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Most Investments are Bad. Here's Why.

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The Sandman

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Jul 12, 2022
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Fantastic article by Lyn Alden!

Key points:
-Historical data shows that the vast, vast majority of OUTSIDE PASSIVE investments perform poorly.
-Owner-Operators are the winners (not OUTSIDE PASSIVE investors!)
-The types of investments that worked well during the past four decades are less likely to work quite as well over the next four decades.

Full article below:

Most Investments are Bad. Here's Why.
Historical data shows that the vast, vast majority of investments perform poorly.
This is true for bonds, stocks, and real estate as asset classes. Nearly all of it makes for a bad investment for outside passive investors.
And what I'll show in this piece is that this is both normal and unavoidable. And unintuitively, I'll also show that it doesn't mean that most of those investments shouldn't have happened. But it does inform us a lot about how we should try to invest as allocators of capital.

A History of Duds​

Whether we look at bonds, stocks, or real estate, the returns for most investments are bad. The top outliers account for most of the returns.
We can go through them one-by-one to quantify how bad they are:
Historical Bond Returns
The U.S. dollar was the second-best performing currency over the past century, second only to the Swiss franc. The United States was the largest economy in the world throughout this period, and the dollar rose to become the world reserve currency during this time. And yet, holding U.S. government bonds during their time of ascent and dominance underperformed simply holding gold.
Professor Aswath Damodaran maintains records of the performance of various assets classes going back to 1928. If you had invested $100 in T-bills starting in 1928 and compounded them through 2023, you would have $2,249 by the end of 2023. If you had taken more volatility risk and instead invested in longer duration T-bonds, you would have turned $100 into $7,278.
That seems great at first, except for the fact that this is entirely due to dollar debasement along the way. If you had simply put $100 into gold, you would have turned $100 into $10,042. The number of dollars in the U.S. broad money supply increased by more than 400x from 1928 through 2023.
And gold holders were gradually diluted too. That's why they only had a 100x nominal gain rather than a 400x nominal gain which would be in line with the money supply growth. Every year, the global supply of refined gold increases by an estimated 1% to 2%, which gradually impacts a gold holder's purchasing power. If the supply of refined gold grows by an average of 1.5% per year, then after 95 years the amount of refined gold on the market will have increased by about 4x.
And the math checks out; each unit of gold increased in dollar price by about 100x, and there's about 4x as much of it, and so the market capitalization of gold increased by about 400x which is in line with the money supply growth.
As a result of this gradual dilution, over the long arc of time a gold holder's ability to purchase things like a barrel of oil has been pretty much flat, even as our ability to get oil out of the ground becomes better due to improving technology. Here's the chart of the price of barrels of oil denominated in ounces of gold:
A pasted image
A gold holder's purchasing power gradually increases for things that we get exponentially better at making. A gold coin can buy more agricultural products today than it could a century ago, and more electronics, and more shoes.
But it's not because gold appreciated, and indeed gold was gradually diluted. It's just that gold was diluted at a slightly slower rate than human technology/productivity increased in aggregate, and so a gold holder maintained or gradually increased her purchasing power over time in practice. And she beat government bonds denominated in the world reserve currency, let alone every other currency.
Historical Stock Returns
Multiple studies over the years have shown that a tiny percentage of equities make up virtually all returns in equity markets.
Professor Hendrik Bessembinder compiled some of the most comprehensive datasets on this phenomenon.
For his U.S. study, he found that among 26,000 identified stocks between 1926 and 2019, more than half failed to outperform T-bills. But the reality is even worse than that. Just 4% of all stocks accounted for basically all stock market returns in excess of T-bills; the other 96% of stocks collectively matched T-bills as a group. And just 86 stocks accounted for half of all excess returns.
In other words, the majority of U.S. stocks historically underperformed T-bills, and then another big minority of stocks generated only minor excess returns over T-bills, and then a very small sliver of massive outperformers represented nearly all stock market excess returns over T-bills. And as the previous section showed, T-bills underperformed gold. And so, the vast majority of stocks failed to outperform the purchasing power of a piece of yellow metal.
And that's for the United States, which had the best-performing stocks of the past century. For non-U.S. equities, the numbers are even worse. For his global study, Bessembinder studied 64,000 stocks from across the world over a three-decade period and found an incredible concentration of returns:
We study long-run shareholder outcomes for over 64,000 global common stocks during the January 1990 to December 2020 period. We document that the majority, 55.2% of U.S. stocks and 57.4% of non-U.S. stocks, underperform one-month U.S. Treasury bills in terms of compound returns over the full sample. Focusing on aggregate shareholder outcomes, we find that the top-performing 2.4% of firms account for all of the $US 75.7 trillion in net global stock market wealth creation from 1990 to December 2020. Outside the US, 1.41% of firms account for the $US 30.7 trillion in net wealth creation.
U.S. stocks as a group were among the best possible investments. Investing in the top 500 U.S. companies, and rotating them as necessary to maintain those top 500 as they join and leave that group over time, would have turned $100 in 1928 to over $787,000 through 2023 according to Professor Damodaran's data. But as previously shown, that's because a tiny percentage of them created enormous value while the majority failed to keep up with gold.
The international results were less stellar. And if Bessembinder had been able to run his international numbers for the longer 1926-2019 period then they would have been even worse. A large number of stock markets were completely nullified in their entirety at one point or another, due to the outbreak of war or a shift toward communism. Even the stock markets that made it through the past century intact generally underperformed the U.S. stock market.
Historical Real Estate Returns
Real estate has long been known as a good long-term investment. But is it?
Professor Aswath Damodaran's records show that $100 invested into U.S. real estate in 1928 would have turned into $5,360 by 2023. That's better than T-bills, but worse than T-bonds and worse than gold. If an investor levered it up they would have done much better, but we'll get to that topic later.
To double-check this data, we can check Professor Robert Shiller's dataset on real estate that goes back to 1890. His data shows that the nominal home price index increased by 88x from 1890 to the present. Meanwhile, the price of a unit of gold increased by 123x during that period. If the homeowner/landowner paid a small maintenance rate each year, as well as a recurring property tax each year, then the gap between those two numbers would have been even wider.
Of course, some real estate has performed very well. If someone bought Manhattan land at the turn of the 20th century, or land in Silicon Valley at the start of the venture era, those bets really paid off. Those were top percentile real estate performances.
But in contrast, significant amounts of real estate goes to zero if the city they are near decreases in population and economic activity. For example, there are abandoned properties all around Detroit. These are large once-expensive homes that are now rotting on parcels of land that nobody wants. And real estate can't be moved if the economic situation or political situation in a region becomes untenable.
Most real estate falls somewhere between those extremes. It performs decently, especially when considering that it can replace the owner's rental income or be rented out for cashflows, but after maintenance and taxes are considered, its unlevered total return from price appreciation and cashflow generation net of maintenance leaves something to be desired relative to gold.
And this mediocre performance in unlevered real estate occurred despite the massive population increase that occurred during the 19th and 20th centuries.
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Although rural and suburban residential land is rather abundant, if someone bought land in a good neighborhood near a city that grew substantially, their investment likely did well. But as population growth cools off, so do real estate prices. In Japan, there are millions of abandoned countryside homes that are nearly free. Many of them are in beautiful and safe rural areas, and yet there is insufficient demand for them. They have varying states of quality, but in aggregate they are now deteriorating due to abandonment.
Putting this all together, literally all government bonds have underperformed gold over the long run, and most unlevered real estate has underperformed gold as well. Stocks as an asset class greatly outperform gold, but only because the top 4% of them in the best-performing market do all the heavy lifting while the other 96% as a group don't generate any excess returns.

Owner-Operators are the Winners​

The numbers shown in the prior section are rather disastrous at face value; the vast majority of investments underperform gold. Does that mean they shouldn't have been made in the first place?
The answer, especially for stocks and real estate, is that a lot of those investments actually made sense to do. But not necessarily for outside passive investors.
A big expense for companies consists of salaries for workers. This includes salaries for the founders and executives as well. And a young company is often owned by the founder/president.
If a reasonably successful company goes through its entire lifecycle from birth to death and fails to outperform T-bills or gold, it doesn't usually mean that the company shouldn't have existed at all. Along the way, it sustained salaries and work for many people, including the founders and executives and salaried employees. It provided products and/or services to customers, which improved overall human productivity and quality of life.
These businesses were often great for owner-operators and employees, and for customers, but not for outside passive investors.
Being an owner-operator of a business, or a worker at a business, makes a lot of sense. However, the vast majority of businesses are not strong enough to provide good returns for outside passive investors after all expenses (including salaries) are considered.
Good returns for outside passive investors are reserved for only the best types of companies; companies that are so dominant and high-margin that even after paying all of their executives and workers, they have plenty of excess profits for outside passive investors. Although stocks from any sector can have these characteristics, Bessembinder's research found that major outperformers were disproportionally concentrated in the technology, telecommunications, energy, and healthcare/pharmaceutical sectors. They are on the right side of an emerging tech trend, they have network effects, they have economies of scale, they have protected intangible property such as patents, or they are part of an oligopoly, and so forth.
Real estate generally rewards owner-operators as well. As a real estate investor that owns cashflow-producing properties, the more work that you outsource, especially if the property is unlevered, the less likely there is to be excess profits for you above the rate of just holding gold. Unlevered cap rates of cashflow-producing properties tend to be quite low. However, someone who takes time to study different property markets, invest into select properties using leverage, build them or fix them up and selectively hire or contract people to help him, and then re-sell the homes or rent them out, can earn a good living from that activity. It's his time and attention that is adding value and generating returns.
So the first answer to the question of why most businesses or real estate investments provide weak returns and yet still make sense to exist, is that you have to look at them from the perspective of owner-operators and workers (i.e. the inside active participants), not for outside passive investors. And the second answer has to do with leverage.

Turning Mediocrity into Wealth via Leverage​

Historically, a key way to turn mediocre investments into good investments has been to apply leverage. That's not a recommendation; that's a historical analysis, and it comes with survivorship bias.
When leverage is used outside of certain contexts, it usually turns out disastrously. A lot of famous investors have well-known quotes about how leverage isn't needed, and yet when you look at how they operate and what they buy, they typically do use leverage. In many cases, leverage is built into an investment itself, or held through multiple layers.
When you use leverage to own an investment (such as a business or some real estate), you're borrowing (i.e. shorting) the abundant fiat currency and using it to buy things that have some degree of scarcity to them relative to that currency (such as decent businesses and properties).
When leverage improves a mediocre investment for outside passive investors, what's really happening is that their fiat currency short is a good investment. And since leverage is dangerous, there are only a handful of ways to deploy large amounts of leverage safely. The mediocre investment in this context mainly serves as a decent platform for investors to attach a fiat currency short to, and then arbitrage a profit out of that difference.
Debt and Bonds
Large amounts of bonds are bought by banks or other levered entities. They borrow from depositors at a low interest rate for their liability side, while their asset side consists of higher-yielding and longer-duration loans and securities, including government bonds in many cases. Banks have historically often been levered around 10-to-1 or more.
This allows them to earn a high return on their capital. They profit greatly from the spread between the rate they borrow from depositors at and the rate they lend at or the rate they own securities at.
Other financial institutions engage in similar leveraging, where they use government bonds as collateral for loans, or other similar arrangements.
Debt and Real Estate
Real estate is the most leverageable asset for most investors. Within the context of the fiat currency system, it has been both quantifiably workable and socially acceptable to own real estate with 5-to-1 or even 10-to-1 leverage. People who are not professional investors will routinely put 20% down and borrow 80% of the value of a home, with various options to increase that to 10/90 in some cases, because we set up our financial system around this being a normal thing to do.
This occurs for a couple reasons. One is that real estate on average is less volatile than equities. A second is that it is much less liquid; a house gets appraised less frequently than a stock does, and there are significant costs of both time and money to buy or sell a house and to move from one house to another. As a result of these two things, real estate debt is generally not call-able, meaning that as long as she is making payments on time, a mortgage borrower doesn't get liquidated and become forced to sell her house if the house price dips below the borrowed amount, which would be the case for most other types of leveraged collateral.
After maintenance and recurring taxes, the majority of unlevered real estate, even when rented out for cashflows, doesn't outperform gold. But unlike gold, 5-to-1 leverage makes real estate actually pretty good in many contexts, and historically allows it to outperform gold. Real estate's reputation as building wealth has been well-deserved in practice due to this fact. And of course, the true winning combination has been to own the top-decile performing properties and lever them.
Debt and Stocks
Large corporations do the same thing as real estate investors, but at lower rates of leverage.
If a company is successful enough to become one of the largest thousand companies around, they tend to have excellent access to corporate bond markets. They can borrow large amounts of money for decades at low interest rates, and use that capital to organically expand their business, buy smaller companies, or buy back their own shares. Either way, they are borrowing abundant fiat currency at low rates and using that capital to build or buy business equity, and they are arbitraging that spread for shareholders.
Consider Procter & Gamble (PG) for example. The company was founded in 1837, and has been profitable virtually every year for decades straight. And yet they have over $24 billion in long-term debt. Why? Because they're using that debt for the purpose of financial arbitrage. It's how they improve equity returns. They issue bonds with durations of ten or twenty years in many cases, and historically at very low interest rates that are nearly as low as government borrowing rates. And they use those proceeds to make acquisitions or buy back their own shares. As their debt matures, they refinance it into more debt. They voluntarily keep tens of billions of debt on their books on a permanent basis because it's a permanent fiat currency short.
Many of Procter & Gamble's bonds were issued when rates were below 1% or 2%. Those are long-term fiat currency shorts, and they were some of the best investments that the company ever made:
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You can think of it in the following terms. In developed markets, the broad money supply historically grows by 6-9% per year on average. In the United States that figure has been around 7% per year on average over the long term. If a real estate investor or a corporation can borrow at 1% or 3% or 5% rates in that context, then their borrowing rate is less than the money supply growth rate. The buyer of those bonds gets diluted over time relative to the growth of the money supply, while the seller of those bonds has effectively shorted them, and can deploy the capital into scarcer things like equity and property.
A lot of blue-chip companies do this. They have among the lowest cost access to debt in the world, and so they use it. Starting in 2013, Apple (AAPL) began taking out $108 billion in low-interest debt and using it to buy back their own shares. They're the most successful company in modern financial history, and yet like everyone else, they began using debt as a strategic part of their capital structure because they benefit from arbitraging the spread between 1) shorting abundant fiat currency and 2) buying scarcer things including their own equity.
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Warren Buffett and his company Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.B) have taken this a step further, by arbitraging an insurance float.
Insurance companies take in customer premiums, and pay out customer claims. In between those two activities, they hold capital as a "float" and they typically invest that float into bonds. An insurance company is leveraged in this way, and its borrowing is basically in the form of a zero-rate loan from its customer premiums. In many cases, an insurance company will break even in terms of paying out as many claim dollars as it takes in dollars from premiums, but it makes a net profit anyway due to holding interest-bearing bonds with that zero-rate float.
Berkshire Hathaway is one of the biggest insurance companies in the world. But Warren Buffett deploys a sizable percentage of that float into stocks rather than bonds. And the stocks he buys often use leverage as previously described. He owns big stakes of companies like Apple, Procter & Gamble, Coca Cola (KO), Chevron (CVX), Kraft Heinz (KHC), and many others. These are blue chip companies that purposely use a lot of low-rate corporate debt despite being persistently profitable companies. He also has historically invested in a lot of banks, which make use of leverage even more. And then Berkshire as a corporation also issues long-term low-rate bonds, in addition to having leverage from its insurance float.
So Berkshire Hathaway is a big leveraged insurance company that borrows a lot of money at low rates and deploys that capital into companies who are also leveraged at low rates. For the full stack, there are multiple layers of low interest rate borrowings built on top of one another, and that capital is redeployed into scarcer business equity and property. That spread, across all those layers, creates tremendous wealth for people using this strategy relative to those who are long currencies and bonds. Buffett makes sure to focus on low-volatility long-term compounding stocks with economic moats to deploy this strategy on, which keeps the risk in check.
Berkshire has also made a habit out of buying small and medium sized private businesses in full. Many of these smaller companies would have higher borrowing costs if they were independent. But Berkshire can buy a lot of them, and then issue corporate debt at the parent company level at much lower interest rates than any of them could issue on their own. So he can buy a lot of unlevered cashflow-producing small or medium-sized businesses, and turn them into a portfolio of businesses that are levered with Berkshire's very low cost of capital.
This has been incredibly effective, because the larger it has become, the lower the cost of capital has become. Buffett understood this well from the start, and reached critical mass with this strategy.
A lot of Berkshire's wholly-owned businesses and stock positions would be somewhat unremarkable if they were unlevered. But decent business operations, if their cashflows are stable enough, make excellent platforms to attach fiat currency shorts to. And a mediocre but reliable business with a long-term low-cost fiat currency short attached to it, has been an excellent investment.
Even within the past few years, Berkshire borrowed a lot of yen at ultra-low rates, and used it to buy the Sogo shosha Japanese stocks, which have a lot of hard assets and positive cashflows (and which have their own yen-denominated corporate debt as well). It was an excellent move; Buffett's company benefited both from decent operations by the Sogo shosha stocks themselves, as well as the spread between them and the rapidly devaluing yen short that was used to buy them.

