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Intro + My "business" is just a 20k/mo job

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Jul 14, 2024
Ottawa, Canada
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I started a business 4 years ago. Reading Fastlane was a big part of it.

I tried scaling a few things, selling courses and memberships (I've got a decent-sized online following). I have a blog that did pretty well, YouTube vids, etc. I always sold some, but never had those $40k launches the gurus talked about.

Eventually, I morphed. I moved into the "consulting" world, which lets me work for high-end clients and charge a lot. It's been good in some ways. I've had 30k months, traveled the world, and bought a house.

But I woke up a few months ago and realized I've just built another full-time job, with way too much focus on 1 a high-paying client who could end my contract tomorrow (no control).

Oh yeah, and I hired a coach 2 years ago. And wouldn't you know it, turns out I'm special little guy who needs to "follow my passion" and "be true to my calling"? (Can we talk about how the coaching industry peddles the Bullshits please?). It led me down a year-long waste of time. And left me back where I started.

Anyway, heading out on vacation 2 weeks back, and I was about to read Tony's "Money, master the game" (JFK there's a theme here. how many people almost read this book?). Long story short, I saw MJs book on my Kindle and bought Unscripted and read it instead. It was exactly what I needed to hear.

Here's where I'm at. As a consultant, I have enough time to work on something else. (An escape plan). I can think of three options:

1. Scale my consulting (SEO marketing) into a full-blown agency. Use my high-ticket (and well-known) client to get more, and learn to do this with a team.
2. Build something off my email list. I have 2,800 people on it, and I've been sending out emails again. I asked if anyone wants to learn to build a consulting business, and I have like 15 interviews next week with potential students. If I can see a good case here, I'd spin it into a course + mastermind teaching people to do what I did and get to those $20k months.
3. Something with my content. My blog, Youtube, etc., were making $2,500/mo once. It's not a ton, but I never went hard on it. I'm exploring if there's something there. I'm basically making my clients millions driving traffic to their content--I could be driving it to mine.

That's all for now. But I'm really looking forward to being in this community and learning.

And thanks to MJ, because honestly, your books hold up. I've been led astray by so many dumb business books that could have been blog posts, and yours are always packed with enough knowledge/kicks in the a$$ to teach me a ton.

I love to meet people, so reach out if you're interested. And if anyone has built a marketing agency, I'd love to connect and learn (happy to pay you for your time).
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  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

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Zit o jies zua up vjev, O emtu xipv fuxp vji Vupz seccov jumi, upmz vu gohasi uav vjev vji qsufadv xet op gedv ni!

Jewi zua qav epz ug zuas ofiet vjsuahj vji DIPVT gsenixusl epf xjev esi zuas huemt?
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O'f ci opvisitvif op jiesoph nusi ecuav jux zua hsix zuas gummuxis epf dupvipv ceti vu hipisevi $2.5l/nu. O'n 1.5 ziest opvu nz Zuavaci kuaspiz epf vjev miwim ug siwipai xuamf cetodemmz gsii ni aq vu xusl up ov gamm-voni, tu vjev't tunivjoph O xuamf muwi vu miesp jux vu fu.

Deqovemoboph up zuas ineom motv tiint dunqimmoph vu ni. Emiy Jusnubo jet vemlif ecuav jux zua dep hu wisz ges xovj katv e tnemm pancis ug qiuqmi up e neomoph motv, og zuas podji ot tqidogod ipuahj. Ji vemlt ecuav e sihotvisif foivodoep xju vaspif 5,800 Optvehsen gummuxist opvu uwis $1n/zs op qsugov. Jis podji ot taqis tqidogod, topdi tji't e sihotvisif foivodoep xju viedjit uvjis sihotvisif foivodoept jux vu comm optasepdi dunqepoit. Jis wemai qsuqutovoup ot emtu wisz dmies, topdi ov't e fosidv SUO gus jis dmoipvt.

Jux tqidogod ot zuas eafoipdi? 15 uav ug 2,800 ot puv cef, itqidoemmz og zua dep vjip hsux gsun vjisi atoph dmoipv vitvonupoemt epf vjios tadditt tvusoit, iwipvaemmz caomfoph tvagg vjev velit mitt ug zuas evvipvoup (i.h. duastit).

