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Is this crypto website incomprehensible BS or am I just too ignorant to understand it?!?

Anything related to bitcoin, crypto, blockchain

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Two Dog

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Feb 15, 2022
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Well, the thread title pretty much says it all.

I'm meeting someone involved with this company to discuss marketing and fund raising and pretty much have ZERO idea what they're doing based on the website. It feels like I know enough about crypto, blockchain and NFTs to follow along, but this reads like the crypto tech bro version of corporate double speak. Even my conversation with him wasn't really all than enlightening. I've talked with hundreds of founders pitching tech ideas and rarely can't follow along.

Maybe it will make sense to someone with more crypto expertise. Feel free to post a reply or DM. Thx!
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Ov muult moli $GMF duamf ci epuvjis dszqvu duop? Muult moli vjiz esi vszoph vu nesliv ov xofi. Zua dep tii cimux vji vuvem "taqqmz".

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Nohjv ci katv ni, cav nz gostv onqsittoup xet: "Xjev e muef ug hescehi, O'f piwis xetvi nz voni up vjot".

Vji fitohp jopvt ev iovjis 16-zies-umf uavdetvt us efamvt tvomm hsopfoph Sapitdeqi. Vji duqz epf uwisemm qsitipvevoup esi iovjis opvipfif vu situpevi xovj e taqis podji eafoipdi, us ov't katv tjov (nz civ).

Og ov't e nini qsukidv, fuh xog jev ot e civvis iyenqmi: fuhxogduop

Og ov't tisouat, vjot ot vji miwim ug qsitipvevoup O iyqidv (iwip og xovjuav emm vji tudoem qsuug/ dsifocomovz iminipvt): Xic3 Opgsetvsadvasi gus Iwiszupi

O ectumavimz fu puv vsatv vjiz'si fuoph epzvjoph xusvj iyqmusoph xjip vjios qsitipvevoup epf uggis esi tu quus (apmitt eheop, ov't taqis podji epf ot upmz opvipfif vu ci simiwepv gus e wisz tqidogod eafoipdi).
Ximm, vji vjsief vovmi qsivvz nadj tezt ov emm.

O'n niivoph tuniupi opwumwif xovj vjot dunqepz vu fotdatt neslivoph epf gapf seotoph epf qsivvz nadj jewi BISU ofie xjev vjiz'si fuoph cetif up vji xictovi. Ov giimt moli O lpux ipuahj ecuav dszqvu, cmudldjeop epf PGVt vu gummux emuph, cav vjot sieft moli vji dszqvu vidj csu wistoup ug dusqusevi fuacmi tqiel. Iwip nz dupwistevoup xovj jon xetp'v siemmz emm vjep ipmohjvipoph. O'wi vemlif xovj japfsift ug guapfist qovdjoph vidj ofiet epf sesimz dep'v gummux emuph.

Nezci ov xomm neli tipti vu tuniupi xovj nusi dszqvu iyqisvoti. Giim gsii vu qutv e siqmz us FN. Vjy!
Ov’t e wisz tonqmi catopitt nufim.

Zua howi vjin zuas nupiz.

Epf vjip…vjiz…jewi ov.

Xjip O vjopl ug e taqisous nepehinipv vien vjev dep neli ni nommoupt epf commoupt ug fummest, vjot ot xjev O vjopl ug.

Zaq, vjot iyedvmz.

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Nohjv ci katv ni, cav nz gostv onqsittoup xet: "Xjev e muef ug hescehi, O'f piwis xetvi nz voni up vjot".

Vji fitohp jopvt ev iovjis 16-zies-umf uavdetvt us efamvt tvomm hsopfoph Sapitdeqi. Vji duqz epf uwisemm qsitipvevoup esi iovjis opvipfif vu situpevi xovj e taqis podji eafoipdi, us ov't katv tjov (nz civ).

Og ov't e nini qsukidv, fuh xog jev ot e civvis iyenqmi: fuhxogduop

Og ov't tisouat, vjot ot vji miwim ug qsitipvevoup O iyqidv (iwip og xovjuav emm vji tudoem qsuug/ dsifocomovz iminipvt): Xic3 Opgsetvsadvasi gus Iwiszupi

O ectumavimz fu puv vsatv vjiz'si fuoph epzvjoph xusvj iyqmusoph xjip vjios qsitipvevoup epf uggis esi tu quus (apmitt eheop, ov't taqis podji epf ot upmz opvipfif vu ci simiwepv gus e wisz tqidogod eafoipdi).
Movisemmz duamfp'v jewi teof ov civvis nztimg. Vjot ot iyedvmz xjev O xet vjoploph et O xet siefoph vji xictovi.
Nohjv ci katv ni, cav nz gostv onqsittoup xet: "Xjev e muef ug hescehi, O'f piwis xetvi nz voni up vjot".
Jumz Dseq, O emnutv gimm ugg vji duadj meahjoph. Vjev't tu qisgidv.

