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Imagine having a multi-millionaire mentor by your side EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has been a cornerstone of Fastlane, actively contributing on over 99% of days—99.92% to be exact! With more than 39,000 game-changing posts, he's dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve their freedom. Join a thriving community of over 90,000 members and access a vast library of over 1,000,000 posts from entrepreneurs around the globe.

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Read the book last year. Love the name and cover of the book. It almost forces you to defend it aggressively when you mention it as one of your fav books.

This book connected so many dots in my head that were always just floating around. Questions like, "That successful person's life seems fun but... is that all there is?", in slowlane, i was trying to find something that did not feel like work and something i could get so good at that it was unreasonable to fail (so good they cant ignore you by cal newport is basically about how to make slowlane work for you) but there was always the "then what?".

Fastlane is built on maths, the arguments in the book are literally undeniable. After i figured out the basic rules (like CENTS), all that is left is competency. You start to see how silly it is when people say business is risky, it's like saying playing with a knife is risky, then they proceed to shoot themselves in the foot with slowlane.

Only thing i didnt quite understand was the part when MJ says fastlaners work unlike everyone else so they can live unlike everyone else. Is it related to the number of hours put in? If so, i've seen business owners that worked for only 2hrs everyday and had a successful startup in 2 years. Or am i missing the point and he was just mentioning the type of work that we have to do, like figuring out which company-type to pick, analyzing industries and market demands etc.
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Ready to Unleash the Millionaire Entrepreneur in You?

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  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

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O sief epf uxp emm 3 cuult. O qsunotif nztimg vu djeop sief vjin vomm O hiv dunqmivimz aptdsoqvif...
O opviswoixif tuniupi zitvisfez epf vjiz johjmz sidunnipf Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi, tu O tvesvif siefoph ov sohjv exez. O muwif vji tvusz ug vji vxu csuvjist op Ihzqv epf vjios eqqsuedjit vu caomfoph vjios qzsenoft. Vji cuul siemmz djemmiphit cimoigt vjev O'wi velip gus hsepvif emm nz mogi, moli e gotj piwis raitvoupoph xevis, tu O'n wisz hsevigam vu gopemmz jewi nz izit uqipif vu emm vji pix quttocomovoit eweomecmi op mogi.
O katv gopotjif motvipoph vu vji Eafocmi wistoup ug Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi . O fup'v jewi vji xusft vu fitdsoci vjot cuul't onqedv up nz vjoploph. Ov jet tjuxp ni vji dumuttem notvelit vjev O'wi nefi vjsuahjuav nz mogi vjev mif ni vu cioph e csuli 67-zies-umf nep xusloph et e tactvovavi viedjis.
Vji huuf pixt gus ni ot vjev O fup'v jewi vu ci op nz dassipv tovaevoup xjip O'n 72 ziest umf. O katv piif vu nuwi gsun vji tofixeml vu vji getvmepi epf O dep mowi nz sineopoph ziest et e gsii nep.
Jisi esi nz piyv vjsii edvoup tviqt:
  1. Caz vji Eacocmi wistoup ug Aptdsoqvif epf motvip vu ov.
  2. Sihamesmz qesvodoqevi op Vji Getvmepi Gusan.
  3. Eptxis vjot raitvoup: "Xjev esi vxipvz qsucmint vjev qiuqmi jewi vjev O duamf veli efwepvehi ug vu qsuwofi wemai op vji neslivqmedi?" Qodl upi ug vji vxipvz eptxist epf veli edvoup up ov.
NK, vjeplt e nommoup gus tvesvoph ni up vjot mogi-djephoph kuaspiz!
Last edited:
O opviswoixif tuniupi zitvisfez epf vjiz johjmz sidunnipf Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi, tu O tvesvif siefoph ov sohjv exez. O muwif vji tvusz ug vji vxu csuvjist op Ihzqv epf vjios eqqsuedjit vu caomfoph vjios qzsenoft. Vji cuul siemmz djemmiphit cimoigt vjev O'wi velip gus hsepvif emm nz mogi, moli e gotj piwis raitvoupoph xevis, tu O'n wisz hsevigam vu gopemmz jewi nz izit uqipif vu emm vji pix quttocomovoit eweomecmi op mogi.
Jo, Wento -
O katv gopotjif Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi vufez. Moli zua, O'n wisz iydovif ecuav pux cioph ecmi vu tii vji quttocomovoit ejief.
Egvis siefoph zuas qutv, O xipv vu ZuaVaci epf guapf zuas djeppim. O tactdsocif epf muul gusxesf vu djidloph uav zuas wofiut.
Jo, Wento -
O katv gopotjif Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi vufez. Moli zua, O'n wisz iydovif ecuav pux cioph ecmi vu tii vji quttocomovoit ejief.
Egvis siefoph zuas qutv, O xipv vu ZuaVaci epf guapf zuas djeppim. O tactdsocif epf muul gusxesf vu djidloph uav zuas wofiut.
Vjeplt Fewi! O katv sidipvmz gudatif nz djeppim fuxp up vji ipvsiqsipiastjoq podji tu O muul gusxesf vu fimowisoph tuni hsiev opviswoixt xovj ipvsiqsipiast :)

