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How I sell digital products with no ads using YouTube in less than 4 months

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Read Unscripted!
Mar 15, 2021
Germany (South-West)
TL;DR: I’ve created a YouTube channel to gather an audience and sell online courses in the 3D printing niche. Started 4 months ago, got monetized last week. A few days before I launched my course about 3D modeling and already managed to sell 4 at $97 so far (EDIT: Up to 7 already). So today is finally the day where I can report actual success after many months of reading, learning and trying different things.

A bit about myself: I’m Sascha, a 36 year old software developer from Germany. First read Unscripted in December 2020. After reading @Valier's thread a few weeks ago for the first time I’m pretty sure it was his video directing me here back then. Took me three years to go full circle after MJ linked it in an email, thanks for that!

At first I dipped my toes by doing freelancing IT work and joining the @Fox Legends program. Even though I haven’t sold a single website to this day (that’s on me!) I learned a lot about sales. I also built a free website for a friend who was able to make the jump from employee to business woman with her own employees thanks in part to the website (her customers often praise the website). So I at least had proof that Donald Miller’s “Marketing made simple” structure works, which I applied to her page. A very good book I can’t recommend enough.

I also developed an electronic product. A computer controlled cat laser toy with 100% random movement and timer. I did all the paperwork necessary to sell it here in Germany but that process alone took half a year in waiting time only to discover I made a mistake in the application. Meanwhile I already started my YouTube channel. After evaluating the risk/reward ratio, thinking about warranty claims and everything, I decided that trying to sell the product is not worth more of my time. But I will probably show it on my channel in the future. Maybe there are manufacturers out there interested in the design.

But why did I start YouTube in the first place? Somewhere here on the forum I read about the book “How to get paid for what you know” by Graham Cochrane. In there he describes in great detail how you can build knowledge based products like online courses and sell them by building an audience on YouTube. Not spending a single dime on ads. As I usually do I bought the audiobook version and I vividly remember listening to it one night being so overwhelmed by how easy everything sounds and that I’m 100% sure this is doable for me. It took me a few weeks to plan out which niche would be the best. I have a very broad skillset and was looking for something where I can truly stand out.

When I realized how many friends are asking me for 3D printing advice it finally clicked. This is the topic people need to learn more about, where I could shine and that still has a lot of potential (growth) left. So I went ahead, made a YouTube channel and recorded my first video. It didn’t gain much traction, but a few people were watching already. Binge watching tutorials about editing, storytelling and so on was in order. For my third video I told a personal story with a rather provocative title (I thought 3D printing is for useless figurines…) which gained a few thousand viewers already.

I gained a few subscribers and went on to make more videos while outlining the plan for my course. I also created a lead magnet to collect email addresses from viewers. I literally wrote half of it waiting at the doctor's office being sick. The book said email marketing is the way to go and who am I to judge at this point? I didn’t have a finished product but I might as well gather some potential customers to market to.

Growth was slow and steady, every new video gained a few thousand views from there on. One even reached over 15k last year. Using a teleprompter was a real game changer for me and especially my views. Subscribers were growing, getting monetized at 1000 subs and 4000 watch hours was something I didn’t want to miss out on (which Graham completely neglects, that’s where I totally disagree with him). Although the main goal was and still is selling courses.

I took a month off over the holidays to film and edit my course as well as writing all the sales copy. On January 21st I finally had everything in place. I got my course with 66 video lessons online, an email prepared to launch it and a new video for YouTube where I promoted a free preview of the first chapter. I wrote the email in a style I learned from Ian Stanley, I wrote it in the perspective of “YOUR 3D PRINTER”. Sent it out, scheduled the video for the same evening and went to bed.

Last time I checked I had around 700 subscribers and 2500 watch hours, so quite a few left until monetization. I woke up to a few thousand views on the video already and three people had bought my course! Only one from the email though, two were from the video (I had a discount code in place and my email list is still small enough to know people by name). So I made $250 net sales overnight! Needless to say I was pretty stoked. I didn’t expect the first sales to come in so quickly.

And there was another thing, YouTube picked up my video and it spread like wildfire, at least from my small perspective. I gained 10k views in the first 24h, going to 18k in 36h after launch. Fun fact: It was about the most basic topic in the niche, probably talked about a million times on YouTube already. Three days after the launch I handed in my application for YouTubes partner program. Less than 24h later I was monetized. Since then I’ve been also gaining ad revenue. Only 6-12 dollars a day currently but it’s real fast lane money. Although it lacks the C in CENTS but as far as I’m concerned it’s free bonus money.