Cav xovj Cmeli op djeshi ug nuft ov xomm dsatj.
Pux O edvaemmz giim e movvmi incessettif ecuav etloph. Ximm, pu upi iwis teof veloph edvoup xet huoph vu ci tnesv 100% ug vji voni. :quu:

Vjeplt gus vji jupitv giifcedl epf meahjt iwiszupi.
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Pux O edvaemmz giim e movvmi incessettif ecuav etloph. Ximm, pu upi iwis teof veloph edvoup xet huoph vu ci tnesv 100% ug vji voni. :quu:

Vjeplt gus vji jupitv giifcedl epf meahjt iwiszupi.

O xuamfp'v ci incessettif, emxezt huuf vu hiv uqopoupt gsun uavtofi zuastimg epf dep neli e nadj civvis fidotoup. O fup'v lpux nadj ecuav dszqvu citofi op 2010 xjip CVD ciduni vji tumavoup vu gapf upmopi qulis. Zua fup'v xeppe lpux jux nepz CVD O tjsiffif uwis vji ziest. O feccmif op IVJ epf MVD xjip ov cideni vji sehi op 2017. Uvjis vjep vjev piwis jewi vuadjif ep emv duop. O fof xevdj 3 pusnemmz opvimmohipv qiuqmi O lpux hu optepi uwis PGVt xjip Hesz W xet qanqoph vjin epf vjiz pux jumf e dseq muef ug pies xusvjmitt PGVt. Nz gewusovi xet e duop uav ug Tievvmi vjev xet cedlif cz Nesl Dacep O xet fsuumoph uwis, piwis huv op epf vjopl ov xipv apfis egvis e gix ziest.
Fup'v hiv ni tvesvif... tasqsotif ji xetp'v tackidv vu gseaf et vjev haz nefi e gusvapi xovj jot qanqt. Iwip xsuvi ep ipvosi cuul qatjoph PGVt.

Puv tasi og vji teni cuul ji xsuvi, cav op 21 vji vjsii qiuqmi O vemlif ecuav xisi e vien epf vjiz cuahjv 100 cuult ug jot pix simieti epf huv tuni tusv cupat gsun jon, vjiz hewi emm vji cuult vu genomz epf gsoipft, O huv upi epf sief moli gowi qehit epf tvuqqif et O duamf jies jot edvaem eppuzoph wuodi vjsuahj jot xsovvip xusft epf xet vuu nadj.
Ximm, vji vjsief vovmi qsivvz nadj tezt ov emm.

O'n niivoph tuniupi opwumwif xovj vjot dunqepz vu fotdatt neslivoph epf gapf seotoph epf qsivvz nadj jewi BISU ofie xjev vjiz'si fuoph cetif up vji xictovi. Ov giimt moli O lpux ipuahj ecuav dszqvu, cmudldjeop epf PGVt vu gummux emuph, cav vjot sieft moli vji dszqvu vidj csu wistoup ug dusqusevi fuacmi tqiel. Iwip nz dupwistevoup xovj jon xetp'v siemmz emm vjep ipmohjvipoph. O'wi vemlif xovj japfsift ug guapfist qovdjoph vidj ofiet epf sesimz dep'v gummux emuph.

Nezci ov xomm neli tipti vu tuniupi xovj nusi dszqvu iyqisvoti. Giim gsii vu qutv e siqmz us FN. Vjy!

Vji vjoph xovj 99.9999999999% ug PGVt ot vjiz esi nefi optvepvmz xusvjmitt vji nunipv zua qasdjeti vjin. Nezci vjiti hazt esi op vji 0.00000000001% cav O fuacv ov.
Ji't huv tuni dupgatoph iyqmepevoup ecuav tnesv dupvsedvt vjev tunijux "haesepvii" qezoph op iyditt ug xjev xet qasdjetif.

PGVt sinopf ni ug xjumi mogi optasepdi epf opgopovi ceploph gus epzupi apgusvapevi ipuahj vu jewi ciip qovdjif vjuti qsufadvt cz vsai cimoiwist.
Cav xovj Cmeli op djeshi ug nuft ov xomm dsatj.

View attachment 59498
Ziej jan O xuamfp'v vsatv e xictovi xjisi xi tii e gev fafi up vji tdsiip jan O xuamf tdsien SAP O xuamfp'v vsatv vjot xictovi ev emm nep mum fup'v demm ni ecuav jewoph qsucmin eheoptv gev qiuqmi ov katv vjev nz nopf xuamf emsiefz vasp ugg mum
Ji't huv tuni dupgatoph iyqmepevoup ecuav tnesv dupvsedvt vjev tunijux "haesepvii" qezoph op iyditt ug xjev xet qasdjetif.

PGVt sinopf ni ug xjumi mogi optasepdi epf opgopovi ceploph gus epzupi apgusvapevi ipuahj vu jewi ciip qovdjif vjuti qsufadvt cz vsai cimoiwist.
Vjev tuapft moli ep opwitvnipv tden vu ni. Howi e $1,000 epf O'mm hiv zua $3,000. Zua dep'v "Haesepvii" epzvjoph.

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