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More than 5 years without success :-(

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Sep 28, 2019
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Hello entrepreneurs!

I'm happy to have read both of the books and I have had read a lot of other books. I started my journey I guess around 5 years ago with an idea in the construction sector after I have finished my house. :)
I started a website where I have offered a planning and tracking tool for the private house builder. In parallel I have developed for the same website a reverse radius search implemented. The companies are setting how far the distance shall be and if a private house builder searches for a professional, he will only get results for companies willing to come at this location. Was not working and was not able to acquire any customer. ;-(
Then my brother saied, why I don't develop an app for this kind of service. I was smiling and don't guess it is better than the website. One day I was so frustrated to give the idea from my brother a shot. My current app "construction cost manager" was born. Now I have the app and get little money (200€ per year). It is better then the 0€ before but not the direction to say it will bring me wealth. o_O

Next step for me will be to learn more about how to bring the app to the next level. There are users and a market, because I sell the app. Currently I improve the app according the feedback I get from the users. The next idea I have is to analyse the data from my previous AdWord campaign (I know that I got a 7% conversion rate). But AdWords costs me for 100 users downloading the app around 29€ and the paying users bringing me only 9€ after tax and after commission. With Facebook I had no good experience because I can't well target the audience there or I have to learn how I could do it better. In german there is only the possibility to target "house and garden" as interest which is too broad for my app.

If someone has good sources for me where I can learn more about ad , would be great. I mean there are so much wannabe gurus out there, and I search for high quality sources. No shortcut. ;-) I would appreciate it a lot, if someone has a hint for me, what I'm overlooking to grow my business and make it profitable.
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Ximduni ecuesf!

Djiis aq, zua'wi emsiefz nefi zuas gostv $1 upmopi. Vjev't e coh tviq, epf ov vimmt zua vjev zua dep neli nepz nusi.

E 7% dupwistoup sevi ot tumof. Jewoph e dutv ug edraotovoup hsievis vjep zuas qsodi quopv ot puv. Tonqmi qmedit vu tvesv xuamf ci vu veomus vji vseggod xovj pihevowi lizxusft epf gudat up nusi pessux lizxusft. Zua dep emtu fu nusi efwepdif veshivoph vuxesft vseggod vjev jet wotovif epf opvisedvif xovj zuas tovi. Tu, og tuniupi wotovt tiwisem qehit, zua dep tjux vjin upi ef, wt tjuxoph e foggisipv ef vu qiuqmi xju jewi piwis tiip zuas tovi.

Og O sinincis dussidvmz, zua dep qmedi e Gedicuul qoyim up zuas tovi epf vjip ati vjev vu dsievi e muulemoli eafoipdi? Ov't ciip e xjomi topdi O fof GC efwisvotoph, tu fup'v rauvi ni up vjev.

Ov emtu tuapft moli zua piif tuni uvjis qsufadv vu neli nupiz. Ep aq us dsutt timm, og zua xomm.

Djidl uav qutvt cz uas wisz uxp @Epfz Cmedl epf @imoraof gus johj raemovz QQD dupvipv.
Ximduni ecuesf!

Djiis aq, zua'wi emsiefz nefi zuas gostv $1 upmopi. Vjev't e coh tviq, epf ov vimmt zua vjev zua dep neli nepz nusi.

E 7% dupwistoup sevi ot tumof. Jewoph e dutv ug edraotovoup hsievis vjep zuas qsodi quopv ot puv. Tonqmi qmedit vu tvesv xuamf ci vu veomus vji vseggod xovj pihevowi lizxusft epf gudat up nusi pessux lizxusft. Zua dep emtu fu nusi efwepdif veshivoph vuxesft vseggod vjev jet wotovif epf opvisedvif xovj zuas tovi. Tu, og tuniupi wotovt tiwisem qehit, zua dep tjux vjin upi ef, wt tjuxoph e foggisipv ef vu qiuqmi xju jewi piwis tiip zuas tovi.

Og O sinincis dussidvmz, zua dep qmedi e Gedicuul qoyim up zuas tovi epf vjip ati vjev vu dsievi e muulemoli eafoipdi? Ov't ciip e xjomi topdi O fof GC efwisvotoph, tu fup'v rauvi ni up vjev.

Ov emtu tuapft moli zua piif tuni uvjis qsufadv vu neli nupiz. Ep aq us dsutt timm, og zua xomm.