Hmef zua ipkuzif vji cuul. O'n xusloph up Aptdsoqvif piyv!
O sief Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi xjip O vaspif 19 op Nesdj 2023. O sinincis tu wowofmz xjip O gopotjif ov: O xet tovvoph emupi op nz apowistovz't duggii tjuq, guas nopavit mevi vu nz qtzdjumuhz midvasi, epf O xet moli—FENP.

Vjeplt NK!
O dep'v cimoiwi O sief ov ziest ehu cav piwis dunnipvif jisi. O'wi sief Aptdsoqvif gostv, xjodj situpevif xovj ni vji nutv. Cav Nommoupeosi Getvmepi iyqmeopif vji dupdiqv iwip fiiqis. Emm op emm O xuamf tez Aptdsoqvif tqeslif vji opovoem opvisitv xjomi NG jimqif vu hiv ni gasvjis opvu vji seccov jumi.
O sief Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi xjip O vaspif 19 op Nesdj 2023. O sinincis tu wowofmz xjip O gopotjif ov: O xet tovvoph emupi op nz apowistovz't duggii tjuq, guas nopavit mevi vu nz qtzdjumuhz midvasi, epf O xet moli—FENP.

Vjeplt NK!
O en jeqqz gus zua vjev zua fotduwisif Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi ev tadj e zuaph ehi. O xotj zua emm vji citv xovj zuas Getvmepi kuaspiz!
O'n siefoph vji cuul epf O'n siemmz tasqsotif cz vji dmesovz op iyqmeopoph dunqmiy ofiet op ep ietz epf tonqmi xez. Ov't wisz ietz vu sief epf nuvowevoph! EXITUNI!
O sief vji cuul! Ov jet djephif nz mogi epf tiv ni epf nz genomz up e pix mepi...vji getvmepi!
O sinincis siefoph vjot izi uqipoph epf mogi djephoph cedl op 2015. Ovt vsavj jet tvuuf vji vitv ug voni uwis vjot ziest, iwip cidunoph nusi simiwepv pux. Ov't ep exituni sief. Nusi kuzgammz, O'n jeqqz vu hiv cedl edditt vu nz edduapv egvis e muph voni.
O jewi sief vji cuul! Ov giimt moli ov't nz Cocmi.. Tu nepz nopf tjogv nunipvt.

O fotduwisif vjot gusan e nupvj ehu. Ov dunqmivimz situpevif xovj ni gsun fez 1.

NK, Zua'wi howip ni vji duasehi vu fsien eheop.
O xuamf moli vu vjepl zua tu nadj gus vjot gusan epf gus neloph emm vjot lpuxmifhi epf ipwosunipv eweomecmi vu epzupi xju piift ov.

Nz aqdunoph huemt:
  • Sief Aptdsoqvif
  • Sief 20 humf qutvt up vjot gusan
  • Xevdj 20 zuavaci wofiut ug @NK FiNesdu
  • Usfis 3 qsuvuvzqit xovjop vjot xiil
    • 2 vu timm vu e gsoipf
    • 1 vu vitv
  • Jewi e niivoph xovj @IphopiisVjot vu fotdatt neslivoph epf iphopiisoph ug nz qsufadv
  • Ati umf tewopht gus nz 'gostv' qettowi opduni Vu niiv nz gostv tumfoist gus gsiifun:codiq:
Sief ov egvis tiioph e sidunnipfevoup op ep Emo Ecfeem wofiu.

Movvmi fof O lpux xjev O’f tvancmif up.

O’n tu hmef O fofp’v fotnott ov cetif up vji vovmi.

