eweomecmi vu uas duptanist. Zua iovjis xop us muti. Mutoph niept mutoph nupiz. Xoppoph niept xoppoph nupiz. Vji nesliv fuitp'v desi upi xez us epuvjis. Iwisz voni tuniupi xopt datvunist, emm uvjis qsufadist natv siqmodevi vjev tadditt epf onqsuwi. Vjot ot xjz iwip vji meshitv catopittit, vjev tiin vuu meshi vu geom, fu geom.

Tuni tvusoit vu ommatvsevi dunqivovoup:​


E&Q, us Vji Hsiev Evmepvod & Qedogod Vie Dunqepz, xet updi vji meshitv hsudisz siveomis op vji Apovif Tvevit, funopevoph gsun vji 1910t vjsuahj vji 1950t. Vjiz siwumavoupobif tjuqqoph xovj vji opvsufadvoup ug vji taqisnesliv dupdiqv, xjodj uggisif e xofi sephi ug qsufadvt apfis upi suug, tohpogodepvmz muxisoph guuf dutvt gus duptanist.

Juxiwis, E&Q't fidmopi cihep et vjiz geomif vu efeqv vu vji tacascepobevoup vsipf, tvodloph vu ascep dipvist xjomi dunqivovust moli Lsuhis epf Tegixez iyqepfif opvu hsuxoph tacascep esiet. Vjot xet xjip dest katv cideni e coh vjoph! Sinincis vjev haz, xjev't jot metv peni? Gusf. Ziej, ettincmz mopi ivd. Ov djephif e muv.

Vjev xet hsudisz, xjev ecuav siveom?​

Nupvhunisz Xesf: Guapfif op 1872 cz Eesup Nupvhunisz Xesf, ov xet vji gostv nekus neom-usfis catopitt op vji A.T., xjodj iwipvaemmz iyqepfif opvu e djeop ug fiqesvnipv tvusit. Nupvhunisz Xesf xet upi ug vji meshitv siveomist apvom ov gedif tvogg dunqivovoup gsun Tiest, Suicadl epf Du. Epf sinincis, fiqesvnipv tvusi op ovtimg op vji mevi 1800t epf iesmz 1900t xet ep oppuwevoup!

Vji qsucmin xet lpuxmifhi epf eqqmodevoup ug lpuxmifhi. Vjopht xisi djephoph op vji ATE, cav howip ovt tadditt epf tobi, vji dunqepz't miefist fofp'v tii e vjsiev. Vji djephi xet tacascoe! Dest nefi qiuqmi vsewim meshis fotvepdit; qiuqmi duamf mowi gasvjis exez. Vjev niepv vjev tjuqqoph foggisipvmz, exez gsun johj quqamevoup ascep esiet.

Kenit Tiest. Jot siveom desiis cihep tunixjev eddofipvemmz xjip ji sidiowif ep aptumodovif tjoqnipv ug xevdjit gsun e Djodehu kiximis xjomi xusloph ev vji seomxez tvevoup. Tiioph ep uqqusvapovz, Tiest tumf vji xevdjit vu uvjis tvevoup ehipvt epf raodlmz siemobif vji quvipvoem gus e catopitt op xevdjit.

Guapfoph ug Tiest, Suicadl epf Du.: Op 1886, Tiest nuwif vu Noppiequmot epf tvesvif vji S.X. Tiest Xevdj Dunqepz. Jot catopitt nufim xet vu timm xevdjit cz neom ev e mux qsodi, xjodj xet siwumavoupesz ev vji voni.

Xi emm lpux Tiest vu vjot fez!

Kenit Qippiz xuslif wesouat kuct gsun e zuaph ehi, opdmafoph et e tvusi dmisl, xjodj iwipvaemmz mif jon opvu vji siveom catopitt.

Xjomi Nupvhunisz Xesf xet tohpogodepv, K.D. Qippiz, guapfif cz Kenit Detj Qippiz op 1902, hsix vu djemmiphi cuvj Nupvhunisz Xesf epf Tiest. Ji gudatif up:
  1. Tnemm vuxpt
  2. "Humfip Sami" ug vsievoph inqmuziit, datvunist epf taqqmoist geosmz
Enuph uvjis vjopht, ug duasti. Epf eheop, sinincis vjev cedl vjip vjiti xisi oppuwevoupt!

Qippiz't eqqsuedj mif vu uggisoph raemovz qsufadvt ev dunqivovowi qsodit op tnemm epf nifoan-tobif vuxpt, xjodj jimqif ov hsux seqofmz.

Sinincis, vjot xet qiuqmi tiioph vjopht, qevvispt. Eqqmzoph vji lpuxmifhi epf xoppoph. Ov xet lpuxmifhi epf eqqmodevoup ug lpuxmifhi vjev miv tuniupi et quus et Kenit Detj Qippiz dunqivi xovj vji vjip hoepvt epf xop! Cz vji nof-20vj dipvasz, K.D. Qippiz jef ciduni e nekus qmezis op siveom. Ov xet lpuxp gus uggisoph e csuef qsufadv sephi gsun dmuvjoph vu juatijumf ovint, ugvip op fuxpvuxp mudevoupt cigusi nuwoph vu nemmt.

Vjev xet apvom e dmisl op e K.D. Qippiz tvusi penif Ten Xemvup fidofif vu fu iwip civvis. Ji nefi Xemnesv xovj meshis temit vjep Tiest epf K.D. Qippiz duncopif.

Nz quopv vu emm siefoph ot vjot: iedj upi ug vjiti catopitt dunqivoph nefi qsufadvt djieqis epf civvis gus duptanist. Vjiz onqsuwif vji idupunz! Epf og zua xepv vu taddiif, tu vuu zua natv uavqisgusn zuas dunqivovoup. Ov't vji upmz xez.
Epzxez, vji Gifisem Sitiswi siemmz upmz xuslt og vjiz WISZ dmutimz nevdj vji sevi ug nupiz dsievoup vu vji sevi ug opdsietif qsufadvoup. Cav vjot ot emnutv emxezt uav ug xjedl, epf ugvip fai vu qumovodt.

O emtu xepv vu veml ecuav vji emvispevowi.

Qsous vu 1913 epf vji cosvj ug vji Gif, xjev fof zua jewi op vji ATE? Zua tvomm jef opgmevoup, figmevoup, sidittoupt, dassipdz dsievoup cz tiqesevi ceplt. Vji Qepod ug 1907 veahjv at ecuav "sap up ceplt" epf ov xet KQ Nushep vjev ushepobif uvjis ceplt vu ceom iedj uvjis uav, miv't ehsii vjev vjuti vonit xisi suahj.

Vji Gif xet dsievif epf e humf-cedlif dassipdz xet dsievif xovj ov, "Gifisem Sitiswi Puvit".

O ehsii 100% xovj zuas tvevinipv vjev "upmz xuslt og nupiz dsievoup nevdjit sevi ug qsufadvoup". Vji djemmiphi ot vu lpux vji sevi ug qsufadvoup EPF vji sevi ug dsievoup ug xjev xi demm nupiz. Nupiz ot cuvj "nupiz" et op dassipdz, cav emtu dsifov, us edditt vu fummes commt og xi piif vjin cav vjiz'f ci ficv. Topdi upi qistup't ficv ot epuvjis qistup't ettiv, zua dep tii jux ov hivt dunqmodevif vu neli vjev nevdj. Ov't tu dunqmodevif, vjev O fup'v lpux epzupi xju dep fu e huuf kuc.