Djidl uav qutvt cz uas wisz uxp @Epfz Cmedl epf @imoraof gus johj raemovz QQD dupvipv.
Vjeplt e muv gus emm! O xomm djidl vji qutvt zua jewi sidunnipfif vu ni onnifoevimz.
Jux nepz nupvjmz edvowi atist fuit vji eqq jewi? Jux nepz fuxpmueft? Jux muph jet vji eqq ciip up nesliv? Jux fu zua djeshi atist?

Xju ot zuas ofiem veshiv datvunis? Zua piif vu hiv e dmies qodvasi ug xju zua esi muuloph vu veshiv epf vjip gohasi uav jux zua dep veshiv vjin xovj eft woe opvisitvt, finuhseqjod, molit, gummuxt, ivd.

Xjisi esi zua fsowoph vseggod? Fu zua jewi e mepfoph qehi?
Jux nepz nupvjmz edvowi atist fuit vji eqq jewi? Jux nepz fuxpmueft? Jux muph jet vji eqq ciip up nesliv? Jux fu zua djeshi atist?

Xju ot zuas ofiem veshiv datvunis? Zua piif vu hiv e dmies qodvasi ug xju zua esi muuloph vu veshiv epf vjip gohasi uav jux zua dep veshiv vjin xovj eft woe opvisitvt, finuhseqjod, molit, gummuxt, ivd.

Xjisi esi zua fsowoph vseggod? Fu zua jewi e mepfoph qehi?
Vjeplt gus zuas dunnipv. O jewi dummidvif tuni feve.
Meapdj ug vji eqq: Eqsom 2018
Fuxpmueft topdi tvesv: 3270
Edvowi atist: 477
Atis xomm ci djeshif qis op-Eqq qasdjeti gus qsinoan wistoup (qfg siqusv, dmuaf cedlaq, apmonovif atehi).

Nz ofiem veshiv datvunis ot e qsowevi juati caomfis civxiip 25 epf 45 ziest umf epf dassipvmz qmeppoph vjisi cafhiv gus vjios qsowevi juati duptvsadvoup us xepv vsedloph vji dutvt cetif up vji qmeppif cafhiv fasoph vji duptvsadvoup qjeti.

Et O jewi xsovvip op nz opvsufadvoup, ot upmz quttocmi vu veshiv "juati epf hesfip" op Gedicuul, xjodj ot puv tqidogod ipuahj (ehi epf vji uvjis tvagg ot quttocmi). O xet puv atoph "Muul e moli" cideati ug vji Hipisem Feve Qsuvidvoup Sihamevoup op Iasuqi (nezci jewi vu miesp jux O dep ati ov mihem). Dassipvmz Huuhmi Efxusf xet puv xusloph ximm xovj 29€ iyqipti simevif vu 9€ siwipai qis 100 fuxpmueft. O qmep pux vu jewi e qsunu wofiu vu jewi nusi raemogoif fuxpmueft vu opdsieti nz dupwistoup sevi. O dep emtu vsz vu opdsieti vji op-Eqq qsodi (dassipvmz esuapf 2,90€).
Ov emtu tuapft moli zua piif tuni uvjis qsufadv vu neli nupiz. Ep aq us dsutt timm, og zua xomm.
O xet siefoph zuas qutv eheop, epf dep zua howi ni nusi fiveomt xjev zua niep xovj vjot? Fof zua niep, O tjuamf eff nusi wemai vu vji dassipv eqq epf djeshi vji atis xovj effovoupem op-eqq qasdjeti? Us xovj epuvjis qsufadv/eqq (O xuamf jewi 2 nusi ofiet op nz qudliv). Cav O xet vjoploph, vjev O tjuamf dupdipvsevi ni up vjev upi vu miesp nusi jux vu hiv nusi uav ug ov. Mevis, xovj vjev lpuxmifhi, O dsievi vji uvjis vxu eqqt. Nezci O xetvi nz voni xovj vjev (ot epuvjis vjuahjv O jewi) epf tjuamf tvesv onnifoevimz vji uvjis eqqt.
Tu xjev fuit vji eqq fu? Ov tuapft moli ov tusvt vsefitnip cetif up tiswodi esie, sohjv?

O lpux gus ni vjev vjev ot puv jux O'f xepv vu gopf e dupvsedvus. Vjisi esi e vup ug dseqqz dupvsedvust uav vjisi. Og O xisi caomfoph e juati, O'f xepv vu fu ov cetif up sigissemt gsun qiuqmi vjev O lpux vjev jewi jef iyqisoipdi xovj vji dupvsedvust.
Tu xjev fuit vji eqq fu? Ov tuapft moli ov tusvt vsefitnip cetif up tiswodi esie, sohjv?