A Game of Financial Blackjack​

In the card game of Blackjack, the goal is to get as close to 21 as possible with your cards, but without going over 21. If you go over, you automatically lose.
Over the past four decades in particular, the global financial system has rewarded players of financial Blackjack. Entities that borrow money and use it to buy scarce assets, but in a prudent enough way that they are not among the first wave to blow up in a recession, have been the winners. You want leverage, but you don't want to "go over".
This has been a key contributor to growing wealth divide among individuals, and a key contributor to the performance gap between large and small companies. Larger and wealthier entities, as they grow larger and wealthier, get even better access to low cost capital, which gives them even more of an advantage. It's a virtuous cycle for a while. Larger entities have access to lower costs of capital on a hard money system to some extent, but ever-devaluing fiat currency is a supercharger for this trend because the arbitrage from having good access to credit is way bigger than it is with a hard money system.
Within the current financial system, those who do not use leverage generally lose. Those who leverage too much or too unskillfully and "go over" also lose. But those who leverage moderately and skillfully have been the winners. They enjoy a multi-trillion-dollar annual arbitrage by shorting abundant fiat currency for long durations at low interest rates and using it to buy scarcer business equity or properties.
If you don't play the game as an investor, you usually lose because leverage drives up the valuations for your potential investments. A key reason why cap rates on real estate are so low, is that so many people buy them with leverage. If there was no significant leverage available for them, then unlevered cap rates would need to be higher to incentivize the investment, but with the existence of many people using leverage for them, it drives down the cap rates and makes them into typically low-returning investments for anyone desiring to own cashflow-producing properties unlevered.
And because it's a global game, the players have a huge gameboard to use this strategy on. If one currency becomes too hard for this strategy to work, they can make use of jurisdictional arbitrage and deploy their capital somewhere else. There are approximately 160 fiat currencies out there. Dozens of them have decent liquidity and capital markets. Investment firms can borrow (go short) the yen and buy (go long) Brazilian assets. They can borrow (go short) the euro and buy (go long) American assets. The permutations of this strategy have been very abundant for decades.
I say "they" but of course I include myself here as well. I borrow American dollars or Egyptian pounds for multi-year durations at low rates and deploy it into scarcer property. I own equities that borrow for long durations at low rates and deploy it into scarcer business equity. I benefit, both directly and indirectly, from the spread between shorting abundant fiat currency and longing scarcer property and business equity. This has been the winning strategy.

The Changing Game Rules​

The properties of the fiat currency system have incentivized debt accumulation and the playing of this global game of financial Blackjack.
Four decades of falling interest rates have been a huge tailwind for this strategy, since debts could continually be refinanced at ever-lower rates, and increasingly at rates that are very low relative to the rate of money supply growth. Additionally, large numbers of open capital markets in an increasingly connected world have made it possible to arbitrage between jurisdictions as well.
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Now, after interest rates bounced off zero in developed markets and may start going structurally sideways instead of structurally down, the effectiveness of that strategy is likely to diminish.
And as governments around the world increasingly have high debt at their sovereign level, they become increasingly incapable of sustaining high positive real yields for long periods of time, which makes it harder for them to convincingly fight inflation. Countries that face acute fiscal issues often turn to capital controls, which impairs the game of global financial Blackjack. It happened all the time in developed countries from the 1930s into the 1970s, and still happens all the time more recently in various emerging markets.
High public debt often produces the drama of default and restructuring. But debt is also reduced through financial repression, a tax on bondholders and savers via negative or belowmarket real interest rates. After WWII, capital controls and regulatory restrictions created a captive audience for government debt, limiting tax-base erosion. Financial repression is most successful in liquidating debt when accompanied by inflation. For the advanced economies, real interest rates were negative ½ of the time during 1945–1980. Average annual interest expense savings for a 12—country sample range from about 1 to 5 percent of GDP for the full 1945–1980 period. We suggest that, once again, financial repression may be part of the toolkit deployed to cope with the most recent surge in public debt in advanced economies.
-The Liquidation of Government Debt, IMF Working Paper 2015/007
Geopolitical conflicts are likely to further add barriers between the free movement of capital. Whether it's kinetic wars or trade wars or financial wars, as large groups of countries increasingly have tensions between each other in terms of strategic interests and run into their own fiscal dominance issues, the frictions on global capital movement have a high likelihood of increasing.
So, the effectiveness of this global financial Blackjack strategy is likely going to diminish, although entities that already locked their debt in for long durations are potentially in a position to ride the momentum for quite a while longer.
The types of investments that worked well during the past four decades are less likely to work quite as well over the next four decades. The virtuous cycle of ever-lower interest rates, ever-higher private debt levels, and ever-higher equity valuations, is likely getting past its prime, and is at risk of rolling over into a vicious cycle in the other direction.
And in that shifting environment, it's important to remember that most investments are bad. The majority of unlevered businesses are not strong enough to produce returns for passive investors that outperform T-bills or gold. The majority of unlevered real estate properties, after maintenance and operation and taxes are considered, also fail to outperform basic assets like gold.
So in that environment, from the perspective of a passive outside investor looking to deploy capital, it's important to either seek out the businesses that have durable competitive advantages (network effects, powerful brands, intangible property, economies of scale, oligopoly participation, and so forth), or to be very sensitive to valuations when buying mediocre companies.
The prior four decades are unlikely to be a good dataset for back-testing and forming strategies that will work for next four decades, because the conditions will likely be quite different.
For equity and real estate investors, the key takeaways from this piece are 1) do not extrapolate the prior decades for a given investment and instead assess it with this context in mind, 2) try to emphasize the sectors that Bessembinder identified as ones that disproportionally generate excess returns, and 3) look for companies that have locked in or are otherwise still able to play this arbitrage game going forward in a more difficult environment for it.
Additionally, hard monies become a serious alternative once again in this context, and are worth serious consideration for a portfolio slice, because the hurdle rate for stocks to outperform them is high when there are not a lot of tailwinds at the backs of stocks.
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Og zua veli ntdo iraovz opfiy uwis e muph qisouf, iraovoit uavqisgusn humf.

Ov ot nusi gus ep eshanipv eheoptv tvudl qodloph, vjev topdi nutv tvudlt apfisqisgusn vissocmz. Ov ot civvis vu tvodl xovj vji opfiy vu deqvasi vji sivasp ug vji cohhitv xoppist.

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Cigusi 1971, qiuqmi jumf humf et detj.

Pux qiuqmi jumf humf vu jifhi us civ eheoptv vji fummes.
Last edited:
Og zua veli ntdo iraovz opfiy uwis e muph qisouf, iraovoit uavqisgusn humf.

Ov ot nusi gus ep eshanipv eheoptv tvudl qodloph, vjev topdi nutv tvudlt apfisqisgusn vissocmz. Ov ot civvis vu tvodl xovj vji opfiy vu deqvasi vji sivasp ug vji cohhitv xoppist.

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Cigusi 1971, qiuqmi jumf humf et detj.

Pux qiuqmi jumf humf vu jifhi us civ eheoptv vji fummes.

Xjodj ntdo opfiy? Gsun xjip vu xjip?
"E muph qisouf" niept wisz foggisipv vjopht vu foggisipv qiuqmi. NTDO tvesvif op 1969. Vjev't upmz 55 ziest.
Nepz qiuqmi moupobi Xessip Caggiv, epf xjomi vjisi ot qmipvz vu efnosi ecuav jon, e coh qesv ug jot tadditt xet tvesvoph opwitvoph ev vji cihoppoph ug vji cohhitv tidames camm neslivt op jotvusz.

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Xjodj ntdo opfiy? Gsun xjip vu xjip?
"E muph qisouf" niept wisz foggisipv vjopht vu foggisipv qiuqmi. NTDO tvesvif op 1969. Vjev't upmz 55 ziest.
Nepz qiuqmi moupobi Xessip Caggiv, epf xjomi vjisi ot qmipvz vu efnosi ecuav jon, e coh qesv ug jot tadditt xet tvesvoph opwitvoph ev vji cihoppoph ug vji cohhitv tidames camm neslivt op jotvusz.

Idupunod dzdmit dep ci muphis vjep e janep mogitqept. Sidipdz coet ot wisz siem.

Vji A.T. tvudl nesliv ot puv vji xusmf idupunz. At Enisodept vipf vu gushiv vjev.

"Vji vzqit ug opwitvnipvt vjev xuslif ximm fasoph vji qetv guas fidefit esi mitt molimz vu xusl raovi et ximm uwis vji piyv guas fidefit."
Fiwimuqif nesliv ntdo. Zua dep etl djevhqv gus dovevoupt.
Gepvetvod esvodmi cz Mzp Emfip!

Liz quopvt:
-Jotvusodem feve tjuxt vjev vji wetv, wetv nekusovz ug UAVTOFI QETTOWI opwitvnipvt qisgusn quusmz.
-Uxpis-Uqisevust esi vji xoppist (puv UAVTOFI QETTOWI opwitvust!)
-Vji vzqit ug opwitvnipvt vjev xuslif ximm fasoph vji qetv guas fidefit esi mitt molimz vu xusl raovi et ximm uwis vji piyv guas fidefit.

Gamm esvodmi cimux:

Nutv Opwitvnipvt esi Cef. Jisi't Xjz.
Jotvusodem feve tjuxt vjev vji wetv, wetv nekusovz ug opwitvnipvt qisgusn quusmz.
Vjot ot vsai gus cupft, tvudlt, epf siem itvevi et ettiv dmettit. Piesmz emm ug ov nelit gus e cef opwitvnipv gus uavtofi qettowi opwitvust.
Epf xjev O'mm tjux op vjot qoidi ot vjev vjot ot cuvj pusnem epf apewuofecmi. Epf apopvaovowimz, O'mm emtu tjux vjev ov fuitp'v niep vjev nutv ug vjuti opwitvnipvt tjuamfp'v jewi jeqqipif. Cav ov fuit opgusn at e muv ecuav jux xi tjuamf vsz vu opwitv et emmudevust ug deqovem.