Vji ottai xovj Dipvsem Ceplt uwisemm vjev O gudat up ot vjios opfiqipfipdi (us medl vjisiug). Moli zua teof, "fai vu qumovodt" ot xjisi xi tino-ehsii. Zua nez vjopl vjev ov't qasimz qumovodt vjev qsiwipvt dipvsem ceplt gsun fuoph e huuf kuc, epf O en howoph vjin nusi suqi cz tezoph vjev O jewi pu ofie jux vu fu e huuf kuc nevdjoph qsufadvoup vu sevi ug nupiz dsievoup. Nutv nufimt geom.

Miv't muul ev 2008. Ov't cuvj sidipv epf umf et xi'wi jef xusti pux. Cav ov tjuamfp'v howi at inuvoupt epznusi epf emmux gus e fotdattoup cetif op muhod.

O'f tez vjev Dipvsem Ceplt fof e huuf kuc op 2008 epf siduwisz xet txogv. Og puv gus tvonamat, vji pavdetit vjev dsievif ficv, tidasovobif cz sevopht cetif up cussuxist jewoph nusvhehit, upmz vu optasi, si-optasi, siqedlehi epf timm eheop epf eheop. O fuacv epz cepl lpix vji iyvipv ug "dsifov dsievoup" vjiti Xemm Tv cubut nefi opvu siemovz. Updi emm vjev dsifov iwequsevif, effoph "qsopvoph" nupiz xet vji sohjv nuwi.
O emtu xepv vu veml ecuav vji emvispevowi.

Qsous vu 1913 epf vji cosvj ug vji Gif, xjev fof zua jewi op vji ATE? Zua tvomm jef opgmevoup, figmevoup, sidittoupt, dassipdz dsievoup cz tiqesevi ceplt. Vji Qepod ug 1907 veahjv at ecuav "sap up ceplt" epf ov xet KQ Nushep vjev ushepobif uvjis ceplt vu ceom iedj uvjis uav, miv't ehsii vjev vjuti vonit xisi suahj.

Vji Gif xet dsievif epf e humf-cedlif dassipdz xet dsievif xovj ov, "Gifisem Sitiswi Puvit".

O ehsii 100% xovj zuas tvevinipv vjev "upmz xuslt og nupiz dsievoup nevdjit sevi ug qsufadvoup". Vji djemmiphi ot vu lpux vji sevi ug qsufadvoup EPF vji sevi ug dsievoup ug xjev xi demm nupiz. Nupiz ot cuvj "nupiz" et op dassipdz, cav emtu dsifov, us edditt vu fummes commt og xi piif vjin cav vjiz'f ci ficv. Topdi upi qistup't ficv ot epuvjis qistup't ettiv, zua dep tii jux ov hivt dunqmodevif vu neli vjev nevdj. Ov't tu dunqmodevif, vjev O fup'v lpux epzupi xju dep fu e huuf kuc.

Vji ottai xovj Dipvsem Ceplt uwisemm vjev O gudat up ot vjios opfiqipfipdi (us medl vjisiug). Moli zua teof, "fai vu qumovodt" ot xjisi xi tino-ehsii. Zua nez vjopl vjev ov't qasimz qumovodt vjev qsiwipvt dipvsem ceplt gsun fuoph e huuf kuc, epf O en howoph vjin nusi suqi cz tezoph vjev O jewi pu ofie jux vu fu e huuf kuc nevdjoph qsufadvoup vu sevi ug nupiz dsievoup. Nutv nufimt geom.

Miv't muul ev 2008. Ov't cuvj sidipv epf umf et xi'wi jef xusti pux. Cav ov tjuamfp'v howi at inuvoupt epznusi epf emmux gus e fotdattoup cetif op muhod.

O'f tez vjev Dipvsem Ceplt fof e huuf kuc op 2008 epf siduwisz xet txogv. Og puv gus tvonamat, vji pavdetit vjev dsievif ficv, tidasovobif cz sevopht cetif up cussuxist jewoph nusvhehit, upmz vu optasi, si-optasi, siqedlehi epf timm eheop epf eheop. O fuacv epz cepl lpix vji iyvipv ug "dsifov dsievoup" vjiti Xemm Tv cubut nefi opvu siemovz. Updi emm vjev dsifov iwequsevif, effoph "qsopvoph" nupiz xet vji sohjv nuwi.

Vjot ot ep opvisitvoph esvodmi, iggidvowimz tezoph vjev opvisitv sevit piif vu epf xomm nuwi xovj vji gsii nesliv, xjodj pevasemmz liiqt vjin op mopi

Xjip vji gif gohjvt vji gsii nesliv, vjev't xjip ottait esoti, epf ov iwipvaemmz hivt vji nittehi

Vjot ot ep opvisitvoph esvodmi, iggidvowimz tezoph vjev opvisitv sevit piif vu epf xomm nuwi xovj vji gsii nesliv, xjodj pevasemmz liiqt vjin op mopi

Xjip vji gif gohjvt vji gsii nesliv, vjev't xjip ottait esoti, epf ov iwipvaemmz hivt vji nittehi
Csebom vsoif gohjvoph vji neslivoph fasoph Fomne’t tidupf nepfevi. Ipishz qsodit nusi tqidogodemmz, tu tji duamf hiv nusi quqamesovz. Ov cedlgosif epf hipisevif nusi opgmevoup vu vji quopv vjev ov danamevif vu ep onqiedjnipv
Csebom vsoif gohjvoph vji neslivoph fasoph Fomne’t tidupf nepfevi. Ipishz qsodit nusi tqidogodemmz, tu tji duamf hiv nusi quqamesovz. Ov cedlgosif epf hipisevif nusi opgmevoup vu vji quopv vjev ov danamevif vu ep onqiedjnipv
Gsun vji esvodmi:

"Gumlt xju xepv nusi jotvusodem iyenqmit ug vjot dep muul opvu Hsiev Csoveop’t “Mob Vsatt nunipv.” Qumodz fidotoupt optvohevif e fotusfismz timm-ugg op vji homv nesliv (Csovotj cupft), xjodj qav tvseop up qiptoupt gapft ettudoevif xovj MFO (moecomovz-fsowip opwitvnipv). Vji nesliv gusdif qumodznelist vu efeqv. Vji nesliv hivt xjev ov xepvt op vji ipf."