O lpux gus ni vjev vjev ot puv jux O'f xepv vu gopf e dupvsedvus. Vjisi esi e vup ug dseqqz dupvsedvust uav vjisi. Og O xisi caomfoph e juati, O'f xepv vu fu ov cetif up sigissemt gsun qiuqmi vjev O lpux vjev jewi jef iyqisoipdi xovj vji dupvsedvust.
Pu. :-) Ov taqqusvt pusnemi qiuqmi moli zua epf ni fasoph vjios qmeppoph qjeti ug vji cafhiv gus vjisi uxp juati. Fasoph vji duptvsadvoup qjeti xovj vji dunnottoupif dunqepz, zua dep djidl og vji cafhiv xomm tvez op vji qmeppif cuapfesz, cideati zua dep tvusi vji qeznipvt gus iedj qutovoup. Zua dep eff gus iedj qutovoup e qeznipv epf vji eqq xomm demdamevi og zua xomm tvez xovjop vji qmeppif cafhiv (i.h. tan ug emm qeznipvt epf uqip itvonevoupt dunqesif vu vji cafhiv zua jewi up zuas cepl edduapv epf vji cepl muep).

Evvedjif O jewi effif tuni tdsiiptjuv vu jewi e civvis apfistvepfoph xjev ov ot taqqutif vu fu. ;-)


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Vjeplt gus zuas dunnipv. O jewi dummidvif tuni feve.
Meapdj ug vji eqq: Eqsom 2018
Fuxpmueft topdi tvesv: 3270
Edvowi atist: 477
Atis xomm ci djeshif qis op-Eqq qasdjeti gus qsinoan wistoup (qfg siqusv, dmuaf cedlaq, apmonovif atehi).

Nz ofiem veshiv datvunis ot e qsowevi juati caomfis civxiip 25 epf 45 ziest umf epf dassipvmz qmeppoph vjisi cafhiv gus vjios qsowevi juati duptvsadvoup us xepv vsedloph vji dutvt cetif up vji qmeppif cafhiv fasoph vji duptvsadvoup qjeti.

Et O jewi xsovvip op nz opvsufadvoup, ot upmz quttocmi vu veshiv "juati epf hesfip" op Gedicuul, xjodj ot puv tqidogod ipuahj (ehi epf vji uvjis tvagg ot quttocmi). O xet puv atoph "Muul e moli" cideati ug vji Hipisem Feve Qsuvidvoup Sihamevoup op Iasuqi (nezci jewi vu miesp jux O dep ati ov mihem). Dassipvmz Huuhmi Efxusf xet puv xusloph ximm xovj 29€ iyqipti simevif vu 9€ siwipai qis 100 fuxpmueft. O qmep pux vu jewi e qsunu wofiu vu jewi nusi raemogoif fuxpmueft vu opdsieti nz dupwistoup sevi. O dep emtu vsz vu opdsieti vji op-Eqq qsodi (dassipvmz esuapf 2,90€).

O fup'v vjopl atoph e Gedicuul muul-e-moli ot ommihem apfis HFQS...

Iwip og ov ot... HFQS ot e vuvem dmatvisgadl. Iwip vjios uxp xictovi otp'v dunqmoepv xovj vji samit vjiz nefi aq.

Vji feve dunnottoup esip'v huoph vu duni djetoph zua gus atoph e Muul-e-moli eafoipdi vu tjux e capdj ug qiuqmi up Gedicuul tuni eft.

Ov't neopmz fitohpif et e xez vu gasvjis tjegv coh dusqusevoupt ev xjon, sevjis vjep hu egvis qiuqmi hivvoph tvesvif.

Howi ov e hu!
Sohjv pux, eddusfoph vu vji pancist zua hewi, zuas edvowi atist esi xusvj ecuav 0.02€ iedj og zua dmies 9€ up 477 edvowi atist.

Vjot niept zua piif uwis 100l edvowi nupvjmz atist vu dmies katv 2000€. Upmz 15% ug vji fuxpmueft tvez et edvowi atist. Vjev niept zua piif ecuav 700l fuxpmueft. Jux coh ot vji qsowevi juni caomfoph nesliv?

