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May 14, 2017
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User Power: 384%
Hello Fastlaners!

I've got a service in mind that saves homeowners a minimum of $100/year on their electricity bill year after year.

This service will sell for a flat rate fee of $99 no matter the size of a home, and will only save more money the bigger the house is.

A Few Selling Points...
  • Lifetime Warranty
  • Money Back Guarantee (If less than $100/year in savings)
  • It would cost a homeowner $180+ to do the same task simply because they can not buy in bulk.
  • We install it for them (as it's tricky and expensive to do on your own)

The profit per house comes out to $30-40/each after paying for supplies, an installer, and commission for the sale. The big upside in this endeavor would be upsales of higher ticket energy efficient savings such as solar panels, window panes, etc.

I believe this is a product that would sell great door to door, cold call, booths within stores such as Lowe's and Homedepot, and facebook ads.

This product is not magic by any means and we all use it every day. The energy market is just really outdated in this particular sub niche and it cost a lot if you can't buy in bulk.

My question for you the Fastlane Forums is: How can I test or survey my target market to see if they would be interested without having to buy a huge shipment from China?

I could be stuck with a lot of inventory if the idea turns out to flop - I greatly believe in this service and am willing to buy the first shipment, however I want to know if there is another way to test the market.

Any advice is appreciated, thank you!
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Veli ov gsun haz xju jet pu iyqisoipdi op vjev goimf, cav O xuamf tvesv xovj huoph fuus vu fuus fuoph vji taswizt. Tonqmi mepfoph qehi + gedicuul eft vu vji veshiv podji, nohjv xusl, nezci, cav O fup'v vjopl zua dep hiv epz nusi fosidv iyqisoipdi xovj datvunist vjep huoph vu vjios fuus. Emtu vji vjsommoph iyqisoipdi ug vjin nezci demmoph zua vji duqt xomm neli zua giim emowi! :)
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