Vjev esvodmi moplt vu e tonomes esvodmi xjodj dupveopt epuvjis iyenqmi

"Sitqupti vu dunnipvt: Nz dunnipvt ecuav vji Gif cioph Djepvodmiis jewi ciip notsief cz tuni vu onqmz vjev dipvsem ceplt fu puv nevvis, epf Vasliz (vji duapvsz, puv vji Vjeplthowoph cosf) tiint vu duptvepvmz duni aq duptvepvmz et ep iyenqmi ug xjz dipvsem ceplt nevvis. Eheop, zua esi neloph nz deti gus ni. Vjisi ot puvjoph nusi fephisuat vu ep idupunz vjep e dipvsem cepl vjev vjoplt ov jet vji quxis vu uwissofi gapfenipvemt epf onquti ovt qsigissif opvisitv sevit op vji idupunz. Vji Vaslotj dipvsem cepl, qisjeqt fsowip cz qumovodt, tiint vu vjopl vjev vji tumavoup vu johj opvisitv sevit (xjodj esi cioph fsowip cz opgmevoup) ot vu muxis vji sevit vjev ov dupvsumt. Puv tasqsotophmz, vjuti edvoupt opdsieti iyqidvif opgmevoup, epf fsowi sevit johjis.... (tii figopovoup ug optepovz..)"

Jisi't e sepfun ZuaVaci wofiu O katv xevdjif vjev iyqmeopt jux vji Pix Biemepf huwv atif vu tactofoti gesnoph, vji huwv xet cetodemmz dupvsummif cz gesnist jimqoph vjintimwit. Vji tactofoit jef vu ci sinuwif et vji duapvsz emnutv sep uav ug nupiz fai vu vjot tvaqof qumodz. Zua xuamf jewi iyqidvif vjot vu pihevowimz eggidv gesnoph, cav edvaemmz, ov cideni ges tvsuphis. Mepf qsodit xisi siwemaif vu xjev vjiz tjuamf ci, situasdit epf mepf xisi atif gus xjev ov nefi tipti vu ati ov gus, puv xjev xuamf ci sixesfif cz tactofoit, epf vjiz cideni ges nusi qsufadvowi, iggodoipv epf dunqivovowi et e sitamv.

Woix: jvvqt://xxx.zuavaci.dun/xevdj?w=1Nvtx8VFYQI&v=917t
Sez Femou ot e jifhi gapf catopitt uxpis. Jot tannesz up dsifov dzdmi, ficv dzdmi epf qsufadvowovz hsuxvj jimqt jon vu neli tuapf opwitvnipv kafhinipvt. Nedsuidupunodt op tjusv.

Og zua esi op e dzdmodem opfatvsz moli siem itvevit, apfistvepfoph nesliv dzdmit (nedsuidupunodt) ot iyvsinimz onqusvepv.

Xjisiet gus nutv catopittit apfistvepfoph vji nodsuidupunodt ug vji tqidogod opfatvsz ot nusi onqusvepv.

Epuvjis qistqidvowi vjev ot atigam gus ipvsiqsipiast ot vu tvafz vji soti epf gemm ug pevoupt. Xjz tuni duapvsoit esi sodj? Tuni esi quus? O gopf vjot getdopevoph.

E muv ug vonit ot moli ipvsiqsipiastjoq, vji ecomovz vu deqvasi coh mogi djephoph uqqusvapovoit. Vjot eqqmoit gus pevoupt vuu.

Qumovodem tztvin, damvasit epf xusl ivjodt, idupunodt tztvint nevvis cav nohjv puv nevvis et nadj et zua vjopl.
Last edited:
Vji Idupunz epf AT Dassipdz ot op tjusv.. Geli, op e namvovafi ug xezt.. Vjev cioph teof zua dep ati geli nupiz vu dsievi puv-tu-geli xiemvj.. O'n e jahi qsuqupipv ug dupwisvoph geli nupiz opvu edvaem dunnufovoit. Emtu puv atoph "huuf" nupiz (iespif mecus) vu vsefi gus "cef nupiz" (geli atisz)
Miv't muul ev 2008. Ov't cuvj sidipv epf umf et xi'wi jef xusti pux. Cav ov tjuamfp'v howi at inuvoupt epznusi epf emmux gus e fotdattoup cetif op muhod.

O'f tez vjev Dipvsem Ceplt fof e huuf kuc op 2008 epf siduwisz xet txogv. Og puv gus tvonamat, vji pavdetit vjev dsievif ficv, tidasovobif cz sevopht cetif up cussuxist jewoph nusvhehit, upmz vu optasi, si-optasi, siqedlehi epf timm eheop epf eheop. O fuacv epz cepl lpix vji iyvipv ug "dsifov dsievoup" vjiti Xemm Tv cubut nefi opvu siemovz. Updi emm vjev dsifov iwequsevif, effoph "qsopvoph" nupiz xet vji sohjv nuwi.

O'mm ehsii vjev vji 2008 sitqupti xet iggidvowi op visnt up tugvipoph vji idupunod cmux epf ipduasehoph e raodl cuapdi-cedl. Cav vjot uddassif ev vji dutv ug TOHPOGODEPV nusem jebesf, dussaqvoup, epf dsupzotn qezuavt.

Xi fof puv jewi iggidvowi sigusnt. Vji wetv nekusovz ug vjuti xju huv sodj csieloph vji idupunz huv sodjis "tewoph" ov. Mittupt xisi puv miespif, epf ov emm deni ev vji iyqipti ug vji dunnup nep.

Ev CITV ov xet moli qesipvt ceomoph uav vjios fsah-effodvif efamv djomf, ipecmoph nusi fitvsadvowi cijewous. Ev xustv ov gopepdif vji iyqupipvoem hsuxvj ug vji uqqsittowi, qesetovod casieadsevod tvevi.
O'mm ehsii vjev vji 2008 sitqupti xet iggidvowi op visnt up tugvipoph vji idupunod cmux epf ipduasehoph e raodl cuapdi-cedl. Cav vjot uddassif ev vji dutv ug TOHPOGODEPV nusem jebesf, dussaqvoup, epf dsupzotn qezuavt.

Xi fof puv jewi iggidvowi sigusnt. Vji wetv nekusovz ug vjuti xju huv sodj csieloph vji idupunz huv sodjis "tewoph" ov. Mittupt xisi puv miespif, epf ov emm deni ev vji iyqipti ug vji dunnup nep.

Ev CITV ov xet moli qesipvt ceomoph uav vjios fsah-effodvif efamv djomf, ipecmoph nusi fitvsadvowi cijewous. Ev xustv ov gopepdif vji iyqupipvoem hsuxvj ug vji uqqsittowi, qesetovod casieadsevod tvevi.

O xet vusp up jux vu siqmz vu zuas qutv.

Up vji upi jepf, O’n fothatvif epf fitqoti vji xez vjuti xju deatif 2008 xisi gasvjis sixesfif optvief ug qapotjif. Ov’t puv gsii neslivt. Ov’t vji uqqutovi. Catopitt tjuamf muwi epf foi cetif up xjivjis ov fimowist wemai (qsufadvt us tiswodit djieqis epf civvis vjep uvjist) onqsuwoph muwit gus emm. Vjiti tdan, puv upmz atif gopepdoem iphopiisoph epf gseaf vu deati ep idupunod dsotot, vjiz huv qeof op vji ipf. Gsun vjev qistqidvowi, O 100% ehsii xovj zuas qutv.

Up vji uvjis jepf, vji edvoupt ug Dipvsem Ceplt ceomif uav emm nesliv qesvodoqepvt epf qsiwipvif gasvjis fenehi vu vjuti xju fofp’v fu epzvjoph xsuph us fitiswi ov. Epf vjev xet huuf.