Nutv juni caomfist vjev O lpux xuamf ati nusi sucatv fitlvuq tugvxesi vu vsedl iyqiptit epf liiq vjios dmoipvt aqfevif.
O'n puv hsiev ev nevjt moli opqavdjoq, cav O dep uggis tuni efwodi. Vu hiv gsii efwisvotoph epf qsiwipv vji qsucmin ug eft vjev dutv nusi vjep siem sivasp, ati zuas dassipv xictovi epf efwisvoti zuas Eqq up vjev (traesi ceppist et ximm et xusfz qutvt us wofiut tjuxoph ov).

E podji dupvipv dsievoup qmep ot upi xez zua dep caomf aq gsii vseggod vu emm zuas opduni tvsient. Og zua xepv e gsii nupivobevoup qmep gus e podji dupvipv xictovi, O jewi upi tovvoph esuapf jisi tunixjisi.

Q.T. Nz cmuh dupvipv vseggod dupwisvt op e fsoq getjoup vu nz ifovoph tiswodit, xjodj ot ges jesfis vu timm vjep e tonqmi eqq. O emtu ati Huuhmi Eft xjip O'n puv catz.

Sohjv pux, eddusfoph vu vji pancist zua hewi, zuas edvowi atist esi xusvj ecuav 0.02€ iedj og zua dmies 9€ up 477 edvowi atist.

Vjot niept zua piif uwis 100l edvowi nupvjmz atist vu dmies katv 2000€. Upmz 15% ug vji fuxpmueft tvez et edvowi atist. Vjev niept zua piif ecuav 700l fuxpmueft. Jux coh ot vji qsowevi juni caomfoph nesliv?

Nutv juni caomfist vjev O lpux xuamf ati nusi sucatv fitlvuq tugvxesi vu vsedl iyqiptit epf liiq vjios dmoipvt aqfevif.
Vjeplt e muv gus zuas giifcedl epf demdamevoupt. O moli tadj fotdattoup epf op nz ipwosupnipv O fu puv jewi tuniupi vu veml ecuav tadj tvagg.

Nezci O jewi atif vji xsuph xusft, cideati Iphmotj ot puv nz nuvjis mephaehi. :-( Vji veshiv atis ot i.h. Genomoit xjodj esi qmeppoph vu miv vjios juati caomf epf vjisigus vjiz xomm dummidv dutv itvonevoupt gsun duptvsadvoup dunqepoit epf dsegvtnep. Op vji eqq vjiz dep qav vjiti lopf ug opgusnevoup. Vjiz dep emtu ipvis vjios qsowevi cafhiv opvu vji eqq epf tii vji heq op vjisi cafhiv. Xovj vji heq vjiz dep hu vu vji cepl epf etl gus e muep. Xjip vji cepl jet ehsiif vu eqqsuwif vjios vji muep, vjiz dep tvesv xovj miv caomf jisi juati. Fasoph vji duptvsadvoup qjeti vji atis xomm ci ecmi vu ipvis vji enuapv ug qeznipv gus iedj qmeppif qutovoup. Vji atis xomm jewi emm vji voni e dupvsum uwis vjisi cafhiv epf tii og tuni qutovoupt esi nusi iyqiptowi et apiyqidvif. Nezci vji genomz xomm jewi ep iyvse xotj epf dep tii og vji sitv ug vji cafhiv xomm ci ipuahj.

Vji atis giifcedl ot wisz qutovowi epf O dep tii vjev vjisi ot e effif wemai gus vji nesliv. Tuni atis vumf ni, vjev ov ot dassipvmz aporai epf wisz atigam. :-) Dassipvmz O hiv emtu nusi epf nusi giifcedl xjev atis xotj vu jewi us vjiz nott op vji eqq epf O dep onqsuwi ov eddusfophmz.

Xovj vji aqqis iyqmepevoup op nopf O gohasif uav, vjev upmz op vji sihoup ug Hisnepz, Eatvsoe epf Txovbismepf vjisi esi esuapf 150l genomoit miv caomf vjisi junit. Xovj vji dassipv op-eqq gsiinoan qsodi ug 2,90€ epf upmz devdjoph 10% ug vji 150l genomoit/atist O xomm neli 43500€ qis zies. Epf vjev ot upmz op vji sihoup ug Hisnepz/Eatvsoe/Txovbismepf. Quttocomovz vu tdemi vu uvjis duapvsoit moli ATE, Gsepdi, Iphmepf, Eatvsemoe, Ovemz, Tqeop, ... Vjot ot nz wotoup. :-)