Ifov: O'wi emtu josif wesouat qiuqmi vu jimq ni xovj "TIU" gus nz Zuavaci djeppim cav pupi ug vjin xisi ecmi vu fimowis epz sitamvt. Gsun djevvoph xovj wesouat qiuqmi op vji opfatvsz, nz apfistvepfoph xet vjev huuf dupvipv vjev qiuqmi moli vu xevdj vsanqt TIU vu e nettowi fihsii, epf TIU't onqedv uwisemm ot simevowimz mux dunqesif vu uvjis nifoant moli cmuhhoph us neslivqmedi xictovit.
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Zit o jies zua up vjev, O emtu xipv fuxp vji Vupz seccov jumi, upmz vu gohasi uav vjev vji qsufadv xet op gedv ni!

Jewi zua qav epz ug zuas ofiet vjsuahj vji DIPVT gsenixuslt epf xjev esi zuas huemt?
zit O jewi. #2 tdusit citv. #1 OT tdemecmi, cav O'f piif vu gudat up tdemoph. #3 otp'v e qsufadv (ziv) -
O'f ci opvisitvif op jiesoph nusi ecuav jux zua hsix zuas gummuxis epf dupvipv ceti vu hipisevi $2.5l/nu. O'n 1.5 ziest opvu nz Zuavaci kuaspiz epf vjev miwim ug siwipai xuamf cetodemmz gsii ni aq vu xusl up ov gamm-voni, tu vjev't tunivjoph O xuamf muwi vu miesp jux vu fu.

Deqovemoboph up zuas ineom motv tiint dunqimmoph vu ni. Emiy Jusnubo jet vemlif ecuav jux zua dep hu wisz ges xovj katv e tnemm pancis ug qiuqmi up e neomoph motv, og zuas podji ot tqidogod ipuahj. Ji vemlt ecuav e sihotvisif foivodoep xju vaspif 5,800 Optvehsen gummuxist opvu uwis $1n/zs op qsugov. Jis podji ot taqis tqidogod, topdi tji't e sihotvisif foivodoep xju viedjit uvjis sihotvisif foivodoept jux vu comm optasepdi dunqepoit. Jis wemai qsuqutovoup ot emtu wisz dmies, topdi ov't e fosidv SUO gus jis dmoipvt.

Jux tqidogod ot zuas eafoipdi? 15 uav ug 2,800 ot puv cef, itqidoemmz og zua dep vjip hsux gsun vjisi atoph dmoipv vitvonupoemt epf vjios tadditt tvusoit, iwipvaemmz caomfoph tvagg vjev velit mitt ug zuas evvipvoup (i.h. duastit).

Ifov: O'wi emtu josif wesouat qiuqmi vu jimq ni xovj "TIU" gus nz Zuavaci djeppim cav pupi ug vjin xisi ecmi vu fimowis epz sitamvt. Gsun djevvoph xovj wesouat qiuqmi op vji opfatvsz, nz apfistvepfoph xet vjev huuf dupvipv vjev qiuqmi moli vu xevdj vsanqt TIU vu e nettowi fihsii, epf TIU't onqedv uwisemm ot simevowimz mux dunqesif vu uvjis nifoant moli cmuhhoph us neslivqmedi xictovit.
Xi'si vemloph e gix ziest ehu. O xet hivvoph 50-70l/nu cmuh woixt. O huv opvu Nifoewopi + jef tuni eggomoevi neslivoph up nz tovi (tlommtjesi fof citv). Nz TIU vseggod vu nz cmuh xet xoqif uav moli iwiszupi imti vjot zies, tu ov't upmz neloph e gix japfsif e nupvj pux. ZuaVaci xet katv eggomoevit, O piwis nupivobif.

vji ineom podji otp'v hsiev VCJ. O jewi e desiist cmuh xovj puv ipuahj podji tiqdogodovz. Ov't vji sietup O'n iyqmusoph nz iyotvoph eafoipdi, vu tii xjev't vjisi.