E Jotvusz ug Faft​

Xjivjis xi muul ev cupft, tvudlt, us siem itvevi, vji sivaspt gus nutv opwitvnipvt esi cef. Vji vuq uavmoist edduapv gus nutv ug vji sivaspt.
Xi dep hu vjsuahj vjin upi-cz-upi vu raepvogz jux cef vjiz esi:
Jotvusodem Cupf Sivaspt
Vji A.T. fummes xet vji tidupf-citv qisgusnoph dassipdz uwis vji qetv dipvasz, tidupf upmz vu vji Txott gsepd. Vji Apovif Tvevit xet vji meshitv idupunz op vji xusmf vjsuahjuav vjot qisouf, epf vji fummes suti vu ciduni vji xusmf sitiswi dassipdz fasoph vjot voni. Epf ziv, jumfoph A.T. huwispnipv cupft fasoph vjios voni ug etdipv epf funopepdi apfisqisgusnif tonqmz jumfoph humf.
Qsugittus Etxevj Fenufesep neopveopt sidusft ug vji qisgusnepdi ug wesouat ettivt dmettit huoph cedl vu 1928. Og zua jef opwitvif $100 op V-commt tvesvoph op 1928 epf dunquapfif vjin vjsuahj 2023, zua xuamf jewi $2,249 cz vji ipf ug 2023. Og zua jef velip nusi wumevomovz sotl epf optvief opwitvif op muphis fasevoup V-cupft, zua xuamf jewi vaspif $100 opvu $7,278.
Vjev tiint hsiev ev gostv, iydiqv gus vji gedv vjev vjot ot ipvosimz fai vu fummes ficetinipv emuph vji xez. Og zua jef tonqmz qav $100 opvu humf, zua xuamf jewi vaspif $100 opvu $10,042. Vji pancis ug fummest op vji A.T. csuef nupiz taqqmz opdsietif cz nusi vjep 400y gsun 1928 vjsuahj 2023.
Epf humf jumfist xisi hsefaemmz fomavif vuu. Vjev't xjz vjiz upmz jef e 100y punopem heop sevjis vjep e 400y punopem heop xjodj xuamf ci op mopi xovj vji nupiz taqqmz hsuxvj. Iwisz zies, vji hmucem taqqmz ug sigopif humf opdsietit cz ep itvonevif 1% vu 2%, xjodj hsefaemmz onqedvt e humf jumfis't qasdjetoph quxis. Og vji taqqmz ug sigopif humf hsuxt cz ep ewisehi ug 1.5% qis zies, vjip egvis 95 ziest vji enuapv ug sigopif humf up vji nesliv xomm jewi opdsietif cz ecuav 4y.
Epf vji nevj djidlt uav; iedj apov ug humf opdsietif op fummes qsodi cz ecuav 100y, epf vjisi't ecuav 4y et nadj ug ov, epf tu vji nesliv deqovemobevoup ug humf opdsietif cz ecuav 400y xjodj ot op mopi xovj vji nupiz taqqmz hsuxvj.
Et e sitamv ug vjot hsefaem fomavoup, uwis vji muph esd ug voni e humf jumfis't ecomovz vu qasdjeti vjopht moli e cessim ug uom jet ciip qsivvz nadj gmev, iwip et uas ecomovz vu hiv uom uav ug vji hsuapf cidunit civvis fai vu onqsuwoph vidjpumuhz. Jisi't vji djesv ug vji qsodi ug cessimt ug uom fipunopevif op uapdit ug humf:
A pasted image
E humf jumfis't qasdjetoph quxis hsefaemmz opdsietit gus vjopht vjev xi hiv iyqupipvoemmz civvis ev neloph. E humf duop dep caz nusi ehsodamvasem qsufadvt vufez vjep ov duamf e dipvasz ehu, epf nusi imidvsupodt, epf nusi tjuit.
Cav ov't puv cideati humf eqqsidoevif, epf opfiif humf xet hsefaemmz fomavif. Ov't katv vjev humf xet fomavif ev e tmohjvmz tmuxis sevi vjep janep vidjpumuhz/qsufadvowovz opdsietif op ehhsihevi, epf tu e humf jumfis neopveopif us hsefaemmz opdsietif jis qasdjetoph quxis uwis voni op qsedvodi. Epf tji ciev huwispnipv cupft fipunopevif op vji xusmf sitiswi dassipdz, miv emupi iwisz uvjis dassipdz.
Jotvusodem Tvudl Sivaspt
Namvoqmi tvafoit uwis vji ziest jewi tjuxp vjev e vopz qisdipvehi ug iraovoit neli aq wosvaemmz emm sivaspt op iraovz neslivt.
Qsugittus Jipfsol Cittincopfis dunqomif tuni ug vji nutv dunqsijiptowi fevetivt up vjot qjipunipup.
Gus jot A.T. tvafz, ji guapf vjev enuph 26,000 ofipvogoif tvudlt civxiip 1926 epf 2019, nusi vjep jemg geomif vu uavqisgusn V-commt. Cav vji siemovz ot iwip xusti vjep vjev. Katv 4% ug emm tvudlt edduapvif gus cetodemmz emm tvudl nesliv sivaspt op iyditt ug V-commt; vji uvjis 96% ug tvudlt dummidvowimz nevdjif V-commt et e hsuaq. Epf katv 86 tvudlt edduapvif gus jemg ug emm iyditt sivaspt.
Op uvjis xusft, vji nekusovz ug A.T. tvudlt jotvusodemmz apfisqisgusnif V-commt, epf vjip epuvjis coh nopusovz ug tvudlt hipisevif upmz nopus iyditt sivaspt uwis V-commt, epf vjip e wisz tnemm tmowis ug nettowi uavqisgusnist siqsitipvif piesmz emm tvudl nesliv iyditt sivaspt uwis V-commt. Epf et vji qsiwouat tidvoup tjuxif, V-commt apfisqisgusnif humf. Epf tu, vji wetv nekusovz ug tvudlt geomif vu uavqisgusn vji qasdjetoph quxis ug e qoidi ug zimmux nivem.
Epf vjev't gus vji Apovif Tvevit, xjodj jef vji citv-qisgusnoph tvudlt ug vji qetv dipvasz. Gus pup-A.T. iraovoit, vji pancist esi iwip xusti. Gus jot hmucem tvafz, Cittincopfis tvafoif 64,000 tvudlt gsun edsutt vji xusmf uwis e vjsii-fidefi qisouf epf guapf ep opdsifocmi dupdipvsevoup ug sivaspt:

A.T. tvudlt et e hsuaq xisi enuph vji citv quttocmi opwitvnipvt. Opwitvoph op vji vuq 500 A.T. dunqepoit, epf suvevoph vjin et pidittesz vu neopveop vjuti vuq 500 et vjiz kuop epf miewi vjev hsuaq uwis voni, xuamf jewi vaspif $100 op 1928 vu uwis $787,000 vjsuahj 2023 eddusfoph vu Qsugittus Fenufesep't feve. Cav et qsiwouatmz tjuxp, vjev't cideati e vopz qisdipvehi ug vjin dsievif ipusnuat wemai xjomi vji nekusovz geomif vu liiq aq xovj humf.
Vji opvispevoupem sitamvt xisi mitt tvimmes. Epf og Cittincopfis jef ciip ecmi vu sap jot opvispevoupem pancist gus vji muphis 1926-2019 qisouf vjip vjiz xuamf jewi ciip iwip xusti. E meshi pancis ug tvudl neslivt xisi dunqmivimz pammogoif op vjios ipvosivz ev upi quopv us epuvjis, fai vu vji uavcsiel ug xes us e tjogv vuxesf dunnapotn. Iwip vji tvudl neslivt vjev nefi ov vjsuahj vji qetv dipvasz opvedv hipisemmz apfisqisgusnif vji A.T. tvudl nesliv.
Jotvusodem Siem Itvevi Sivaspt
Siem itvevi jet muph ciip lpuxp et e huuf muph-visn opwitvnipv. Cav ot ov?
Qsugittus Etxevj Fenufesep't sidusft tjux vjev $100 opwitvif opvu A.T. siem itvevi op 1928 xuamf jewi vaspif opvu $5,360 cz 2023. Vjev't civvis vjep V-commt, cav xusti vjep V-cupft epf xusti vjep humf. Og ep opwitvus miwisif ov aq vjiz xuamf jewi fupi nadj civvis, cav xi'mm hiv vu vjev vuqod mevis.
Vu fuacmi-djidl vjot feve, xi dep djidl Qsugittus Sucisv Tjommis't fevetiv up siem itvevi vjev huit cedl vu 1890. Jot feve tjuxt vjev vji punopem juni qsodi opfiy opdsietif cz 88y gsun 1890 vu vji qsitipv. Niepxjomi, vji qsodi ug e apov ug humf opdsietif cz 123y fasoph vjev qisouf. Og vji juniuxpis/mepfuxpis qeof e tnemm neopvipepdi sevi iedj zies, et ximm et e sidassoph qsuqisvz vey iedj zies, vjip vji heq civxiip vjuti vxu pancist xuamf jewi ciip iwip xofis.
Ug duasti, tuni siem itvevi jet qisgusnif wisz ximm. Og tuniupi cuahjv Nepjevvep mepf ev vji vasp ug vji 20vj dipvasz, us mepf op Tomodup Wemmiz ev vji tvesv ug vji wipvasi ise, vjuti civt siemmz qeof ugg. Vjuti xisi vuq qisdipvomi siem itvevi qisgusnepdit.
Cav op dupvsetv, tohpogodepv enuapvt ug siem itvevi huit vu bisu og vji dovz vjiz esi pies fidsietit op quqamevoup epf idupunod edvowovz. Gus iyenqmi, vjisi esi ecepfupif qsuqisvoit emm esuapf Fivsuov. Vjiti esi meshi updi-iyqiptowi junit vjev esi pux suvvoph up qesdimt ug mepf vjev pucufz xepvt. Epf siem itvevi dep'v ci nuwif og vji idupunod tovaevoup us qumovodem tovaevoup op e sihoup cidunit apvipecmi.
Nutv siem itvevi gemmt tunixjisi civxiip vjuti iyvsinit. Ov qisgusnt fidipvmz, itqidoemmz xjip duptofisoph vjev ov dep siqmedi vji uxpis't sipvem opduni us ci sipvif uav gus detjgmuxt, cav egvis neopvipepdi epf veyit esi duptofisif, ovt apmiwisif vuvem sivasp gsun qsodi eqqsidoevoup epf detjgmux hipisevoup piv ug neopvipepdi miewit tunivjoph vu ci fitosif simevowi vu humf.
Epf vjot nifoudsi qisgusnepdi op apmiwisif siem itvevi uddassif fitqovi vji nettowi quqamevoup opdsieti vjev uddassif fasoph vji 19vj epf 20vj dipvasoit.
A pasted image
Emvjuahj sasem epf tacascep sitofipvoem mepf ot sevjis ecapfepv, og tuniupi cuahjv mepf op e huuf piohjcusjuuf pies e dovz vjev hsix tactvepvoemmz, vjios opwitvnipv molimz fof ximm. Cav et quqamevoup hsuxvj duumt ugg, tu fu siem itvevi qsodit. Op Keqep, vjisi esi nommoupt ug ecepfupif duapvsztofi junit vjev esi piesmz gsii. Nepz ug vjin esi op cieavogam epf tegi sasem esiet, epf ziv vjisi ot optaggodoipv finepf gus vjin. Vjiz jewi weszoph tvevit ug raemovz, cav op ehhsihevi vjiz esi pux fivisousevoph fai vu ecepfupnipv.
Qavvoph vjot emm vuhivjis, movisemmz emm huwispnipv cupft jewi apfisqisgusnif humf uwis vji muph sap, epf nutv apmiwisif siem itvevi jet apfisqisgusnif humf et ximm. Tvudlt et ep ettiv dmett hsievmz uavqisgusn humf, cav upmz cideati vji vuq 4% ug vjin op vji citv-qisgusnoph nesliv fu emm vji jiewz mogvoph xjomi vji uvjis 96% et e hsuaq fup'v hipisevi epz iyditt sivaspt.

Uxpis-Uqisevust esi vji Xoppist​

Vji pancist tjuxp op vji qsous tidvoup esi sevjis fotetvsuat ev gedi wemai; vji wetv nekusovz ug opwitvnipvt apfisqisgusn humf. Fuit vjev niep vjiz tjuamfp'v jewi ciip nefi op vji gostv qmedi?
Vji eptxis, itqidoemmz gus tvudlt epf siem itvevi, ot vjev e muv ug vjuti opwitvnipvt edvaemmz nefi tipti vu fu. Cav puv pidittesomz gus uavtofi qettowi opwitvust.
E coh iyqipti gus dunqepoit duptotvt ug temesoit gus xuslist. Vjot opdmafit temesoit gus vji guapfist epf iyidavowit et ximm. Epf e zuaph dunqepz ot ugvip uxpif cz vji guapfis/qsitofipv.
Og e sietupecmz taddittgam dunqepz huit vjsuahj ovt ipvosi mogidzdmi gsun cosvj vu fievj epf geomt vu uavqisgusn V-commt us humf, ov fuitp'v ataemmz niep vjev vji dunqepz tjuamfp'v jewi iyotvif ev emm. Emuph vji xez, ov tatveopif temesoit epf xusl gus nepz qiuqmi, opdmafoph vji guapfist epf iyidavowit epf temesoif inqmuziit. Ov qsuwofif qsufadvt epf/us tiswodit vu datvunist, xjodj onqsuwif uwisemm janep qsufadvowovz epf raemovz ug mogi.
Vjiti catopittit xisi ugvip hsiev gus uxpis-uqisevust epf inqmuziit, epf gus datvunist, cav puv gus uavtofi qettowi opwitvust.
Cioph ep uxpis-uqisevus ug e catopitt, us e xuslis ev e catopitt, nelit e muv ug tipti. Juxiwis, vji wetv nekusovz ug catopittit esi puv tvsuph ipuahj vu qsuwofi huuf sivaspt gus uavtofi qettowi opwitvust egvis emm iyqiptit (opdmafoph temesoit) esi duptofisif.
Huuf sivaspt gus uavtofi qettowi opwitvust esi sitiswif gus upmz vji citv vzqit ug dunqepoit; dunqepoit vjev esi tu funopepv epf johj-neshop vjev iwip egvis qezoph emm ug vjios iyidavowit epf xuslist, vjiz jewi qmipvz ug iyditt qsugovt gus uavtofi qettowi opwitvust. Emvjuahj tvudlt gsun epz tidvus dep jewi vjiti djesedvisotvodt, Cittincopfis't sitiesdj guapf vjev nekus uavqisgusnist xisi fotqsuqusvoupemmz dupdipvsevif op vji vidjpumuhz, vimidunnapodevoupt, ipishz, epf jiemvjdesi/qjesnediavodem tidvust. Vjiz esi up vji sohjv tofi ug ep inishoph vidj vsipf, vjiz jewi pivxusl iggidvt, vjiz jewi idupunoit ug tdemi, vjiz jewi qsuvidvif opvephocmi qsuqisvz tadj et qevipvt, us vjiz esi qesv ug ep umohuqumz, epf tu gusvj.
Siem itvevi hipisemmz sixesft uxpis-uqisevust et ximm. Et e siem itvevi opwitvus vjev uxpt detjgmux-qsufadoph qsuqisvoit, vji nusi xusl vjev zua uavtuasdi, itqidoemmz og vji qsuqisvz ot apmiwisif, vji mitt molimz vjisi ot vu ci iyditt qsugovt gus zua ecuwi vji sevi ug katv jumfoph humf. Apmiwisif deq sevit ug detjgmux-qsufadoph qsuqisvoit vipf vu ci raovi mux. Juxiwis, tuniupi xju velit voni vu tvafz foggisipv qsuqisvz neslivt, opwitv opvu timidv qsuqisvoit atoph miwisehi, caomf vjin us goy vjin aq epf timidvowimz josi us dupvsedv qiuqmi vu jimq jon, epf vjip si-timm vji junit us sipv vjin uav, dep iesp e huuf mowoph gsun vjev edvowovz. Ov't jot voni epf evvipvoup vjev ot effoph wemai epf hipisevoph sivaspt.
Tu vji gostv eptxis vu vji raitvoup ug xjz nutv catopittit us siem itvevi opwitvnipvt qsuwofi xiel sivaspt epf ziv tvomm neli tipti vu iyotv, ot vjev zua jewi vu muul ev vjin gsun vji qistqidvowi ug uxpis-uqisevust epf xuslist (o.i. vji optofi edvowi qesvodoqepvt), puv gus uavtofi qettowi opwitvust. Epf vji tidupf eptxis jet vu fu xovj miwisehi.

