Sir Uber I do hope you achieve your goal, I honestly do but isn't it empty inside if you achieve a goal out of revenge or self-fulfillment?
All great success stories I read in this forum focuses on others first before themselves. Sad to say I also know people who got their success out of proving themselves and at the end they all asked " this it? Now what?"
I think a lot of desire for revenge disappears after the original insult or injury has long passed. After the event that inspires vengeance passes, it's easy to remember months or even years after the fact. This is what Hannibal meant when he said that vengeance requires a long sword and a long memory.
It is so clear to me right now that money is the only thing that matters in life that no one could ever convince me otherwise. I wholeheartedly dismiss the notion that there are other more important pursuits in life. Sure, you could say family or some sort of hobby, but how well is your family going to do without a roof over their heads and food in their bellies? For that matter, how long do you think you will even have a family, with no money to support them?
We've been trained to believe some funny stuff in America. I won't get into the details now, but I am fed up. With life. Fed up with life, and the way things are. I am up to my neck in bullshit.
I have put everything into my current venture. And I'm not just talking money, time, attention, love, sweat, and passion. I am completely obsessed with my hustle.
To be perfectly honest, I didn't see the alternative. Sun-Tzu says that once you put yourself on death ground, you ensure victory. For me, death ground is putting myself in a situation to which death is preferable. Without a doubt, I say that if my current status were permanent, I would probably strongly consider suicide.
Sometimes, life hits so hard that you can't help but fall down. No homo, but I think it hurts the most when the attacks come from the rear. Your friends, your loved ones, these people know how to hurt you the most. Some of them are quite blatantly against you and want you to fail. Others say they want to see you in Forbes, but bring so much negative energy and talk into your life that it seems impossible that they want you to succeed.
This is why I love money, even though it seems like everyone thinks loving money is a bad idea.
But money doesn't lie to you. Money doesn't do and say things to hurt you, but it can surround you with a whole bunch of people who will make you feel good. Money doesn't support you one day, and then tear you down in the next moment.
The reason I am the way that I am, the reason I focus so intensely on money, is I have felt the pain of doing anything less.
This is going to be an interesting experiment. What happens when all you do is focus on money?
Does the pain go away?
Time will tell.
For clarification, I'll elaborate on the concept of loving money and personal attitude. I think your environment shapes you. Imagine you have ungrateful people in your life, blaming you for all of their problems, and taking no responsibility for the negative aspects of their lives. They think that all they do is positive, and all you do is negative. They insult you, and diminish your goals, and everything in important to you. They do this, because they are not happy with their own lives, and they attack you to make themselves feel better.
How would you deal with such a person?
Unless you've dealt with such a person in the past, and have had your emotions engaged, you probably don't know how you'd deal with a person - or people - like this. My point is that I think money is the only salvation in a situation like this. Some people don't respect anything other than power. So, if you don't have any power - or money - there is a good chance that person will mistreat you. People like this are not "good," they don't do what's "right." They're always demanding something from you, and even when you give it to them, they act like you never gave them anything. The tragic irony of dealing with people like this is that the true escape is money - leave the state, live somewhere new, leave the country! - and people like this make making money so god damn difficult.
Their negativity makes creative thinking difficult. Their emotional guilt trips and continuous ungratefulness eventually gets under your skin and makes it easier to fall into depression than work to get out of the situation.
Okay. I have painted a pretty extreme picture, and my point in doing so is to try to kind of put you in the shoes of someone who deals with an extremely negative person or people. Could be a boss. Could be a spouse. Could be a business partner.
The point is that the escape from all this is money. New life. New everything.
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