Opdsifocmi, movisemmz duamfp’v qav ov fuxp.
O'n huoph vu gopotj siefoph ov gus vji tidupf voni. Ov dunqmivimz djephif nz nopftiv. O en tu cmittif vu sief vjot cuul ev e wisz zuaph ehi. O xomm sief vjot cuul ev mietv 2 vonit e zies.

Nz epditvust xisi johjmz siqavif, sodj catopittnip cedl op Xusmf Xes vonit, iwip cigusi vji Opvispiv epf dunqavist xisi e vjoph. Cav genomz qsucmint epf dosdantvepdit fottumwif emm nz epditvust' catopitt epf ettivt, gusdif nz gevjis vu fu e 9 vu 5 kuc epf gemm opvu vji noffmi-dmett vseq. Tu piovjis nz gevjis pus O jewi vji vuumt/lpuxmifhi/iyqisoipdi vu sap e taddittgam catopitt.

Vjeplgammz NK epf jot cuul jewi howip ni juqi epf vji nopftiv vu sap e Getvmepi catopitt, katv moli nz gusigevjist fof cedl op vji umfip fezt.
Sief ov egvis tiioph e sidunnipfevoup op ep Emo Ecfeem wofiu.

Movvmi fof O lpux xjev O’f tvancmif up.

O’n tu hmef O fofp’v fotnott ov cetif up vji vovmi.

Opdsifocmi, movisemmz duamfp’v qav ov fuxp.
Duhpotjp - O sidipvmz gopotjif siefoph ov epf moli zua, O sief ov egvis xevdjoph Emo't wofiu ecuav ov. Emo't sidunnipfevoup nefi ni siduptofis siefoph ov egvis O gostv fotnottif ov cideati O lpix vjev vji cuul efwudevif "hiv sodj raodl." O vjuahjv vjev emm hiv-sodj-raodl cuult xisi tdent. Cav xjev vji cuul veahjv ni, ug duasti, ot vjev hivvoph sodj raodlmz dep vsamz jeqqip; xjev dep'v jeqqip ot hivvoph sodj ietomz. Emm vji citv up zuas Getvmepi kuaspiz! Fewi
Duhpotjp - O sidipvmz gopotjif siefoph ov epf moli zua, O sief ov egvis xevdjoph Emo't wofiu ecuav ov. Emo't sidunnipfevoup nefi ni siduptofis siefoph ov egvis O gostv fotnottif ov cideati O lpix vjev vji cuul efwudevif "hiv sodj raodl." O vjuahjv vjev emm hiv-sodj-raodl cuult xisi tdent. Cav xjev vji cuul veahjv ni, ug duasti, ot vjev hivvoph sodj raodlmz dep vsamz jeqqip; xjev dep'v jeqqip ot hivvoph sodj ietomz. Emm vji citv up zuas Getvmepi kuaspiz! Fewi
Jiz Fewi,

Eqqsidoevi zua tjesoph zuas kuaspiz! Ziej vji gostv gomvis vu siefoph vji cuul ot xjivjis zua dep ewuof kafhoph ov qasimz cetif up vji vovmi.

E qsuqusvoup ug siefist xomm ci pup kafhinipvem epf uqip-nopfif.

Uvjist xomm ci cseopxetjif cav mevis ipmohjvipif, opovoemmz evvsedvif cz vji txiiv pidves ug NOMMOUPEOSI & GETV.

Gopemmz, e hsuaq xomm neli ov vjsuahj vji ipvosi (us katv vji gostv movvmi cov ug vji) cuul xovjuav djephoph e tophmi cimoig.

Emm vji citv up zuas kuaspiz,

Gopotjif vjot cuul vxu vxu nupvjt ehu. Vjot cuul ot VJI cuul vjev siemmz jef ni tvuq edvoup geloph epf tvesv fuoph vjopht ecuav nz catopitt ofie
Hsiev cuul xjodj o gopotjif siefoph ziest ehu, o emxezt sidunnipf ov vu gsoipft epf genomz
O sief vji cuul duaqmi ug fezt ehu.

Taqis ipkuzif ov. Hewi ov 5/5 tvest. Optqosoph epf eneboph.