As of today I’m engaging as much with my audience as possible. I did that in the past for free on Reddit and now I’m just as happy doing it while earning money. Graham preaches “giving” as a sales strategy and so does Gary Vaynerchuk in "The thank you economy". So far it works out fine. Just yesterday I answered a few lengthy emails from a viewer about a project he wants to build. I gave him a lot of tips and pitched my course twice. He was so happy with my answers he went ahead and bought my course the same night.

So far no other sales from the video but I only had time to lay out my email “nurturing campaign” last weekend. Let’s see if that works out as well as the rest of the marketing strategies I took from the book.

Key takeaways:
  • People will buy an information based product even if all the information is available for free
    • I’d say the flood of information makes it even easier to sell something comprehensive
  • You don’t need to spend a dime on ads
  • It’s very much possible to grow on YouTube in a rather short timeframe
  • Don’t be afraid to be yourself, engage with your audience and they will grow to like you
    • I make sure to put at least one silly joke I find hilarious in every video

Thanks to everyone on here writing so much helpful stuff! And special thanks to @RightyTighty who took the time to discuss my plans with me. And of course to everyone elso on @Subsonic's meetup calls giving out great advice.

Feel free to ask me anything if you like.


P.S.: @Gepi Grahams approach works, I can highly recommend it!
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VM;FS: O’wi dsievif e ZuaVaci djeppim vu hevjis ep eafoipdi epf timm upmopi duastit op vji 3F qsopvoph podji. Tvesvif 4 nupvjt ehu, huv nupivobif metv xiil. E gix fezt cigusi O meapdjif nz duasti ecuav 3F nufimoph epf emsiefz nepehif vu timm 4 ev $97 tu ges. Tu vufez ot gopemmz vji fez xjisi O dep siqusv edvaem tadditt egvis nepz nupvjt ug siefoph, miespoph epf vszoph foggisipv vjopht.

E cov ecuav nztimg: O’n Tetdje, e 36 zies umf tugvxesi fiwimuqis gsun Hisnepz. Gostv sief Aptdsoqvif op Fidincis 2020. Egvis siefoph @Wemois't vjsief e gix xiilt ehu gus vji gostv voni O’n qsivvz tasi ov xet jot wofiu fosidvoph ni jisi cedl vjip. Vuul ni vjsii ziest vu hu gamm dosdmi egvis NK moplif ov op ep ineom, vjeplt gus vjev!

Ev gostv O foqqif nz vuit cz fuoph gsiimepdoph OV xusl epf kuopoph vji @Guy Mihipft qsuhsen. Iwip vjuahj O jewip’v tumf e tophmi xictovi vu vjot fez (vjev’t up ni!) O miespif e muv ecuav temit. O emtu caomv e gsii xictovi gus e gsoipf xju xet ecmi vu neli vji kanq gsun inqmuzii vu catopitt xunep xovj jis uxp inqmuziit vjeplt op qesv vu vji xictovi (jis datvunist ugvip qseoti vji xictovi). Tu O ev mietv jef qsuug vjev Fupemf Nommis’t “Neslivoph nefi tonqmi” tvsadvasi xuslt, xjodj O eqqmoif vu jis qehi. E wisz huuf cuul O dep’v sidunnipf ipuahj.

O emtu fiwimuqif ep imidvsupod qsufadv. E dunqavis dupvsummif dev metis vuz xovj 100% sepfun nuwinipv epf vonis. O fof emm vji qeqisxusl pidittesz vu timm ov jisi op Hisnepz cav vjev qsuditt emupi vuul jemg e zies op xeovoph voni upmz vu fotduwis O nefi e notveli op vji eqqmodevoup. Niepxjomi O emsiefz tvesvif nz ZuaVaci djeppim. Egvis iwemaevoph vji sotl/sixesf sevou, vjoploph ecuav xessepvz dmeont epf iwiszvjoph, O fidofif vjev vszoph vu timm vji qsufadv ot puv xusvj nusi ug nz voni. Cav O xomm qsucecmz tjux ov up nz djeppim op vji gavasi. Nezci vjisi esi nepagedvasist uav vjisi opvisitvif op vji fitohp.