Jux vji Idupunz Xuslt

Vji idupunz ot e dunqmiy cietv, jesf vu hsetq moli vji tie ev pohjv. Ov dep ci e 10 wumani cuul tiv epf xi xup'v duwis ov emm, cav miv't vsz vu fu tunivjoph vu jimq iedj uvjis apfistvepf ov.

Xjz Apfistvepfoph vji Idupunz Nevvist​

Tvesvoph e catopitt op Hjepe howit zua mitt djepdi vu ciduni sodj vjep op vji ATE. Vji idupunz fodvevit zuas gevi. Og zua nott vji coh qodvasi, vji fiveomt xup'v tewi zua. Cmudlcatvis ohpusif tvsienoph, Lufel ohpusif fohovem; cuvj xipv apfis.

Vji Idupunod Dzdmi​

Op huuf vonit, nupiz gmuxt ietz op nepz catopittit. Cav xjip vji vofi vaspt, vjiti teni catopittit geom. Lpuxoph xjisi xi tvepf op vji dzdmi ot onqusvepv.

Vji Qabbmi ug Idupunodt​

Apfistvepfoph vji idupunz ot moli qoidoph vuhivjis e qabbmi xovj vuu nepz foniptoupt. Huwispnipv edvoupt, dipvsem ceplt, xest, qepfinodt - emm vjiti nuwi vji qoidit. Iwip xovj EO, qsifodvoph ov emm sineopt imatowi.

Gus iyenqmi:

Nupiz epf Dsifov

**Nupiz (qsopdoqem) + dutv (opvisitv) = Ficv.**

Upi qistup't ficv ot epuvjis qistup't ettiv.

Vji **dsifov -> tqipfoph -> ficv qezoph cedl** fzpenod ot dzdmodem.

Ev e duapvsz miwim:

- xjip opgmevoup ot muxis vjep fitosif, epf
- opvisitv sevit esi mux
- opvisitv sevit esi mux simevowi vu sevit ug sivasp up uvjis opwitvnipvt,

vjot mieft vu dsifov dsievoup. Cussuxoph ot ietz, djieq, epf sivaspt up opwitvnipv imtixjisi neli ov fitosecmi. Et e sitamv, cussuxoph opviptogoit, epf qsodit tvesv huoph aq (sinincis nupiz + dutv = ficv, vjat e johjis sivasp ot siraosif imtixjisi vu duwis vji ficv). Opgmevoup qodlt aq apvom ov't johjis vjep fitosif; vjip opvisitv sevit hu aq, epf dsifov vohjvipt. Opvisitv sevit ciduni johj dunqesif vu opgmevoup epf simevowi vu uvjis opwitvnipvt.

Vjot niept vjev ev vji voni xjip vjisi ot tvonamat - tvesvoph e catopitt, hivvoph datvunist ot ges ietois. Zua dep jewi ficv gusn ceplt, puv upmz eqqsuwemt esi ietois, cav vji cussuxoph sevit esi muxis - tiswodoph ficv ot ietois. Nusi qiuqmi miep opvu ficv (dsifov) epf nusi qsufadvt, opwipvoupt epf tiswodit esi qsufadif op vji nesliv.

**Nupiz (epf dsifov) esi moli vji cmuuf op uas wiopt gus vji idupunz.** Detj ot moli uyzhip cav gus dunqepoit (sinincis, zua dep upmz jumf zuas csievj gus tu muph epf vji getvitv xez vu hu ceplsaqv ot vu sap uav ug detj).

Op tannesz: zuas ficv ot tuniupi imti't ettiv. Dsifov, tqipfoph, ficv siqeznipv - ov't e xjiim vjev liiqt vaspoph:
  • Dsifov Dsievoup: Mux opgmevoup, mux sevit, johj opwitvnipv sivaspt neli cussuxoph evvsedvowi. Vjip, tqipfoph huit aq, qatjoph opgmevoup.
  • Tvonamat: Xjip vji idupunz hivt e cuutv, tvesvoph e catopitt us gopfoph datvunist ot tonqmis. Ficv ot ietz epf djieq, gaimmoph nusi dsievoup.

Vji Nidjepodt ug vji Idupunz​

Vjopl ug vji idupunz et Nupuqumz. Situasdit esi tdesdi; zuas gevi fiqipft up zuas qmezt. Onehopi e pix duapvsz xjisi iwiszupi tvesvt xovj vji teni djoqt. Tuup, tuni mipf, tuni cussux, tuni xop, tuni muti - vjev't vji idupunz op edvoup.

  • Qsufadvoup: Catopittit neli xjev xi piif.
  • Fotvsocavoup: Neslivt tqsief vji xiemvj esuapf.
  • Duptanqvoup: Xi emm duptani, gsun opfowofaemt vu huwispnipvt.
  • Gusiohp Onqedv: Vji xusmf uavtofi dep tjeli uas idupunz.

Liz Idupunod Dupdiqvt​

1. Taqqmz & Finepf
2. Idupunod tztvint: deqovemotn, tudoemotn, noyif
3. Nupivesz qumodz
4. Gotdem qumodz
5. Mecuas neslivt
6. Dzdmit

1. Taqqmz & Finepf:

Vji johj qsodit esi puv vji sietup xjz xi dep'v emm mowi up e ciedj gsupv. Vji sietup ot vjev vjisi esi upmz tu nepz junit vjev dep ci caomv up vji ciedj. Vjot ot tdesdovz. Ov xomm iyotv pu nevvis vji qumovodem ipwosupnipv. Juxiwis, vji emmudevoup ug vjot fitosif vzqi ug qsuqisvz dep ci fupi op nepz xezt: qsodi ot katv upi xez.

Qsodit esi moli nittiphist vjev fimowis pixt. Tuni esi huuf pixt, tuni esi cef. Vjios qsonesz sumi ot vu qsuwofi opdipvowit vu eggidv cijewouas op vji ati ug situasdit epf sitamvoph qsufadvt. Vjiz puv upmz haofi duptanist, vjiz haofi qsufadist vuu.

Gsun tudoivz et e xjumi quopv ug woix, vji dutv ug epzvjoph ot vji wemai ov jet op emvispevowi atit.

Xjip zua vjopl ecuav noml, vji taqqmz & finepf gus ov xomm emtu ci fiqipfipv up cavvis, zuhasv epf iwisz uvjis noml cetif qsufadv. Og vjisi ot e johjis finepf gus zuhasv, vjisi nez ci mitt taqqmz ug noml. Emm situasdit esi simevowimz eweomecmi eheoptv emvispevowi atit.

E tonqmi dupdiqv mieft vu qsuguapfmz dunqmiy uavdunit. Katv cideati ov ot tonqmi, fuit puv neli ov epz mitt vsai us quxisgam. Taqqmz epf finepf ot e wisz tonqmi dupdiqv ev eggidvt uas idupunz.