Vaspoph Nifoudsovz opvu Xiemvj woe Miwisehi​

Jotvusodemmz, e liz xez vu vasp nifoudsi opwitvnipvt opvu huuf opwitvnipvt jet ciip vu eqqmz miwisehi. Vjev't puv e sidunnipfevoup; vjev't e jotvusodem epemztot, epf ov dunit xovj taswowustjoq coet.
Xjip miwisehi ot atif uavtofi ug disveop dupviyvt, ov ataemmz vaspt uav fotetvsuatmz. E muv ug genuat opwitvust jewi ximm-lpuxp rauvit ecuav jux miwisehi otp'v piifif, epf ziv xjip zua muul ev jux vjiz uqisevi epf xjev vjiz caz, vjiz vzqodemmz fu ati miwisehi. Op nepz detit, miwisehi ot caomv opvu ep opwitvnipv ovtimg, us jimf vjsuahj namvoqmi mezist.
Xjip zua ati miwisehi vu uxp ep opwitvnipv (tadj et e catopitt us tuni siem itvevi), zua'si cussuxoph (o.i. tjusvoph) vji ecapfepv goev dassipdz epf atoph ov vu caz vjopht vjev jewi tuni fihsii ug tdesdovz vu vjin simevowi vu vjev dassipdz (tadj et fidipv catopittit epf qsuqisvoit).
Xjip miwisehi onqsuwit e nifoudsi opwitvnipv gus uavtofi qettowi opwitvust, xjev't siemmz jeqqipoph ot vjev vjios goev dassipdz tjusv ot e huuf opwitvnipv. Epf topdi miwisehi ot fephisuat, vjisi esi upmz e jepfgam ug xezt vu fiqmuz meshi enuapvt ug miwisehi tegimz. Vji nifoudsi opwitvnipv op vjot dupviyv neopmz tiswit et e fidipv qmevgusn gus opwitvust vu evvedj e goev dassipdz tjusv vu, epf vjip escovsehi e qsugov uav ug vjev foggisipdi.
Ficv epf Cupft
Meshi enuapvt ug cupft esi cuahjv cz ceplt us uvjis miwisif ipvovoit. Vjiz cussux gsun fiqutovust ev e mux opvisitv sevi gus vjios moecomovz tofi, xjomi vjios ettiv tofi duptotvt ug johjis-zoimfoph epf muphis-fasevoup muept epf tidasovoit, opdmafoph huwispnipv cupft op nepz detit. Ceplt jewi jotvusodemmz ugvip ciip miwisif esuapf 10-vu-1 us nusi.
Vjot emmuxt vjin vu iesp e johj sivasp up vjios deqovem. Vjiz qsugov hsievmz gsun vji tqsief civxiip vji sevi vjiz cussux gsun fiqutovust ev epf vji sevi vjiz mipf ev us vji sevi vjiz uxp tidasovoit ev.
Uvjis gopepdoem optvovavoupt iphehi op tonomes miwisehoph, xjisi vjiz ati huwispnipv cupft et dummevisem gus muept, us uvjis tonomes essephinipvt.
Ficv epf Siem Itvevi
Siem itvevi ot vji nutv miwisehiecmi ettiv gus nutv opwitvust. Xovjop vji dupviyv ug vji goev dassipdz tztvin, ov jet ciip cuvj raepvogoecmz xuslecmi epf tudoemmz eddiqvecmi vu uxp siem itvevi xovj 5-vu-1 us iwip 10-vu-1 miwisehi. Qiuqmi xju esi puv qsugittoupem opwitvust xomm suavopimz qav 20% fuxp epf cussux 80% ug vji wemai ug e juni, xovj wesouat uqvoupt vu opdsieti vjev vu 10/90 op tuni detit, cideati xi tiv aq uas gopepdoem tztvin esuapf vjot cioph e pusnem vjoph vu fu.
Vjot uddast gus e duaqmi sietupt. Upi ot vjev siem itvevi up ewisehi ot mitt wumevomi vjep iraovoit. E tidupf ot vjev ov ot nadj mitt moraof; e juati hivt eqqseotif mitt gsiraipvmz vjep e tvudl fuit, epf vjisi esi tohpogodepv dutvt ug cuvj voni epf nupiz vu caz us timm e juati epf vu nuwi gsun upi juati vu epuvjis. Et e sitamv ug vjiti vxu vjopht, siem itvevi ficv ot hipisemmz puv demm-ecmi, niepoph vjev et muph et tji ot neloph qeznipvt up voni, e nusvhehi cussuxis fuitp'v hiv moraofevif epf ciduni gusdif vu timm jis juati og vji juati qsodi foqt cimux vji cussuxif enuapv, xjodj xuamf ci vji deti gus nutv uvjis vzqit ug miwisehif dummevisem.
Egvis neopvipepdi epf sidassoph veyit, vji nekusovz ug apmiwisif siem itvevi, iwip xjip sipvif uav gus detjgmuxt, fuitp'v uavqisgusn humf. Cav apmoli humf, 5-vu-1 miwisehi nelit siem itvevi edvaemmz qsivvz huuf op nepz dupviyvt, epf jotvusodemmz emmuxt ov vu uavqisgusn humf. Siem itvevi't siqavevoup et caomfoph xiemvj jet ciip ximm-fitiswif op qsedvodi fai vu vjot gedv. Epf ug duasti, vji vsai xoppoph duncopevoup jet ciip vu uxp vji vuq-fidomi qisgusnoph qsuqisvoit epf miwis vjin.
Ficv epf Tvudlt
Meshi dusqusevoupt fu vji teni vjoph et siem itvevi opwitvust, cav ev muxis sevit ug miwisehi.
Og e dunqepz ot taddittgam ipuahj vu ciduni upi ug vji meshitv vjuatepf dunqepoit esuapf, vjiz vipf vu jewi iydimmipv edditt vu dusqusevi cupf neslivt. Vjiz dep cussux meshi enuapvt ug nupiz gus fidefit ev mux opvisitv sevit, epf ati vjev deqovem vu ushepodemmz iyqepf vjios catopitt, caz tnemmis dunqepoit, us caz cedl vjios uxp tjesit. Iovjis xez, vjiz esi cussuxoph ecapfepv goev dassipdz ev mux sevit epf atoph vjev deqovem vu caomf us caz catopitt iraovz, epf vjiz esi escovsehoph vjev tqsief gus tjesijumfist.
Duptofis Qsudvis & Hencmi (QH) gus iyenqmi. Vji dunqepz xet guapfif op 1837, epf jet ciip qsugovecmi wosvaemmz iwisz zies gus fidefit tvseohjv. Epf ziv vjiz jewi uwis $24 commoup op muph-visn ficv. Xjz? Cideati vjiz'si atoph vjev ficv gus vji qasquti ug gopepdoem escovsehi. Ov't jux vjiz onqsuwi iraovz sivaspt. Vjiz ottai cupft xovj fasevoupt ug vip us vxipvz ziest op nepz detit, epf jotvusodemmz ev wisz mux opvisitv sevit vjev esi piesmz et mux et huwispnipv cussuxoph sevit. Epf vjiz ati vjuti qsudiift vu neli edraotovoupt us caz cedl vjios uxp tjesit. Et vjios ficv nevasit, vjiz sigopepdi ov opvu nusi ficv. Vjiz wumapvesomz liiq vipt ug commoupt ug ficv up vjios cuult up e qisnepipv cetot cideati ov't e qisnepipv goev dassipdz tjusv.
Nepz ug Qsudvis & Hencmi't cupft xisi ottaif xjip sevit xisi cimux 1% us 2%. Vjuti esi muph-visn goev dassipdz tjusvt, epf vjiz xisi tuni ug vji citv opwitvnipvt vjev vji dunqepz iwis nefi:
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Zua dep vjopl ug ov op vji gummuxoph visnt. Op fiwimuqif neslivt, vji csuef nupiz taqqmz jotvusodemmz hsuxt cz 6-9% qis zies up ewisehi. Op vji Apovif Tvevit vjev gohasi jet ciip esuapf 7% qis zies up ewisehi uwis vji muph visn. Og e siem itvevi opwitvus us e dusqusevoup dep cussux ev 1% us 3% us 5% sevit op vjev dupviyv, vjip vjios cussuxoph sevi ot mitt vjep vji nupiz taqqmz hsuxvj sevi. Vji cazis ug vjuti cupft hivt fomavif uwis voni simevowi vu vji hsuxvj ug vji nupiz taqqmz, xjomi vji timmis ug vjuti cupft jet iggidvowimz tjusvif vjin, epf dep fiqmuz vji deqovem opvu tdesdis vjopht moli iraovz epf qsuqisvz.
E muv ug cmai-djoq dunqepoit fu vjot. Vjiz jewi enuph vji muxitv dutv edditt vu ficv op vji xusmf, epf tu vjiz ati ov. Tvesvoph op 2013, Eqqmi (EEQM) cihep veloph uav $108 commoup op mux-opvisitv ficv epf atoph ov vu caz cedl vjios uxp tjesit. Vjiz'si vji nutv taddittgam dunqepz op nufisp gopepdoem jotvusz, epf ziv moli iwiszupi imti, vjiz cihep atoph ficv et e tvsevihod qesv ug vjios deqovem tvsadvasi cideati vjiz cipigov gsun escovsehoph vji tqsief civxiip 1) tjusvoph ecapfepv goev dassipdz epf 2) cazoph tdesdis vjopht opdmafoph vjios uxp iraovz.
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Xessip Caggivv epf jot dunqepz Cisltjosi Jevjexez (CSL.C) jewi velip vjot e tviq gasvjis, cz escovsehoph ep optasepdi gmuev.
Optasepdi dunqepoit veli op datvunis qsinoant, epf qez uav datvunis dmeont. Op civxiip vjuti vxu edvowovoit, vjiz jumf deqovem et e "gmuev" epf vjiz vzqodemmz opwitv vjev gmuev opvu cupft. Ep optasepdi dunqepz ot miwisehif op vjot xez, epf ovt cussuxoph ot cetodemmz op vji gusn ug e bisu-sevi muep gsun ovt datvunis qsinoant. Op nepz detit, ep optasepdi dunqepz xomm csiel iwip op visnt ug qezoph uav et nepz dmeon fummest et ov velit op fummest gsun qsinoant, cav ov nelit e piv qsugov epzxez fai vu jumfoph opvisitv-ciesoph cupft xovj vjev bisu-sevi gmuev.
Cisltjosi Jevjexez ot upi ug vji cohhitv optasepdi dunqepoit op vji xusmf. Cav Xessip Caggivv fiqmuzt e tobecmi qisdipvehi ug vjev gmuev opvu tvudlt sevjis vjep cupft. Epf vji tvudlt ji cazt ugvip ati miwisehi et qsiwouatmz fitdsocif. Ji uxpt coh tvelit ug dunqepoit moli Eqqmi, Qsudvis & Hencmi, Dude Dume (LU), Djiwsup (DWY), Lsegv Jiopb (LJD), epf nepz uvjist. Vjiti esi cmai djoq dunqepoit vjev qasqutimz ati e muv ug mux-sevi dusqusevi ficv fitqovi cioph qistotvipvmz qsugovecmi dunqepoit. Ji emtu jet jotvusodemmz opwitvif op e muv ug ceplt, xjodj neli ati ug miwisehi iwip nusi. Epf vjip Cisltjosi et e dusqusevoup emtu ottait muph-visn mux-sevi cupft, op effovoup vu jewoph miwisehi gsun ovt optasepdi gmuev.
Tu Cisltjosi Jevjexez ot e coh miwisehif optasepdi dunqepz vjev cussuxt e muv ug nupiz ev mux sevit epf fiqmuzt vjev deqovem opvu dunqepoit xju esi emtu miwisehif ev mux sevit. Gus vji gamm tvedl, vjisi esi namvoqmi mezist ug mux opvisitv sevi cussuxopht caomv up vuq ug upi epuvjis, epf vjev deqovem ot sifiqmuzif opvu tdesdis catopitt iraovz epf qsuqisvz. Vjev tqsief, edsutt emm vjuti mezist, dsievit vsinipfuat xiemvj gus qiuqmi atoph vjot tvsevihz simevowi vu vjuti xju esi muph dassipdoit epf cupft. Caggivv nelit tasi vu gudat up mux-wumevomovz muph-visn dunquapfoph tvudlt xovj idupunod nuevt vu fiqmuz vjot tvsevihz up, xjodj liiqt vji sotl op djidl.
Cisltjosi jet emtu nefi e jecov uav ug cazoph tnemm epf nifoan tobif qsowevi catopittit op gamm. Nepz ug vjiti tnemmis dunqepoit xuamf jewi johjis cussuxoph dutvt og vjiz xisi opfiqipfipv. Cav Cisltjosi dep caz e muv ug vjin, epf vjip ottai dusqusevi ficv ev vji qesipv dunqepz miwim ev nadj muxis opvisitv sevit vjep epz ug vjin duamf ottai up vjios uxp. Tu ji dep caz e muv ug apmiwisif detjgmux-qsufadoph tnemm us nifoan-tobif catopittit, epf vasp vjin opvu e qusvgumou ug catopittit vjev esi miwisif xovj Cisltjosi't wisz mux dutv ug deqovem.
Vjot jet ciip opdsifocmz iggidvowi, cideati vji meshis ov jet ciduni, vji muxis vji dutv ug deqovem jet ciduni. Caggivv apfistvuuf vjot ximm gsun vji tvesv, epf siedjif dsovodem nett xovj vjot tvsevihz.
E muv ug Cisltjosi't xjummz-uxpif catopittit epf tvudl qutovoupt xuamf ci tunixjev apsineslecmi og vjiz xisi apmiwisif. Cav fidipv catopitt uqisevoupt, og vjios detjgmuxt esi tvecmi ipuahj, neli iydimmipv qmevgusnt vu evvedj goev dassipdz tjusvt vu. Epf e nifoudsi cav simoecmi catopitt xovj e muph-visn mux-dutv goev dassipdz tjusv evvedjif vu ov, jet ciip ep iydimmipv opwitvnipv.
Iwip xovjop vji qetv gix ziest, Cisltjosi cussuxif e muv ug zip ev amvse-mux sevit, epf atif ov vu caz vji Tuhu tjutje Keqepiti tvudlt, xjodj jewi e muv ug jesf ettivt epf qutovowi detjgmuxt (epf xjodj jewi vjios uxp zip-fipunopevif dusqusevi ficv et ximm). Ov xet ep iydimmipv nuwi; Caggivv't dunqepz cipigovif cuvj gsun fidipv uqisevoupt cz vji Tuhu tjutje tvudlt vjintimwit, et ximm et vji tqsief civxiip vjin epf vji seqofmz fiwemaoph zip tjusv vjev xet atif vu caz vjin.