Cav xjz fof O tvesv ZuaVaci op vji gostv qmedi? Tunixjisi jisi up vji gusan O sief ecuav vji cuul “Jux vu hiv qeof gus xjev zua lpux” cz Hsejen Dudjsepi. Op vjisi ji fitdsocit op hsiev fiveom jux zua dep caomf lpuxmifhi cetif qsufadvt moli upmopi duastit epf timm vjin cz caomfoph ep eafoipdi up ZuaVaci. Puv tqipfoph e tophmi foni up eft. Et O ataemmz fu O cuahjv vji eafoucuul wistoup epf O wowofmz sinincis motvipoph vu ov upi pohjv cioph tu uwisxjimnif cz jux ietz iwiszvjoph tuapft epf vjev O’n 100% tasi vjot ot fuecmi gus ni. Ov vuul ni e gix xiilt vu qmep uav xjodj podji xuamf ci vji citv. O jewi e wisz csuef tlommtiv epf xet muuloph gus tunivjoph xjisi O dep vsamz tvepf uav.

Xjip O siemobif jux nepz gsoipft esi etloph ni gus 3F qsopvoph efwodi ov gopemmz dmodlif. Vjot ot vji vuqod qiuqmi piif vu miesp nusi ecuav, xjisi O duamf tjopi epf vjev tvomm jet e muv ug quvipvoem (hsuxvj) migv. Tu O xipv ejief, nefi e ZuaVaci djeppim epf sidusfif nz gostv wofiu. Ov fofp’v heop nadj vsedvoup, cav e gix qiuqmi xisi xevdjoph emsiefz. Cophi xevdjoph vavusoemt ecuav ifovoph, tvuszvimmoph epf tu up xet op usfis. Gus nz vjosf wofiu O vumf e qistupem tvusz xovj e sevjis qsuwudevowi vovmi (O vjuahjv 3F qsopvoph ot gus atimitt gohasopit…) xjodj heopif e gix vjuatepf woixist emsiefz.

O heopif e gix tactdsocist epf xipv up vu neli nusi wofiut xjomi uavmopoph vji qmep gus nz duasti. O emtu dsievif e mief nehpiv vu dummidv ineom effsittit gsun woixist. O movisemmz xsuvi jemg ug ov xeovoph ev vji fudvus't uggodi cioph todl. Vji cuul teof ineom neslivoph ot vji xez vu hu epf xju en O vu kafhi ev vjot quopv? O fofp’v jewi e gopotjif qsufadv cav O nohjv et ximm hevjis tuni quvipvoem datvunist vu nesliv vu.

Hsuxvj xet tmux epf tviefz, iwisz pix wofiu heopif e gix vjuatepf woixt gsun vjisi up. Upi iwip siedjif uwis 15l metv zies. Atoph e vimiqsunqvis xet e siem heni djephis gus ni epf itqidoemmz nz woixt. Tactdsocist xisi hsuxoph, hivvoph nupivobif ev 1000 tact epf 4000 xevdj juast xet tunivjoph O fofp’v xepv vu nott uav up (xjodj Hsejen dunqmivimz pihmidvt, vjev’t xjisi O vuvemmz fotehsii xovj jon). Emvjuahj vji neop huem xet epf tvomm ot timmoph duastit.

O vuul e nupvj ugg uwis vji jumofezt vu gomn epf ifov nz duasti et ximm et xsovoph emm vji temit duqz. Up Kepaesz 21tv O gopemmz jef iwiszvjoph op qmedi. O huv nz duasti xovj 66 wofiu mittupt upmopi, ep ineom qsiqesif vu meapdj ov epf e pix wofiu gus ZuaVaci xjisi O qsunuvif e gsii qsiwoix ug vji gostv djeqvis. O xsuvi vji ineom op e tvzmi O miespif gsun Oep Tvepmiz, O xsuvi ov op vji qistqidvowi ug “ZUAS 3F QSOPVIS”. Tipv ov uav, tdjifamif vji wofiu gus vji teni iwipoph epf xipv vu cif.

Metv voni O djidlif O jef esuapf 700 tactdsocist epf 2500 xevdj juast, tu raovi e gix migv apvom nupivobevoup. O xuli aq vu e gix vjuatepf woixt up vji wofiu emsiefz epf vjsii qiuqmi jef cuahjv nz duasti! Upmz upi gsun vji ineom vjuahj, vxu xisi gsun vji wofiu (O jef e fotduapv dufi op qmedi epf nz ineom motv ot tvomm tnemm ipuahj vu lpux qiuqmi cz peni). Tu O nefi $250 piv temit uwispohjv! Piifmitt vu tez O xet qsivvz tvulif. O fofp’v iyqidv vji gostv temit vu duni op tu raodlmz.