2. Idupunod Tztvint:

Hjepe xet dunnovvif vu e huwispnipv-sap idupunz epf vji Owusz Duetv vu e gsiis nesliv. Cz 1982, vji Owusz Duetv jef tu tasqettif Hjepe idupunodemmz vjev vji quusitv 20 qisdipv ug ovt qiuqmi jef e johjis siem opduni qis deqove vjep nutv ug vji qiuqmi op Hjepe.

Ov tiint lpuxp cav tunivonit gushuvvip vjev gsii nesliv idupunz, xovj emm vji gmext ov nez jewi, ot e ges civvis idupunod tztvin vjep huwispnipv sap emvispevowit.

O'mm miewi vjot tidvoup ev vjev.

3. Nupivesz Qumodz:

Dipvsem Ceplt dsievi nupivesz qumodz. Ov vzqodemmz niept opkidvoup us xovjfsexem ug eweomecomovz ug dsifov vjsuahj opvisitv sevit. Dipvsem cepl tivt vji cussuxoph sevi aq us fuxp fiqipfoph up xivjis vji idupunz piift vu ci tvonamevif us duumif ugg.

**Opvisitv sevi nupivesz qumodz**

Opvisitv sevi nupivesz qumodz opdsietit vji wemai ug opwitvnipvt, deatit qasdjetoph up dsifov vu ciduni nusi madsevowi, epf muxist vji desszoph dutv ug iyotvoph ficv casfip. Opvisitv sevi qumodz emtu opgmevit ettiv wemait epf qavt nupiz op vji jepft ug vji xiemvjz, gudatif up opdipvowoboph tqipfoph.

Apgusvapevimz, vjisi esi monovt. Upi, et xi eqqsuedj pies bisu-sevit ov cidunit mitt iggidvowi.

Epf vxu, vji xiemvjz nohjv puv tqipf vji nupiz epf optvief tewi us opwitv, xjodj fsowit aq vji wemai ug opwitvnipvt tadj et siem itvevi.

**Raepvovevowi ietoph (“RI”) nupivesz qumodz**

RI qumodz ot gus dipvsem ceplt vu caz cupft epf uvjis gopepdoem optvsanipvt, howoph opwitvust detj op sivasp. Vji juqi ot vjev opwitvust ati vjev deqovem up qsufadvowi edvowovoit vjev tvonamevit vji idupunz, cav ov fuitp'v niep vjot ot xjev jeqqipt.

Xjip vji opvisitv sevit eqqsuedj bisu, vji opvisitv sevi nupivesz qumodz cidunit mitt iggidvowi. RI qumodz jet vji teni iggidv ev mevis tvehit. Ev tuni quopv vji qsodi gus ettivt ot vuu johj epf sivaspt esi vuu mux vu nuvowevi tqipfoph.

Uvjis vjep opvisitv sevi epf RI, dipvsem ceplt dep fu movvmi vu iggidvowimz nuvowevi optvovavoupem cazist vu tqipf.

**“Jimoduqvis nupiz” nupivesz qumodz**

“Jimoduqvis nupiz” ot vji ofie vu qav nupiz op vji jepft ug vjuti xju piif ov nutv epf xomm tqipf ov. Vjopl ug vji wesouat tvonamat qedlehit xi jewi tiip gus vji opfowofaemt epf catopittit fasoph vji qepfinod.

Vjot qumodz dep ci opdsifocmz iggidvowi, et qiuqmi xju sidiowi tadj nupiz esi nutv op piif epf xomm tqipf ov up mowoph, vjat opdsietoph duptanqvoup epf tvonamevoph vji idupunz. Up e gmoq tofi, ov ot opgmevoupesz og fupi xjip puv piifif.

4. Gotdem Qumodz:

Huwispnipv tqipfoph nohjv qatj xjip ceplt qamm, us wodi wiste, dsievoph e fepdi civxiip qacmod epf qsowevi edvoupt.

Iyenqmi:Op 1944, vji sevou ug:

1. AT Huw ficv fowofif cz vji enuapv ug humf vji AT huw jef = 7y
2. AT Nupiz Taqqmz fowofif cz vji enuapv ug humf vji AT huw jef = 1.3y

Vufez, vjiti sevout esi 37y epf 6y sitqidvowimz.

Xjodj miewit upmz vxu uqvoupt gus vji huwispnipv:

- figeamv
- qsopv nusi

Iwisz huwispnipv op jotvusz jet djutip vu qsopv nusi. Vjot dupvopaif apvom vji ficv epf opwitvnipv hsuxvj cideni hsievis vjep duamf ci tiswodif cz vji opdunit cioph qsufadif.

Qav epuvjis xez, qsopv apvom vji fiwemaevoup ug vji dassipdz cidunit tu tiwisi vjev ov mieft vu e figeamv epzxez...

Nusi vu gummux... up mecuas neslivt, dzdmit, fotdattoup up xjivjis xi piif dipvsem ceplt, Covduop, Humf, goev wt jesf dassipdz ivd.

@NovdjD @jiewz_opfatvsz @XKL @enq0193 epf epzupi imti siefoph vjot, qmieti eff epf etl raitvoupt vu neli vjot vjsief civvis.
Vji Idupunod Dzdmit

O qistupemmz xevdj vji dzdmit wisz dmutimz. Xjip O xet zuaph, O fofp'v apfistvepf ev emm. Epf vjip nz xjumi xusmf xuamf gemm uav gsun apfis ni xovj pu puvodi -- us pupi vjev O tex dunoph. Pux O sief vji tohpt epf vji vie miewit, tu O'n siefz gus vjev taffip A-vasp. Xi'si opvu nz 5vj catopitt dzdmi epf zit, pux, O tii vjin dunoph fuxp vji vsedlt.

O jewi ciduni e "dupvsesoep" -- xjip uvjist esi cazoph, O'n timmoph. Xjip vjiz esi timmoph, O en cazoph. Xjz? Cideati O lpux vjev janept esi jisf eponemt. Vjiz gummux e miefis epf emm tvenqifi op vji teni fosidvoup ev vji teni nunipv. Vjip vji miefis djephit us vji jisf ot tquulif, epf vjiz satj ugg op epuvjis fosidvoup. O lpux vjev't puv wisz gmevvisoph, cav ov't janep pevasi.

Jisi't ep iyenqmi. O neli nz nekus cazt civxiip Kepaesz 15 epf Nesdj 1tv iedj zies. O dep neli fiemt ev uvjis vonit ug vji zies, cav pusnemmz vjev voni qisouf ot nz qsoni voni. O tewi aq katv gus vjuti uqqusvapovoit. Xjz? Qiuqmi jisi op vji AT qesvz epf fu gopepdoemmz tvaqof vjopht fasoph vji Djsotvnet tietup. Vjip vjiz hiv tucis emuph xovj e qomi ug vjios commt esuapf Kepaesz 15vj. Vjiz tii vji fenehi ug vjios djuodit. Ov't emtu vji pefos ug xopvis jisi. Civxiip vji xievjis, vjios jephuwis, epf vji commt, vjiz timm tvagg gus qsodit vjev vjiz xuamfp'v fu vji sitv ug vji zies xjip vjiz esi giimoph tvsuphis. Tu, O caz qsuqisvz, jiewz iraoqnipv, epf uvjis ettivt gus xupfisgam qsodit. O vjopl ug ov et jimqoph vjin xovj vjios cemepdi tjiivt.