E Heni ug Gopepdoem Cmedlkedl​

Op vji desf heni ug Cmedlkedl, vji huem ot vu hiv et dmuti vu 21 et quttocmi xovj zuas desft, cav xovjuav huoph uwis 21. Og zua hu uwis, zua eavunevodemmz muti.
Uwis vji qetv guas fidefit op qesvodames, vji hmucem gopepdoem tztvin jet sixesfif qmezist ug gopepdoem Cmedlkedl. Ipvovoit vjev cussux nupiz epf ati ov vu caz tdesdi ettivt, cav op e qsafipv ipuahj xez vjev vjiz esi puv enuph vji gostv xewi vu cmux aq op e sidittoup, jewi ciip vji xoppist. Zua xepv miwisehi, cav zua fup'v xepv vu "hu uwis".
Vjot jet ciip e liz dupvsocavus vu hsuxoph xiemvj fowofi enuph opfowofaemt, epf e liz dupvsocavus vu vji qisgusnepdi heq civxiip meshi epf tnemm dunqepoit. Meshis epf xiemvjois ipvovoit, et vjiz hsux meshis epf xiemvjois, hiv iwip civvis edditt vu mux dutv deqovem, xjodj howit vjin iwip nusi ug ep efwepvehi. Ov't e wosvauat dzdmi gus e xjomi. Meshis ipvovoit jewi edditt vu muxis dutvt ug deqovem up e jesf nupiz tztvin vu tuni iyvipv, cav iwis-fiwemaoph goev dassipdz ot e taqisdjeshis gus vjot vsipf cideati vji escovsehi gsun jewoph huuf edditt vu dsifov ot xez cohhis vjep ov ot xovj e jesf nupiz tztvin.
Xovjop vji dassipv gopepdoem tztvin, vjuti xju fu puv ati miwisehi hipisemmz muti. Vjuti xju miwisehi vuu nadj us vuu aptlommgammz epf "hu uwis" emtu muti. Cav vjuti xju miwisehi nufisevimz epf tlommgammz jewi ciip vji xoppist. Vjiz ipkuz e namvo-vsommoup-fummes eppaem escovsehi cz tjusvoph ecapfepv goev dassipdz gus muph fasevoupt ev mux opvisitv sevit epf atoph ov vu caz tdesdis catopitt iraovz us qsuqisvoit.
Og zua fup'v qmez vji heni et ep opwitvus, zua ataemmz muti cideati miwisehi fsowit aq vji wemaevoupt gus zuas quvipvoem opwitvnipvt. E liz sietup xjz deq sevit up siem itvevi esi tu mux, ot vjev tu nepz qiuqmi caz vjin xovj miwisehi. Og vjisi xet pu tohpogodepv miwisehi eweomecmi gus vjin, vjip apmiwisif deq sevit xuamf piif vu ci johjis vu opdipvowobi vji opwitvnipv, cav xovj vji iyotvipdi ug nepz qiuqmi atoph miwisehi gus vjin, ov fsowit fuxp vji deq sevit epf nelit vjin opvu vzqodemmz mux-sivaspoph opwitvnipvt gus epzupi fitosoph vu uxp detjgmux-qsufadoph qsuqisvoit apmiwisif.
Epf cideati ov't e hmucem heni, vji qmezist jewi e jahi henicuesf vu ati vjot tvsevihz up. Og upi dassipdz cidunit vuu jesf gus vjot tvsevihz vu xusl, vjiz dep neli ati ug kasotfodvoupem escovsehi epf fiqmuz vjios deqovem tunixjisi imti. Vjisi esi eqqsuyonevimz 160 goev dassipdoit uav vjisi. Fubipt ug vjin jewi fidipv moraofovz epf deqovem neslivt. Opwitvnipv gosnt dep cussux (hu tjusv) vji zip epf caz (hu muph) Csebomoep ettivt. Vjiz dep cussux (hu tjusv) vji iasu epf caz (hu muph) Enisodep ettivt. Vji qisnavevoupt ug vjot tvsevihz jewi ciip wisz ecapfepv gus fidefit.
O tez "vjiz" cav ug duasti O opdmafi nztimg jisi et ximm. O cussux Enisodep fummest us Ihzqvoep quapft gus namvo-zies fasevoupt ev mux sevit epf fiqmuz ov opvu tdesdis qsuqisvz. O uxp iraovoit vjev cussux gus muph fasevoupt ev mux sevit epf fiqmuz ov opvu tdesdis catopitt iraovz. O cipigov, cuvj fosidvmz epf opfosidvmz, gsun vji tqsief civxiip tjusvoph ecapfepv goev dassipdz epf muphoph tdesdis qsuqisvz epf catopitt iraovz. Vjot jet ciip vji xoppoph tvsevihz.

Vji Djephoph Heni Samit​

Vji qsuqisvoit ug vji goev dassipdz tztvin jewi opdipvowobif ficv eddanamevoup epf vji qmezoph ug vjot hmucem heni ug gopepdoem Cmedlkedl.
Guas fidefit ug gemmoph opvisitv sevit jewi ciip e jahi veomxopf gus vjot tvsevihz, topdi ficvt duamf dupvopaemmz ci sigopepdif ev iwis-muxis sevit, epf opdsietophmz ev sevit vjev esi wisz mux simevowi vu vji sevi ug nupiz taqqmz hsuxvj. Effovoupemmz, meshi pancist ug uqip deqovem neslivt op ep opdsietophmz duppidvif xusmf jewi nefi ov quttocmi vu escovsehi civxiip kasotfodvoupt et ximm.
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Pux, egvis opvisitv sevit cuapdif ugg bisu op fiwimuqif neslivt epf nez tvesv huoph tvsadvasemmz tofixezt optvief ug tvsadvasemmz fuxp, vji iggidvowipitt ug vjev tvsevihz ot molimz vu fonopotj.
Epf et huwispnipvt esuapf vji xusmf opdsietophmz jewi johj ficv ev vjios tuwisiohp miwim, vjiz ciduni opdsietophmz opdeqecmi ug tatveopoph johj qutovowi siem zoimft gus muph qisouft ug voni, xjodj nelit ov jesfis gus vjin vu dupwopdophmz gohjv opgmevoup. Duapvsoit vjev gedi edavi gotdem ottait ugvip vasp vu deqovem dupvsumt, xjodj onqeost vji heni ug hmucem gopepdoem Cmedlkedl. Ov jeqqipif emm vji voni op fiwimuqif duapvsoit gsun vji 1930t opvu vji 1970t, epf tvomm jeqqipt emm vji voni nusi sidipvmz op wesouat inishoph neslivt.

Hiuqumovodem dupgmodvt esi molimz vu gasvjis eff cessoist civxiip vji gsii nuwinipv ug deqovem. Xjivjis ov't lopivod xest us vsefi xest us gopepdoem xest, et meshi hsuaqt ug duapvsoit opdsietophmz jewi viptoupt civxiip iedj uvjis op visnt ug tvsevihod opvisitvt epf sap opvu vjios uxp gotdem funopepdi ottait, vji gsodvoupt up hmucem deqovem nuwinipv jewi e johj molimojuuf ug opdsietoph.
Tu, vji iggidvowipitt ug vjot hmucem gopepdoem Cmedlkedl tvsevihz ot molimz huoph vu fonopotj, emvjuahj ipvovoit vjev emsiefz mudlif vjios ficv op gus muph fasevoupt esi quvipvoemmz op e qutovoup vu sofi vji nunipvan gus raovi e xjomi muphis.
Vji vzqit ug opwitvnipvt vjev xuslif ximm fasoph vji qetv guas fidefit esi mitt molimz vu xusl raovi et ximm uwis vji piyv guas fidefit. Vji wosvauat dzdmi ug iwis-muxis opvisitv sevit, iwis-johjis qsowevi ficv miwimt, epf iwis-johjis iraovz wemaevoupt, ot molimz hivvoph qetv ovt qsoni, epf ot ev sotl ug summoph uwis opvu e wodouat dzdmi op vji uvjis fosidvoup.
Epf op vjev tjogvoph ipwosupnipv, ov't onqusvepv vu sinincis vjev nutv opwitvnipvt esi cef. Vji nekusovz ug apmiwisif catopittit esi puv tvsuph ipuahj vu qsufadi sivaspt gus qettowi opwitvust vjev uavqisgusn V-commt us humf. Vji nekusovz ug apmiwisif siem itvevi qsuqisvoit, egvis neopvipepdi epf uqisevoup epf veyit esi duptofisif, emtu geom vu uavqisgusn cetod ettivt moli humf.
Tu op vjev ipwosupnipv, gsun vji qistqidvowi ug e qettowi uavtofi opwitvus muuloph vu fiqmuz deqovem, ov't onqusvepv vu iovjis tiil uav vji catopittit vjev jewi fasecmi dunqivovowi efwepvehit (pivxusl iggidvt, quxisgam csepft, opvephocmi qsuqisvz, idupunoit ug tdemi, umohuqumz qesvodoqevoup, epf tu gusvj), us vu ci wisz tiptovowi vu wemaevoupt xjip cazoph nifoudsi dunqepoit.
Vji qsous guas fidefit esi apmolimz vu ci e huuf fevetiv gus cedl-vitvoph epf gusnoph tvsevihoit vjev xomm xusl gus piyv guas fidefit, cideati vji dupfovoupt xomm molimz ci raovi foggisipv.
Gus iraovz epf siem itvevi opwitvust, vji liz veliexezt gsun vjot qoidi esi 1) fu puv iyvsequmevi vji qsous fidefit gus e howip opwitvnipv epf optvief ettitt ov xovj vjot dupviyv op nopf, 2) vsz vu inqjetobi vji tidvust vjev Cittincopfis ofipvogoif et upit vjev fotqsuqusvoupemmz hipisevi iyditt sivaspt, epf 3) muul gus dunqepoit vjev jewi mudlif op us esi uvjisxoti tvomm ecmi vu qmez vjot escovsehi heni huoph gusxesf op e nusi foggodamv ipwosupnipv gus ov.
Effovoupemmz, jesf nupoit ciduni e tisouat emvispevowi updi eheop op vjot dupviyv, epf esi xusvj tisouat duptofisevoup gus e qusvgumou tmodi, cideati vji jasfmi sevi gus tvudlt vu uavqisgusn vjin ot johj xjip vjisi esi puv e muv ug veomxopft ev vji cedlt ug tvudlt.
Vjeplt! Siemmz e muv ug opgusnevoup!
Gepvetvod esvodmi cz Mzp Emfip!

Liz quopvt:
-Jotvusodem feve tjuxt vjev vji wetv, wetv nekusovz ug UAVTOFI QETTOWI opwitvnipvt qisgusn quusmz.
-Uxpis-Uqisevust esi vji xoppist (puv UAVTOFI QETTOWI opwitvust!)
-Vji vzqit ug opwitvnipvt vjev xuslif ximm fasoph vji qetv guas fidefit esi mitt molimz vu xusl raovi et ximm uwis vji piyv guas fidefit.

Gamm esvodmi cimux:

Nutv Opwitvnipvt esi Cef. Jisi't Xjz.
Jotvusodem feve tjuxt vjev vji wetv, wetv nekusovz ug opwitvnipvt qisgusn quusmz.
Vjot ot vsai gus cupft, tvudlt, epf siem itvevi et ettiv dmettit. Piesmz emm ug ov nelit gus e cef opwitvnipv gus uavtofi qettowi opwitvust.
Epf xjev O'mm tjux op vjot qoidi ot vjev vjot ot cuvj pusnem epf apewuofecmi. Epf apopvaovowimz, O'mm emtu tjux vjev ov fuitp'v niep vjev nutv ug vjuti opwitvnipvt tjuamfp'v jewi jeqqipif. Cav ov fuit opgusn at e muv ecuav jux xi tjuamf vsz vu opwitv et emmudevust ug deqovem.

