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How To Use Copywriting To Script YouTube Videos

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Jan 28, 2022
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Using Copywriting Tactics To Script Your YouTube Videos
Recently, specifically in my upcoming video, I have been implementing a lot of copywriting tactics into my YouTube video scripts and I've got to say, I believe it is one of the reasons why my videos are averaging 60-70% average view duration.

In this post I want to lay out exactly how I've been doing this.

So, the first 30 seconds-1 minute of the video is where I completely script using copywriting tactics. I do this to sell my audience on watching the 3 tips I have for them (I usually do videos where I give 3-4 tips) while combining the strategy of using open loops while i'm talking about the 3 tips, and interconnecting all 3 of the tips so that in order to get the full story of each tip they will have to watch the next.

But in this post I want to focus on that first 30-60 seconds of the video to sell the viewer on watching using copywriting tactics (that I learned from other people.. I do not take credit for ANY of these tactics I just learned them and now am doing my best to understand them by teaching like in posts like this because I know teaching makes the learning process faster)

Anyways, I'm going to take you step by step through the script of my next YouTube video (that hasn't been posted yet) and show you exactly what I do.

Let’s Be Honest. You clicked on this video because you are skinny and you REALLY want to gain muscle.

This is the first line of the video. It immediately calls out who the video is for, It's very quick, and since the video is ABOUT skinny guys becoming muscular, I can assume that most people who clicked on the video are in fact skinny guys. The copywriting tactic I'm using here is clarifying WHY they are here. They are here because they want to stop being skinny and gain muscle.

I’m just going to be honest and say what everyone is thinking -

Being skinny f**king SUCKS.

How do I know? Because at one point I was so skinny that my left bicep was like a dude trying to push over a sky-scraper


In this sequence I am doing two things. First of all, showing the viewer that I'm someone who's been in their position and understands their pain, and a tactic I'm using is "saying what only I can say". For most people, they never had a problem with being physically unable to flex their biceps. Since I HAVE been through that, it's something I put in my script to show just HOW MUCH I was actually like them, if not worse, in the past.

Now you may be thinking “Is this whole video just you telling me about how you used to be skinny?”

No, no no my friend, this video is going to go into depth on the mindset behind why you’re still so skinny and what you need to do in order to become a certified sikkunt like the father of aesthetics, zyzz.

Ignore the fitness references, lol. The copywriting tactic I am using in these lines is telling them the reason WHY I am making this video and also "selling them the dream" of what they will get from watching my video. Most of the videos on going from skinny to muscular are just about a story of someone's experience with it. I assure them in these lines that this is not one of those and it actually WILL get them results if they take action.

Since I mentioned looking like Zyzz at the end, it will get them excited to keep watching.

The truth is, if you want to be that one dude in your group of skinny friends who have been trying to put on muscle with no luck and have them constantly asking you how the hell you did it, you’re going to need a real change in your mindset and actions, my dude.

The tactic I am using here is tying BENEFITS to STATUS. Since people deeply care about how other people view them, and want people to view them as HIGH STATUS, telling the viewer that they will be viewed differently and get asked questions by others about how they achieved something, it will make them not only more likely to watch the rest of the video, but also take action on it and share the video with friends.

Now, I may not be the biggest guy out there, or the strongest, but in the past 7 years I’ve been through hell in back trying to figure out how this whole “putting on muscle” thing works.. And I’ve finally got it.

The tactic I'm using here is called damaging admission. Just like how eminem owns his flaws in the movie 8 mile, that's what I'm doing here. I'm doing this because now that I've owned my own flaws it makes everything else that I'm saying seem more believable and authentic. After owning my flaws of not being the biggest or strongest guy out there, I say that I've finally got the answer.. which of course will propel them to keep watching.

When I tell you these 3 things, you’re going to be amazed when you see that bicep peak that not only YOU will notice, but also EVERYONE AROUND YOU will notice your gains.

Here I'm doing two things. I'm again tying benefits to status by telling them OTHERS will recognize their muscle gains and I'm also painting a picture in the viewers head. "Show, don't tell". The wording I used here is much more effective than "you will get bigger biceps"

So If you want ALL THAT, keep watching.

This is just like if you were going to say "if you want THIS result, click HERE". There's no difficult instructions. It's simple. If you want to not be skinny anymore, keep watching.

Throughout this whole section by the way I am making the information seem extremely scarce through the tone of my voice. I want people to feel like this video is a "hidden gem".

I hope this helps someone - Thanks for reading!
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