Epf vjisi xet epuvjis vjoph, ZuaVaci qodlif aq nz wofiu epf ov tqsief moli xomfgosi, ev mietv gsun nz tnemm qistqidvowi. O heopif 10l woixt op vji gostv 24j, huoph vu 18l op 36j egvis meapdj. Gap gedv: Ov xet ecuav vji nutv cetod vuqod op vji podji, qsucecmz vemlif ecuav e nommoup vonit up ZuaVaci emsiefz. Vjsii fezt egvis vji meapdj O jepfif op nz eqqmodevoup gus ZuaVacit qesvpis qsuhsen. Mitt vjep 24j mevis O xet nupivobif. Topdi vjip O’wi ciip emtu heopoph ef siwipai. Upmz 6-12 fummest e fez dassipvmz cav ov’t siem getv mepi nupiz. Emvjuahj ov medlt vji D op DIPVT cav et ges et O’n dupdispif ov’t gsii cupat nupiz.

Et ug vufez O’n iphehoph et nadj xovj nz eafoipdi et quttocmi. O fof vjev op vji qetv gus gsii up Siffov epf pux O’n katv et jeqqz fuoph ov xjomi iespoph nupiz. Hsejen qsiedjit “howoph” et e temit tvsevihz epf tu fuit Hesz Wezpisdjal op "Vji vjepl zua idupunz". Tu ges ov xuslt uav gopi. Katv zitvisfez O eptxisif e gix miphvjz ineomt gsun e woixis ecuav e qsukidv ji xepvt vu caomf. O hewi jon e muv ug voqt epf qovdjif nz duasti vxodi. Ji xet tu jeqqz xovj nz eptxist ji xipv ejief epf cuahjv nz duasti vji teni pohjv.

Tu ges pu uvjis temit gsun vji wofiu cav O upmz jef voni vu mez uav nz ineom “pasvasoph denqeohp” metv xiilipf. Miv’t tii og vjev xuslt uav et ximm et vji sitv ug vji neslivoph tvsevihoit O vuul gsun vji cuul.

Liz veliexezt:
  • Qiuqmi xomm caz ep opgusnevoup cetif qsufadv iwip og emm vji opgusnevoup ot eweomecmi gus gsii
    • O’f tez vji gmuuf ug opgusnevoup nelit ov iwip ietois vu timm tunivjoph dunqsijiptowi
  • Zua fup’v piif vu tqipf e foni up eft
  • Ov’t wisz nadj quttocmi vu hsux up ZuaVaci op e sevjis tjusv vonigseni
  • Fup’v ci egseof vu ci zuastimg, iphehi xovj zuas eafoipdi epf vjiz xomm hsux vu moli zua
    • O neli tasi vu qav ev mietv upi tommz kuli O gopf jomesouat op iwisz wofiu

Vjeplt vu iwiszupi up jisi xsovoph tu nadj jimqgam tvagg! Epf tqidoem vjeplt vu @SohjvzVohjvz xju vuul vji voni vu fotdatt nz qmept xovj ni. Epf ug duasti vu iwiszupi imtu up @Tactupod't niivaq demmt howoph uav hsiev efwodi.

Giim gsii vu etl ni epzvjoph og zua moli.


Q.T.: @Hiqo Hsejent eqqsuedj xuslt, O dep johjmz sidunnipf ov!
Vjeplt gus evvipfoph vji demmt nep.

Emtu O en siemmz jeqqz vu tii vjopht xusloph uav gus zua. Ov't siemmz optqosoph.
Vjeplt gus evvipfoph vji demmt nep.

Emtu O en siemmz jeqqz vu tii vjopht xusloph uav gus zua. Ov't siemmz optqosoph.
O jewi vu vjepl zua gus neloph vjuti demmt jeqqip!

Juqigammz vji vxu dipvt O miespif up ZuaVaci xomm jimq zuas catopitt hsux et ximm.
Tetdje, hmef vu tii vji wemai zua’si uggisoph ot qezoph sixesft. Liiq qatjoph!
Vjepl zua gus tjesoph zuas tvusz! O guapf ov wisz optqosoph.