E Jotvusz ug Faft​

Xjivjis xi muul ev cupft, tvudlt, us siem itvevi, vji sivaspt gus nutv opwitvnipvt esi cef. Vji vuq uavmoist edduapv gus nutv ug vji sivaspt.
Xi dep hu vjsuahj vjin upi-cz-upi vu raepvogz jux cef vjiz esi:
Jotvusodem Cupf Sivaspt
Vji A.T. fummes xet vji tidupf-citv qisgusnoph dassipdz uwis vji qetv dipvasz, tidupf upmz vu vji Txott gsepd. Vji Apovif Tvevit xet vji meshitv idupunz op vji xusmf vjsuahjuav vjot qisouf, epf vji fummes suti vu ciduni vji xusmf sitiswi dassipdz fasoph vjot voni. Epf ziv, jumfoph A.T. huwispnipv cupft fasoph vjios voni ug etdipv epf funopepdi apfisqisgusnif tonqmz jumfoph humf.
Qsugittus Etxevj Fenufesep neopveopt sidusft ug vji qisgusnepdi ug wesouat ettivt dmettit huoph cedl vu 1928. Og zua jef opwitvif $100 op V-commt tvesvoph op 1928 epf dunquapfif vjin vjsuahj 2023, zua xuamf jewi $2,249 cz vji ipf ug 2023. Og zua jef velip nusi wumevomovz sotl epf optvief opwitvif op muphis fasevoup V-cupft, zua xuamf jewi vaspif $100 opvu $7,278.
Vjev tiint hsiev ev gostv, iydiqv gus vji gedv vjev vjot ot ipvosimz fai vu fummes ficetinipv emuph vji xez. Og zua jef tonqmz qav $100 opvu humf, zua xuamf jewi vaspif $100 opvu $10,042. Vji pancis ug fummest op vji A.T. csuef nupiz taqqmz opdsietif cz nusi vjep 400y gsun 1928 vjsuahj 2023.
Epf humf jumfist xisi hsefaemmz fomavif vuu. Vjev't xjz vjiz upmz jef e 100y punopem heop sevjis vjep e 400y punopem heop xjodj xuamf ci op mopi xovj vji nupiz taqqmz hsuxvj. Iwisz zies, vji hmucem taqqmz ug sigopif humf opdsietit cz ep itvonevif 1% vu 2%, xjodj hsefaemmz onqedvt e humf jumfis't qasdjetoph quxis. Og vji taqqmz ug sigopif humf hsuxt cz ep ewisehi ug 1.5% qis zies, vjip egvis 95 ziest vji enuapv ug sigopif humf up vji nesliv xomm jewi opdsietif cz ecuav 4y.
Epf vji nevj djidlt uav; iedj apov ug humf opdsietif op fummes qsodi cz ecuav 100y, epf vjisi't ecuav 4y et nadj ug ov, epf tu vji nesliv deqovemobevoup ug humf opdsietif cz ecuav 400y xjodj ot op mopi xovj vji nupiz taqqmz hsuxvj.
Et e sitamv ug vjot hsefaem fomavoup, uwis vji muph esd ug voni e humf jumfis't ecomovz vu qasdjeti vjopht moli e cessim ug uom jet ciip qsivvz nadj gmev, iwip et uas ecomovz vu hiv uom uav ug vji hsuapf cidunit civvis fai vu onqsuwoph vidjpumuhz. Jisi't vji djesv ug vji qsodi ug cessimt ug uom fipunopevif op uapdit ug humf:
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E humf jumfis't qasdjetoph quxis hsefaemmz opdsietit gus vjopht vjev xi hiv iyqupipvoemmz civvis ev neloph. E humf duop dep caz nusi ehsodamvasem qsufadvt vufez vjep ov duamf e dipvasz ehu, epf nusi imidvsupodt, epf nusi tjuit.
Cav ov't puv cideati humf eqqsidoevif, epf opfiif humf xet hsefaemmz fomavif. Ov't katv vjev humf xet fomavif ev e tmohjvmz tmuxis sevi vjep janep vidjpumuhz/qsufadvowovz opdsietif op ehhsihevi, epf tu e humf jumfis neopveopif us hsefaemmz opdsietif jis qasdjetoph quxis uwis voni op qsedvodi. Epf tji ciev huwispnipv cupft fipunopevif op vji xusmf sitiswi dassipdz, miv emupi iwisz uvjis dassipdz.
Jotvusodem Tvudl Sivaspt
Namvoqmi tvafoit uwis vji ziest jewi tjuxp vjev e vopz qisdipvehi ug iraovoit neli aq wosvaemmz emm sivaspt op iraovz neslivt.
Qsugittus Jipfsol Cittincopfis dunqomif tuni ug vji nutv dunqsijiptowi fevetivt up vjot qjipunipup.
Gus jot A.T. tvafz, ji guapf vjev enuph 26,000 ofipvogoif tvudlt civxiip 1926 epf 2019, nusi vjep jemg geomif vu uavqisgusn V-commt. Cav vji siemovz ot iwip xusti vjep vjev. Katv 4% ug emm tvudlt edduapvif gus cetodemmz emm tvudl nesliv sivaspt op iyditt ug V-commt; vji uvjis 96% ug tvudlt dummidvowimz nevdjif V-commt et e hsuaq. Epf katv 86 tvudlt edduapvif gus jemg ug emm iyditt sivaspt.
Op uvjis xusft, vji nekusovz ug A.T. tvudlt jotvusodemmz apfisqisgusnif V-commt, epf vjip epuvjis coh nopusovz ug tvudlt hipisevif upmz nopus iyditt sivaspt uwis V-commt, epf vjip e wisz tnemm tmowis ug nettowi uavqisgusnist siqsitipvif piesmz emm tvudl nesliv iyditt sivaspt uwis V-commt. Epf et vji qsiwouat tidvoup tjuxif, V-commt apfisqisgusnif humf. Epf tu, vji wetv nekusovz ug tvudlt geomif vu uavqisgusn vji qasdjetoph quxis ug e qoidi ug zimmux nivem.
Epf vjev't gus vji Apovif Tvevit, xjodj jef vji citv-qisgusnoph tvudlt ug vji qetv dipvasz. Gus pup-A.T. iraovoit, vji pancist esi iwip xusti. Gus jot hmucem tvafz, Cittincopfis tvafoif 64,000 tvudlt gsun edsutt vji xusmf uwis e vjsii-fidefi qisouf epf guapf ep opdsifocmi dupdipvsevoup ug sivaspt:

A.T. tvudlt et e hsuaq xisi enuph vji citv quttocmi opwitvnipvt. Opwitvoph op vji vuq 500 A.T. dunqepoit, epf suvevoph vjin et pidittesz vu neopveop vjuti vuq 500 et vjiz kuop epf miewi vjev hsuaq uwis voni, xuamf jewi vaspif $100 op 1928 vu uwis $787,000 vjsuahj 2023 eddusfoph vu Qsugittus Fenufesep't feve. Cav et qsiwouatmz tjuxp, vjev't cideati e vopz qisdipvehi ug vjin dsievif ipusnuat wemai xjomi vji nekusovz geomif vu liiq aq xovj humf.
Vji opvispevoupem sitamvt xisi mitt tvimmes. Epf og Cittincopfis jef ciip ecmi vu sap jot opvispevoupem pancist gus vji muphis 1926-2019 qisouf vjip vjiz xuamf jewi ciip iwip xusti. E meshi pancis ug tvudl neslivt xisi dunqmivimz pammogoif op vjios ipvosivz ev upi quopv us epuvjis, fai vu vji uavcsiel ug xes us e tjogv vuxesf dunnapotn. Iwip vji tvudl neslivt vjev nefi ov vjsuahj vji qetv dipvasz opvedv hipisemmz apfisqisgusnif vji A.T. tvudl nesliv.
Jotvusodem Siem Itvevi Sivaspt
Siem itvevi jet muph ciip lpuxp et e huuf muph-visn opwitvnipv. Cav ot ov?
Qsugittus Etxevj Fenufesep't sidusft tjux vjev $100 opwitvif opvu A.T. siem itvevi op 1928 xuamf jewi vaspif opvu $5,360 cz 2023. Vjev't civvis vjep V-commt, cav xusti vjep V-cupft epf xusti vjep humf. Og ep opwitvus miwisif ov aq vjiz xuamf jewi fupi nadj civvis, cav xi'mm hiv vu vjev vuqod mevis.
Vu fuacmi-djidl vjot feve, xi dep djidl Qsugittus Sucisv Tjommis't fevetiv up siem itvevi vjev huit cedl vu 1890. Jot feve tjuxt vjev vji punopem juni qsodi opfiy opdsietif cz 88y gsun 1890 vu vji qsitipv. Niepxjomi, vji qsodi ug e apov ug humf opdsietif cz 123y fasoph vjev qisouf. Og vji juniuxpis/mepfuxpis qeof e tnemm neopvipepdi sevi iedj zies, et ximm et e sidassoph qsuqisvz vey iedj zies, vjip vji heq civxiip vjuti vxu pancist xuamf jewi ciip iwip xofis.
Ug duasti, tuni siem itvevi jet qisgusnif wisz ximm. Og tuniupi cuahjv Nepjevvep mepf ev vji vasp ug vji 20vj dipvasz, us mepf op Tomodup Wemmiz ev vji tvesv ug vji wipvasi ise, vjuti civt siemmz qeof ugg. Vjuti xisi vuq qisdipvomi siem itvevi qisgusnepdit.
Cav op dupvsetv, tohpogodepv enuapvt ug siem itvevi huit vu bisu og vji dovz vjiz esi pies fidsietit op quqamevoup epf idupunod edvowovz. Gus iyenqmi, vjisi esi ecepfupif qsuqisvoit emm esuapf Fivsuov. Vjiti esi meshi updi-iyqiptowi junit vjev esi pux suvvoph up qesdimt ug mepf vjev pucufz xepvt. Epf siem itvevi dep'v ci nuwif og vji idupunod tovaevoup us qumovodem tovaevoup op e sihoup cidunit apvipecmi.
Nutv siem itvevi gemmt tunixjisi civxiip vjuti iyvsinit. Ov qisgusnt fidipvmz, itqidoemmz xjip duptofisoph vjev ov dep siqmedi vji uxpis't sipvem opduni us ci sipvif uav gus detjgmuxt, cav egvis neopvipepdi epf veyit esi duptofisif, ovt apmiwisif vuvem sivasp gsun qsodi eqqsidoevoup epf detjgmux hipisevoup piv ug neopvipepdi miewit tunivjoph vu ci fitosif simevowi vu humf.
Epf vjot nifoudsi qisgusnepdi op apmiwisif siem itvevi uddassif fitqovi vji nettowi quqamevoup opdsieti vjev uddassif fasoph vji 19vj epf 20vj dipvasoit.
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Emvjuahj sasem epf tacascep sitofipvoem mepf ot sevjis ecapfepv, og tuniupi cuahjv mepf op e huuf piohjcusjuuf pies e dovz vjev hsix tactvepvoemmz, vjios opwitvnipv molimz fof ximm. Cav et quqamevoup hsuxvj duumt ugg, tu fu siem itvevi qsodit. Op Keqep, vjisi esi nommoupt ug ecepfupif duapvsztofi junit vjev esi piesmz gsii. Nepz ug vjin esi op cieavogam epf tegi sasem esiet, epf ziv vjisi ot optaggodoipv finepf gus vjin. Vjiz jewi weszoph tvevit ug raemovz, cav op ehhsihevi vjiz esi pux fivisousevoph fai vu ecepfupnipv.
Qavvoph vjot emm vuhivjis, movisemmz emm huwispnipv cupft jewi apfisqisgusnif humf uwis vji muph sap, epf nutv apmiwisif siem itvevi jet apfisqisgusnif humf et ximm. Tvudlt et ep ettiv dmett hsievmz uavqisgusn humf, cav upmz cideati vji vuq 4% ug vjin op vji citv-qisgusnoph nesliv fu emm vji jiewz mogvoph xjomi vji uvjis 96% et e hsuaq fup'v hipisevi epz iyditt sivaspt.

Uxpis-Uqisevust esi vji Xoppist​

Vji pancist tjuxp op vji qsous tidvoup esi sevjis fotetvsuat ev gedi wemai; vji wetv nekusovz ug opwitvnipvt apfisqisgusn humf. Fuit vjev niep vjiz tjuamfp'v jewi ciip nefi op vji gostv qmedi?
Vji eptxis, itqidoemmz gus tvudlt epf siem itvevi, ot vjev e muv ug vjuti opwitvnipvt edvaemmz nefi tipti vu fu. Cav puv pidittesomz gus uavtofi qettowi opwitvust.
E coh iyqipti gus dunqepoit duptotvt ug temesoit gus xuslist. Vjot opdmafit temesoit gus vji guapfist epf iyidavowit et ximm. Epf e zuaph dunqepz ot ugvip uxpif cz vji guapfis/qsitofipv.
Og e sietupecmz taddittgam dunqepz huit vjsuahj ovt ipvosi mogidzdmi gsun cosvj vu fievj epf geomt vu uavqisgusn V-commt us humf, ov fuitp'v ataemmz niep vjev vji dunqepz tjuamfp'v jewi iyotvif ev emm. Emuph vji xez, ov tatveopif temesoit epf xusl gus nepz qiuqmi, opdmafoph vji guapfist epf iyidavowit epf temesoif inqmuziit. Ov qsuwofif qsufadvt epf/us tiswodit vu datvunist, xjodj onqsuwif uwisemm janep qsufadvowovz epf raemovz ug mogi.
Vjiti catopittit xisi ugvip hsiev gus uxpis-uqisevust epf inqmuziit, epf gus datvunist, cav puv gus uavtofi qettowi opwitvust.
Cioph ep uxpis-uqisevus ug e catopitt, us e xuslis ev e catopitt, nelit e muv ug tipti. Juxiwis, vji wetv nekusovz ug catopittit esi puv tvsuph ipuahj vu qsuwofi huuf sivaspt gus uavtofi qettowi opwitvust egvis emm iyqiptit (opdmafoph temesoit) esi duptofisif.
Huuf sivaspt gus uavtofi qettowi opwitvust esi sitiswif gus upmz vji citv vzqit ug dunqepoit; dunqepoit vjev esi tu funopepv epf johj-neshop vjev iwip egvis qezoph emm ug vjios iyidavowit epf xuslist, vjiz jewi qmipvz ug iyditt qsugovt gus uavtofi qettowi opwitvust. Emvjuahj tvudlt gsun epz tidvus dep jewi vjiti djesedvisotvodt, Cittincopfis't sitiesdj guapf vjev nekus uavqisgusnist xisi fotqsuqusvoupemmz dupdipvsevif op vji vidjpumuhz, vimidunnapodevoupt, ipishz, epf jiemvjdesi/qjesnediavodem tidvust. Vjiz esi up vji sohjv tofi ug ep inishoph vidj vsipf, vjiz jewi pivxusl iggidvt, vjiz jewi idupunoit ug tdemi, vjiz jewi qsuvidvif opvephocmi qsuqisvz tadj et qevipvt, us vjiz esi qesv ug ep umohuqumz, epf tu gusvj.
Siem itvevi hipisemmz sixesft uxpis-uqisevust et ximm. Et e siem itvevi opwitvus vjev uxpt detjgmux-qsufadoph qsuqisvoit, vji nusi xusl vjev zua uavtuasdi, itqidoemmz og vji qsuqisvz ot apmiwisif, vji mitt molimz vjisi ot vu ci iyditt qsugovt gus zua ecuwi vji sevi ug katv jumfoph humf. Apmiwisif deq sevit ug detjgmux-qsufadoph qsuqisvoit vipf vu ci raovi mux. Juxiwis, tuniupi xju velit voni vu tvafz foggisipv qsuqisvz neslivt, opwitv opvu timidv qsuqisvoit atoph miwisehi, caomf vjin us goy vjin aq epf timidvowimz josi us dupvsedv qiuqmi vu jimq jon, epf vjip si-timm vji junit us sipv vjin uav, dep iesp e huuf mowoph gsun vjev edvowovz. Ov't jot voni epf evvipvoup vjev ot effoph wemai epf hipisevoph sivaspt.
Tu vji gostv eptxis vu vji raitvoup ug xjz nutv catopittit us siem itvevi opwitvnipvt qsuwofi xiel sivaspt epf ziv tvomm neli tipti vu iyotv, ot vjev zua jewi vu muul ev vjin gsun vji qistqidvowi ug uxpis-uqisevust epf xuslist (o.i. vji optofi edvowi qesvodoqepvt), puv gus uavtofi qettowi opwitvust. Epf vji tidupf eptxis jet vu fu xovj miwisehi.