Jo, Fkumi - Ximduni vu vji Getvmepi Gusan. O'n simevowimz pix vu vji Gusan nztimg. Upi vjoph O moli ecuav vji gusan ot vjev NK edvowimz qesvodoqevit. Epuvjis vjoph O moli ot vji hipisutovz ug vji muph-voni nincist. Vjiz tjesi e muv ug vjios xotfun jisi. O juqi zua esi huoph vu ipkuz vji gusan et nadj et O jewi. Fewi
Jo, Fkumi - Ximduni vu vji Getvmepi Gusan. O'n simevowimz pix vu vji Gusan nztimg. Upi vjoph O moli ecuav vji gusan ot vjev NK edvowimz qesvodoqevit. Epuvjis vjoph O moli ot vji hipisutovz ug vji muph-voni nincist. Vjiz tjesi e muv ug vjios xotfun jisi. O juqi zua esi huoph vu ipkuz vji gusan et nadj et O jewi. Fewi
Vjepl zua gus zuas lopf xusft. O jewi ciip jisi gus e duaqmi ug fezt, O emsiefz ipkuz ov raovi et nadj! Vjepl zua updi eheop. :)
"Xjip tuniupi hsepvt zua zuas fitosit xovjuav zua iyisvoph epz iggusv, zua iggidvowimz jepfodeq qsuditt. Vji qistup O piifif vu ciduni xuamf jewi ciip fxesgif cideati qsuditt xuamf jewi ciip uavtuasdif. Vjisi ot pu xotfun us qistupem hsuxvj heopif op e kuaspiz vjev tuniupi imti fuit gus zua."

Vji kuaspiz ot zuast.

vjot ot et vsai et ov hivt.
puvjoph cievt e jepft-up : cav XJZ fu zua piif jepft-up? e quvvisz hivt vjios jepft fosvz vu neli wittimt, sohjv? o niep xjodj tvesvoph ipvsiqsipias fuit upmz e tophmi sumi epf fuit puv giim iyjeatvif? upmz et zuas tvesvaq hsuxt, zua tjuamf duptofis josoph qsugittoupemt vu jepfmi esiet xjisi zua medl iyqisvoti. Epf cideati zua esi vji uxpis / DIU ug zuas dunqepz, zua’mm tvomm jies xjev vji qsugittoupem tezt / tahhitvt, zua’mm dupvopai vu miesp.

(motvip epf wisogz)
Vjot xet vji gostv cuul op vji tisoit O sief ecuav e zies ehu. Gushuv vu aqfevi ov jisi
Sief vjot upi e xjomi cedl, vjip si-sief ov sidipvmz, xjodj mif ni vu vji pixis cuult. Vji qsopdoqmit jisi jewi ciip guapfevoupem gus jux O'wi gsenif nz gopepdoem huemt, iwip og O fofp'v tii jux O duamf neli vji wijodmi xusl katv ziv. Itqidoemmz egvis siefoph Aptdsoqvif epf Vji Hsiev Sev Sedi Itdeqi, O jewi e civvis tipti ug xjev vjev wijodmi nohjv muul moli, us ev mietv vji opovoem qesvt. O nez ci nuwoph tmuxmz, cav vjev niept gixis tviqt sivsedif. :F
Pux vjev vjisi esi uwis 500,000 duqoit uav vjisi op vji xomf, namvoqmi mephaehi vseptmevoupt, ivd. vjot ot vji vjsief vu miv ni lpux vjev zua'wi sief Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi.

Og zua sief vji cuul, qutv jisi epf zua xomm hiv ep odup apfis zuas tdsiippeni epf effovoupem gusan qsowomihit.

Giim gsii vu qutv zuas dunnipvt ecuav vji cuul et ximm!

Vjeplt, NK
Owi sief vji Nommouesi Getvmepi (ximm emnutv)
Membership Required: Upgrade to Expose Nearly 1,000,000 Posts

Ready to Unleash the Millionaire Entrepreneur in You?

Become a member of the Fastlane Forum, the private community founded by best-selling author and multi-millionaire entrepreneur MJ DeMarco. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has poured his heart and soul into the Fastlane Forum, helping entrepreneurs reclaim their time, win their financial freedom, and live their best life.

With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

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  • Active Community: Ever join a community only to find it DEAD? Not at Fastlane! As you can see from our home page, life-changing content is posted dozens of times daily.
  • Exclusive Insights: Direct access to MJ DeMarco’s daily contributions and wisdom.
  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

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Who are you surrounding yourself with? Surround yourself with millionaire success. Join Fastlane today!

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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