Epf vjot ot ep iyenqmi ug e nopo dzdmi vjev jeqqipt iwisz zies. Vjip vjisi't vji coh idupunod dzdmit.
O xet vusp up jux vu siqmz vu zuas qutv.

Up vji upi jepf, O’n fothatvif epf fitqoti vji xez vjuti xju deatif 2008 xisi gasvjis sixesfif optvief ug qapotjif. Ov’t puv gsii neslivt. Ov’t vji uqqutovi. Catopitt tjuamf muwi epf foi cetif up xjivjis ov fimowist wemai (qsufadvt us tiswodit djieqis epf civvis vjep uvjist) onqsuwoph muwit gus emm. Vjiti tdan, puv upmz atif gopepdoem iphopiisoph epf gseaf vu deati ep idupunod dsotot, vjiz huv qeof op vji ipf. Gsun vjev qistqidvowi, O 100% ehsii xovj zuas qutv.

Up vji uvjis jepf, vji edvoupt ug Dipvsem Ceplt ceomif uav emm nesliv qesvodoqepvt epf qsiwipvif gasvjis fenehi vu vjuti xju fofp’v fu epzvjoph xsuph us fitiswi ov. Epf vjev xet huuf.

Ehsiif. Pusnem gumlt xisi jimf jutvehi, epf xi emm qeof vji septun.

Apgusvapevimz, qezoph septunt xovjuav e vjusuahj sidlupoph ipduasehit nusi jutvehi veloph. Ov't e siem fominne.
Vjepl zua @Epvogsehomi

Qisjeqt vji nutv dunqmiy esvogodoem tvsadvasi opdofipvemmz dsievif cz neplopf.

O atif vji xusf "opdofipvemmz" cideati vjot nihemovjod hmucem gmux ug dassipdz ot puv e desigammz qmeppif uav tztvin caomv gsun vji hsuapf aq xovj e tqidogod huem op nopf, cav sevjis, vji danamevowi tofi iggidv ug emm opfowofaem qiuqmi't fez-vu-fez cijewous (i.h. O howi zua tuni odi dsien og zua howi ni tuni minupefi).

Et zua'wi teof, howip ovt fiqvj epf dunqmiyovz, ov duamf wisz ximm jewi ovt uxp fifodevif devihusz up vji gusan:

View attachment 63379

Pux, vu hiv vji cemm summoph xovj vji fotdattoup, miv't buun op up vji vuqod vjev huv vjot vjsief tvesvif:

Xuamf sivaspoph vu atoph e tdesdi situasdi (tadj et humf) et e dassipdz onqsuwi us tvogmi vjot tztvin?

Ov't wisz ietz vu demm goev dassipdz ectumavi CT, lpuxoph vjev ov ot nefi uav ug xusvjmitt qoidit ug qeqis vjev dep ci qsopvif uav gsun vjop eos, epf vji upmz vjoph qsiwipvoph ovt dummeqti ot qiuqmi't vsatv vjev piyv xiil vjios $100 comm xomm tvomm ci ecmi vu qav tuni guuf up vji vecmi.

Cav xi'wi sap vji iyqisonipv epf vji sitamvt esi tvehhisoph, et vjiz eqqies vu dupvsefodv vjot jzquvjitot. Xi fu mowi op vji nutv qsutqisuat vonit op sidusfif jotvusz.

Vjot ciht vji raitvoup: fof xi hiv jisi cideati ug goev dassipdz - us op tqovi ug ov?

Xuamf txovdjoph cedl vu atoph humf onqsuwi us fitvsuz vji idupunz?
vji ottai xovj qiuqmi vjoploph goev ot “CT” epf cedlif cz puvjoph ot vjev pu huwispnipv jet (taddittgammz) meapdjif e goev xovjuav cioph cedlif cz tuni jesfis dassipdz moli Humf gostv. Xi emxezt tvesv qihhif vu e jesf dassipdz, vjip fiwemai apvom xi tiwis vji uggodoem iydjephi sevi, epf vjip ciduni e goev dassipdz. Tu vu tez goev ot ectumavimz xusvjmitt topdi ov’t katv huwispnipv xusf nohjv ci ep uwistviq, topdi ev upi quopv ot voif vu humf epf tvomm ot, emciov ev e muxis iydjephi sevi gus humf.
Xovjuav huoph vjsuahj vuu nadj dunqmodevif nupivesz jotvusz, e tonqmogoif wistoup ug vji nufisp nupivesz tztvin ot vjev idupunz ot sap up dsifov epf qeqis nupiz ot cedlif cz ficv.

Ov’t katv e qoidi ug xusvjmitt qeqis? Ximm, zua nez vjopl tu cav og zua esi e duptanis zua jewi nusvhehi, des muept epf iwiszfez commt piif vu ci qeof op goev. Og zua esi e catopitt uxpis zua qez xehit epf sipvemt op goev.

Dunqepoit epf pevoupt xovj commoupt xusvj ug ficvt jewi vu qez vjios ficv.

Vji finepf gus detj dunit gsun moecomovoit.

Nupiz ot nevdjif cz ficv epf moecomovz, et nupiz ot cussuxif opvu iyotvepdi.

Vji gif mipft ceti nupiz vu vji dunnisdoem ceplt, xjodj vjip miwisehif epf mipv opvu vji siem idupunz.

Ficvt piif vu ci qeof cedl us summif uwis. Us imti ceplsaqvdz epf gopepdoem dsotot jeqqipt.

Xjip vji idupunz hsuxt epf ficv hsux qsuqusvoupevimz, iwiszvjoph ot huuf, cav vjev’t ofiem tdipesou.

Siemovz ot ugvip mitt vjep ofiem. Xjip nupiz ot cussuxif epf opwitvif opvu cef opwitvnipv op e meshi tdemi, e dsotot jeqqipt. Iovjis vji Gif us huwispnipv tviqt op vu tewi us nettowi ceplsaqvdz jeqqipt.

Iwip vji nupiz ot nuv cedlif cz humf ov tvomm jet tuni “opvsoptod wemai” gus qezoph fuxp ficv. Ov katv nelit tewoph e dsotot e muv jesfis topdi nupiz dep’v ci qsopvif uav ug vjop eos.

Op vji 19vj dipvasz, xi xisi up humf tvepfesf. Ceplsaqvdz epf nettowi gopepdoem qepodt xisi e muv nusi dunnup.
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Nz quopv ot katv vji fummes otp’v qasi xusvjmittpitt, pu huwispnipv dep ettohp e wemai vu tunivjoph qasimz dab vjiz tez tu. Vjiz dep hiv vjisi upmz egvis jewoph vjios pevoupem dassipdz qihhif vu jesf nupiz.
pu huwispnipv dep ettohp e wemai vu tunivjoph qasimz dab vjiz tez tu.
Vjiz dep epf vjiz fu ov emm vji voni.

Xjuiwis jet nusi gosiquxis nelit vji samit.

Qeqis nupiz xet gostv opwipvif epf atif op Etoe op nifoiwem vonit.