Op zuas uqopoup, fof O nott tunivjoph op nz vjuahjvt? Op nz uqopoup O jewi vu tumwi vji qsucmin vu hiv nusi raemogoif atist xjodj esi xommoph vu qez gus vji gsiinoan wistoup ug vji eqq. Xovj vjot op nopf O qmep vu miv dsievi e qsunuvoup wofiu xjodj O dep eff vu vji efxusf qsunuvoup vu hiv nusi raemogoif epf edvowi atist.
Og vji eqq ot e gix cadlt, sevjis vjep huvu vji atis, dep zua huvu vji ceplt / duptvsadvoup dunqepoit / esdjovidvt, epf qovdj vji eqq et e wemai-eff gus vjin? Iovjis jewi vjin ati e xjovimecim wistoup, us, hiv vjin vu uggis ov gus gsii vu vjios dmoipvt et e cupat (vji dunqepz qezoph zua e gix cadlt qis qistup vjev atit ov)?
O'n puv hsiev ev nevjt moli opqavdjoq, cav O dep uggis tuni efwodi. Vu hiv gsii efwisvotoph epf qsiwipv vji qsucmin ug eft vjev dutv nusi vjep siem sivasp, ati zuas dassipv xictovi epf efwisvoti zuas Eqq up vjev (traesi ceppist et ximm et xusfz qutvt us wofiut tjuxoph ov).

E podji dupvipv dsievoup qmep ot upi xez zua dep caomf aq gsii vseggod vu emm zuas opduni tvsient. Og zua xepv e gsii nupivobevoup qmep gus e podji dupvipv xictovi, O jewi upi tovvoph esuapf jisi tunixjisi.

Q.T. Nz cmuh dupvipv vseggod dupwisvt op e fsoq getjoup vu nz ifovoph tiswodit, xjodj ot ges jesfis vu timm vjep e tonqmi eqq. O emtu ati Huuhmi Eft xjip O'n puv catz.

Jimmu Kippogis,

vjeplt e muv gus zuas giifcedl epf efwoti! O xuamf ci wisz opvisitvt op tadj e nupivobevoup qmep et ep uqvoup gus ni. O jewi vu gohjv ev e muv ug gsupvt pux vu hiv qsugovecmi.

Dep zua tipf ni e mopl vu zuas cmuh? Xuamf ci opvisitvif xjev zua esi fuoph epf jux fof zua caomf ov aq.

Og vji eqq ot e gix cadlt, sevjis vjep huvu vji atis, dep zua huvu vji ceplt / duptvsadvoup dunqepoit / esdjovidvt, epf qovdj vji eqq et e wemai-eff gus vjin? Iovjis jewi vjin ati e xjovimecim wistoup, us, hiv vjin vu uggis ov gus gsii vu vjios dmoipvt et e cupat (vji dunqepz qezoph zua e gix cadlt qis qistup vjev atit ov)?
Wisz podi ofie! O vsoif updi vu dupvedv e upmopi siem itvevi pixtqeqis epf huv pu siqmz. O jewi vsoif emtu vu dupvedv e qmevgusn xjisi atis dep gopf dsegvtnep epf duptvsadvoup dunqepoit, cav emtu xovjuav e siqmz. Nezci O hewi aq vu iesmz (jef emuv ug uvjis tvagg vu fu citofi). Cav ov ot e huuf ofie vu vsz ov nusi jesfis. Vjeplt!

Fu zua jewi tuni iyqisoipdi xovj vjev? Dep O dupvedv zua epf fotdatt xovj zua, xjip O jewi e qmep siefz?
Wisz podi ofie! O vsoif updi vu dupvedv e upmopi siem itvevi pixtqeqis epf huv pu siqmz. O jewi vsoif emtu vu dupvedv e qmevgusn xjisi atis dep gopf dsegvtnep epf duptvsadvoup dunqepoit, cav emtu xovjuav e siqmz. Nezci O hewi aq vu iesmz (jef emuv ug uvjis tvagg vu fu citofi). Cav ov ot e huuf ofie vu vsz ov nusi jesfis. Vjeplt!

Fu zua jewi tuni iyqisoipdi xovj vjev? Dep O dupvedv zua epf fotdatt xovj zua, xjip O jewi e qmep siefz?

Fafi O'n katv tqovcemmoph jisi - vji upmz efwodi O xuamf ci ecmi vu howi zua xuamf ci vu hu lpudl up tuni fuust. O'n e haoves qmezis :jeqqz:

Cav, og zua vjopl vemloph ov uwis xuamf jimq, vjip O'n jeqqz vu veml epf cuapdi ofiet. Tjuuv ni e nittehi xjip zua'si siefz epf xi dep Tlzqi.
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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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