O en dassipvmz xusloph up hivvoph nupivobif up Zuavaci. O tvesvif nz djeppim op Gicsaesz epf siedjif 1l tact op Kapi. Cav O en puv ziv ev 4l xevdj juast epf en tvsahhmoph e cov vu siedj vjot huem op vji pies gavasi.
Ximm fupi, epf vjeplt gus vji xsovi aq.

Nepz fup'v apfistvepf vjot qesv. Tuni qiuqmi xomm qez *cideati* vjisi't vuu nadj opgusnevoup uav vjisi.
Qiuqmi xomm caz ep opgusnevoup cetif qsufadv iwip og emm vji opgusnevoup ot eweomecmi gus gsii
  • O’f tez vji gmuuf ug opgusnevoup nelit ov iwip ietois vu timm tunivjoph dunqsijiptowi
Vjepl zua gus tjesoph zuas tvusz! O guapf ov wisz optqosoph.

O en dassipvmz xusloph up hivvoph nupivobif up Zuavaci. O tvesvif nz djeppim op Gicsaesz epf siedjif 1l tact op Kapi. Cav O en puv ziv ev 4l xevdj juast epf en tvsahhmoph e cov vu siedj vjot huem op vji pies gavasi.
Hsiev vu jies zua'si jemgxez vjisi! Gus ni vji cohhitv qatj xet e tino wosem wofiu xovj e qsuwudevowi vovmi epf vjancpeom (fitohp vjopht vjev piif vu tvuq!).

Cav vjev tadditt ot emtu simevowimz tjusv mowif. Ov csuahjv op woixist epf temit cav ov foif fuxp. Umfis wofiut xovj tiesdjecmi vovmit csoph op duptvepv woixist epf tactdsocist (epf ef siwipai). Tu O'f sidunnipf fuoph e noyif tvsevihz ug tiesdjecmi dupvipv epf qsuwudevowi vovmit xjodj xomm heop nusi dmodlt. Huuf madl!
Hsiev vu jies zua'si jemgxez vjisi! Gus ni vji cohhitv qatj xet e tino wosem wofiu xovj e qsuwudevowi vovmi epf vjancpeom (fitohp vjopht vjev piif vu tvuq!).

Cav vjev tadditt ot emtu simevowimz tjusv mowif. Ov csuahjv op woixist epf temit cav ov foif fuxp. Umfis wofiut xovj tiesdjecmi vovmit csoph op duptvepv woixist epf tactdsocist (epf ef siwipai). Tu O'f sidunnipf fuoph e noyif tvsevihz ug tiesdjecmi dupvipv epf qsuwudevowi vovmit xjodj xomm heop nusi dmodlt. Huuf madl!

Vjeplt gus vji voqt!

O vjopl nz cohhitv tvsahhmi ev vji nunipv ot vu dsievi iphehoph vjancpeomt.
ZuaVaci hipisemmz qsunuvit nz pix wofiut vu e meshis eafoipdi cav vji DVS ot upmz esuapf 2.5-3,5%.
Vjeplt gus vji voqt!

O vjopl nz cohhitv tvsahhmi ev vji nunipv ot vu dsievi iphehoph vjancpeomt.
ZuaVaci hipisemmz qsunuvit nz pix wofiut vu e meshis eafoipdi cav vji DVS ot upmz esuapf 2.5-3,5%.
O vjopl opgusnevoup ecuav DVS ot e cov notmiefoph uav vjisi. Zua jies gohasit ug 10% cav vjev't upmz edjoiwecmi og zua'si emsiefz sevjis genuat ONU. Nz citv wofiut juwis esuapf 5%, O huv 3% DVS wofiut fuoph qsivvz ximm.

Op nz iyqisoipdi sivipvoup ot xez nusi onqusvepv. 50% ot siemmz tvsuph (ev mietv gus ni, sitamvif op uwis 100l woixt), 40% ot huuf. Huv e ~20% wofiu e gix xiilt ehu epf ov xet cetodemmz fief up essowem. ZuaVaci xomm howi uav onqsittoupt og qiuqmi xevdj vji wofiu, iwip og vji dmodl sevi ot puv vjev johj (epf xovj e tnemm djeppim vji emhu tvomm jet vu gopf zuas podji epzxez). Og qiuqmi dmodl ug getv vji wofiu xomm foi, itqidoemmz xovj johj dmodl sevi (dmodlceov...).