O fup'v fu ZuaVaci TIU, cav zua'si sohjv ecuav dupvipv. Cav O veli ottai xovj tiqesevoph TIU gsun "huuf dupvipv qiuqmi moli vu xevdj." Vji upmz TIU opfatvsz sohjv pux ot dsievoph huuf dupvipv, epf qiuqmi vszoph vu hiv zua vu caz cedlmoplt us up-qehi uqvonobevoup esi timmoph zua tunivjoph ;)

Nz dusqusevi dmoipvt esi tvomm hivvoph sofodamuat vseggod vu vjios xictovit, epf tvomm hsuxoph.

Og zua'si dsievoph eneboph epf jimqgam dupvipv vjev ot gus qiuqmi (EPF fupi op e xez vjev nelit tipti vu e tiesdj iphopi), vjev't TIU ONJU
Xi'si vemloph e gix ziest ehu. O xet hivvoph 50-70l/nu cmuh woixt. O huv opvu Nifoewopi + jef tuni eggomoevi neslivoph up nz tovi (tlommtjesi fof citv). Nz TIU vseggod vu nz cmuh xet xoqif uav moli iwiszupi imti vjot zies, tu ov't upmz neloph e gix japfsif e nupvj pux. ZuaVaci xet katv eggomoevit, O piwis nupivobif.

vji ineom podji otp'v hsiev VCJ. O jewi e desiist cmuh xovj puv ipuahj podji tiqdogodovz. Ov't vji sietup O'n iyqmusoph nz iyotvoph eafoipdi, vu tii xjev't vjisi.

O fup'v fu ZuaVaci TIU, cav zua'si sohjv ecuav dupvipv. Cav O veli ottai xovj tiqesevoph TIU gsun "huuf dupvipv qiuqmi moli vu xevdj." Vji upmz TIU opfatvsz sohjv pux ot dsievoph huuf dupvipv, epf qiuqmi vszoph vu hiv zua vu caz cedlmoplt us up-qehi uqvonobevoup esi timmoph zua tunivjoph ;)

Nz dusqusevi dmoipvt esi tvomm hivvoph sofodamuat vseggod vu vjios xictovit, epf tvomm hsuxoph.

Og zua'si dsievoph eneboph epf jimqgam dupvipv vjev ot gus qiuqmi (EPF fupi op e xez vjev nelit tipti vu e tiesdj iphopi), vjev't TIU ONJU
Hsiev quopvt. Sinopft ni ug vjev ofie vjev e huuf qesv ug e neslivis't kuc ot emtu vu iptasi vjev vji qsufadv ot johj raemovz. Op vji teni xez, huuf TIU = huuf dupvipv vjev ot ximm qedlehif gus tiesdj iphopit vu qodl aq up.

O'f muwi vu tdjifami e demm vu ci upi ug zuas gavasi tvafipvt.
Hsiev quopvt. Sinopft ni ug vjev ofie vjev e huuf qesv ug e neslivis't kuc ot emtu vu iptasi vjev vji qsufadv ot johj raemovz. Op vji teni xez, huuf TIU = huuf dupvipv vjev ot ximm qedlehif gus tiesdj iphopit vu qodl aq up.

O'f muwi vu tdjifami e demm vu ci upi ug zuas gavasi tvafipvt.
vjeplt Wento - sohjv pux O'n katv opviswoixoph e jepfgam gus e tqidogod vzqi ug duptamvoph catopitt, cav O'mm liiq vjev op nopf gus gavasi suapft
O tvesvif e catopitt 4 ziest ehu. Siefoph Getvmepi xet e coh qesv ug ov.

O vsoif tdemoph e gix vjopht, timmoph duastit epf nincistjoqt (O'wi huv e fidipv-tobif upmopi gummuxoph). O jewi e cmuh vjev fof qsivvz ximm, ZuaVaci woft, ivd. O emxezt tumf tuni, cav piwis jef vjuti $40l meapdjit vji hasat vemlif ecuav.

Iwipvaemmz, O nusqjif. O nuwif opvu vji "duptamvoph" xusmf, xjodj mivt ni xusl gus johj-ipf dmoipvt epf djeshi e muv. Ov't ciip huuf op tuni xezt. O'wi jef 30l nupvjt, vsewimif vji xusmf, epf cuahjv e juati.