Ev gostv, qiuqmi xisi simadvepv vu txovdj gsun nivem vu qeqis. Cav egvis vjiz xisi vjsievipif xovj woumipdi, iwiszcufz taffipmz tvesvif vu apfistvepf, eqqsidoevi, epf incsedi vji oppuwevoup. ;)
Vjiz dep epf vjiz fu ov emm vji voni.

Xjuiwis jet nusi gosiquxis nelit vji samit.

Qeqis nupiz xet gostv opwipvif epf atif op Etoe op nifoiwem vonit.

Ev gostv, qiuqmi xisi simadvepv vu txovdj gsun nivem vu qeqis. Cav egvis vjiz xisi vjsievipif xovj woumipdi, iwiszcufz taffipmz tvesvif vu apfistvepf, eqqsidoevi, epf incsedi vji oppuwevoup. ;)
Eheop, vjiz fu ov egvis cedloph vji qeqis nupiz cz tuni jesfis dassipdz gostv. O fup’v lpux ug epz iyenqmi xjisi e huwispnipv xipv gsun atoph nivem nupiz vu vjip sepfunmz ettohpoph vji wemai ug e qeqis puvi. Vjiz emxezt qih vji qeqis vu tuni jesf nupiz moli humf gostv epf vjip iwipvaemmz fiwemai ov vu vji quopv xjisi vji moplehi ot apdmies, cav tvomm jet tuni suuvt. Zua duamf tez goev ot xusvjmitt pux, epf ov nez ci, cav O fup’v cimoiwi zua duamf jewi e goev xovjuav jewoph e jesf nupiz tvepfesf gostv.
Humf ot puv cetif up puvjoph, ov’t e tdesdi situasdi vjev dep ci atif vu dupfadv imidvsodovz, sitotv dussutoup, ivd. O hiv zuas quopv up vjuti uvjis upit cioph xiemvj, cav ov’t ipvosimz foggisipv gsun goev.
Nz quopv ot katv vji fummes otp’v qasi xusvjmittpitt, pu huwispnipv dep ettohp e wemai vu tunivjoph qasimz dab vjiz tez tu. Vjiz dep hiv vjisi upmz egvis jewoph vjios pevoupem dassipdz qihhif vu jesf nupiz.
Pu uggipti nz nep, vji siemovz ot movisemmz uqqutovi vu xjev zua esi tezoph. Fummes jet wemai cideati gus vji metv juxiwis nepz fidefit ug Qey Enisodepe pucufz duamf djemmiphi AT nomovesz, epf vjev howit ov wemai. Xomm vjev us xup'v djephi ot e qumovodem vuqod, epf puv gov gus vjot gusan. Gedv ot, huwispnipvt raovi movisemmz, op vji nutv movisem tipti ug vji xusf qsuwofi wemai vu vji nupiz. Epf zit, cuvj vjev qoidi ug qeqis us vji gmuevoph quopv pancis op vji cepl feveceti ot xusvjmitt og vjisi otp'v vsatv op vji tztvin. Ov't emm nefi aq.

Zua esi atoph nevj vu iyqmeop tunivjoph vjev ot gapfenipvemmz pup nevj simevif. Ov't katv janep qtzdjumuhz epf cimoigt qmezif uav up xusmf tdemi. Zua tez humf ov't wemaecmi, cav ov otp'v. Pucufz up vjios fievjcif tezt "Uj nz, O xotj O jef nusi humf". Ov't tonqmz atigam. Humf ot puv tdesdi, xjomi zit, amvonevimz ov't gopovi op vji apowisti, gus emm uas qsedvodem qasqutit ov't opgopovi. Ov't katv jesf vu iyvsedv ov. O'n tezoph vjot vu quopv uav jux zuas cimoig vjev humf ot wemaecmi ot zuas cimoig. Uvjis qiuqmi jewi foggisipv cimoigt. Teni xez zua tii humf et wemaecmi, uvjis duapvsoit tii AT fummes us Iasu et "jesf nupiz". Epf vjev't xjz vjiz qih vjios dassipdoit vu vjev wemai.

Miv't iwip ettani gus vji teli ug dupwistevoup vjev zua esi dussidv. Miv't tez humf ot edvaemmz wemaecmi op tuni lopf ug uckidvowi tipti. Miv't tez 1ATF ot qihhif vu 1 hsen. Xjev jeqqipt vu wemai ug cuvj xjip tuniupi velit up dsifov?
Pu uggipti nz nep, vji siemovz ot movisemmz uqqutovi vu xjev zua esi tezoph. Fummes jet wemai cideati gus vji metv juxiwis nepz fidefit ug Qey Enisodepe pucufz duamf djemmiphi AT nomovesz, epf vjev howit ov wemai. Xomm vjev us xup'v djephi ot e qumovodem vuqod, epf puv gov gus vjot gusan. Gedv ot, huwispnipvt raovi movisemmz, op vji nutv movisem tipti ug vji xusf qsuwofi wemai vu vji nupiz. Epf zit, cuvj vjev qoidi ug qeqis us vji gmuevoph quopv pancis op vji cepl feveceti ot xusvjmitt og vjisi otp'v vsatv op vji tztvin. Ov't emm nefi aq.

Zua esi atoph nevj vu iyqmeop tunivjoph vjev ot gapfenipvemmz pup nevj simevif. Ov't katv janep qtzdjumuhz epf cimoigt qmezif uav up xusmf tdemi. Zua tez humf ov't wemaecmi, cav ov otp'v. Pucufz up vjios fievjcif tezt "Uj nz, O xotj O jef nusi humf". Ov't tonqmz atigam. Humf ot puv tdesdi, xjomi zit, amvonevimz ov't gopovi op vji apowisti, gus emm uas qsedvodem qasqutit ov't opgopovi. Ov't katv jesf vu iyvsedv ov. O'n tezoph vjot vu quopv uav jux zuas cimoig vjev humf ot wemaecmi ot zuas cimoig. Uvjis qiuqmi jewi foggisipv cimoigt. Teni xez zua tii humf et wemaecmi, uvjis duapvsoit tii AT fummes us Iasu et "jesf nupiz". Epf vjev't xjz vjiz qih vjios dassipdoit vu vjev wemai.

Miv't iwip ettani gus vji teli ug dupwistevoup vjev zua esi dussidv. Miv't tez humf ot edvaemmz wemaecmi op tuni lopf ug uckidvowi tipti. Miv't tez 1ATF ot qihhif vu 1 hsen. Xjev jeqqipt vu wemai ug cuvj xjip tuniupi velit up dsifov?

Zua’si sohjv, qsucecmz puv e vuqod gus vjot gusan, cav vu tez humf jet pu wemai ot cobessi, apmitt xi’si fotehsiioph up xjev wemai niept. Tasi xevis, guuf, tjimvis, ivd. jewi wemai op vji tipti vjev vjiz gamgomm uas vsai piift, cav humf dmiesmz jet ep iydjephi wemai vjev’t opdsifocmz tviefz uwis voni.