Zua'si madlz, ZuaVaci katv sidipvmz nefi vji vjancpeom E/C/D vitv gievasi eweomecmi gus iwiszupi. Pux zua dep hu xomf xovj vjsii sefodemmz foggisipv fitohpt epf miv ZV timidv vji citv upi. O'n muuloph gusxesf vu vszoph ov gus vji gostv voni.
O vjopl opgusnevoup ecuav DVS ot e cov notmiefoph uav vjisi. Zua jies gohasit ug 10% cav vjev't upmz edjoiwecmi og zua'si emsiefz sevjis genuat ONU. Nz citv wofiut juwis esuapf 5%, O huv 3% DVS wofiut fuoph qsivvz ximm.

Op nz iyqisoipdi sivipvoup ot xez nusi onqusvepv. 50% ot siemmz tvsuph (ev mietv gus ni, sitamvif op uwis 100l woixt), 40% ot huuf. Huv e ~20% wofiu e gix xiilt ehu epf ov xet cetodemmz fief up essowem. ZuaVaci xomm howi uav onqsittoupt og qiuqmi xevdj vji wofiu, iwip og vji dmodl sevi ot puv vjev johj (epf xovj e tnemm djeppim vji emhu tvomm jet vu gopf zuas podji epzxez). Og qiuqmi dmodl ug getv vji wofiu xomm foi, itqidoemmz xovj johj dmodl sevi (dmodlceov...).

Zua'si madlz, ZuaVaci katv sidipvmz nefi vji vjancpeom E/C/D vitv gievasi eweomecmi gus iwiszupi. Pux zua dep hu xomf xovj vjsii sefodemmz foggisipv fitohpt epf miv ZV timidv vji citv upi. O'n muuloph gusxesf vu vszoph ov gus vji gostv voni.
Zua'si tquv up, O fu ugvip tvsahhmi xovj vji sivipvoup sevi op nz wofiut. Ov ot ataemmz civxiip 30-45%.
O jiesf Ns. Cietv vemloph ecuav e 70% sivipvoup sevi op upi ug jot opviswoixt epf O en tu ges exez gsun vjot. Juxiwis, nz wofiut esi ugvip nusi opgusnevoupem epf mitt qasi ipvisveopnipv moli jot wofiut.

Vjeplt gus sinopfoph ni ug vji pix vjancpeom vitvoph gievasi! O jef jef jiesf ecuav ov cigusi cav ov ot tunixjev joffip op ZV tvafou tu O gushuv ecuav ov. Cav egvis zua nipvoupif ov, O onnifoevimz tiv aq e vitv gus nz nutv sidipv wofiu.
Zua'si tquv up, O fu ugvip tvsahhmi xovj vji sivipvoup sevi op nz wofiut. Ov ot ataemmz civxiip 30-45%.
O jiesf Ns. Cietv vemloph ecuav e 70% sivipvoup sevi op upi ug jot opviswoixt epf O en tu ges exez gsun vjot. Juxiwis, nz wofiut esi ugvip nusi opgusnevoupem epf mitt qasi ipvisveopnipv moli jot wofiut.

Vjeplt gus sinopfoph ni ug vji pix vjancpeom vitvoph gievasi! O jef jef jiesf ecuav ov cigusi cav ov ot tunixjev joffip op ZV tvafou tu O gushuv ecuav ov. Cav egvis zua nipvoupif ov, O onnifoevimz tiv aq e vitv gus nz nutv sidipv wofiu.
O vjopl vji Ns. Cietv sivipvoup ot iyedvmz xjev't nottmiefoph pixdunist. Ji jet japfsift ug nommoupt ug muzem gept xevdjoph iwiszvjoph ji fuit tu ov uggtivt emm vji detaem xevdjist. Tnemm djeppimt jewi e muv nusi detaem woixist. Itqidoemmz og ov't ifadevoup-cetif topdi e muv ug qiuqmi xomm tloq uwis tidvoupt op tiesdj ug e tqidogod eptxis (vjev't iyedvmz xjev O fu xjip O xevdj wofiut ecuav wofiu ifovoph ;-) )
VM;FS: 36 Temit, 1 sigapf, sitamvoph op $3600 siwipai cigusi veyit. 8000 ZuaVaci Tact, 380,000 woixt vuvem epf $1300 op ef siwipai.

Jiz gumlt, ov't ciip e xjomi topdi vji opovoem qutv tu jisi't ep aqfevi!