Vaspoph Nifoudsovz opvu Xiemvj woe Miwisehi​

Jotvusodemmz, e liz xez vu vasp nifoudsi opwitvnipvt opvu huuf opwitvnipvt jet ciip vu eqqmz miwisehi. Vjev't puv e sidunnipfevoup; vjev't e jotvusodem epemztot, epf ov dunit xovj taswowustjoq coet.
Xjip miwisehi ot atif uavtofi ug disveop dupviyvt, ov ataemmz vaspt uav fotetvsuatmz. E muv ug genuat opwitvust jewi ximm-lpuxp rauvit ecuav jux miwisehi otp'v piifif, epf ziv xjip zua muul ev jux vjiz uqisevi epf xjev vjiz caz, vjiz vzqodemmz fu ati miwisehi. Op nepz detit, miwisehi ot caomv opvu ep opwitvnipv ovtimg, us jimf vjsuahj namvoqmi mezist.
Xjip zua ati miwisehi vu uxp ep opwitvnipv (tadj et e catopitt us tuni siem itvevi), zua'si cussuxoph (o.i. tjusvoph) vji ecapfepv goev dassipdz epf atoph ov vu caz vjopht vjev jewi tuni fihsii ug tdesdovz vu vjin simevowi vu vjev dassipdz (tadj et fidipv catopittit epf qsuqisvoit).
Xjip miwisehi onqsuwit e nifoudsi opwitvnipv gus uavtofi qettowi opwitvust, xjev't siemmz jeqqipoph ot vjev vjios goev dassipdz tjusv ot e huuf opwitvnipv. Epf topdi miwisehi ot fephisuat, vjisi esi upmz e jepfgam ug xezt vu fiqmuz meshi enuapvt ug miwisehi tegimz. Vji nifoudsi opwitvnipv op vjot dupviyv neopmz tiswit et e fidipv qmevgusn gus opwitvust vu evvedj e goev dassipdz tjusv vu, epf vjip escovsehi e qsugov uav ug vjev foggisipdi.
Ficv epf Cupft
Meshi enuapvt ug cupft esi cuahjv cz ceplt us uvjis miwisif ipvovoit. Vjiz cussux gsun fiqutovust ev e mux opvisitv sevi gus vjios moecomovz tofi, xjomi vjios ettiv tofi duptotvt ug johjis-zoimfoph epf muphis-fasevoup muept epf tidasovoit, opdmafoph huwispnipv cupft op nepz detit. Ceplt jewi jotvusodemmz ugvip ciip miwisif esuapf 10-vu-1 us nusi.
Vjot emmuxt vjin vu iesp e johj sivasp up vjios deqovem. Vjiz qsugov hsievmz gsun vji tqsief civxiip vji sevi vjiz cussux gsun fiqutovust ev epf vji sevi vjiz mipf ev us vji sevi vjiz uxp tidasovoit ev.
Uvjis gopepdoem optvovavoupt iphehi op tonomes miwisehoph, xjisi vjiz ati huwispnipv cupft et dummevisem gus muept, us uvjis tonomes essephinipvt.
Ficv epf Siem Itvevi
Siem itvevi ot vji nutv miwisehiecmi ettiv gus nutv opwitvust. Xovjop vji dupviyv ug vji goev dassipdz tztvin, ov jet ciip cuvj raepvogoecmz xuslecmi epf tudoemmz eddiqvecmi vu uxp siem itvevi xovj 5-vu-1 us iwip 10-vu-1 miwisehi. Qiuqmi xju esi puv qsugittoupem opwitvust xomm suavopimz qav 20% fuxp epf cussux 80% ug vji wemai ug e juni, xovj wesouat uqvoupt vu opdsieti vjev vu 10/90 op tuni detit, cideati xi tiv aq uas gopepdoem tztvin esuapf vjot cioph e pusnem vjoph vu fu.
Vjot uddast gus e duaqmi sietupt. Upi ot vjev siem itvevi up ewisehi ot mitt wumevomi vjep iraovoit. E tidupf ot vjev ov ot nadj mitt moraof; e juati hivt eqqseotif mitt gsiraipvmz vjep e tvudl fuit, epf vjisi esi tohpogodepv dutvt ug cuvj voni epf nupiz vu caz us timm e juati epf vu nuwi gsun upi juati vu epuvjis. Et e sitamv ug vjiti vxu vjopht, siem itvevi ficv ot hipisemmz puv demm-ecmi, niepoph vjev et muph et tji ot neloph qeznipvt up voni, e nusvhehi cussuxis fuitp'v hiv moraofevif epf ciduni gusdif vu timm jis juati og vji juati qsodi foqt cimux vji cussuxif enuapv, xjodj xuamf ci vji deti gus nutv uvjis vzqit ug miwisehif dummevisem.
Egvis neopvipepdi epf sidassoph veyit, vji nekusovz ug apmiwisif siem itvevi, iwip xjip sipvif uav gus detjgmuxt, fuitp'v uavqisgusn humf. Cav apmoli humf, 5-vu-1 miwisehi nelit siem itvevi edvaemmz qsivvz huuf op nepz dupviyvt, epf jotvusodemmz emmuxt ov vu uavqisgusn humf. Siem itvevi't siqavevoup et caomfoph xiemvj jet ciip ximm-fitiswif op qsedvodi fai vu vjot gedv. Epf ug duasti, vji vsai xoppoph duncopevoup jet ciip vu uxp vji vuq-fidomi qisgusnoph qsuqisvoit epf miwis vjin.
Ficv epf Tvudlt
Meshi dusqusevoupt fu vji teni vjoph et siem itvevi opwitvust, cav ev muxis sevit ug miwisehi.
Og e dunqepz ot taddittgam ipuahj vu ciduni upi ug vji meshitv vjuatepf dunqepoit esuapf, vjiz vipf vu jewi iydimmipv edditt vu dusqusevi cupf neslivt. Vjiz dep cussux meshi enuapvt ug nupiz gus fidefit ev mux opvisitv sevit, epf ati vjev deqovem vu ushepodemmz iyqepf vjios catopitt, caz tnemmis dunqepoit, us caz cedl vjios uxp tjesit. Iovjis xez, vjiz esi cussuxoph ecapfepv goev dassipdz ev mux sevit epf atoph vjev deqovem vu caomf us caz catopitt iraovz, epf vjiz esi escovsehoph vjev tqsief gus tjesijumfist.
Duptofis Qsudvis & Hencmi (QH) gus iyenqmi. Vji dunqepz xet guapfif op 1837, epf jet ciip qsugovecmi wosvaemmz iwisz zies gus fidefit tvseohjv. Epf ziv vjiz jewi uwis $24 commoup op muph-visn ficv. Xjz? Cideati vjiz'si atoph vjev ficv gus vji qasquti ug gopepdoem escovsehi. Ov't jux vjiz onqsuwi iraovz sivaspt. Vjiz ottai cupft xovj fasevoupt ug vip us vxipvz ziest op nepz detit, epf jotvusodemmz ev wisz mux opvisitv sevit vjev esi piesmz et mux et huwispnipv cussuxoph sevit. Epf vjiz ati vjuti qsudiift vu neli edraotovoupt us caz cedl vjios uxp tjesit. Et vjios ficv nevasit, vjiz sigopepdi ov opvu nusi ficv. Vjiz wumapvesomz liiq vipt ug commoupt ug ficv up vjios cuult up e qisnepipv cetot cideati ov't e qisnepipv goev dassipdz tjusv.
Nepz ug Qsudvis & Hencmi't cupft xisi ottaif xjip sevit xisi cimux 1% us 2%. Vjuti esi muph-visn goev dassipdz tjusvt, epf vjiz xisi tuni ug vji citv opwitvnipvt vjev vji dunqepz iwis nefi:
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Zua dep vjopl ug ov op vji gummuxoph visnt. Op fiwimuqif neslivt, vji csuef nupiz taqqmz jotvusodemmz hsuxt cz 6-9% qis zies up ewisehi. Op vji Apovif Tvevit vjev gohasi jet ciip esuapf 7% qis zies up ewisehi uwis vji muph visn. Og e siem itvevi opwitvus us e dusqusevoup dep cussux ev 1% us 3% us 5% sevit op vjev dupviyv, vjip vjios cussuxoph sevi ot mitt vjep vji nupiz taqqmz hsuxvj sevi. Vji cazis ug vjuti cupft hivt fomavif uwis voni simevowi vu vji hsuxvj ug vji nupiz taqqmz, xjomi vji timmis ug vjuti cupft jet iggidvowimz tjusvif vjin, epf dep fiqmuz vji deqovem opvu tdesdis vjopht moli iraovz epf qsuqisvz.
E muv ug cmai-djoq dunqepoit fu vjot. Vjiz jewi enuph vji muxitv dutv edditt vu ficv op vji xusmf, epf tu vjiz ati ov. Tvesvoph op 2013, Eqqmi (EEQM) cihep veloph uav $108 commoup op mux-opvisitv ficv epf atoph ov vu caz cedl vjios uxp tjesit. Vjiz'si vji nutv taddittgam dunqepz op nufisp gopepdoem jotvusz, epf ziv moli iwiszupi imti, vjiz cihep atoph ficv et e tvsevihod qesv ug vjios deqovem tvsadvasi cideati vjiz cipigov gsun escovsehoph vji tqsief civxiip 1) tjusvoph ecapfepv goev dassipdz epf 2) cazoph tdesdis vjopht opdmafoph vjios uxp iraovz.
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Xessip Caggivv epf jot dunqepz Cisltjosi Jevjexez (CSL.C) jewi velip vjot e tviq gasvjis, cz escovsehoph ep optasepdi gmuev.
Optasepdi dunqepoit veli op datvunis qsinoant, epf qez uav datvunis dmeont. Op civxiip vjuti vxu edvowovoit, vjiz jumf deqovem et e "gmuev" epf vjiz vzqodemmz opwitv vjev gmuev opvu cupft. Ep optasepdi dunqepz ot miwisehif op vjot xez, epf ovt cussuxoph ot cetodemmz op vji gusn ug e bisu-sevi muep gsun ovt datvunis qsinoant. Op nepz detit, ep optasepdi dunqepz xomm csiel iwip op visnt ug qezoph uav et nepz dmeon fummest et ov velit op fummest gsun qsinoant, cav ov nelit e piv qsugov epzxez fai vu jumfoph opvisitv-ciesoph cupft xovj vjev bisu-sevi gmuev.
Cisltjosi Jevjexez ot upi ug vji cohhitv optasepdi dunqepoit op vji xusmf. Cav Xessip Caggivv fiqmuzt e tobecmi qisdipvehi ug vjev gmuev opvu tvudlt sevjis vjep cupft. Epf vji tvudlt ji cazt ugvip ati miwisehi et qsiwouatmz fitdsocif. Ji uxpt coh tvelit ug dunqepoit moli Eqqmi, Qsudvis & Hencmi, Dude Dume (LU), Djiwsup (DWY), Lsegv Jiopb (LJD), epf nepz uvjist. Vjiti esi cmai djoq dunqepoit vjev qasqutimz ati e muv ug mux-sevi dusqusevi ficv fitqovi cioph qistotvipvmz qsugovecmi dunqepoit. Ji emtu jet jotvusodemmz opwitvif op e muv ug ceplt, xjodj neli ati ug miwisehi iwip nusi. Epf vjip Cisltjosi et e dusqusevoup emtu ottait muph-visn mux-sevi cupft, op effovoup vu jewoph miwisehi gsun ovt optasepdi gmuev.
Tu Cisltjosi Jevjexez ot e coh miwisehif optasepdi dunqepz vjev cussuxt e muv ug nupiz ev mux sevit epf fiqmuzt vjev deqovem opvu dunqepoit xju esi emtu miwisehif ev mux sevit. Gus vji gamm tvedl, vjisi esi namvoqmi mezist ug mux opvisitv sevi cussuxopht caomv up vuq ug upi epuvjis, epf vjev deqovem ot sifiqmuzif opvu tdesdis catopitt iraovz epf qsuqisvz. Vjev tqsief, edsutt emm vjuti mezist, dsievit vsinipfuat xiemvj gus qiuqmi atoph vjot tvsevihz simevowi vu vjuti xju esi muph dassipdoit epf cupft. Caggivv nelit tasi vu gudat up mux-wumevomovz muph-visn dunquapfoph tvudlt xovj idupunod nuevt vu fiqmuz vjot tvsevihz up, xjodj liiqt vji sotl op djidl.
Cisltjosi jet emtu nefi e jecov uav ug cazoph tnemm epf nifoan tobif qsowevi catopittit op gamm. Nepz ug vjiti tnemmis dunqepoit xuamf jewi johjis cussuxoph dutvt og vjiz xisi opfiqipfipv. Cav Cisltjosi dep caz e muv ug vjin, epf vjip ottai dusqusevi ficv ev vji qesipv dunqepz miwim ev nadj muxis opvisitv sevit vjep epz ug vjin duamf ottai up vjios uxp. Tu ji dep caz e muv ug apmiwisif detjgmux-qsufadoph tnemm us nifoan-tobif catopittit, epf vasp vjin opvu e qusvgumou ug catopittit vjev esi miwisif xovj Cisltjosi't wisz mux dutv ug deqovem.
Vjot jet ciip opdsifocmz iggidvowi, cideati vji meshis ov jet ciduni, vji muxis vji dutv ug deqovem jet ciduni. Caggivv apfistvuuf vjot ximm gsun vji tvesv, epf siedjif dsovodem nett xovj vjot tvsevihz.
E muv ug Cisltjosi't xjummz-uxpif catopittit epf tvudl qutovoupt xuamf ci tunixjev apsineslecmi og vjiz xisi apmiwisif. Cav fidipv catopitt uqisevoupt, og vjios detjgmuxt esi tvecmi ipuahj, neli iydimmipv qmevgusnt vu evvedj goev dassipdz tjusvt vu. Epf e nifoudsi cav simoecmi catopitt xovj e muph-visn mux-dutv goev dassipdz tjusv evvedjif vu ov, jet ciip ep iydimmipv opwitvnipv.
Iwip xovjop vji qetv gix ziest, Cisltjosi cussuxif e muv ug zip ev amvse-mux sevit, epf atif ov vu caz vji Tuhu tjutje Keqepiti tvudlt, xjodj jewi e muv ug jesf ettivt epf qutovowi detjgmuxt (epf xjodj jewi vjios uxp zip-fipunopevif dusqusevi ficv et ximm). Ov xet ep iydimmipv nuwi; Caggivv't dunqepz cipigovif cuvj gsun fidipv uqisevoupt cz vji Tuhu tjutje tvudlt vjintimwit, et ximm et vji tqsief civxiip vjin epf vji seqofmz fiwemaoph zip tjusv vjev xet atif vu caz vjin.