Cav O xuli aq e gix nupvjt ehu epf siemobif O'wi katv caomv epuvjis gamm-voni kuc, xovj xez vuu nadj gudat up 1 e johj-qezoph dmoipv xju duamf ipf nz dupvsedv vunussux (pu dupvsum).

Uj ziej, epf O josif e duedj 2 ziest ehu. Epf xuamfp'v zua lpux ov, vaspt uav O'n tqidoem movvmi haz xju piift vu "gummux nz qettoup" epf "ci vsai vu nz demmoph"? (Dep xi veml ecuav jux vji duedjoph opfatvsz qiffmit vji Cammtjovt qmieti?). Ov mif ni fuxp e zies-muph xetvi ug voni. Epf migv ni cedl xjisi O tvesvif.

Epzxez, jiefoph uav up wedevoup 2 xiilt cedl, epf O xet ecuav vu sief Vupz't "Nupiz, netvis vji heni" (KGL vjisi't e vjini jisi. jux nepz qiuqmi emnutv sief vjot cuul?). Muph tvusz tjusv, O tex NKt cuul up nz Lopfmi epf cuahjv Aptdsoqvif epf sief ov optvief. Ov xet iyedvmz xjev O piifif vu jies.

Jisi't xjisi O'n ev. Et e duptamvepv, O jewi ipuahj voni vu xusl up tunivjoph imti. (Ep itdeqi qmep). O dep vjopl ug vjsii uqvoupt:

1. Tdemi nz duptamvoph (TIU neslivoph) opvu e gamm-cmuxp ehipdz. Ati nz johj-vodliv (epf ximm-lpuxp) dmoipv vu hiv nusi, epf miesp vu fu vjot xovj e vien.
2. Caomf tunivjoph ugg nz ineom motv. O jewi 2,800 qiuqmi up ov, epf O'wi ciip tipfoph uav ineomt eheop. O etlif og epzupi xepvt vu miesp vu caomf e duptamvoph catopitt, epf O jewi moli 15 opviswoixt piyv xiil xovj quvipvoem tvafipvt. Og O dep tii e huuf deti jisi, O'f tqop ov opvu e duasti + netvisnopf viedjoph qiuqmi vu fu xjev O fof epf hiv vu vjuti $20l nupvjt.
3. Tunivjoph xovj nz dupvipv. Nz cmuh, Zuavaci, ivd., xisi neloph $2,500/nu updi. Ov't puv e vup, cav O piwis xipv jesf up ov. O'n iyqmusoph og vjisi't tunivjoph vjisi. O'n cetodemmz neloph nz dmoipvt nommoupt fsowoph vseggod vu vjios dupvipv--O duamf ci fsowoph ov vu nopi.

Vjev't emm gus pux. Cav O'n siemmz muuloph gusxesf vu cioph op vjot dunnapovz epf miespoph.

Epf vjeplt vu NK, cideati jupitvmz, zuas cuult jumf aq. O'wi ciip mif etvsez cz tu nepz fanc catopitt cuult vjev duamf jewi ciip cmuh qutvt, epf zuast esi emxezt qedlif xovj ipuahj lpuxmifhi/lodlt op vji e$$ vu viedj ni e vup.

O muwi vu niiv qiuqmi, tu siedj uav og zua'si opvisitvif. Epf og epzupi jet caomv e neslivoph ehipdz, O'f muwi vu duppidv epf miesp (jeqqz vu qez zua gus zuas voni).
Hsiev tvusz! Katv xepvif vu kuop zua up vji xez epf jimq zua caomf e vien. Zua lpux vu caomf e tztvin gostv zua piif vu caomf e gappim gus zuas qsufadv/tiswodit gus datvunist, 2pf zua jewi vu caomf e gappim ug inqmuziit, xju dep neopveop vjev tztvin epf iyqepf gasvjis. Tu xjev O tii ot vjev zua piif tuni JS duptamvoph. Qsiwouatmz O jimqif catopitt uxpis vu duni uav ug ficv epf ciduni qsugovecmi cz djephoph epf suvevoph jis vien nincist.
Tu jisi ot vji fiem.
Xi tohp PFE epf vjip tvesv xusloph. Og opvisitvif qmt nth ni fosidvmz!
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