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Apr 16, 2024
Let's try this intro thing.

For someone that is an action taker almost 100% of the time. I tend to be a behind the scenes one. Talking about experiences in a larger than "family/friends group of 6-8 people" thing for me is uncomfortable. But let's go.

Some background about me:
26, originally from Brazil, but lived half my life in the UK, graduating there with a Computer Science degree. Now I'm in Southern Europe for the last few years.

Reading the DeMarco books (TMF , Unscripted , The Great Rat Race Escape ) has expanded my awareness about a lot of things that I've felt over time, but didn't quite understand until about 2 years ago.
Engrossing myself in the books has caused a re-programming in my own internal and external self talk. e.g. rather than saying "I'm a software engineer" to saying "I'm an entrepreneurial problem solver with tendencies to use tech to solve things".
Initially, shifting this language felt somewhat uneasy / impostor syndrome like. But over time, changing the self talk, I've found really helps to shift the everyday paradigms.

* Determination has never been an issue for me. When I want (or need) to get better at something, be it health, technical knowledge, sports, I usually go through a period of negative emotions first (sadness, frustation, etc) --> processing them --> searching and ingesting solution knowledge --> taking action --> reiterate and incorporate into daily life.
* Taking things step by step. From diet, to learning acrobatics, running, planning long road trips. Compartmentalization, although not helpful all the time, has come in handy in stressfull situations a lot.
* Seeing "negative" things as catalysts. Some situations, although very stressful on the daily, have shown me that actually, if it wasn't for them, I'd be growing as person a lot more slowly.

* Analysis paralysis / Indecision. This has been usually been my downfall, which I'm trying to overcome. Every time I try and make a new SaaS, I feel like I walk round in circles a lot before coming to a final decision of how to architect it, which tech to use, etc. Sometimes, even which idea should be built first. The famous, trying to juggle multiple projects at once, rather than just focusing on one thing at a time. Somehow when it comes to more business related topics, rather than personal, I struggle with taking it step by step, and pivot too early, resulting in more time taken.
* Balancing personal life distractions vs wanting to focus. I don't have a focus problem most of the time, and really enjoy the hyperfocus that comes from setting up one's day correctly. But I struggle with my partner not being 100% on board with getting our heads down and focusing on building a better life, as well as getting carried away with discussions that eat time away, from productive work and/or rest.
* Publicness. I could probably count in 2 hands the amount of time I've posted something to the masses, videos, forums etc. Combating the shyness bit by bit, because I know speaking out, building one's public platform voice, marketing is an important key to having the big successes.

Next steps:
* Continue building tech solutions
* Catch myself when I get into indecision / analysis paralysis. Try break this cycle, either by deploying, or posting something external for extra accountability like with this post
* Iterate on how to get the first customer, and grow from there.
* Post next update here in a week. Sunday seems like a good day for this.

* Pay parents mortgage
* Live sustainably as possible in nature
* Run a non-profit animal sanctuary
* Have more time to bring better solutions for a wider group of people
* Have more time to enjoy with close group of family and friends

The point of this post, was to introduce myself to the community, have a psychological external accountability (ie, not just my own accountability, drive and organisation), and most importantly, to swap knowledge.
If anyone is struggling with my strengths mentioned above, and you feel I could help, pop me a question, and conversly, I'd be very grateful to hear from the community any feedback on my struggles, which you feel would be helpful for the next steps of this journey.

I appreciate the time taken to read the above.
Until very soon,

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MJ DeMarco

I followed the science; all I found was money.
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Jul 23, 2007
graduating there with a Computer Science degree.

That's a great Fastlane skillset.

I could probably count in 2 hands the amount of time I've posted something to the masses, videos, forums etc. Combating the shyness bit by bit, because I know speaking out, building one's public platform voice, marketing is an important key to having the big successes.

Well congrats on #3!

Show me how uncomfortable one is willing to get, and I'll show you how successful someone is willing to be.

So I'll ask.... how quickly can you acquire your first customer?

If someone gave you $50 for some piece of software, software you've yet to build, would finding motivation and urgency be an issue?

The point of this post, was to introduce myself to the community

Well done, welcome.


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Apr 16, 2024
So I'll ask.... how quickly can you acquire your first customer?

If someone gave you $50 for some piece of software, software you've yet to build, would finding motivation and urgency be an issue?
Finding motivation and urgency in this situation wouldn't be an issue, but not just because of the monetary compensation.
But rather, because building it would actually be of value for someone.
(And it would also give me non-monetary value in potentially learning a different context, or technical aspect.)

Whereas when building something that's yet not validated to be a pain point for people, going through that "desert" as you describe in your books, tends to be the tougher bit. I guess it's where the indecision has more time to seep in, and keep one there for longer...

For these cases having a self internal deadline really helps. E.g. "The MVP needs to be out in a week".
Though I still fail here often. Likely a change of belief needed here on my part.

After writing my intro post yesterday, I reflected I just need to stick to single architectural decision, finish an MVP, validate it, and re-iterate and change as needed. Even if I'll likely have the thoughts of "Should have used X thing instead, it was better long term".

I think there'll always be the argument, of getting something out fast that's less reliable vs getting something out slower that's more robust. But realistically, the latter is better after a quick runway to a green light on the validation.

Well done, welcome.

Thank you!

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