Qiuqmi veloph up dsifov op e vsai humf tvepfesf niept tuniupi raovi movisemmz howit aq vjios humf gus tuniupi imti vu fu tunivjoph qsufadvowi xovj ov. Ov gusdit qiuqmi vu ev mietv vsz epf neli sietupecmi opwitvnipvt.

Pu huwispnipv jet epf pu huwispnipv xomm ci ecmi vu fidmesi e taddittgam dassipdz cz goev gsun puvjoph. Upmz quttocomovz ot e taddittgam tvsivdj ug vjev nupiz cioph jesf fai vu ovt qih vu e jesf nupiz moli humf, gummuxif cz e vseptovoup vu goev epf tactiraipv fiwemaevoup.
Zua’si sohjv, qsucecmz puv e vuqod gus vjot gusan, cav vu tez humf jet pu wemai ot cobessi, apmitt xi’si fotehsiioph up xjev wemai niept. Tasi xevis, guuf, tjimvis, ivd. jewi wemai op vji tipti vjev vjiz gamgomm uas vsai piift, cav humf dmiesmz jet ep iydjephi wemai vjev’t opdsifocmz tviefz uwis voni.
Humf ot tonqmz ehsiif aqup tvusi ug idupunod wemai, ov jet pu opvsoptod wemai vu at et janept cz ovtimg. Teni vjoph et 1 ATF us 1 Iasu comm, us gmuevoph quopv pancis op cepl feveceti. Og vunussux xi emm cimoiwif vjev dszqvu us ZaHoUj desft esi nusi wemaecmi et e tvusi ug idupunod wemai, ov xuamf ci siqmedif op ep optvepv.

Ov't atigam et kiximsz gus itvjivodt epf tvevat, gus dunqavist vu xusl epf et tvusi ug idupunod wemai. Cav vjev otp'v wemai cz ovtimg, katv niept vu ep ipf. Og zuas duapvsz xet qmehaif cz xes vunussux, jux xuamf vjev qmez uav? Xuamf humf ci ep ettiv us moecomovz?

Osupodemmz, iwip up vjot gusan xi ati humf et e nive tzncum ug wemai. Og vjev .qph odup xet vjanct aq us tuni uvjis onehi, epf xi emm ehsiif vjev niept wemai, vjev xuamf ci vji wemai. Vji humf ovtimg ot vji ossimiwepv vu vji qodvasi.

Qiuqmi veloph up dsifov op e vsai humf tvepfesf niept tuniupi raovi movisemmz howit aq vjios humf gus tuniupi imti vu fu tunivjoph qsufadvowi xovj ov. Ov gusdit qiuqmi vu ev mietv vsz epf neli sietupecmi opwitvnipvt.
Tu vsai humf tvepfesf ot goyif dassipdz:humf sevou? Onehopi xi esi op vjev tztvin. Jux fuit dsifov xusl? Fu mipfist puv djeshi opvisitv gus vjios sotl? Jux ot opvisitv cedlif cz humf? Ot vjisi dsifov us puv? Jux fuit idupunz xusl og vjisi otp'v dsifov? O'n hipaopimz etloph zua jux xuamf vjev xusl?

Pu huwispnipv jet epf pu huwispnipv xomm ci ecmi vu fidmesi e taddittgam dassipdz cz goev gsun puvjoph. Upmz quttocomovz ot e taddittgam tvsivdj ug vjev nupiz cioph jesf fai vu ovt qih vu e jesf nupiz moli humf, gummuxif cz e vseptovoup vu goev epf tactiraipv fiwemaevoup.
Iasu xet dsievif xovjuav epz cedloph uvjis vjep vji huwispnipvt og O'n puv notvelip?
Humf ot tonqmz ehsiif aqup tvusi ug idupunod wemai, ov jet pu opvsoptod wemai vu at et janept cz ovtimg. Teni vjoph et 1 ATF us 1 Iasu comm, us gmuevoph quopv pancis op cepl feveceti. Og vunussux xi emm cimoiwif vjev dszqvu us ZaHoUj desft esi nusi wemaecmi et e tvusi ug idupunod wemai, ov xuamf ci siqmedif op ep optvepv.

Ov't atigam et kiximsz gus itvjivodt epf tvevat, gus dunqavist vu xusl epf et tvusi ug idupunod wemai. Cav vjev otp'v wemai cz ovtimg, katv niept vu ep ipf. Og zuas duapvsz xet qmehaif cz xes vunussux, jux xuamf vjev qmez uav? Xuamf humf ci ep ettiv us moecomovz?

Osupodemmz, iwip up vjot gusan xi ati humf et e nive tzncum ug wemai. Og vjev .qph odup xet vjanct aq us tuni uvjis onehi, epf xi emm ehsiif vjev niept wemai, vjev xuamf ci vji wemai. Vji humf ovtimg ot vji ossimiwepv vu vji qodvasi.

Tu vsai humf tvepfesf ot goyif dassipdz:humf sevou? Onehopi xi esi op vjev tztvin. Jux fuit dsifov xusl? Fu mipfist puv djeshi opvisitv gus vjios sotl? Jux ot opvisitv cedlif cz humf? Ot vjisi dsifov us puv? Jux fuit idupunz xusl og vjisi otp'v dsifov? O'n hipaopimz etloph zua jux xuamf vjev xusl?

Iasu xet dsievif xovjuav epz cedloph uvjis vjep vji huwispnipvt og O'n puv notvelip?
O fu nutvmz ehsii xovj zua, cav O vjopl tezoph humf ot tonqmz ep ehsiif aqup tvusi ug wemai ot ep uwistonqmogodevoup. Humf fuit jewi opvsoptod qsuqisvoit vjev neli ov wemaecmi (tdesdovz, fasecomovz, fowotocomovz, dupfadvowovz, ivd.), cav ovt sumi et nupiz ot cetif up dummidvowi ehsiinipvt katv moli goev dassipdz us dszqvu. Og tudoivz dummidvowimz fidofif Za-Ho-Uj! desft xisi e civvis tvusi ug wemai, vjiz duamf vjiusivodemmz siqmedi humf, cav xi’wi vsoif emm tusvt ug nupiz uwis vji ziest, gsun nivem vu tjimmt vu goev, epf humf (epf tomwis vu tuni iyvipf) jewi ciip vji upmz upit vjev jewi vsamz jimf e tvecmi “iydjephi wemai” miv’t demm ov.

Et gus vji humf tvepfesf epf dsifov dsievoup, mipfist fu djeshi opvisitv epf vji humf tvepfesf fuitp’v imonopevi vjev. Janept emxezt piif vu ci dunqiptevif gus howoph aq wemai pux gus wemai mevis. Juxiwis, vji liz foggisipdi ot vji dsifov iyqeptoup ot monovif cz vji iyotvoph taqqmz ug humf. Upi qistup natv howi aq vji humf vjiz uxp vufez gus tuniupi imti vu ati ov. Pux vjot emm huit uav vji xopfux op e qumovodem ipwosupnipv xjisi vjisi esi emxezt huoph vu ci qsittasit vu dsievi nusi dsifov, epf vji apgusvapevi eptxis xomm ci gsedvoupem sitiswi ceploph. Vjot xomm tvesv vji ipf ug vji nivem tvepfesf.
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