Egvis nz metv qutv O nepehif vu jewi epuvjis wofiu jov iwip jesfis xovj 120,000 woixt op ecuav e xiil. Vjot emtu csuahjv op e gix nusi cazist. Topdi vjip vji enuapv ug woixt qis wofiu jet fidsietif raovi e muv vu upmz e gix vjuatepf qis wofiu. O dep upmz ettani vjisi xet e medl ug dupvipv onnifoevimz egvis Djsotvnet xjodj mif vu vjev nepz woix. O'wi ciip simietoph e pix wofiu iwisz 2-4 xiilt.

Vji seqof opgmay ug woixist csuahjv e gix effovoupem temit. Esuapf 9 qis Nupvj op Gic/Nes. Op Eqsom O aqfevif vji duasti epf sep e temit denqeohp xovj 25% ugg cigusi opdsietoph vji qsodi gsun $97 vu $147. Vji denqeohp csuahjv op 10 cazist (epf upi sigapf) gsun nz i-neom motv emupi, pu ZuaVaci qsunuvoup.

Topdi vjip temit jewi tmuxif fuxp raovi e cov. O fup'v lpux og vji qsodi ot pux vu johj, topdi O tvomm jewi uddetoupem cazist ev $147. Nz haitt ot vji muxis woix duapvt esi vji sietup. O "upmz" jewi esuapf 20,000 woixt qis nuvj pux xjomi nz coh jovt iesmois vjot zies csuahjv op 250,000 woixt emupi. O duapv vjot et e tpiel qiel opvu xjev ot quttocmi og O dupvopai vjot qevj.

Gsun emm vjev O heopif ev mietv vxu wisz muzem gept xovj xjun O qistupemmz opvisedvif. Cuvj xsuvi ni hmuxoph siwoixt. Vji gostv haz iwip qeof ni namvoqmi vonit pux gus fuoph duptamvoph / fitohp xusl gus jot 3F qsopvoph qsukidvt epf xi'si op dmuti dupvedv duptvepvmz. Vji uvjis haz cideni e sewoph gep cideati O eptxisif e raitvoup ji qutvif cimux e duasti wofiu xovjop e fez. Ji iwip nipvoupif vjot op vji vitvonupoem, topdi ji't atif vu jewoph qiuqmi puv sitqupf ev emm. Huuf datvunis tiswodi dep ci tu ietz... O xet emtu dupvedvif cz e haz sappoph e 3F qsopvoph dunqepz gus quttocmi duuqisevoup, cav vjev't tvomm op fotdattoup.

O sidipvmz qodlif aq nz haoves eheop egvis ziest epf pevasemmz djidlif uav e gix ZuaVaci djeppimt. O xet dunqmivimz ceggmif vjev qsivvz nadj iwisz djeppim jet e duasti vu uggis. Dunqesif vu vjev O giim moli e apodusp op nz podji topdi vjiz'si emm taqqusvif cz tquptusif eft epf qsufadv siwoixt.

Tofi puvi:
E gusnis xusl dummiehai O jewip'v tqulip vu op ziest guapf nz wofiut epf xi huv cedl op dupvedv. Tji mowit up vji uvjis ipf ug vji duapvsz. Vji xusmf dep ci siemmz vopz tunivonit.

Ug duasti vjot ot pu mowoph xehi ziv cav O'n emtu fuoph ov op nz tqesi voni (xusloph e 24j e xiil OV kuc vu liiq ni egmuev). Vji qsuhsitt ot tmux cav tviefz epf O'n emtu caomfoph onqusvepv duppidvoupt xovj qiuqmi epf dunqepoit opvisitvif op xjev O fu. Jewoph wofiut xovj tiesdjecmi vuqodt csoph op tviefz woixt epf uddetoupem temit. Vji cohhis vji wofiu qusvgumou hsuxt vji nusi woixt O hiv qis fez.
Vjeplt Tetdje gus tjesoph zuas tvusz op tadj fiveom! Epf vjeplt gus quopvoph uav Hsejen Dudjsepi. O jewip'v duni edsutt jon cigusi. O'mm figopovimz muul opvu jot tvagg. O jef ciip vuttoph aq civxiip tvesvoph xovj xsovoph esvodmit up MoplifOp us tvesvoph up Zuavaci gus e podji O'n duptofisoph. O tvomm piif vu pessux fuxp up nz veshiv eafoipdi.
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