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Jun 19, 2024
Hello everybody,

my name is Annika and I am from Germany.

I have a business called Rosemary & Pines Fiber Arts which I started in 2019 as more of a side project/hobby.
But since last year I am commited to make it as profitable and successful as I can.

Growing up, I never imagined myself becoming an entrepreneur one day. I took the traditional route and graduated from college with a PhD in chemistry.
But after a couple of years in the corporate world, it became clear that this wasn't the right path for me.
Becoming self-employed and working on my business is a great source of joy for me every day.
I love to learn new things. My business has already taught me so much and is continuing to provide so much learning potential which is awesome.

I am currently listening to the millionaire fastlane audiobook and am almost done with it.
I am looking forward to digging through this forums as I expect to learn a lot from it.

Kind regards
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MJ DeMarco

I followed the science; all I found was money.
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Jul 23, 2007
Welcome Annika, any domain experience in chemistry you can access to leverage a Fastlane? That's quite a skill to have and could open some doors?


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Jun 19, 2024
Welcome Annika, any domain experience in chemistry you can access to leverage a Fastlane? That's quite a skill to have and could open some doors?
Well, this is a tricky question for me. Atfer leaving the corporate world, feeling burnt out and like chemistry was the wrong choice for me, I cannot imagine myself going back to the classic field of chemistry.

But, I do still think that I can use my knowledge in a somewhat non-traditional way.
As of right now, I am creating content and educating others about the topic of dyeing yarn with natural dyes.
I think that being a chemist gives me an advantage here because not only do I understand the chemical processes and am able to explain them (compared to someone without a scientific background), I can also convey knowledge in a very structured way.
I have gotten great feedback on an ebook I published last year about different yarn dyeing techniques. This led me to now working on creating an online course about natural yarn dyeing. I think that creating ebooks and courses makes a lot of sense for me because it is scalable.

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