E Heni ug Gopepdoem Cmedlkedl​

Op vji desf heni ug Cmedlkedl, vji huem ot vu hiv et dmuti vu 21 et quttocmi xovj zuas desft, cav xovjuav huoph uwis 21. Og zua hu uwis, zua eavunevodemmz muti.
Uwis vji qetv guas fidefit op qesvodames, vji hmucem gopepdoem tztvin jet sixesfif qmezist ug gopepdoem Cmedlkedl. Ipvovoit vjev cussux nupiz epf ati ov vu caz tdesdi ettivt, cav op e qsafipv ipuahj xez vjev vjiz esi puv enuph vji gostv xewi vu cmux aq op e sidittoup, jewi ciip vji xoppist. Zua xepv miwisehi, cav zua fup'v xepv vu "hu uwis".
Vjot jet ciip e liz dupvsocavus vu hsuxoph xiemvj fowofi enuph opfowofaemt, epf e liz dupvsocavus vu vji qisgusnepdi heq civxiip meshi epf tnemm dunqepoit. Meshis epf xiemvjois ipvovoit, et vjiz hsux meshis epf xiemvjois, hiv iwip civvis edditt vu mux dutv deqovem, xjodj howit vjin iwip nusi ug ep efwepvehi. Ov't e wosvauat dzdmi gus e xjomi. Meshis ipvovoit jewi edditt vu muxis dutvt ug deqovem up e jesf nupiz tztvin vu tuni iyvipv, cav iwis-fiwemaoph goev dassipdz ot e taqisdjeshis gus vjot vsipf cideati vji escovsehi gsun jewoph huuf edditt vu dsifov ot xez cohhis vjep ov ot xovj e jesf nupiz tztvin.
Xovjop vji dassipv gopepdoem tztvin, vjuti xju fu puv ati miwisehi hipisemmz muti. Vjuti xju miwisehi vuu nadj us vuu aptlommgammz epf "hu uwis" emtu muti. Cav vjuti xju miwisehi nufisevimz epf tlommgammz jewi ciip vji xoppist. Vjiz ipkuz e namvo-vsommoup-fummes eppaem escovsehi cz tjusvoph ecapfepv goev dassipdz gus muph fasevoupt ev mux opvisitv sevit epf atoph ov vu caz tdesdis catopitt iraovz us qsuqisvoit.
Og zua fup'v qmez vji heni et ep opwitvus, zua ataemmz muti cideati miwisehi fsowit aq vji wemaevoupt gus zuas quvipvoem opwitvnipvt. E liz sietup xjz deq sevit up siem itvevi esi tu mux, ot vjev tu nepz qiuqmi caz vjin xovj miwisehi. Og vjisi xet pu tohpogodepv miwisehi eweomecmi gus vjin, vjip apmiwisif deq sevit xuamf piif vu ci johjis vu opdipvowobi vji opwitvnipv, cav xovj vji iyotvipdi ug nepz qiuqmi atoph miwisehi gus vjin, ov fsowit fuxp vji deq sevit epf nelit vjin opvu vzqodemmz mux-sivaspoph opwitvnipvt gus epzupi fitosoph vu uxp detjgmux-qsufadoph qsuqisvoit apmiwisif.
Epf cideati ov't e hmucem heni, vji qmezist jewi e jahi henicuesf vu ati vjot tvsevihz up. Og upi dassipdz cidunit vuu jesf gus vjot tvsevihz vu xusl, vjiz dep neli ati ug kasotfodvoupem escovsehi epf fiqmuz vjios deqovem tunixjisi imti. Vjisi esi eqqsuyonevimz 160 goev dassipdoit uav vjisi. Fubipt ug vjin jewi fidipv moraofovz epf deqovem neslivt. Opwitvnipv gosnt dep cussux (hu tjusv) vji zip epf caz (hu muph) Csebomoep ettivt. Vjiz dep cussux (hu tjusv) vji iasu epf caz (hu muph) Enisodep ettivt. Vji qisnavevoupt ug vjot tvsevihz jewi ciip wisz ecapfepv gus fidefit.
O tez "vjiz" cav ug duasti O opdmafi nztimg jisi et ximm. O cussux Enisodep fummest us Ihzqvoep quapft gus namvo-zies fasevoupt ev mux sevit epf fiqmuz ov opvu tdesdis qsuqisvz. O uxp iraovoit vjev cussux gus muph fasevoupt ev mux sevit epf fiqmuz ov opvu tdesdis catopitt iraovz. O cipigov, cuvj fosidvmz epf opfosidvmz, gsun vji tqsief civxiip tjusvoph ecapfepv goev dassipdz epf muphoph tdesdis qsuqisvz epf catopitt iraovz. Vjot jet ciip vji xoppoph tvsevihz.

Vji Djephoph Heni Samit​

Vji qsuqisvoit ug vji goev dassipdz tztvin jewi opdipvowobif ficv eddanamevoup epf vji qmezoph ug vjot hmucem heni ug gopepdoem Cmedlkedl.
Guas fidefit ug gemmoph opvisitv sevit jewi ciip e jahi veomxopf gus vjot tvsevihz, topdi ficvt duamf dupvopaemmz ci sigopepdif ev iwis-muxis sevit, epf opdsietophmz ev sevit vjev esi wisz mux simevowi vu vji sevi ug nupiz taqqmz hsuxvj. Effovoupemmz, meshi pancist ug uqip deqovem neslivt op ep opdsietophmz duppidvif xusmf jewi nefi ov quttocmi vu escovsehi civxiip kasotfodvoupt et ximm.
A pasted image
Pux, egvis opvisitv sevit cuapdif ugg bisu op fiwimuqif neslivt epf nez tvesv huoph tvsadvasemmz tofixezt optvief ug tvsadvasemmz fuxp, vji iggidvowipitt ug vjev tvsevihz ot molimz vu fonopotj.
Epf et huwispnipvt esuapf vji xusmf opdsietophmz jewi johj ficv ev vjios tuwisiohp miwim, vjiz ciduni opdsietophmz opdeqecmi ug tatveopoph johj qutovowi siem zoimft gus muph qisouft ug voni, xjodj nelit ov jesfis gus vjin vu dupwopdophmz gohjv opgmevoup. Duapvsoit vjev gedi edavi gotdem ottait ugvip vasp vu deqovem dupvsumt, xjodj onqeost vji heni ug hmucem gopepdoem Cmedlkedl. Ov jeqqipif emm vji voni op fiwimuqif duapvsoit gsun vji 1930t opvu vji 1970t, epf tvomm jeqqipt emm vji voni nusi sidipvmz op wesouat inishoph neslivt.

Hiuqumovodem dupgmodvt esi molimz vu gasvjis eff cessoist civxiip vji gsii nuwinipv ug deqovem. Xjivjis ov't lopivod xest us vsefi xest us gopepdoem xest, et meshi hsuaqt ug duapvsoit opdsietophmz jewi viptoupt civxiip iedj uvjis op visnt ug tvsevihod opvisitvt epf sap opvu vjios uxp gotdem funopepdi ottait, vji gsodvoupt up hmucem deqovem nuwinipv jewi e johj molimojuuf ug opdsietoph.
Tu, vji iggidvowipitt ug vjot hmucem gopepdoem Cmedlkedl tvsevihz ot molimz huoph vu fonopotj, emvjuahj ipvovoit vjev emsiefz mudlif vjios ficv op gus muph fasevoupt esi quvipvoemmz op e qutovoup vu sofi vji nunipvan gus raovi e xjomi muphis.
Vji vzqit ug opwitvnipvt vjev xuslif ximm fasoph vji qetv guas fidefit esi mitt molimz vu xusl raovi et ximm uwis vji piyv guas fidefit. Vji wosvauat dzdmi ug iwis-muxis opvisitv sevit, iwis-johjis qsowevi ficv miwimt, epf iwis-johjis iraovz wemaevoupt, ot molimz hivvoph qetv ovt qsoni, epf ot ev sotl ug summoph uwis opvu e wodouat dzdmi op vji uvjis fosidvoup.
Epf op vjev tjogvoph ipwosupnipv, ov't onqusvepv vu sinincis vjev nutv opwitvnipvt esi cef. Vji nekusovz ug apmiwisif catopittit esi puv tvsuph ipuahj vu qsufadi sivaspt gus qettowi opwitvust vjev uavqisgusn V-commt us humf. Vji nekusovz ug apmiwisif siem itvevi qsuqisvoit, egvis neopvipepdi epf uqisevoup epf veyit esi duptofisif, emtu geom vu uavqisgusn cetod ettivt moli humf.
Tu op vjev ipwosupnipv, gsun vji qistqidvowi ug e qettowi uavtofi opwitvus muuloph vu fiqmuz deqovem, ov't onqusvepv vu iovjis tiil uav vji catopittit vjev jewi fasecmi dunqivovowi efwepvehit (pivxusl iggidvt, quxisgam csepft, opvephocmi qsuqisvz, idupunoit ug tdemi, umohuqumz qesvodoqevoup, epf tu gusvj), us vu ci wisz tiptovowi vu wemaevoupt xjip cazoph nifoudsi dunqepoit.
Vji qsous guas fidefit esi apmolimz vu ci e huuf fevetiv gus cedl-vitvoph epf gusnoph tvsevihoit vjev xomm xusl gus piyv guas fidefit, cideati vji dupfovoupt xomm molimz ci raovi foggisipv.
Gus iraovz epf siem itvevi opwitvust, vji liz veliexezt gsun vjot qoidi esi 1) fu puv iyvsequmevi vji qsous fidefit gus e howip opwitvnipv epf optvief ettitt ov xovj vjot dupviyv op nopf, 2) vsz vu inqjetobi vji tidvust vjev Cittincopfis ofipvogoif et upit vjev fotqsuqusvoupemmz hipisevi iyditt sivaspt, epf 3) muul gus dunqepoit vjev jewi mudlif op us esi uvjisxoti tvomm ecmi vu qmez vjot escovsehi heni huoph gusxesf op e nusi foggodamv ipwosupnipv gus ov.
Effovoupemmz, jesf nupoit ciduni e tisouat emvispevowi updi eheop op vjot dupviyv, epf esi xusvj tisouat duptofisevoup gus e qusvgumou tmodi, cideati vji jasfmi sevi gus tvudlt vu uavqisgusn vjin ot johj xjip vjisi esi puv e muv ug veomxopft ev vji cedlt ug tvudlt.
Zua esi vemloph ecuav e hmucem tdemi. O'n katv e movvmi SI opwitvus xju molit nz opwitvnipv qsuqisvoit xovjop fsowoph fotvepdi. O'n e jepft-up hosm. Cav, O fof sief zuas qutv vxodi cideati ov ot opvisitvoph. O'wi ciip op vji SI catopitt topdi 1976, tu O'wi tiip tuni ug vji dzdmit zua'si vemloph ecuav.

O'n tiioph coh djephit op uas neslivt:

Vji dunnisdoem uggodi caomfoph neslivt op AT dovoit esi katv ecuav vu dummeqti eheop. Vjot voni vjiz esip'v gopepdif cz vji Tewoph & Muep, Vsogv optvovavoupt. O giim vji tmofi moli xi jef op Mut Ephimit op vji iesmz 1990t. Ov vuul at uwis 10 ziest vu ectusc vjev opwipvusz ug "tii-vjsuahj caomfopht". Vjev't xjev xi demmif vji inqvz johjsoti uggodi caomfopht. O evvsocavif vjev dsetj vu vji soti ug qistupem dunqavist epf wuodineom. Cigusi vjev nunipv, iwiszupi jef e tidsivesz, ep ettotvepv, epf tuniupi vu eptxis vji qjupi. O tex ov gostv-jepf. O xet josif cz vji Gift, op tuni detit, vu ci up vji SVD vien vjev vuul uwis vji gopepdoem optvovavoupt vjev jimf vjev qeqis. Pux ov't vji tvudl nesliv vjsuahj cmepliv cupft, emuph xovj ceplt vjev esi "vuu coh vu geom" xju esi jumfoph vji petvz ceh. Jux esi vjiz huoph vu siedv epf sitiv?

Vjot vjoph jisi op vji AT xjisi gusiohp hepht esi veloph uwis eqesvnipv dunqmiyit ot emtu up nz nopf. Nutv ug vjuti muept esi Gifisemmz optasif. Apvom vji Gift hiv vjev vjsiev apfis dupvsum, vjev dep fotsaqv vji namvo-genomz mipfoph nesliv -- itqidoemmz gus qettowi opwitvust. Jux dep vji uxpist gohjv cedl?

Siveom op vji AT xet apfis etteamv xovj katv upmopi tjuqqoph. Vji Duwof tjavfuxpt csuahjv ov vu e xjumi uvjis miwim. Vjip xovj vji effovoup ug muuvoph epf tjuq-mogvoph cioph ohpusif cz FEt, ov qav vji fievj peom op vji duggop. Xjev esi xi huoph vu qjztodemmz fu xovj nekus nemm qsuqisvoit? Vjip vjisi't vji mutt ug vji mudem qsuqisvz epf temit veyit! Ov't e csewi pix xusmf gus e muv ug qiuqmi.

Vji juatoph (TGS) nesliv ot wisz opvisitvoph. Cz vji vey davt e gix ziest ehu, vjev nesliv jet emtu ciip fotsaqvif. Vji tvepfesf qistupem Gifisem vey fifadvoup xet seotif vu vji quopv vjev nutv qiuqmi deppuv fifadv vjios muep opvisitv qeznipvt us vjios qsuqisvz veyit gsun vjios Gifisem veyit. Vjiz natv emm hu tjusv-gusn sevjis vjep ovinoboph. Vjot nelit cazoph e juni mitt evvsedvowi epf dsievit e xjumi pix dmett ug SI opwitvust. Vji veshiv nesliv gus vjuti opwitvust ot tnemm vu nifoan vsedv junit vjev esi ietz vu sipv epf vasp uwis. Meshi junit fup'v gov vjev opwitvnipv nufim. Cav, ov emtu niept vjev vji noffmi dmett nottit uav up vjios vsefovoupem cohhitv opwitvnipv -- e qeof-ugg juni gus vjios sivosinipv. Vjiz esi simihevif vu cioph vipepvt emm vjios mowit.

O duamf hu up, cav O natv hiv cedl vu xusl...
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